Our Dark Sides (Completed)

By AntiTheKiller

12.7K 902 722

A story that doesn't really follow its intended plot. But it has a lot of twists and turns throughout and is... More

14? I think... maybe
15...maybe. idk
16. definitely
What boredom does
Some more Art.
41(last chapter?)
new stories?
new story!


308 23 7
By AntiTheKiller

Jack's Pov
I gasped for air as dark held me tightly against the wall by my throat. I could see the enjoyment my pain was giving him. Anti was screaming at me in the back of my head, telling me to fight back but If I did it would make it easier for him to take control. Suddenly Dark's eyes changed back to Mark's chocolate brown eyes. His grip around my neck loosened and I fell to the floor, gasping for air. Mark stood in front of me for a second, shocked at what he had done, before he knelt down and started apologizing.

"Sorry, sorry, I'm so sorry I-I didn't m-mean t-to..." his voice cut off as he started crying. I looked up to see tears running down his face.

"Hey, hey. It wasn't your fault," I said trying to calm him down, knowing if he kept working himself up, Dark would take control again. He stopped crying and stared directly into my eyes, his expression unreadable. Then he grabbed his head again. He stood up and stumbled backwards. He hit the railing and fell backwards... Over the edge. I froze, waiting for the crash. But it didn't come.

I raced over to the railing. Looking over the edge to dicover Mark wasn't there. Everything seemed to be in perfect order. Where did he Go? Then I felt myself being pushed forward and I feel over the railing. I crashed into the dining table below, smashing it in half and landing heavily on my back. Air rushed out of my lungs and my vision flickered. Waves of pain spread throughout my body. I lifted my hand up to my head and discovered it was bleeding. I groaned in pain.

I tried to focus my vision and see what happened but before I could see anything I felt a hand wrap around my throat, picking my up, and smashing me into a glass cabinet before smashing me into a separate wall. My vision flashed but it slowly came into focus. I saw Dark smirking at me, showing his pointed fangs. They were just like Anti's except the blood was more faded. He had claws just like Anti as well but his had the same faded blood as his teeth while Anti didn't. He dug them into my waist making me scream in pain.

Anti was still screaming in my head. It was giving me a headache. He wouldn't stop telling me how weak I was being and that I should just use his powers to get free. But I couldn't.  Even though Dark was in control I knew Mark was still inside and I knew whatever I did to Dark, Mark would be able to feel a little. Slowly me vision faded again and I felt Anti pulling me deep inside my own mind. Just as I was about ti pass out, Anti took control. Preventing me from falling unconscious; and for once I was glad Anti took over.

Guuuuuuuuuuuys,  I is able to update today, yay.  Well you probably got that because you just read my chapter but still :D I hope you enjoy. The next one is going to be equally entertaining. *rubs hands like a maniac. Laughs like a phyco °-° I'm not crazy, just insane ;) okay I gotta go now bye. I hope ye enjoyed.

Also do you want me to do a chapter where I answer some questions of yours. or do you just want to ask them in the comments and I will answer them there. Your choice

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