Rich Kids Don't Die | Featured

By poemsforming

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(I'll be back soon) A Wattpad Featured Story. Featured on the Watty's 2018 Longlist. 6th in Adventure. | HE... More

Rich Kids Don't Die
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Don't Worry!
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four

Chapter One

21.9K 759 504
By poemsforming

TECHNICALLY, Maddie Dominic was supposed to be dead.

For the most part, it began on a sunny Monday morning, as Maddie attempted to strut through the hallways of White-Oak Academy in her ridiculously uncooperative high heels, wondering just how much she owned, how her closet was brimming with each and everything a girl could possible want: be it a five hundred dollar dress, or a pair of Louboutins.

And then, she stole a sly glance at the people whose lives were completely different (typically, it would deign one's reputation to do so), the girls who'd wear clothes from - dare she say it - Walmart, and she almost felt bad. Almost.

Albeit, if their fashion choices were horrendous, what did she care? She wasn't the fashion police. (She could be, if she wanted to. She could be anything really). Maddie had her own things to worry about, like the English test that would be coming up later in the day.

Whilst she didn't need the best grades to achieve success in her life, she'd rather move out and live a life of her own sooner than not. Her father was a sweetheart, but her mother was a rattlesnake who'd never let go. Clinging onto Maddie's arms about every, little, microscopic thing that bothered her.

So, Maddie had begun to resist bathing in the money her father had handed her (maybe a small shower, at most) and began thinking about the future. She'd decided she would work in business, have a luxurious apartment in Dubai, and own three beautiful cats. After she graduated from Harvard, of course.

However prepared Maddie might have seemed, she was lost in the constant cycle of being a Dominic heir. That, and having such an excruciatingly perfect reputation she had to keep up.

Hours she could have spent studying went into perfecting her hair, or attending events, or shopping for new clothes to wear. Her lifestyle and what was expected from it was the one thing that blocked her from pursuing her dreams.

Needless to say, it was unbearable.

As Maddie neared her classroom, her echoing steps tantalizing the school's population in every way imaginable, Elle Hart (her best and quite possibly only friend) nudged her shoulder lightly.

"Careful, Mads." she whispered.

Maddie felt a stab at her toes. She scowled, looking up from the speck of blood soaking through the fabric of her shoes to a girl in a humongous sweater and ripped jeans.

"Watch it, freak. I'm bleeding!" Maddie let out, gritting her teeth.

The girl rolled her eyes. "Cut the crap. You're the one stumbling all over the place like a baby giraffe."

With that, the girl, (with extremely poor fashion sense, it seemed to Maddie) walked off. Her presence was as brief as Maddie's genuine smiles.

She glared at the girl, craning her head over her shoulder to get one last look. "Who the hell was that? What a bitch."

Elle Hart hesitated slightly, fidgeting with the ends of her silver skirt. "You did sort of push her though." she murmured.

Maddie sent Elle a warning glance, raising a brow. "Careful, Elle. Don't test me." she muttered lowly.

Seconds passed before Elle nodded, handing Maddie an envelop wrapped in silk red ribbon before her features hardened. "I've got to go to class. I'll see you at the party."

Elle walked off, her golden hair gleaming as she sent a soft smile to any passerby. She was unlike Maddie in every aspect. She was kind.

Once Maddie arrived home at the end of the day, she slammed the large doors of her house closed. Her English exam had not gone so well.

The house was wonderful, filled with fluffy white rugs and spotless furniture. The blue windows gleamed brightly in the day, and the stairs of dark wood shone. Glass ornaments stood on the coffee table in the living room.

She slipped off her heels and slid lightly across the soft rugs before jogging up the stairs to her room.

After a quick nap, she brushed down her silky caramel locks and clipped on a pair of diamond earrings. Maddie coated her lids in sparkly purple eyeshadow. Once the bags under her eyes had been concealed, she put on a silver dress. Slipping on some heels, she grabbed her purse and made her way to her car.

Her parents remained absent, as per usual. She was alone in her three-story home. Not that it mattered to her, anyway... or so she thought. It would eat her up inside, at times.

Upon arriving at Elle's mansion for the party, she pushed her way past the drunken teenagers in the lawn and entered the balcony on the upper floor, reserved for the higher status.

At the sight of her, their youthful buzz and clinks of five-hundred-dollar-champagne-filled-glasses died down. She spotted Elle, clad in a green sparkly dress and white heels, with her golden hair cascading down her shoulders in curls.

Amongst Elle were four others. To her right sat Camille Perez, Spanish beauty and knowledgeable of all things boys. Next, the slimy Lucian Michaels, all-time asshole and part-time man-prostitute (Madison despised him). Then there was Alexander Harrington, British golden boy and flawless. Lastly came Annika Cho Liang, who looked more like an Asian Barbie doll than she did human. In a good way.

Whilst all of these people considered Maddie to be one of their closest friends, it was acknowledged that she ruled them. She had the means to destroy them. It was her own choice to keep them as friends.

The first one to speak up was Camille, wearing a dazzling smile and a tight black dress. "Hey, Mads. Good to see you!"

Maddie grimaced slightly, muttering under her breath, "If only I could say the same to you, Camille." As deceiving as Madison was, she did not lie.

Camille's eyes narrowed to what Maddie would not call even a fraction, as if trying to maintain a friendly persona whilst almost smearing her mascara. "What was that?" she asked cheerily, flipping her sleek ponytail sideways.

"Nothing, Camille." Maddie murmured, turning to the rest of them. "I'm assuming you all arranged everything? The party?"

"I've got coke." Lucian whispered, cracking a full-fledged smirk. He let out a small cackle, slamming his drink against the porch chair in hysterics.

"No one cares about how high you are Lucian," Elle mumbled, letting out a small sigh. "Listen to Maddie, for once."

Lucian rolled his eyes. "Of course, Elle."

Elle tensed, playing with the seams of her dress with shaky fingers.

Maddie sent a curt nod to Elle, as if approving the behavior of a newly obedient dog, though not failing to notice her anxious demeanor in the presence of Lucian. "Make sure the party stays in check. We wouldn't want any blood on our hands, now would we?"

Alex shot her a questioning glance. "By blood on our hands, do you mean the next poor victim of Lucian and his drunken state?"

Lucian's tone was smooth and taunting. "You'll be the next poor victim if you don't keep your mouth shut."

Maddie rolled her eyes. "Lucian, I'm sick of your games. Get out. For real this time. I don't want to see your face around here again."

Annika had a sharp intake of breath, looking up from her phone. Her eyes widened. "Maddie, are you sure-"

"Yes." Maddie deadpanned.

Lucian despised how everyone listened to her. Why couldn't they all listen to him?

He let out an insane cackle, clutching his stomach with giddy laughter. "You're joking, babe. You can't possibly get rid of me,"

"I just did, Michaels. Get out."

She shot a pleading glance towards Alex, and he hesitantly rose from his chair, grabbing Lucian's arm and leading him out. Lucian shouted in protest. "Mads, what the fuck? Were you serious? You can't, you can't-"

Alex grimaced. Lucian looked to Camille for help, but she avoided his gaze. All of them did. He was out, and he'd never be welcomed back. Lucian wriggled against Alex's hold, muttering profanities under his breath. He reeked of alcohol.

Turning to Elle, Lucian let out a low growl. "This is all your fault. You-"

"Good riddance, Lucian!" Maddie called out, blocking his words. All of them followed suit, muttering under their breaths what they'd never expected to say. Lucian was the one who got away with anything. If anyone could remain the star of the school, it would have been slime-ball Lucian Michaels.

Now, he would only be welcome by those who pitied him severely. Any sane person would stray far from him. In fact, most people tended to stray far from him.

Technically, Maddie thought, his removal from the higher status wouldn't affect his reputation much. Now, he'd just be known as a revolting prick, rather than an extremely influential revolting prick.

Elle let out a shaky breath, leaning back in her chair and shutting her eyes. "I'm glad he's gone."

Annika's features softened. Camille's lips twitched slightly, and even Alex, now safely seated, opened his mouth to speak.

Everyone knew what Lucian had done to Elle. He'd cornered her, roaming his hands around her body in ways she despised, shaming her for daring to refuse him.

As she screamed and writhed over the music and flashing lights of the scene, not a single soul reached out to help her, too afraid of what Lucian would do to them if they tried.

But Maddie, she had helped. In a furious rage, she'd smashed a champagne bottle amongst Lucian's back, and punched him in the face while she gestured at Elle to run. Lucian had staggered back with a broken nose, and Maddie had despised him ever since.

It was Lucian's attempt at redemption which had later earned him a spot in their clique. Now, they could all see what a colossal mistake that had been. Good riddance to Lucian, indeed.

EDIT: Annika's name has been changed from Annika Wang to Annika Cho Liang. 

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