Violet Skies

By seleentje97

28 1 0

Denali Calahan, you're avarage 17 year old student, just one problem, she's the ultimate wallflower who's als... More

uncomfortable ride
First Days
The Valentine's

turned upside down

20 0 0
By seleentje97

Getting up.

Getting ready for school.

Going to school.

Being in this boring hole for 6 or 7 hours.

Going home.

Making homework.

Going to sleep.

And repeat everything the next day.

I do nothing on the weekends, except for spending it with my family, who I of course love.

But, having no friends to hang out with kind of sucks.

My life is kind of useless. I’m a typical wallflower. I’m socially awkward as well.

Today I’m moving in with my grandparents, which means I’m leaving New Orleans; Louisiana, and I’m moving to Emmonak; Alaska.

The reason why I’m moving is because my dad died a few years ago, and my mother just remarried, and I just don’t want to be a burden on her marriage right now. And my grandparents offered me to live with them. I’m originally from Emmonak anyway, so it’ll just be like moving back to my actual home.

‘Sweetheart! We have to go, or else you won’t be on time for you plane!’ my mom yelled from downstairs.

‘I’m coming mom,’ I told her, ‘I just want to say goodbye to my room…’ I murmured to myself.

‘You know you can always come back, Den.’ my stepdad Peter told me.

‘I know Peter, thanks.’ I told him while giving him a fake smile, which he seemed to have bought.

The drive to the airport was long, and it made me think, a lot.

Did I really just want to leave? I mean, like, I could stay… but I know I would be a burden on my mom, and I know I’m not leaving anything behind by leaving, I had no friends, and I never had a boyfriend. The only person I was leaving behind was mom. But that was only to let her be happy. And I know that’s the right thing to do. So I shouldn’t feel sad. I won’t.

We arrived at the airport and peter was checking me in, as I didn’t know how to do that.

Before I would leave, my mom gave me the strongest most loving hug she has ever gave me. She even cried a little bit, and I couldn’t help but let a little teardrop fall from my eye, I mean this woman gave birth to me, she raised me, and after dad died, she was my mom and dad, she was the person I have loved the most, and right now I just want her to be happy for once, so I’m leaving.

‘M-mom… you’re chocking me…’ I told her. She let go and wiped her tears away.

‘J-just remember to call me when you arrive, okay?’

‘I will mom, you know I will.’ I told her with a smile.

‘Marie, it’s time for her to leave or else she won’t catch her plane’ Peter told her.

‘Yeah, I know.’ My mom told Peter.

She gave me on last hug and a kiss on my forehead, and then I left.


Arriving at the airport, I was trying to spot my grandparents.

I saw a man with a sign that said “Denali Calahan”. The man looked old, and he looked like a native Alaskan person. But his eyes were really soft, just like mom’s eyes. I guess that’s my grandfather.

But with me being socially awkward, I walked really weird to him.

‘ I-I’m D-Denali….’  I stuttered. Good work Denali, you just made another fool out of yourself. Again.

‘Welcome Denali,’  wauw this man was actually being nice and not making fun of my stuttering, I like grandpa here. ‘Let’s go home quickly. You’re stuff from New Orleans has already been moved to your room, you only have to unpack it when we get home. But we have to hurry home because Nonna is making a feast for you.’ Grandpa told me with glee.

‘Y-yes sir.’

‘You don’t have to be so scared Denali, no one is going to hurt you, and when you were little you stayed with us every weekend, so please open up, okay?’ grandpa told me. It seems he has seen through me.

‘Yes grandpa.’ I told him with a smile while I blushed, a lot.

As we were driving to Emmonak, grandpa told me about all the things he heard about me from mom, and he asked me some things to. For once I finally opened up with someone and had fun talking.

When we finally arrived by Emmonak I saw someone changing the population sign from 763 to 762.

‘Did someone move grandpa?’ I asked him.

‘No dear, that’s certainly not the case here.’ He told me with a sad face, and I knew what he meant by that.

Someone died.

We arrived at the house, and grandpa told me to go inside first. I tried to find my way to the kitchen, and when I entered the kitchen I saw a few more people than I had expected to see.

‘Oh my, Denali you’re finally here!’ my grandma exclaimed as she walked my way and put me into a tight hug. I hesitated for a bit, but I decided I should hug her back, I mean she’s family and all. But who were those other people, I wonder?

‘Come Denali, meet Owen, and his dad Samuel.’ She introduced the two strangers to me.

‘Uhm, hi I’m Denali…’ I shyly told them.

‘Oh Ava, you know that she already knows us.’ Samuel told her. Something was off about Samuel, I looked very carefully, and then I saw that his left arm wasn’t his left arm, it was a prosthetic arm.

‘Don’t worry about my arm Denali.’ He told me with a smile. Damn he noticed me watching.

‘Hey Denali, you still remember when we were little we always played together outside right?’ Owen asked me.

I thought hard and then I found a memory that involved an Owen.

‘Of course I remember you.’ I told him with a genuine smile.

‘Go to your room and change dear, we’re going to have a feast tonight and I want you to look pretty, so I prepared a dress for you. Your room is the one upstairs, to the left, and then the last door. I hope you’ll like it.’ My grandma told me.

So I did what she told me and went upstairs, to the left and open the last door.

‘ Wow….’ My room is huge! I looked around and saw that I had a huge window-sill, where I could sit on.’

I saw the dress Grandma made me, and I put it on. It was a Champaign colored dress, and it looked like those Lolita dresses some people wore, with a lot of lace and such. But I liked it.

I went downstairs and then the feast started. It was a lot of fun and I enjoyed the evening. And I opened up to people. I guess that’s a good sign.

The next day was Saturday and I went downstairs to find my grandparents in the living room.

‘Slept well?’ grandpa asked me. I nodded in return while mumbling ‘mhmm…’

‘Oh Denali, since you will attend, Emmonak High from Monday onwards, I asked Owen to teach you the way.’ Nonna told me (Grandma asked me to call her Nonna.)

‘Does he also attend Emmonak high?’ I asked

‘Oh no, he goes to a private school just outside of town.’

‘Oh…’ I said kind of disappointed that I wouldn’t start school with someone I know.

Nonna noticed and looked me in the eyes, ‘Don’t worry, I know you’ll make friends. Your mom already told us that you have trouble finding friends, but the people here are much different from New Orleans, so please don’t worry.’ She told me. I smiled at her

‘ Okay.’ I told her with a smile.’


Hey guys, so this is kind of my other book I’ve been working on since last night, and it’s because I watched Twilight >///< hehe.

But tbh I like this book more than the other one I’m writing. And yes you may find this book very similar to Twilight, but this one is different, peoples personalities are different here, well, as you can see Denali is kind of the same as Bella, but a just a Little/ much more socially awkward.

So enjoy reading it, and I’ll just enjoy writing it c:


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