New England Patriots Imagines

By elenawild

13.4K 169 73

I take your requests and make them into reality! Well, the second best thing to reality that is. Send me a me... More

New Parents - Julian Edelman
Sparks - Julian Edelman
Thank you!
You Again - Danny Amendola
Snowed In - Tom Brady
Meeting Him - Tom Brady

Julian the Babysitter

2K 30 7
By elenawild

For @miyouna_w 

"I can't believe they are calling me in today, they promised a day off." Cara complained, standing up from the couch.

"I mean you are on call though right?" I asked, following her through the house in her little panic.

"Yeah but still. I've worked six days in a row, I deserved a day off. It's whatever though, now I gotta find someone last minute to take care of Charlie and Grayson." She pulled her phone out, scrolling through her contacts.

"Aren't they both sixteen? Why do they need someone to take care of them?" She laughed, looking up at me.

"Remember when I complained to you about Grayson breaking the television when he decided to play football in the house?" I looked back to that memory and laughed.

"Oh yeah. Well, why don't I take them?" She started to bust up laughing, but then it stopped when she looked at me and saw I was serious.

"Wait, really? You take them to practice with you? I don't think so." She started to go through her phone again when I grabbed it from her.

"Come on Cara! I can do it! Let me prove myself that I can do it. I'm dating the most beautiful girl in the world, and I'd like to prove I can handle her teens." She smiled, before grabbing my arm to pulse close and into a kiss, I wasn't objecting. 

"Okay, just don't lose them or get them killed okay?" She said, taking her phone back before grabbing and putting her name badge. 

"Promise." I said flicking her name badge before she walked to the stairs.

"Charlie! Grayson! Come down here!" About a minute later both came walking down.

"Move slower will you." Charlie grumbled, pushing Grayson at the last step, who just pushed back.

"Okay you guys quit. I have to go to work unexpectedly, so Julian is taking you to practice with him and will watch you today." Both of them looked over to me and then back to her.

"We can take care of ourselves, we are almost adults mom." She snickered, grabbing her purse.

"Good one Grayson. Have a fun day with Julian." 

We walked out following her as she locked the door. Gave her a last kiss as she got in the car and drove off, leaving me and the teens.

"Ready?" I asked, arms out smiling. 

They pained a smile. Damnit they were going to enjoy this day if it killed me.


"So you guys like football?" I asked as we walked to the field for practice. "Yeah." Grayson said, quietly. They were always so quiet around me, I wanted them to feel comfortable, it was important they did.

"How about you Charlie?" She looked over at me and smiled. "I think footballs real cool, especially you guys." I smiled back, finally a good response. 

"So why aren't we in Gillette?" Grayson asked, seeing that our practice field isn't the main playing field.

"Well we don't practice on the playing field. We practice near by though. You guys are gonna get to meet the team. Have a favorite player?" I could see Grayson eyes light up when we reached the field and saw the rest of the team. 

"Tom Brady." He pointed to him and I wanted to roll my eyes, that's always the favorite. But hey for good reason, he is THE goat. 

"Well, you're gonna meet him today and everyone else. Charlie?" She looked around for a second and then pointed.

"Him. Stephen Gostkowski." I cocked my head.

"Really? I mean he's great but why is he your favorite?" She smiled and looked up at me.

"Because kickers are so cool! No one treats them like one but they really are! Have you seen his numbers, they are amazing." I kinda chuckled at her knowledge and fan girling over him. 

Before I could respond, Danny saw me, his face showed confusion as he walked over.

"Hey Jules, can I talk to you for a sec?" He started to pull me away.

"Yeah, hey guys go take a seat on the side okay? I'll see you in a sec." They nodded and walked to a place to sit as I went with Danny. 

"So um, whats going on?" Danny asked and my attention was still with the kids.

"Julian, hey." He lightly punched me before I looked over to him. 

"Oh, yeah, um I'm babysitting these teens today." I said nonchalantly, he still looked confused.

"Okay, who?" That's when I realized I've never told them I was dating someone.

"Oh, yeah. I'm dating a girl. Look at this, she's a doctor, real stand up girl. She has these two kids and I thought I'd take them today since she had to work." He laughed for a second.

"They look old enough to take care of themselves." I nodded along with him.

"Yeah, but it's a long story. Anyways, they'll be over there and won't be a nuisance, don't tell Belichick okay?" He laughed as we started to walk back to the team.

"Dude, Belichick knows everything. He just puts up with your nuisance at this point." I chuckled, that was true, he was like the stern parent who just dealt with me. 

I walked back to the kids who sat down, looking at everything in awe. 

"Practice is about to start, so just stay here and watch okay?" They both nodded as I slipped my helmet on, ready to do this.


"That was amazing!" Charlie said jumping up as I ripped my helmet off, sweating profusely. 

"Really? Just doing our best." I said, grabbing a water and gulping it all down.

"Yeah! So awesome! I see why mom likes you." I laughed, pushing my hair back.

"I hope so." I said, but I realized Grayson was quiet, his eyes still fixed on Tom. 

"Hey, Tom!" Grayson looked at me in panic as he saw Tom near.

"I-I don't know what to say to him." He said, standing near me.

"Just relax, he's just a person. Believe me I felt the same when I first met him." 

Tom made his way over, smiling.

"Hey Jules, good practice out there babe." He gave me a pat on the back before looking at the kids.

"Danny told me." He said, winking at me and I laughed, Grayson looked star struck. 

"Hi I'm G-Grayson." He said, and Tom put his hand out shaking it.

"Truly a pleasure, I'm Tom." Grayson nodded, shaking his hand and laughing. "You're my favorite, like you are such a good player." Tom grabbed the ball from under his arm and handed it to Grayson, who looked like Christmas just came.

"Here you go, you can have this. To my biggest fan." I smiled, Tom was always such a standup guy. I looked around to find Charlie, but she had wondered off. Finally I found her with Stephen, of course. I decided to let her be, she was smart girl and she could handle herself for now. Tom finished up with Grayson and walked off, who looked so amazed.

"Pretty cool huh?" I asked and he passed the ball around in his hands.

"Real cool. Hey uh, thanks for watching us today. I know that sometimes I'm not always appreciative, but it's really cool." I gave him a pat and sat down, him joining me.

"Hey no problem. You guys and your mom mean a lot to me so it's the least I can do." He looked up at me and smiled for probably the first time today.

"My dad wasn't always the greatest guy, I'm just glad that my mom has someone who cares. So thanks for that." It was the first time he had opened up at all, I was going to take it. 

"You guys getting in some good bonding?" We both looked up to find Cara behind us, in her white coat in all. 

"Hey!" I jumped up, giving her a kiss, thoroughly grossing out Grayson. 

"Hey babe. Just got done with work. Where's Charlie?" She asked and I laughed, pointing to Stephen.

"Over there with her babe." Charlie was still there talking up a storm. "Ah, I better go get her before she confesses that she kisses her poster of him every night." Me and Grayson both giggled as Cara walked off. Grayson gave me a quick hug, catching me off guard, before running off with Cara.

"Hey man, is that your girl?" Danny inquired, walking up. I nodded, smiling at her.

"Sure is man. Cute huh?" He nodded and we both decided to make our way to where she was.

"I didn't know you were dating anyone Jules!" Rob yelled out, he couldn't keep anything in and she laughed.

"Yeah why don't they know?" She asked, laughing with them.

"Hey, I don't always talk about my personal life, and for that I'm sorry. Everyone, this is Cara." They all said their hellos and made our small talk before practice was officially over. We made our way back to the car driving back to their home.


"See this ball! Tom Brady gave me this ball!" Grayson said to Charlie, who laughed. "I know I know, you've only told me a million times." They made their way upstairs, as Cara grabbed my hand, stopping me to walk any further. 

"Hey, thanks for stepping up and watching them today, I really appreciate it." I pulled her close, putting my hands around her. 

"It was great spending some time with them, I'd do it again in a heartbeat." I pulled her even closer, leaning in.

"Well, tomorrow when the kids are at their dads, let me make it up to you." I growled and she giggled, before I kissed her. 

"I can't wait." 

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