trolls: Our Princess

By TheTrollTree

25.3K 521 259

Two years had past since the last events, with the trolls reunited and now live happily in Bergen town upon t... More

Authors note!
The baby
Growing up.

Journey for poppy

2.8K 62 13
By TheTrollTree

Unknown POV

Branch had been searching around in the same area for a couple of hours now. He had become very agitated that he only found creeks wallet. He checked the wallet again and found a small scrunched up paper between the pockets. He opened up the paper trying to un-crinkle the paper and found an address. Well looks like branch would be trying to find this town.

Branch had been walking for miles now. Branch closed to a stop and sat on a rock In thought. A scream could be herd in the distance, as if it was in pain. Branch cautiously followed the scream North. Branch thought about Poppy's smile and her facial features, this mad him smile to.

"Help!" A voice could be herd.
"Hello?" Branch questioned.
"Down here!" Branch looked down to find a troll stuck between a waterfall as she held onto the edge of the cliff.
"Who are you?" Branch asked.
"I'm Maia!" The small troll explained. Maia has bright teal hair and lemon coloured eyes. Her hands were held onto the edge of the cliff, her lilac and cream coloured dress flown in the direction of the wind.
"Can you help me?" She struggled to balance.
"Ok. Let me find a stick or something." Branch wondered back into the woods to find a good size stick to help her somehow. Branch picked up a large stick and wedged it between two trees. He wrapped his hair around the stick and used it to climb down it using the abseiling trick. He climbed down the cliff to retrieve the small troll.
"Hey, grab onto my back" he dangled beside her. She wrapped her arms and legs on his back and he slowly pulled both their weights up onto land.
"Thank you so much!" The little troll wrapped her arms around branch once again to thank him.
"How did you get down there?" The troll explained how she was retrieving berries with her mother until she spotted a Bergen. She tried to hide but it came running at her and her body slipped and rolled down the hill. She tried to stop but she  rolled off the face of the cliff. 
"And I haven't seen my brother since yesterday. I'm worried he had got taken by a Bergen" the troll had tears leaking down her cheeks.
"Hey, hey" branch rubbed her back to try an comfort the teary troll.
"Who is your brother?" Branch sat against the tree with the small troll beside him.
"Creek..." Branch opened his mouth in shock. And anger rose.
"Can you tell me where he was last?" Branch looked at her in hope.
"Yes, last night he was in his fort. Well that's what he calls it. It's like his personal den. But then I checked before I went berry picking he wasn't there" branch realised that that was around the time Poppy was taken.
"Can you take me there?" The small troll nodded and walked towards a narrow path.
"It takes a few days to get there though" branch nodded and followed the little troll, eager to retrieve his princess.

2 hours past Maia and branch feet started to ache.
"I think it's best if we had a rest?" Branch agreed with maia and they both sat down with their ankles aching in pain.
"So..." Branch started to try and create confiscation with the troll.
"Thank you for ehh... Saving me back there" Maia spoke.
"It's alright" branch smiled down at the troll.
"What's your name then?" She started to lay out leaves to create a comfy bed.
"Names branch" he helped lay flatten out the leaves.
"Cool name!" She picked up a bundle of sticks and started to create a simple roof to protect against rain.
"Well it's best if we got some sleep. We will continue walking tomorrow.
"Night" branch cuddled into the bundle of leaves and fell into a deep sleep. Before he drifted off, a faint "night" was herd and they lie on the leaves and slept.

"Wakey wakey!" Maia happily screamed at branch to wake up.
"Huh" branch half opened his eyes still in a daze. He notices the troll and unraveled himself from the comfort of the leaves.
"Yea? Let's collect our things and get going" branch pulled his rucksack back over his shoulders. Maia followed his actions and they both exited their campsite.
"This way!" Maia lead him towards a large oak tree. Before they passed the tree, a large echo could be herd.
"What was that?" Maia jumped and held onto branch. The groans could be herd from miles away. Maia and branch carefully approached the loud moaning noises.
"Branch!" Maia pointed in the direction of the noises. A larger troll was sprawled out along the forest floor.
"Mother!" Maia ran to her side.
"Maia" she held her child. Stroking her lovingly.
"Mother, I was so scared. Where did you go after berry picking?" Maia hugged her mothers waist tightly.
"Well, when you tripped I searched all night looking for you. And then I felt my hair being pulled. Then I was in the hands of chef. The Bergen held creek on his left shoulder, they placed me in a sack next thing I know the bag ripped and I came tumbling out." Maia's mother explained the story and looked up at branch.
"Who are you?" She asked the troll bringing her daughter towards her in a protective response.
"Don't worry. I helped Maia here" he ruffled her hair with a small smile.
"Oh. Well hello. I'm cinnamon" her hand reached out, branch shook her hand and looked at the troll. He picked her up on her feet and examined her. She had cinnamon coloured skin with brown chestnut hair. Her eyes where a bright turquoise colour.
"Nice to meet you." Branch greeted.
"Mommy. We Are trying to find creek" the little troll giggled.
"No honey. It's not safe for you. You need to be in a safe place" she worriedly pushed her in the direction of the new trolls village.
"Stay with Smartie until it's safe" Smartie was a multi coloured troll, he is known as a soldier and a protecter of the village.
"Stay safe. Warn the others!" Cinnamon told her daughter.

Cinnamon and branch had been walking a few miles south from the other troll village. They both then approached an old wooden shack.
"Creeks fort is in there." She pointed at the torn down building.
"Thank you. Wait here for look out so no others would notice me inside. Got it?" Branch bent down and buried her in leaves for camouflage.
"Got it!" She nodded. Branch approached the porch of the wooden shack and dusted a faint outline of letters above the shack.
'Creek's fort' it read, carved across the oak wood. Branch nodded and climbed the steps to the door. He opened the door slowly, it was pitch black with a small beam of light that traveled across the patio window.
"Ah. Just who I wanted" a voice spoke.

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