By 5havidreader

241K 8.2K 2.3K

Lauren is sexually assaulted when she is sixteen. She is later pregnant and disowned by her family, and gives... More

Nightmare Beginnings
Hard Choices
She is a warrior
Hostile Take over
Breathing again
Home At Last
Curious Discoveries
Surprise Meetings
Once A Mother, Always A Mother
Past Coming Back To Haunt You
Emotional Truth
Moving in
Lay with me
Forgiveness is hard
The comical ways to use banana's
Living while you can...
Justice and Penance
Waiting to hear you're okay
The Safest Place To Be
Worry Warts
Setting Yourself Free
Blows Of Misunderstandings
Painful Confessions
Did You Think Of Me?
Finally Some Camren....
Unleashing Norminah
To Forgive Is Divine
Hoping for Second Chances
Interrupting Norminah/ First dates
Singing you to sleep

Unconditional love

7.4K 260 97
By 5havidreader

Camila was sitting next to her sister, eating breakfast and talking to her father just as the house phone rang.

Her mother who was making a few pies for the restaurant answered the phone, freezing in front of them, making them turn their attention to her in concern.

Sinhue smiled, covering her mouth as tears filled her eye's as she talked to whoever was on the phone quietly. They waited ten minutes, and when Sinhue hung up, she looked at her family ready to bursting with happiness.

"We have someone at the agency that wants to meet us!" Sinhue shouted laughing, tears falling from her eyes.

Alejandro whooped, picking up his wife and giving her a loving kiss as their kids laughed excitedly.

"When do they want to meet you? And can we come?" asked Camila smiling.

Alejandro let his wife go, both laughing as they turned to Camila.

"Tomorrow. I know you have your soccer game Mija but...." Sinhue started nervously.

Camila waved her off and said,"This is bigger than a game. You come to all of my games mama, you can miss one."

Sinhue walked to her oldest, proud of her selflessness and kissed her forehead giving her a hug.

"Thank you Mija." Sinhue whispered gratefully.

"What's the pregnant girl like?" asked Sofie anxiously.

Sinhue looked sad for a moment, before covering it up and giving her youngest a smile.

"She's an amazing woman Mija. Trust me on that." Sinhue replied, a little sadly.

Alejandro, seeing the sadness in her eyes, looked at his youngest and said,"Mija will you go watch some tv for a few minutes? I have to talk to your mother for a minute. We can get some ice cream afterwards, yeah?"

"Okay papi!" squealed Sofie, running to the living room.

Once she was gone Camila and Alejandro to turned Sinuhe, waiting for an explanation. Both bothered with the look in her eyes.

"What is it mi amor?" Her husband asked worried.

Sinhue sighed, sitting in the chair next to her daughter, holding her head for a moment. When she looked up, she had tears in her eyes, which did nothing to put them at ease.

"Her name is Lauren Jauregui. She was the girl that was attacked at that party a few months ago." She said quietly.

Camila gasped as Alejandro sat down on the chair across from her slowly.

"From Carlton high?" asked Camila, completely horrified. She had heard rumors when it had happened. It was all anyone talked about for a month.

Sinhue nodded, wiping her tears, and reaching across the table to hold Alejandro's hand, which he clasped lovingly.

"She's pregnant? From that pendejo?" he asked angrily.

She nodded sadly.

"Isn't she my age?" asked Camila in shock. She couldn't picture something so horrible happening to someone her age that she knew.

"Yes. She is a lesbian and was gay bashed.... Raped by an idiot trying to 'fix' her. When her parents found out the reason, they kicked her out. They apparently didn't know she was gay and was outed by accident during the investigation." Sinhue spat, upset for the poor girl, who had already suffered enough... and to have family betray you... it was unthinkable.

"She was raped and they kicked her out!" Camila whisper shouted angrily, disgust radiating from her very being.

Alejandro snorted angrily. "I wasn't surprised. Her father is Michael Jauregui, a conservative asshole, who cares more about his version of God and what people think of him, than his own family. He is some CEO of an internet company. It's actually his wife's company that he run's. He's an arrogant asshole." He spat clenching his free hand in anger.

"She is so brave to have the child. Most women would have terminated. The baby literally is a miracle." Sinhue sniffed, wiping her nose with a paper towel.

Camila rubbed her mother's back and said,"Well, it will be a double miracle, because the baby will have you both as parents. It's guaranteed happiness."

Sinhue kissed the side of Camila's head with a smile, and said, "Your wonderful Mija, but she hasn't picked us yet."

"It's as good as a sure thing mama!"

"They're here!" Yelled Dinah rushing from the window as Rose got up to answer the door, just as a knock ran through.

Normani shushed Dinah as she dragged her to the kitchen pouting.

Lauren fidgeted in her seat on the couch next to Demi, gripping her hand nervously.

Sinhue, Alejandro walked into the living room nervous, as Sophie zoomed past them, rushing to Lauren as her parents were about to scold her, and stuck her hand out saying,"Hi Lauren, I'm Sofie! Are you having a boy or a girl? Mom said she'd happy with either, but me and Camila secretly want a girl. I could help dress her up and let her play with my dolls!"

Lauren's eyes welled and she laughed, totally endeared by the sweet little girl who was currently missing a bottom tooth, making her look even more adorable.

"Hi Sophie, it's nice to meet you too. And the doctor says it's a girl so you may get your wish." Lauren answered smiling sadly.

Sophie climbed onto the couch next to Lauren as she stared at her curiously tilting her head.

"Are you sad? Is it because you're giving up your baby girl?" Sophie asked curiously, horrifying her parents, as they muttered apologies.

Lauren waved them off, turning to the little girl with a little nod.

"I do want kids one day.... But not now. Not like this. I'm still a big kid myself, and I haven't finished growing yet. I can't raise a baby right now, and I am still trying my hardest to be healthy again, here," Lauren said pointing to her head, tears welling her eyes as she then pointed to her heart saying,"and here."

Sophie looked at her sadly as she asked,"Someone made you sad? Will you be okay?"

Lauren laughed , tears falling from her eyes as she said,"Yes, many people made me sad, but I'm getting better. And one day, when I'm not so sad, and I'm older and happy, I can have some kids of my own, with a woman that loves me."

Sophie smiled, completely unphased by the clearly gay woman in front of her, making Lauren sure she was making the right choice, as she said,"My sister hopes to find a woman to have babies with too. I told her I have to like her first. Her last girlfriend was kinda dumb."

"Sofie!" scolded Sinhue laughing embarrassed, Alejandro chuckling loudly.

Lauren and Demi laughed as Rose smiled.

Sofie pouted, crossing her arms as she whined,"Well she was! She was always sticking her tongue in Mila's throat when we tried to watch frozen! It's rude!"

Laughter came from the kitchen, drawing their attention.

Demi looked at the Cabello's with a smile and said,"Why doesn't Rose help Lauren's friends with the cookies she was going to make for Lauren here, and Sofie help? We're making peanut butter and chocolate chip?"

Sofie turned to parents excitedly as they waved her off with a laugh. Not a second later the little girl was rushing through the kitchen door, a chuckling Rose trailing behind her.

Once they were alone, Sinhue got up from her seat next to Alejandro, and sat next to Lauren, radiating motherly concern.

"Lauren. I have to ask, are you sure this is what you want. Once you hold your child, no matter the circumstances, the bond is always there. It's impossible to break, and I just worry you'll change your mind later and regret this." Sinhue asked softly.

Lauren looked at her smiling sadly as she said,"Right now, after everything. I have nothing to offer this child. I would rather offer her to someone who does, instead of being raised by someone who might resent them later. I want her to be happy, and in order for that to happen, I need to step back and let someone else take over for now. I'm not ready. Not mentally or physically. Right now I'm holding it together for her, but once I'm not living for two, I don't know how I will react. I'm going to therapy thanks to Demi and Rose, but I'm a long way from being ready for something like this. I still have to have a hearing to terminate my parent's parental rights. They heard I was pregnant and are fighting to get custody. My Lawyer and Demi say they don't have snow ball's chance in hell, but I want her free. I don't want this life affecting her if I can help it."

"If you need help please let us know. Whether you pick us or not, we would do anything to help you. You've been through more than a girl your age should ever have to." Alejandro said firmly, looking at Lauren softly.

Lauren smiled tearfully, and said,"Your family is exactly what I want for her. I picked you when I saw your picture. This was just a formality.... And I really wanted to meet you. To see a mother and father love unconditionally. I needed that reassurance. I have it, so if you want her, she is all yours."

Sinhue choked back a sob and hugged Lauren gently. Lauren hugged her back, inhaling the perfume of a loving mother, closing her eyes. Yes, she chose the right ones.


Lauren was walking up the court house slowly due to her ever growing belly, holding Demi's hand as Rose walked beside her lawyer.

When she finally started walking up the steps, she noticed her parents on the other side of the building with their lawyer. Her father seemed confident, while her mother looked exhausted and heart broken. Her siblings nowhere in sight.

Lauren spared them only a second glance, and focused on making every step without falling over, tightening her grasp on Demi's hand as her swollen legs struggled.

Her body had little to know recovery time between the attack and her pregnancy, and she was very high risk. She had to be extra careful.

Her lawyer led her through the doors, right to the hallway where they were waiting to be called in to the courtroom.

When it was finally her time, she followed the lawyer to their table, watching her parents and their lawyer do the same.

The stood as the Judge entered the room, slamming her file on the case on her podium. Once the case was announce and the petition put forward, the judge focused on Lauren and asked the her the question the teen had been hoping for.

"Mrs. Jauregui- Lovato, what are your reasons for not wanting your parents to adopt your daughter. You plan to let a different family that you barely know have her, but deny the family you have always known? I'm curious as to why." The Judge asked curiously.

Lauren stood, with the help of Rose and Demi and addressed the Judge as she noticed Alejandro and Sinhue enter the pew behind her, giving her supporting smiles.

Turning to the judge, she said,"Your Honor, The truth is, if I knew there was even a chance of my parents getting custody of my daughter, I would have went through with an abortion."

The room gasped as the Judge narrowed her eyes and said, "Explain."

Lauren nodded answering,"I was around thirteen when I realized I was a lesbian. I grew up in a orthodox catholic house hold, and had to see and hear the hate my family had for people just like me for years. I was desperate to never come out, that I made sure to never even give them an inkling that I was gay. Almost eight months ago, I was attending a party at a friends house when a boy, a boy my father had been consistently pushing me to date, slipped drugs into my soda and raped me. He brutalized me. I had broken ribs, and bones in my face. Forty eight stitches on my body. While I was being examined, my father put his faith before my well being without my permission and denied me the plan B pill, making me live forever with the knowledge that the first child I would ever have would be my rapists. The police officer's accidentally outed me to my father, and he came into my room, after I had been traumatized and brutalized to demand an explanation of my sexuality. Ignoring my pain, my horror. When I confirmed my sexuality, he then disowned me and blamed my rape on my sexuality.. I had just been raped your honor, and he denied me the comfort of my family, showing no more compassion than that of an animal. That is the kind of man that wants to parent my child. He is no better than the boy who did this to me. I decided to protect my child. I decided to put myself through the agony of having her, and as much as I hate her origins, I can't help but love her. I love her with everything inside of me. I want her healthy and happy, however she comes out. Gay, straight, atheist, or Christian. None of that matters to me but her well being and happiness. I'm sixteen and have nothing to offer her. My sanity is hanging on by a thread right now, and I do that all for her. She is already coming into this world with a rapist for a father, a damaged mother, and homophobic and heartless grandparents. I want better for her. I went through 30 couples and I found a family that loves unconditionally. They have two wonderful girls, one who is gay and happy in her accepting family. That's what I want for her, what I never had until my own adoption. I want her loved always. And if you give her to them, than all this sacrifice that I have endured would have been for nothing. Please, don't dman her the way I was."

Lauren finished crying, almost begging the judge with her eyes.

The Judge blinked back tears, and looked back at her file, skimming it, seeing everything the teen spoke of infront of her in black and white.

Looking at the Jauregu's, she said,"It says here you gave up your rights to your child, is that right?"

Mike firmly answered "Yes", as Clara cried nodding.

The Judge then leaned back and said,"Then why are we here?"

Mike and his Lawyer looked at each other confused and he said,"I'm sorry. I don't understand."

The Judge laughed, mocking him.

"You gave up your rights to Lauren Michelle Jauregui. So any child she has isn't your grandchild. Her grandparents are now Rose and Demetria Lovato. You had no rights the second you gave YOUR child away. Once these proceedings are over, and Lauren Jauregui signs the adoption papers, blood or not, you will never have this grandchild. You made this bed Mr. Jauregui, because I'm assuming your wife, the lovely doormat you have wasn't enthusiastic about disowning the child she spent a day in labor for. You disgusting unchristian and judgmental behavior costed not one but two family members. I would suggest waking the hell up before you lose more. Your concept of God is severly flawed if you think this is what he would have expected of you. In the matter Jauregui vs. Jauregui-Lovato the court rules in the mothers favor. She at least understands at the ripe age of sixteen, what truly loving your child means. The case is closed. I'll pray for you Jauregui's, keep going down this road your on and your going to need it." The Judge slammed her gable, ending the case before it had even begun.

Mike stood there in shock as the Bailiff led them out of the courtroom, disgust marring his face.

Lauren exhaled deeply, wiping her eyes as she leaned into Demi and Rose. She felt two hands on her shoulders and looked around to see the Cabello's smiling at her.

"Looks like your little girl is safe for now." Lauren sighed out thankfully.

Sinhue chuckled and said,"She has you Lauren. I never expected her to be anything but loved and safe in your hands. She may not understand for years, but she will thank you one day for all this."

Lauren sighed out, putting both hands on her round belly, feeling her daughter kick lightly and whispered," I hope so."

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