Embracing the Shadows

By Rimuwalker

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The Prequel of In the Shadow I Stay. Our favorite Elleth, Elbereth has a past. Travel with her and the compan... More

Chapter one - Banishment begins
Chapter Two - Blooming wizards
Chapter Three - Off on an adventure
Chapter four - Elbereth and the Dancing Dwarves
Chapter Five - Hunting for trolls and treasure
Chapter Six - The moon shines bright tonight
Chapter Seven - Kings under mountains.
Chapter Eight- Wolves of Wargs
Chapter Ten - So, skin shifter aye?
Chapter Eleven - Around Mirkwood and into the jaws of an angry little man
Chapter Twelve - Laying around... outside... in the cold.
Chapter Thirteen - Royal steed.
Chapter Fourteen - On the way to certain death
Chapter Fifteen - Idiot insults witless worms
Chapter Sixteen - Golden waterfalls
Chapter Seventeen - Sickness and fever
Chapter Eighteen - Standing up
Chapter Nineteen - Battle stations
Chapter Twenty - Loss of a king
Chapter Twenty-One - Burials

Chapter Nine - Halfway there... And Im.a.warg.queen.

54 1 0
By Rimuwalker

Sorry for the long wait, I haven't been able to get on line till now 

When I come to I hear Thorin ask Bilbo's whereabouts and Gandalf answer. I leave my eyes closed.

"You! What were you doing? You nearly got yourself killed! Did I not say that you would be a burden? That you would not survive in the wild and that you had no place amongst us?" Thorin says his voice rising "I've never been so wrong in all my life!" I open one eye to se Thorin embracing Bilbo in a hug. I smile

"Glad to see there's some appreciation going around." I say propping myself up onto my elbows. Thorin looks to me before holding Bilbo at arm's length.

"I am sorry I doubted you." I nodded as if he was talking to me.

"No, I would have doubted me too. I'm not a hero or a warrior...not even a burglar." Bilbo replies to Thorin as I smile at the great eagle who nudged my side.

"Farewell Mellon" (friend) I spoke gently to the beautiful avian king.

Thorin turns to me. "And you..." He trails off I cock my head pulling myself up using Fili as a crutch.

"Me?" I point to myself "You make a perfect leaning dwarf" I whisper to the blonde dwarf below me and he chuckles in amusement.

Thorin huffs "yes you." He lets out a small smile "You are the Warg queen?" I nod waving my hand dismissively "Do I get a hug too?" I ask and the dwarves chuckle, I even get a smile from the sullen Dwarven king.

"I would but you are far too tall" He jokes.

My mouth widens as my brain registers his attempt at a joke "Ah ha, he has humour" I cry dancing around. Before clutching my head. "Ouch" I mutter to myself.

"I have never been as wrong as I have today, apparently the Mirkwood elves are useful for more than just decoration" I smiled jubilantly ignoring the comment to my heritage, I had been accepted by the short angry man, this was a cause for revels.

Thorin looks past me into the distance "Is that what I think it is?" Bilbo asks I smile bringing Thorin and Bilbo into a side hug each arm wrapped around a short being.

"Erebor—the Lonely Mountain. The last of the great dwarf kingdoms of Middle earth." Gandalf confirms

"Our home." We turn and I drop my arms from the shoulders of the two.

"A raven! The birds are returning to the mountain." Oin says as a bird flies by

"That, my dear Oin, is a thrush." Gandalf says

"But we'll take it as a sign ­ a good omen." I hear Thorin say

"You're right. I do believe the worst is behind us." Bilbo reminisces

But the sick feeling didn't leave my stomach 

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