Story of My Life: We Won't St...

By hellonayy

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Story of My Life: We Won't Stop till We Surrender
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44

Chapter 21

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By hellonayy

After lunch we shopped around. Paparazzi were following us like no tomorrow. They kept asking about last night with Justin and about the baby. I could tell Andrea was getting frustrated so we went back to the hotel. Once we got back we packed and went straight to the airport. Again there were so many paparazzi we just told the driver to bring in the bags for us.

                While waiting for our flight Andrea was still upset about her family, but she was still excited to tell everybody else. We were going to Skype with Sarah and Karoline when we told the boys and the girlfriends. She told the rest of her family and they all gave her the same reaction. A little upset, shocked they have doubts about us. To be honest I’ve never been so sure about anything in my life than being with her for the rest of my life.

                We landed in London at seven and we called everyone to make sure they were all at the flat and told them to get Sarah and Karoline on Skype. Renee was more excited and she was going crazy in the cab. When we got back to the flat Renee kept her hand in her pocket.

                “WELCOME BACK LOVE BIRDS!” Louis screamed.

                We said hi to everybody and saw Kare and Sarah on the TV.

                “Hey Guys!” Sarah said with Dan.

                “So guys why did you want us all here?” Karoline asked.

                We were both getting so nervous, but excited to tell them.

                “Well while we were in Paris something happened.” She said. Everyone had the “What the fuck?!” face on.

                “What happened?” Eleanor asked.

                “WE’RE GETTING MARRIED!” she yelled pulling out her hand.

                “Holy Shit! Karoline yelled.

                “Yayyy!” Sarah cheered.

                “Congrats! The ring is amazing!” Eleanor and Danielle said together.

                “Congrats man!” The boys gave me and hug and attacked her.

                She showed Sarah and Karoline the ring and they were both fangirling about it.

                “How did it happen?” Danielle asked.

                “Yeah tell us!” Niall said acting like a girl.

                “Okay.” She laughed. “Well last night Harry had a surprise for our last night in Paris, but he had to go to talk to “management” so he was going to the meet me there. But I had no idea where we were going. When the driver dropped me off he was standing under the Effie Tower. Then he blind folded me and took me to the top. We had dinner and then he asked me to dance. I guess Justin was doing a promo tour thing for his album and he was performing under us. And he gave a little intro and started to sing my favorite song that reminded me of us.”

                “Fall?” Kare and Sarah said interrupting her, which made me laugh.

                “Yeah. Then at the end of the song he said that he loved me and basically wanted to be together forever. Then got on one knee, pulled out the ring and asked me to marry him.”

                “Oh my God! That’s soo cute!” Eleanor said tearing up. “What else happened?”

                “Then after a while Justin asked what happened and we went down to see him and told him. Then we introduced us to the crowd as the new Mr. and Mrs. Styles. Then we stayed for the end of his show then we went back to the hotel.” She looked at me and blushed.

                “You guys fucked didn’t you?!” Louis shouted.

                “LOUIS!” Everyone yelled.

                “What?! They did! Just look how red she is!”

                Andrea buried her face in my chest. We just talked about last night and just hung out with Sarah and Kare on Skype.

                Andrea’s POV

                After hanging out with everyone I was getting tired and I just wanted to sleep. I didn’t want to leave Harry just yet, especially since my family doesn’t approve of what happened. I was in bed trying to fall asleep while Harry was in the bathroom, who knows what. When he finally came out, he looked at me and just smiled.

                “What?” I giggled.

                “Nothing just admiring your beauty.” He smiled. All I did was rolled my eyes. “What’s wrong?” He asked getting into bed.

                “I don’t want to go home. At least not now.” I said.

                “I know babe. But you have to let them get used to it. It was a shock.”

                “I know, but I want to be with you.”

                “But I’ll be in the studio most of the day. I’ll be busy. At least when at home you’ll have Sarah, Haley and Kare.”

                “I rather be with you.”

                “I know, me too babe.” He said holding me closer kissing my head. I fell asleep in Harry’s arms one last time until who knows when. He’ll be busy after tomorrow and I’ll be going home that night. I’m barely going to see him at all.

                That morning I woke and Harry was getting ready to go to the studio.

                “I’m sorry for waking you babe.”

                “It’s okay. Are you leaving now?”

                “Yeah, Louis left already. I over slept. I have to go, but I’ll text you later.”

                “Okay, I love you.”

                “I love you too.” He said kissing me then running out.

                With that I was alone in the flat. Louis and Harry were at the studio and Eleanor was back in Manchester with her family.

                “Welcome to your new life Andrea.” I said to myself. I grunted and laid back down. After I checked my twitter I took a shower and got dressed. I was a denim shirt, white shorts with brown sandals. While I was fixing my shorts Harry texted.

                “Hey babe. Sorry for waking you up. Wanted to know if you wanted to go out to lunch since you won’t be here for dinner?”  

                I totally forgot I was leaving tonight. “Okay, I’ll take a cab there. What time?” I texted back.

                I went to the bathroom and fixed my hair and makeup when Harry texted again. “Be ready in at noon I called the cab for you. He’ll bring you to the studio. Love you!”

                I was putting the finishing touches to my outfit until the cab came. When I heard the cab honking I grabbed my Raybans aviators and left. When I got to the studio it was crowded by the fans. Paul came out to help in the studio the fans were going crazy. I had no idea why I’m not famous at all.

                Once we passed the gate Harry was waiting for me.

                “Hi babe.” He said engulfing me into a big hug.

                “Hello!” my attempt of a British accent.

                “You are so cute.” He said kissing me. “Ready to go?” He asked grabbing my hand.

                “Yes! I’m starving!” I said dragging him.

                “Babe slow down!”

                “Harry did you really tell me to slow down when I’m hungry?!” I said. He knows damn well that when I’m hungry I get angry.

                “Okay sorry. Calm down.” He kissed my head. We walked towards the gate with Paul right behind us.

                We walked towards the fans. They asked for autographs and pictures with him some asked for me too. I never got used to that, I mean I’m not famous. After a few minutes Harry and I continued to walk to find a place to eat at. We finally found a little Italian place and decided to eat there. After lunch we walked around the park.

                “So Mr. Styles I’m leaving today.”

                “Yes, future Mrs. Styles I am well aware of that.”

                “Try not to pull any funny busy when I’m gone.” I laughed.

                “No need to worry about that now. I made a lifetime commitment.” He lifted my hand so it hit the sunlight.

                “Are you regretting it?” I asked.

                “Why would I regret it?” He asked confused.

                “Well you would be giving up all the woman in the world to be with one.”

                “I made that commitment a long time ago.” I glared at him. “I know I made a few mistakes, but trust me I don’t regret anything I do with you.” I looked at him and just smiled. “Look a wishing well. Let’s make a wish.” He said running towards it.

                “I wish to be with you for the rest of our lives. Without any huge struggles. I wish to have a healthy family in the future.” Harry said dropping the coin down the well.

                “I wish to live a Felicity free life. To be with you and to have our own family. For my family to finally stop giving you so much shit. I want them to love you as much as I do you.” I said dropping the coin.

                Harry and I continued to walk around the park until his phone was ringing.

                “Hello? Okay, I’m sorry. Okay I’m on my way!” Harry said. “I’m sorry babe, but we need to go. They need me in the studio.”

                “It’s okay.” I said a little disappointed, but I understood.

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