☆Multi Fandom Imagines☆

By MultiFansxx

42K 856 125

Welcome aboard the multi fandoms train! Led by @clara1414, @xX_Diamond_Xx and @AikaKyomi on this shared accou... More

Hi ! ➳ Requests
John Murphy ➳ The 100
Killian Jones {Hook} ➳ OUAT
Lincoln Campbell ➳ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
10k ➳ Z Nation
Shelby Wyatt x Caleb Haas ➳ Quantico
Malec ➳ Shadowhunters
Newton Geizler ➳ Pacific Rim
Levi Ackerman ➳ Attack on Titan
Handsome Jack ➳ Borderlands
Akabane Karma ➳ Assassination Classroom
Peter Maximoff ➳ Marvel (X-Men)
Jughead Jones ➳ Riverdale
Jeff "Joker" Moreau ➳ Mass Effect
Saeyoung Choi {707} ➳ Mystic Messenger
Bodhi Rook ➳ Star Wars
James Buchanan Barnes {Bucky} ➳ Marvel (MCU)
Wolfgang Bogdanow ➳ Sense8
Ryder ➳ Paw Patrol
Lena Oxton {Tracer} ➳ Overwatch
Leopold Fitz ➳ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Jaehee Kang ➳ Mystic Messenger
Bellamy Blake ➳ The 100
Wendell Bray ➳ Bones
Javier Vasquez ➳ Z Nation
Saeran Choi ➳ Mystic Messenger
Pacific Rim ➳ Newton Geizler
Cisco Ramon ➳ The Flash
Jake Peralta ➳ Brooklyn Nine-Nine (B99)
James Aubrey ➳ Bones

Barry Allen ➳ The Flash

1.8K 51 0
By MultiFansxx

Pairing: Barry x Fem!Reader
Setting:  This one-shot takes place during season 1 episode 1.
Author: clara1414
Requested by: Fab_Cashew
Notes: Hey guys I really hope you like this Barry x Reader!


"Welcome to Star Labs, miss (Y/n) !"

You turned your head towards the unfamiliar voice. It was Harrison Wells, the genius scientist who created Star Labs. He was standing near the elevator, a small smile on his face.

For as long as you could remember, working here had been your dream. And after all those years of hard work it had finally paid off: you realized it. Today was your first day at Star Labs, and you felt like a little kid. As you entered the circular building, you could feel your heartbeat accelerate. It was all you ever dreamed of. When a certain Cisco Ramon, a fellow scientist, called to tell you that you had the job, you couldn't believe it. Even today, a week later, you still couldn't make sense of it.

"Thank you sir, it is an honour to be here." you answered.

Star Labs was one of the finest in the country. With their new project, a particle accelerator, it could become the best in the world. Your boyfriend and yourself, who was a geek just like you, couldn't stop talking about it. It could literally change the world.

"Cisco will show you around Doctor (Y/n). Then get to work, we have an important project coming up soon." Doctor Wells said.

"Hi I'm Cisco Ramon!" a man exclaimed while coming up to you.

Cisco was a small man with a warm smile on his face. He was dressed with a Star Wars t-shirt and a jacket which was really odd for a scientist but you liked it.

"Hi, I'm (Y/n)" you responded.
"It's cool huh ?!" he asked.
"What ?" you questioned, not quite understanding what he meant.
"Star Labs."
"Oh. Yeah." you nervously laughed.

"Come ! I'll show you around." he offered, putting his arm around your shoulders as he lead you towards the elevator.

For the next hour, Cisco showed you around Star Labs. It was even bigger and better than what you thought. You couldn't help but giggle and fan girl over everything. The equipment they had was incredible. He finally brought you to what looked like the main control room. As you entered, a man and a woman approached Cisco and you, hugging him. You took a moment to look around. It was a big circular room with computers everywhere.

"(Y/n), this is Caitlin and Ronnie." he said, introducing you to his friends.
"Nice to meet you." you greeted, smiling. As you shook hands with Caitlin, you noticed the beautiful ring that she had around her finger.
"I hope Cisco hasn't traumatized you or anything yet." Ronnie said, laughing.
"Me ? Never." Cisco replied, moving his hand in the air with huge gestures showing it was impossible.

From the small chit chat you had with Caitlin, Ronnie and Cisco, you already knew that they were close friends. The trio had a good chemistry. Cisco showed you around for another hour and then you started working. You were working on their biggest project yet: the particle accelerator. As much as you were excited about the project, you had a bad feeling about this. Knowing that a particle accelerator was hard to build wasn't helping the bad feeling in your gut. You didn't know why but it was there. You tried your best to make it disappear but it just wouldn't leave you.


"Hey I'm home !". you shouted as soon as you came into the heat of your apartment. Winter had just started but it was already freezing outside.
"I'm in the kitchen." the voice of your boyfriend responded.

You took off your big winter jacket and put it away in the closet in the entrance. You slid off your winter boots also putting them away. Your boyfriend and you were sharing a modest apartment in Central City for the past two years and you were loving your life. You made your way towards the kitchen where he was waiting for you.

"Hey Barry !" you said excitedly. You really missed him today. He was currently cooking or at least trying to.
"So how was your first day at Star Labs ? Was it awesome ? Did you see Doctor Wells ?" he asked as he wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed you. If it was only up to you you would never leave this position.

You only responded with a smile. You were both geeks and loved science. Let's just say that The Big Bang Theory was your favorite tv show for a reason.

"It's amazing Barry." you stated.
"I'm so happy you love it."

Barry had always been there for you: in the good and bad times of your life. He made you the best version of yourself and you hoped you were doing the same for him. Ever since you meet him your life changed for the best.

Working at Star Labs was the best three months of your life. You had become really good friends with Cisco, Caitlin and Ronnie but things were about to be different. Everything had changed that night.

"Miss we're going to need you to come down at the hospital as soon as possible. It's about Barry Allen." the woman on the phone said.

This sentence was one of the worst you could ever hear in your life. Your day was already ruined. The particle accelerator didn't work out as planned; they didn't even know what the extensions of the damages were but you felt horrible inside. It was supposed to be a huge project in order to help the world but it completely failed. It was a total failure.

You didn't have any news from Barry since the explosion and you were worried sick.
You knew he was working late at the CCPD but he hadn't been answering his phone.

You quickly grabbed your jacket and keys and headed out, leaving your now lonely apartment behind. The city was a mess because of the explosion, ambulances and police officers were dispatched everywhere. You could only hope that the people close to you were okay. The area around the hospital was even more chaotic than the streets. You could hear the sirens of ambulances before you could even see the hospital.

Your heart was still beating at an incredible speed. You were trying as best as you could to keep it in under control. You had to stay calm. The entrance of the hospital was full of people, some were crying, others were walking in circle, it was chaos. The pain of guilt from earlier was still there, you couldn't help but feel responsible for all of it.

"I'm looking for... um, Barry... Barry Allen." you said in a shaky voice to the women at the front desk.

"You can wait over there." the woman said, pointing to your right where there was a waiting room filled with people. You didn't say anything more. You knew it was hard for everyone.


You had been waiting for a couple of hours now, you weren't exactly sure for how long. Your hair was a mess just like your makeup and you were also sick of the hospital smell: sadness mixed with loneliness. But you did not care. All you wanted to do was get home with Barry and cuddle forever in bed with him. Even if, Joe, Iris and all of your family was there with you in the waiting room, you never felt so alone.

"Coffee ?" Cisco asked, handing you the weird hospital coffee, interrupting your train of thoughts. Even if he didn't know Barry, Cisco had come to see how the both of you were doing.

"Thank you." you said before grabbing the coffee. It was not Jitters but you didn't mind.
"Do they know what happened ?" Cisco questioned, talking about the doctors.
"They say he was struck by lightning..." you responded, not even believing it yourself. 'What were the odds of that ?' you kept asking yourself.
"Oh my god that's so cool..." he said before stopping when he saw the look you were giving him.
"Anyways, he's a tough guy, he'll make it." he continued, trying to comfort you. You slowly nodded your head. You agreed, he was strong and a really stubborn man.

Before you could even answer, a man with a blue uniform walked up to Joe and you; it was the doctor who was in charge of Barry. The life of the man you love was in the hands of this man, no pressure. All of your close ones quickly got up.

"Mister West and (Y/n)?" the doctor asked.
"Yes, that's us." Joe quickly responded.
"As you know Barry was struck by lightning. He is in a coma. We have ran a few tests on him and there is nothing we can do here. I'm really sorry but we don't have the necessary equipment."

Your heart sank. You couldn't believe it. Barry was going to die. No. You couldn't afford to think like that.

No he won't. You wouldn't give up on him that easily. Not now, not never. You would fight for him. At that exact moment, a brilliant idea popped up in your brain.

"I know where we could take him." you exclaimed as you turned to everybody.
"Where ?" Joe asked.
"At the most advanced lab in the country: Star Labs. Well, if Doctor Wells doesn't mind." you proposed while facing everyone.
"I'll call him." Cisco said as he left the waiting room.


Nine months later, Barry was still in a deep coma as nothing had really changed. You tried to continue your life but it was really hard. Your apartment felt so alone and cold. You continued to work at Star Labs with only Doctor Wells, Cisco and Caitlin since everybody else had left. You went to prison every week to visit Barry's dad to update him on his son's condition. Barry was in the med bay of Star Labs ever since he left the hospital. His condition wasn't worst but it wasn't better either, he was steady. Everyday you would sit by his side and watch over him.

Today, was actually the day you had met 3 years ago. And you couldn't help but think about your first meeting.

When you were young, you had been best friends with Iris. You didn't know Barry really well while growing up. A couple of years later, you ended up in the same science class as Barry at the University. It wasn't love at first sight like in the movies. Actually, you weren't really talking when you were forced to team up with him on an important project and it was then that you started to be friends. He asked to take you out for coffee and you couldn't say no. From that moment, your personalities clicked. Your relationship didn't stay platonic for a long time. A couple of weeks later, you were dating and since that moment you never left his side.

After a couple of hours, you left Star Labs to get coffee, like every millennials. You really liked coffee, even at night. You entered your car putting your bag beside you. You drove around Central City in silence. You still felt empty without him but you still had hope. You couldn't stop believing in him. You had to keep moving.

"A latté to go please." you asked the cashier at Jitters. It was pretty empty for a Monday night.
"Three dollars please."

You handed her the money and went to the side, waiting for your coffee to be made. The coffee shop was about to close as the employees were starting to clean up the place.

Suddenly, the front door bursted open. A man with his face covered by a mask entered the building, gun in hand.

"I want all your money or you're all going to die !!" the armed man yelled as he pointed the gun at the cashier. A little dramatic for your taste but you still obeyed his instructions. He was a tall man in his late thirty.

The cashier started emptying the cash register, obeying the man's order. You were frozen in place. You didn't know what to do. The three other employees and the few clients left were moving towards the corner.

"Breathe...breathe..." you whispered to yourself. You couldn't just do nothing and let those people get killed. You slowly started to move your hand towards your handbag, and started to call the police. Your heart was beating so fast you had trouble breathing. 'Think about Barry... what would he do?' you asked yourself.

"What do we have here ?" the robber asked. You suddenly stopped your movement. At first you thought that he caught you trying to call the police but you didn't panic and tried to distract the dangerous man while the cops arrived.

"Why do you do this ? The cops will find you and arrest you." you courageously said to the man. Maybe it was not the smartest thing to say in a hostage situation but you were only trying to distract him.

The robber started to get closer to you while pointing his gun at your head when you were hit by a huge breeze of wind. Before you realized what happened the robber was tied to a chair, his gun thrown at the other side of the room. Another breeze hit you but this time closer, you were brought on the street behind the Jitters at an incredible speed. Before you could thank your rescuer and ask him how it was possible, a strong pair of arms circled your body, still trembling from the latest event.

"Barry...?" you asked. "How? When did you wake up? Are you okay? How are you so..." you had so many questions but before you could ask them all and get an answer he crashed his lips on yours. He moved his hands, resting on your hips pulling you as close as possible.

It was like time had stopped. As if there was only Barry and you.

"Are you okay?" he asked you, his eyes looking for injuries on your body. But except being a little shaken up you were fine. You really missed those eyes. The pain of being without him was greater than any physical injuries.
"What, me? I'm fine. What about you?" you replied in a scandalized tone. How could he ask you how you were when he had been in a coma for the last months !
"I'm surprisingly not doing so bad. You know for a guy who just woke up from a deep coma and with what looks like some strange abilities. I love you. " he answered, suddenly becoming serious.
"I love you too." you replied back, smiling.

You both slowly started to walk home, hand in hand. The police officers had arrived and were in the Jitters arresting the robber while making sure everyone was okay.

"How did you know I was at Jitters?" you suddenly asked him.
"Cisco hacked the cops' radio a couple of months ago and when I woke up he told me that you were in trouble so I came here." he answered.
"Oh, thank you but now you're going to rest." you said with a strict voice, or at least tried to.

He only smiled as the rest of the walk was completed by a peaceful and comfortable silence.

"So... what did I miss?" he questioned as you arrived to your apartment . Today was a really weird day but it changed your life forever. You didn't know if it was for the best or the worst yet but you knew it would be an adventure. It took you time to realize that Barry was back for good. He was yours and you were his again.

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