One Less Lonely Girl (A Justi...

By fcbarcelcna

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This is a fan fiction how I supposed to meet Justin. This is a really good story comment please of how to mak... More

The Beginning
Getting Ready
A sad story
Finding Justin
Going to the hospital
I thought you were died
I love you
I am sorry
I am sorry but I hate you
I went to hospital again because I love you
The Tour
The Date
Bantos or Sieber Part 1
Harcus or Maley Part 1
Caddy or Monner Part 1
Bantos or Sieber Part 2
Harcus or Maley Part 2
Caddy or Monner Part 2
Selena and Justin hanging together
Author Note :(
The ex-boyfriends are back
Hanging out with are ex-boyfriends
Good news :)
The kidnapper
Mad and gone
What REALLY happened
I am done with you
Are they REALLY died
The Funeral
Am I going crazy?
They AREN'T really dead
Will you be my girlfriend (Hames or Jaley)
Can I please talk to her
I NEVER want to see him
First day out
Jacky has gone missing
Interviews to find where to search Jacky
Watch the Confident video by Justin
Found Jacky
Throw all your stuff away and doing something I don't want to do
Talking to him was a mistake
Fights, break-ups, and car crashes
I think we should not talk for a while
Leaving and beach day
Evil Plan
What Happened?
Not telling you, compines, and questions?
Leaving to Georgia
Starting a company
Mystery Person
Can I get the job? and seeing him
Author's Note
The End (last chapter)
Author's Note for Sequel

I still love her

48 3 0
By fcbarcelcna

                                                                                     Austin's Profile 

I woke with Jacky around my arms. I don't remeber all I asked was if she could sleep with me and she said yes and we watched movies and then fell asleep. I got up carefuly and went to the kithchen and tired to cook for something for everyone then I heard someone coming down. I  hid in case it is someone I don't know. When they were about to open were I was I hit that person in the face with the door.

??:Ouch that hurt

Me: (looks and sees who it is and laughs) Sorry 

James: What was that for 

Me: I thought you were some random person 

James: O I get it now plus your mean 

Me: I said sorry you need help getting up 

James: No 

Me: Good because I wasn't going to help you anyways (laughing) 

Haley&Jacky: What was that noise 

James: Austin hit me with that door 

Austin: I didn't mean to 

Haley: Does the poor baby need ice (saying it in a baby voice) 

James: No but stop laughing 

Jacky: But it is funny 

Me: I agree with Jacky 

Haley: Me and Jacky need to go work 

James&Austin: Seriously 

Jacky: Ya we promise after work we will go out together and eat somewhere 

James: Where

Haley: You guys tell us

Me: Lets go dancing 

James: Ya

Jacky: Whatever you guys want 

Haley: Ya 

James: But we need to someone to go dancing

Jacky: Ask someone 

Me: Ok Jacky do want to go dancing with me 

Jacky: No 

Me: Why not

Jacky: I am joking (laughing) 

Me: YES! 

James: Little kid 

Me: No 

James: Yes 

Me: No 

James: Haley do you want to go dancing with me 

Haley: Let me think no 

James: Why (sad look) 

Haley: I meant yes (laughing and doing his sad face)

James: YES YES and hey

Me: Someone said I was acting like I was a little kid but look at them

Jacky: Well I need to get ready for work

Haley: Me too

Me: James we need to talk

James: Ok (sits on the couch)

Me: I think I am in still in love with Jacky

James: You make it obuisy

Me: I do

James: Ya I need to tell you something

Me: What is it

James: I think I am still in love with Haley

Me: You make it look like you do

James: O

Me: Ya

James: Do you hear that

Me: What is it

James: Someone is knocking

Me: Lets go check

James: Ok

Me: (opens the door)

Justin: Where is Jacky

Me: She is taking a shower

Justin: O ya another question I have for you guys

Me: What is it

Justin: What are you guys doing at my grilfriend's house 

James: We are staying here

Justin: Serious

James: Ya

Justin: Tell her I came by

Me: What if I don't

Justin: You will see

James: Bye (closes the door in Justin's face)

So I was trying to get past my anger before Jacky or Haley came or esle they would ask me if something was wrong and I don't want them to ask me that. Then I saw Jacky come down and my mouth dropped opened she was wearing this For her work she is going nice. 

Jacky: Guys I am going to leave my car so you guys could go anywhere you could go 

Me: Thanks how are you getting to work 

Jacky: Justin is going to pick me and Haley up and drop us off I already asked him and he said ok 

James: O ok then

Jacky: Ya I am just waiting for Haley and Justin to get here and the keys are hanging there 

Me: Ok thank you

                                                                                  James Profile

I think Austin is still kinda mad because of what happened between him and Justin and then Jacky brought him up he looked he got even more mad but he was holding it. We were just waiting for Haley. I wanted to stop the slince. 

Me: So Jacky where do you guys work 

Jacky: Hollister

Austin: Do you guys work together 

Jacky: Ya we sure do

Me: Do you guys want us to take you out on lunch break 

Jacky: Ya that sounds good for the 4 of us

Austin: Ya it will

Me: What time is your lunch break

Jacky: 12

Austin: Ok

So we were waiting Haley to come and waiting for Justin to pick them up. Then Haley came out and she was so pretty in what she was wearing. She was wearing this I never liked Jacky that much like to date but both of them look nice then we heard a knock on the door. I went to go check who it was this time it was Marcus and Justin. 

Me: Jacky and Haley your ride is here

Jacky: O ok 

Haley: Bye (gives Austin a hug and kisses him on the cheek and does the same to James) 

Jacky: Bye (gives James a hug and kisses him on the cheeck and dose the same to Austin) 

                                                                                Justin's Profile

I saw Jacky kiss Austin and James on thier cheeck I got mad but they are just friends I guess but I will ask Jacky when she gets in the car. I going to make those guys jealous right now. 

Me: Hi babe (kisses her on the lips) 

Marcus: Hi honey (kisses Haley on the lips) 

Me: Jacky are you ready to go (puts one of his arms on Jacky's waist) 

Jacky: Yes babe I sure am 

Me: Are you loveebirds done over there

Haley: Ya we are 

Marcus: Yep we are lets go (puts one of his arms around Haley's waist) 

Austin&James: Bye Jacky and Haley

Haley&Jacky: Bye guys see you later 

Me: (opens the door for Jacky and Marcus does the same for Haley) How come they are with you guys

Jacky: They needed a place to stay 

Marcus: They could have stayed in a hotel 

Haley: We wanted to be like old times 

Jacky: Ya don't get mad Justin I still love you (puts her hand on his) and I will always

Me: I know

Haley: Marcus you have tostop being mad too

Marcus: Ok fine I will

Haley: Good because I will always love you

Marcus: Me too (puts his hand on Haley's hand)

Me: We are here

Jacky: Ok bye and thank you (kisses Justin)

Me: Anything for you

Haley: Thanks Justin (kisses Marcus)

Me: Anything for my girlfriends friend

Marcus: We need to talk

Me: About what

Marcus: I love Haley but I still love Victoria

Me: I need to tell you something but don't tell anyone

Marcus: Ok what is it

Me: You the day that I told you I went to Selena's house

Marcus: Ya

Me: I kissed her but I didn't mean to I love Jacky and I love her too

Marcus: We are in trouble

Me: Ya lets see what Conner says

Marcus: I will go knock on his door

Me: Ok

Marcus: (gets out and knocks on Conner's door)

Conner: Yes Marcus

Marcus: We need to talk

Conner: Ok

Marcus: Go in the car

Conner: Ok (goes in the car)

Me: We need your help

Conner: What is it

Me: Marcus go first since yours is short

Marcus: Ok will I love Haley but I still have feelings for Victoria

Conner: Well all I could say is don't break Haley's heart

Marcus: Ok

Conner: And you Justin

Me: Well the other day I went to her house and I kissed but I didn't mean to and I realized I still have feelings for her and I love Jacky what should I do

Conner: I have no clue but I have to go

Me: Well thanks bye

Marcus: Thanks

Conner: Ok  bye

                                                                                          Austin's Profile 

Me: James we need to get rid of Justin

James: I know and Marcaus

Me: What should we do

James: Well lets hire someone to hurt them

Me: Good idea but we have to give them money

James: Ya we can't have them around because they will take our girls

Me: Ya they will

James: Who can we get

Me: Ya and how much do we have to pay to them

James: We will see and make sure Justin and Marcus stay away from them

Me: Ya you are right

James: We need to do something big

Me: Yep we do

                                                                                Jacky's Profile

So far everything was going ok at work. Nothing bad has happened. Right now I am fixing the clothes and Haley is at the cash register.

Boss: Lunch break

Haley: Lets go outside and wait for the guys

Me: Ok

Austin: (hugs Jacky) Hey

Me: Hey

James:(hugs Haley) Hey

Haley: Hi

Austin: Let's go

Me: Ok

Haley: Where are we going

James: It is a surpise

Me: I don't want it to be a surpise

Austin: Too bad

Haley: Fine

James: Where here

Me: Why are we at the park

Austin: Pinic

Me: O cool

Haley: Our boss texted me

Me: What did she say

Haley: We have the rest of the day off

Austin: Yes

James: Ya

Me: I have to text Justin not to pick me up

To Justin<3: 

You don't have to pick me anymore

From Justin<3:

Ok babe

Me: He said ok

Austin&James: I will be right back

Me&Haley: Ok

Austin&James: (they left)

??: (grabs Haley and Jacky and takes them somewhere)

Clifhanger.Hope you guys liked this chapter. Comment on how I could make it better. I don't know if I would do a sequel to this but ya. Vote please. Might update again today.  

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