Star Gazers | Completed✔

By Le_me_love_you

5.4K 397 375

"What're are you doing?" I asked terrified. He took a strand of my hair, and started playing with it while lo... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
School sucks!
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
I'm back
Chapter twenty-one
Chapter twenty-two
Chapter twenty-three
Chapter twenty-four
Chapter twenty-five
Chapter twenry-six
Chapter twenty-seven
Chapter twenty-eight
chapter twenty-nine
Chapter thirty
chapter thirty-one
Chapter thirty-two
Chapter thirty-four
Chapter Thirty-five

Chapter thirty-three

103 7 8
By Le_me_love_you

Week two_ ( Tuesday )

Joshua's POV

I watched her walking out of her car, light wind brushed her soft ombre hair, she faced some struggle to hold her stuff, locking the car with a click.

I inhaled deeply, taking the nicotine from the cigarette, then exhaled, letting some of the poison in my lungs, much better..

As she moved smoothly, I fought the urge to check her tiny frame. So little, but a women.

She walked straight to her grandpa's house, and rang the bell.

She waited, tapping her foot impatiently, eyes scrunching a little from the sun's heat.

As I waited along with her, a car stopped beside me, Isabelle's face glanced my way curiously.

I already knew who it was, I didn't bother to look at her, she might look like an innocent angel, but I've never been more disgusted by her.

A devil in disguise.

She walked inside my house without a care, I knew she was waiting for me, the thought made me sick, a twisted feeling in the pit of my stomach.

If only I can vomit on her face.

I turned around to enter my house, when curiosity got the best of me, I glanced at Isabelle one last time. A smirk wanted to appear when I saw her still looking at my way, but she snapped out of it when the door opened, and she got inside.

I sighed annoyingly and entered hell, I walked straight to my room.

"Joshua." Rose called quietly.

I stopped and looked at her.

"How long is she gonna keep coming? I don't like her." She expressed softly.

"That's non of your business." I replied harshly.

She furrowed her eyebrows, "it is my business, you're my brother."

"That doesn't mean you get to know everything about me."

"I don't know anything about you." She fired back.

I ignored her comment and walked to my room, opening the door and slamming it with force.

Caroline jumped from my bed a little, then placed a hand on her chest, "You scared me."


I crossed my hands, "is this gonna be a routine?"

She smirked, "only if you wanted to be." She said it as if I have a choice.

She plays with her words well, manipulative, always testing me.

The biggest mistake I've ever made.

"I don't have a choice, do I?" I tilted my head.

She stood up and walked towards me, hips swaying naturally without an effort, eyes cautiously staring at me, a small grin works up on her face, making her eyes glow.

"You do Joshua, everyone has a choice." She stands inches away.

"Really?" I asked, not believing a word, she nods in return.

I placed a hand on her cheek, softly caressing her tanned skin, focusing on the small freckles.

I leaned closer, kissing her full lips gently, as if savoring every inch. She places her palms on my chest, stepping closer to me, pressing her lips harder, chest to chest.

I let her enjoy this, as I drink my own vomit, I remember the first time I kissed those lips, so willingly.

Just when she was getting into the kiss, hands started to roam all over my body, I gently pushed her away.

Her eyes was still closed, lips were swollen pink, when she noticed my lack of actions, she opened her eyes, "what?" She whispered.

I stepped back and leaned against the wall, crossing my hands over my chest with a soft smile.

She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, "what?" She asked again.

"It's over Caroline."

Her eyes widened, "what are you talking about?"

"I'm making a choice." I stated.

She pursed her lips, "oh really?"

I nodded, "Yeah."

She stared at me for at few moments, eyes studying my face, her breaths coming out short.

Suddenly, almost expectedly, eyes turned into a darker shade, hatred was thrown towards me, from the soft pout on her lips to a snarl, the devil's true color..

She chuckled humorlessly, "You're really funny Joshua, you know exactly what happened the last time you wanted to stop," she smirked, "I remember you begging us for another chance, do you want that to happen? I wouldn't mind watching you admit defeat all over again."

I pursed my lips, "when is this going to stop Caroline?"

"Try never Joshy." She smiled innocently.

I averted my gaze towards the other side, ignoring her face. She walked closer to me and placed her palm on my jaw and drew small circles, she leaned her cheek against my chest and sighed, "why can't you enjoy this?"

I fought the urge to yell and leaned my head against the wall, closing my eyes.

"I am enjoying this." Words coming out by force.



She pulled me into a bruising kiss, which I returned with the same power, she pulled back and smiled happily, "until next time babe."

I smiled tiredly, "Yeah."

She finally left, leaving me alone with my unending thoughts, I walked to my room and closed the door, locking it.

I stayed silent for a moment, "Fuck!" I yelled, running my hands through my hair furiously.

I started breathing harshly, I was so angry, I sat on the edge of my bed, closed my eyes tightly and yelled, so loud that my voice broke in the end.

I continued shouting, I flipped my desk, punched the wall angrily, bruises started to cover my knuckles, angry tears filled my eyes, my vision became blurry, I fucked up my room, I didn't stop.

Loud knocks was heard, "Joshua open the door." Elliot.

I stood silent, staring at the door blankly, I didn't know what to do, I felt out of control.

The knocking didn't stop, but it turned gentle, "Joshua." He mumbled.

I couldn't hold it back anymore, I ran to the door, unlocking it and pulled my brother into a crushing hug, the sobs couldn't stop.

He wrapped his arms around me, tightly fisting my shirt, I cried loudly, speaking in between, he didn't understand, but he never complained.

"Shhh I'm here." He kept holding me.

I cried for so long until I felt numb, I pushed him slightly and closed my eyes.

I felt physical and mental pain, I shook my head, "what have I done?" I whispered.

Elliot pushed his hands in his pockets, "I don't know, care to tell?"

I stayed silent and entered my room, "sit." I demanded.

He obeyed and waited for me patiently.

I sighed, here goes nothing..

"I don't know when it happened, but it was months ago. I went to a party that some guy I know from college was throwing, we weren't friends, but it was an open party so I went without a second thought, that night I didn't feel like drinking, I had fun." I took a deep breath, "then I met a girl-"

"Caroline." He interrupted, clinching his jaw.

I nodded, "Yeah, I still remember what she wore, it was a beige tight shirt and a long green skirt, she looked innocent and I wanted to take advantage of that," I chuckled at my stupidity, "I approached her and actually got to know her, she was like an angel, I admired the way she talked, the way she laughed, she seemed flawless, that was until a group of her friends approached us." I cringed.

I licked my lips, "they looked like those hippies, like they didn't care a thing about the world, she introduced us and that's when it all started," I paused, I didn't want to continue.

But Elliot seemed eager to know more, "And? What did they do?"

I pursed my lips, "they offered drugs."

His eyes widened, "what the fuck?" He whispered lowly.

I clinched my jaw, "And I was stupid enough to agree."

Elliot looked down, trying to take in the news, "then what happened?"

I inhaled, trying to calm my fast beating heart, "I started to like them, they seemed nice," I spoke in distaste, "I dated Caroline for awhile and bought drugs from her, I didn't get addicted, I only did it to be with them. When I got bored and wanted to move on, I broke up with Caroline and tried to distant myself from her and her friends, she wasn't letting it, she said that she loved me, then got angry because I took advantage of her, she threatened me to either stay with her or else trouble will find me, I didn't believe her and walked away." I gulped.

"One night, I was driving the car alone, when suddenly four cars surrounded me, I got out to see who it was, and I saw that it was only Caroline's friends, I felt relaxed, but that immediately vanished when a gun was pressed against my forehead."

Elliot snapped his eyes up, he opened his mouth to talk but nothing came out.

"Turns out one of the guys was Caroline's brother." I shook my head, "skipping the talk and drama, they forced me to be with Caroline or else they'll tell dad and the whole town, I know that he won't believe them, but if he asks me, I won't lie Elliot, I'll tell him the truth, the whole truth. But I don't want him to know, he'll disown me if he knew, he'll be ashamed of me, everyone will talk bad about him, I don't care what they'll say about me, but what about dad! I don't want any of you to know either, and now I'm stuck with being her sex toy, I tried to toughen up and stand up against her, but they'll always win unless I tell him. Maybe I deserve this." I muttered the last one.

I saw Elliot rubbing his face tiredly, "God Joshua, what have you done?" His voice was muffled, he looked at me confusedly, "Listen, thanks for telling me this, but it's not gonna change anything. I'll be there with you when you wanna tell him, it's best that he knows this from you than anyone else." He advised.

I nodded, "I know, that's why I'm gonna tell him."

He widened his eyes, "Now?!"

I rolled my eyes, "No dumbass, I'll give myself a week to prepare."

He smirked, "You're toast bro."

I chuckled, "get out." I ordered playfully.

He patted my knee, "I'll be in my room if you need me, better clean this room before Mary sees this."

I scoffed, "to hell with her, look as if I care."

He chuckled, shaking his head and left.

I got up and started cleaning my room- well, more like putting things back to where they used to be.

After I was done, I went to Elliot's room, letting myself in. I saw him laying on his bed, thinking.

He smiled lazily, "that was fast."

I shrugged and sat next to him, "so?"


I licked my dry lips, "How's Sapphire? Haven't seen her lately."

"We broke up." He quickly replied.

I raised my eyebrows in surprise, "when?"

He shrugged, "two weeks ago I guess, I don't know."

"What happened?" I asked curiously, I didn't think they'd break up, Elliot already liked Sapphire, and she's a nice girl, what could be the reason for their break up?

I noticed how silent Elliot went, "hey, turned mute all of a sudden?"

He chuckled, "No, I just-" he sighed, "I don't wanna talk about it."

I pushed him slightly, "C'mon, you can tell me."

Elliot sat straight and looked at me, "I don't know how you'll take this.."

I rolled my eyes, "Dude just say it."

He rubbed the back of his head nervously, "well, it was about two weeks ago when Caroline came here, I told her you were out, so she talked to me about normal stuff like we were best buddies," he closed his eyes, "then she started getting close, and tried to touch me-"

"She fucking tried what?!" I asked angrily.

He stayed quiet for awhile, observing my reaction, "well.. then she started taking off her clothes, but she didn't finish taking off her bra when her phone rang."

"That fucking whore." I cursed.

"She took off the bra like it was nothing but I didn't look, then she started demanding shit about things- actually now that I think about it, I think she was talking about drugs- anywho, after the phone call, she quickly wore her shirt and left without a word," he gulped, "I took her bra and followed behind, that's when I saw Sapphire."

I held up my hand, "let me guess, she saw the bra and thought you were cheating," he nodded, I chuckled sympathetically.

"I told her many times that I wasn't cheating, but she wouldn't believe me, so she broke up with me." He finished, shrugging a shoulder.

I furrowed my eyebrows, "Wait, didn't you see her at the hospital today?"

He nodded, whispering, "Yeah, when we were about to leave, she talked to me."

"What did she say?" I asked warily.

He sighed sadly, "that she doesn't hate me, she also apologized for accusing me of cheating."

"How did she know that you weren't cheating?"

"She asked me to answer her honestly if I cheated or not and I did, and she believed me," his lips tugged upward a little, "she said she hoped that I don't hate her."

I raised an eyebrow, "well do you?"

"Fuck no! But I didn't tell her that." He rubbed his neck sheepishly.

"Why?" I stared at him crazily, that boy needs help.

He shrugged, "I don't know, I just felt like I needed time to think, I kinda held a grudge on her for two weeks, it wouldn't fade away in a moment." He explained.

I nodded, "Hmm, okay I get it, anything else to add?"

He looked hesitant at first, "I got a slap." He muttered angrily.

My mouth shaped like an "O", "fucking hell! She slapped you! Damn. I missed all of that?" I chuckled amusingly.

He glared at me, "she didn't slap me, her friend did. That bitch."

I bursted out laughing, "shiiit! Was she an ex or something?"

He shook his head, "No, she just slapped me for hurting Sapphire. I mean Sapphire only felt betrayed, she probably just got angry and moved on, while I on the other hand had to face the aftermath of a breakup. I already told Saph that I won't be with her anymore."

I nodded understandingly, "Sure bro, this your first break up right?" I asked.

He narrowed his eyes at me, "so?"

I shrugged, "I don't know, they say it's always hard the first time, but you'll move on and all that shit." I waved it off, getting off the bed, I walked towards the door.

"Hey Joshua." Elliot called.


"Try talking to Rose, if she managed to help me, she'll be more than happy to help you too."

I nodded, "I'll think about it." And closed the door behind me.


Two chapters in a row!? Whaaa?! Omg Sarah are you okay?🤔

Yes yes I'm fine😆

Thoughts about this chapter? Guys I'm desperate for your commets😂😂😂 like pretty please..

One more chapter and that it'll be it for SG🙂 *sighs*😔

Until next time lovelies😙

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