she was untouchable.

By shani_leigh

235K 9.6K 2.6K

Eloise suffers from Haphephobia, the fear of being touched. Her mother, Katherine suffers from OCD, obsessiv... More

0 | summary.
2 | disaster dinner.
3 | explanation.
4 | outings.
5 | strange encounter
6 | fly.
7 | yikes.
8 | realise
9 | her.
10 | wanting.
11 | moving quickly
12 | tell me.
13 | first touch.
14 | show and tell.
15 | rooftop delights.
16 | help me.
17 | i want to be happier.
18 | the sky was pretty.
19 | dancing in the dark.
20 | sting
21 | happier

1 | moving in.

19.9K 797 187
By shani_leigh

Eloise P.o.v

"I don't see why we have to move so far away. It's going to be hard for us to fit in mum." I look over to see my mum concentrating on the radio. Great. We haven't even got there yet and she's already trying to kill us. She could at least wait till we meet the neighbours.

"We'll manage El, like we always do." She looks up now focusing her attention on the road in front of us.

"People are going to think we are weird." I sigh, the windows cool touch helping ever so slightly with my headache.

"We are weird though. And that's the way we like it right?" I see her shrug in the corner of my eye.

"Yeah." I sigh.

"Since when do you care anyway? You've never cared about what other people think about you." As we stop at a red light she looks over at me.

"I guess I just don't want to explain to people what haphephobia is. It's annoying and then they treat me weird." I reply fiddling with the fabric of my shirt.

"Things are going to be different here." She promises. The car behind us beeps its horn urging us to go despite the light still being red. Mum sighs rolling her window down then sticks her finger up at the driver which makes him stop. She smiles with triumph.

"That's what you said last time."I point out.

"Are you going to be a sally sour face all day?" She asks looking back down at me, her eyes flickering back up towards the stop light.

"You know it." I reply just as the light turns green.


"We'll go on! check out your new room. You'll have to get used to it." Mum cheerfully sings as she sets one of the last boxes down on the kitchen table.

"We won't be here that long." I murmur. If I said I wasn't prolonging going to check out my room, I'd be lying. I had had so many different rooms in the past year that this was just another house, not my home despite mums efforts.

"I heard that!" She laughs from behind me.

"You were meant to!" I shout back once I reach the top of the stairs.

Walking into my already furnished bedroom the first thing I notice is the massive window seat. Skipping over I sit down and place my feet against one wall with my back against the other. Looking in I notice the adjoining bathroom and walk in wardrobe. The room was bigger than my last but not the biggest out of all.

I sigh and look out the window. Yuck. "Oh wow what a wonderful view." My window was adjacent to another from the house next door. The owner was messy and clearly belonged to a guy.

"What are you complaining about now?" Mum stuck her head into the room.

"Just the glorious view." I scrunch my nose up in disgust. I can't even see the floor it's that messy.

"Ugh do you think it would be weird if I asked his mother if I could go over and clean his room?" I look back to see mum behind me pulling slightly at her dark brown hair obviously annoyed at the mess.

"Seriously?" I laugh. I wouldn't be surprised if she did go ask.

"Yeah you're right. How about we just keep these closed. Ugh who even builds a house like this." She leans up and closes the curtains so she can't see the window or me for that matter.

"Wackos." I stick my head out and look up at her.

"I'm going back down to set up the kitchen. You should probably set up your room. Y'know the way you like it or whatever." She looks around, her eyes catching the bare desk in the corner.

"Yeah I guess." I sigh sinking back into the curtains.

Once I was finished unpacking everything I walk down to the kitchen for something to eat. I hadn't realised I took so much time unpacking until I peeked out the window and saw the sun was already starting to fade.

"The neighbours asked us over for dinner at 6:30" Mum says absently as she's looking in the fridge.

"You said no right?" I ask sitting at the island bench. I look over at the clock and see it's already 6:25.

"I said yes." She freezes then looks back at me.

"It's our first day here, they don't know anything about us apart from what our furniture looks like. There is going to be touching and dirtiness. You saw the sons bedroom." I justify with her.

"You're right. I didn't think about any of that." She closes the fridge door bringing a small chocolate bar over for me. Her attention is then diverted to the small stain on the bench. She screws her nose up and then once she realises the stain won't go away she moves a tissue box over it.

"You have to cancel. Or at least postpone." I shrug trying to act casual. I really didn't like going out.

"It's to late for that now. We will just have to explain everything before we go in and if they think we're weird and send us home there's always pizza." Mum reasons with me.

"Pizza should never be second choice. Always first." I act offended.

"Go spray some perfume. You smell." She pokes her tongue out at me.

"Do not!" I scoff.

"Do too!" She walks out only to come back in with a bottle of perfume. She sprays herself and then sprays me.

"Okay, lets go." She then walks out the kitchen again, leaving no room for me to argue.

As soon as we step foot on the neighbours porch mum knocks on their door. I begin to grow nervous at her eagerness. Hoping that they don't turn us away so she could get to know someone and have fun for once, but also hoping that they do so I could go curl up into bed and sleep.

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