Don't Go Thorin Oakenshield

By TanaMikolon

26.8K 644 76

Hėlla was kicked out of her clan. When she finds Gandalf, she joins the company of Thorin Oakenshield and fin... More

I'm Not A Mole!
Hang On
Nice Bear
Bath Time
The Bowman
The Mountain
The Beginning of the End Part 1

The Beginning of the End Part 2

1.2K 36 0
By TanaMikolon

A rumbling came from over the far hill. All heads turned to see what was making all the noise. Most of the Dwarves around me cheered at the army of Dwarves that marched to a stop. It was Dain, Lord of the Iron Hills. The one who kicked me out. The Elf and human army left the front of the Mountain and stood ready to fight in front of the Dwarf army. With a shout, the Elves and Dwarves were fighting.

I grabbed Thorin's arm. "This is madness."

He looked down at me with a face that wasn't his. "This is something that needs to be done."

"Then we have to help! I grew up in the Iron Hills. I know most of the Dwarves out there and we sit behind a wall, watching them die!" I shouted.

The fighting stopped to see what the rumbling and roaring was. Gigantic worms burst out of the side of a hill. They retreated back into the hillside and orcs started to climb out when a loud horn was blown. The Dwarves ran to fight the orcs, but the Elves stood and did nothing.

"We have to help!" I whined.

"Yeah, I'm going over the wall, who's with me?" Ori questioned.

Thorin turned around and walked away. "Stand down!" He shouted. "Stand down!"

I jogged after Thorin.

"Thorin! We can't just hide behind the wall, we have to fight."

Thorin turned, wrapped his head around my neck and pushed me against a pillar. "We have to do nothing!"

"Where is the man I once loved? Where is the Thorin I once loved?" I softly asked as a tear streamed from my eye and down my cheek.

Thorin goes to my neck with a jolt. He backed away as if he was trying to decipher between things. Then Thorin gave me an angered look and stormed away.

"You know, King Thranduil is out there fighting," I called at him.

Thorin did not turn his head. So I returned to the wall with the others.

I shook my head. "He will it change his mind."

The others sighed.

I looked out/over the wall and saw Thranduil fighting. He was such a good fighter. The sight of all the death was saddening. The orcs were taking over.

"I say we go out there," I spoke.

"What? And make Thorin mad?" Someone shouted.

Dwalin stormed away.

Tears fell from my eyes.


Sitting there, listening to the battles cries was horrible. Everyone was sitting down in a bubble of hopelessness.

"It would be best if you were safe, so no harm comes to the child." Balin softly says, sitting down next to me.

"At this point, the child doesn't matter. Thorin has gone mad and I don't want that for a child." I replied, playing with my finger.

That's when Thorin walked up.

"I will not hide behind a wall of stone while others fight our battles for us!" Kili yelled, getting closer to Thorin. "It is not in my blood, Thorin."

I was surprised that Thorin wasn't wearing his crown or rode of fur. He was dressed as normal Thorin. Thorin gave Kili a strange hug with head. Then he walked over to the rest of us.

"I have no right to ask this of any of you. But will you follow me one last time?" Thorin asked in a voice that I've missed.

The others of us rose. Thorin came over to me. He ran his fingers through my hair and smiled at me.

"I love you, Hėlla," Thorin says, before kissing me.

"This is not the end, Thorin. We are going to make it." I said to him with tears in my eyes.

"No, you're staying here. I don't want to put you in danger."

I grabbed his hand that cupped my face and held it close to me. "There is no way I'm letting you go out there without me."

When we all were ready, Bumbur blew our battle horn. We knocked down the stone wall with a golden bell. The stones fell and formed a bridge. All of us ran and screamed to join our kin in battle. Thorin lead us. Orc after orc we fought.

There was this troll with melt legs with spikes for feet. Same with its hands. The troll was blind and being controlled by an Orc. Bofur jumped up and knocked the orc down. He started to control the troll and looked like he was having fun. I giggled until he smacked one of the trolls melts hands down next to me. I looked over and saw a dead orc underneath. But I gave Bofur a stern look because it was really close.

Left and right Orcs fell at from the end of my blade. Orc blood splattered on me. I had to spit to get it out of my mouth. I twist and turned and swung my blade, killing multiple Orcs. When I looked over to find Thorin, he was gone. I began to panic. I ran over to Dain.

"Where is Thorin?" I frantically questioned him.

"Aw, Hėlla! The improper one is fighting in battle when you should be home with the children." He sassed.

"One: I made Thorin bring me, Two: I don't have children, and Three: You should be nicer to you cousin-in-law." I snapped back.

Dain smashed a few Orcs before answering. "You mean, you and Thorin?"

I nodded. "Yes, it took me by surprise too." I violently stabbed an Orc. "Now where is Thorin!" I shouted.

"Alright!" Dain shouted at me. "He went to kill Azog because there are too many of these nasty things!"

"No!" I screamed.

I quickly jumped on a Ram and rode my too them. There were too many Orcs to fight with one hand. Bofur must have seen me.

"Hold no Hėlla, I'm coming!" He shouted, whisking Orcs from my pathway.

"I love you, Bofur!" I shouted back to him.

I kept riding and saw Balin. He was surrounded by Wargs.

"Balin!" I shouted as I pulled my Ram downwarda to help him.

"Keep going! Up the mountain to Thorin!" Balin shouted back.

"No! I can't leave you!" I yelled at Balin.

"No!" He shouted at the top of his lungs.

I wiped the tear from my eye and kept going.

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