Lost World

By Beautifuldisastrous

1.6K 33 9

"Michelle is your normal average junior, living the life, happy, with no worries, when suddenly the governmen... More

Lost World [Chapter 1 Attacked...by what?]
Lost World [Chapter 2 and 3 The legend and Rescue of dah students]
Lost World [Chapter 5-6...Being the middle and in the middle of a war...sucks, right?
Lost World [Chapter 7 I'm in love with the player I hate the most]
Lost World [Chapter 8-9 Best Friends? More like Frenemies...] Her betrayal
Lost World [Chapter 10-11] Their bond and reencounter
Lost World [12] Land is more dangerous than sky
Lost Wolrd [13] The research
Lost World [14] Captured
Lost World [15] Bubberland's Weirdness
Lost World [16] A fight of the two

Lost World [Chapter 4 I've just become the one everyone wants to kill]

123 3 1
By Beautifuldisastrous

Fourth Chapter posted

(Recap: After the attack on the school, Michelle and the others learn of what the whole attack is about JUST A STUPID LEGEND that could hardly be true. Opening an old book Michelle kills the students who hadn't been rescued, making her the attraction of the mercenaries and proving the legend...Will she survive or be like one of the other girls and commit suicide???....)

Chapter 4

The chosen girl

Michelle: "What happened?"

When Michelle woke up she was back to herself, she saw the whole cottage in ruins and the whole park destroyed. She remembered the book, she started to look for it, it was stuck between two barrels from the cottage she reached it when she grabbed it and looked at it, it was completely different than before. The book was the color of gold with weird symbols in the front, some swirls like a design, the writing was the color pink, but she couldn't understand the language. She closed the book and it was locked, the keyhole was different as well it was more like a seal than a hole. She didn't paid to much attention to the difference and started to look for the key, it was hard since everything was on the floor and the key was so little. She couldn't find it anywhere, she finally gave up and put her hand over the keyhole and said <<azarath>> the book opened to her command and the writing was modified to normal English, she looked at her hand and there was a drawing in her hand a crown and inside it you could see like a staff inside it.

Michelle: "This is way freaky, am I that girl? No, no way this is just pure coincidence anyway I have to get out I'm just glad the others are okay".

Michelle started to walk out of central park when she saw dead bodies in the floor all

of the teachers and some students, she was scared of walking around in a place

nearly in ruins and with the weird book in her possession of what happened earlier

she was scared to run up with some hunters or the mercenaries. She suddenly

heard a gunshot.

Man: "I missed, lucky you"

Michelle shocked to see a man in front of her that almost shot her, he looked weird

was he a Snow-Hunter or a mercenary? In whichever side he was, he wasn't from the

military, he had a weird sign in his shoulder a symbol the only thing she recognized

from it was a spear, she started to run, without hesitation the man behind her. As she ran the man kept shooting at her she tried to hide and run faster but the man was to strong.

Man: "Dammit! Stay still"

Michelle: "You're trying to kill me how am I suppose to stay still." He threw her something hard and it hit her arm "Ahh" she screamed but kept running.

The man called back up, Michelle was in trouble. Her luck changed, another man appeared what worse she tripped to the floor. She was cornered no way out she couldn't move anymore no words no tears just a pale face full of horror. Two men with guns and knifes in their hands looking at her and walking toward her, getting near her.

Michelle: "My life can't end like this I still have a dream I want to fulfill" she thought

Michelle closed her eyes and heard two gunshots she waited for ten seconds and realized the shots weren't for her she opened her eyes and the two men that were chasing her were dead. She looked behind her and saw the figure of a man.

Guy: "Get up and come on, before you get killed"

He had the voice of a young man he walked near her and it was a guy black hair, light brown eyes with a good body figure, a gun in his left hand. His eyes where concentrating in Michelle looking at her furiously.

Michelle: "How do I know I can trust you?" she asked stuttering

Guy: "I am the person who saved your life I don't care if you trust me I'm just doing the job of a mercenary"

Michelle: "You are one of the mercenaries who are trying to save the girl and the island"

Guy: "We do have a name, we are WISE"

Michelle: "WISE, what a weird name" she thoughts while the guy walks away, "Hey, wait" she

catches up to him "If I don't follow you then you rescuing me was useless"

Guy: "You're starting to get it"

Michelle an the young man walked, he didn't had fear of what was happening he

didn't talk to Michelle except to give her orders, he didn't looked at her just following

his way and ignoring she was behind her. He was careful when Michelle sees a

shadow behind her she turns around and screamed. The young man pulled her back

shot his hand and then his heart.

Michelle: "Although this guys on the good side he sure is violent not to mention cold." she thought

Michelle and the guy entered a weird place she couldn't describe it was really

modern, futuristic, technological, she thought she was on a spaceship. They both kept walking went up something similar to an elevator and arrived in a dark room where nobody is around.

Guy: "Stay here" he said leaving Michelle in a dark room with nothing


Guy: "Look you're even lucky to be alive just shut up and listen to me." He pushed her gently to a corner and talked to her real close "Now stay there." He leaves the place.

Michelle: "Why did it end up like this I hope my family's okay they sure are going to be on vacation for a long time. But why me? What have I done?" she says to herself

Voice: "Because you have the right heart we will keep in touch, but for now just be strong" it was a girls voice inside Michelle's mind. Michelle was confused but happy for those encouraging words.

Michelle: "I think I'm losing my mind" she says closing her eyes and falling asleep.

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