Mr.Park | Chanbaek


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{COMPLETED} In which Baekhyun befriends and falls for the handsome author down the road who appears randomly... Еще

new story
*new exo story*
New book


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The doctors said it was too hot but Baekhyun didn't care. He hadn't been outside in a few days and it was making him crazy. All the other patients were inside drinking water by the TV as it was nearing 35°(Celsius).
Baekhyun walked around the hospital's garden slowly, admiring their small and basic collection of flowers. It felt like he was overhearing but unfortunately he couldn't do anything about it because all he was wearing was a paper thin hospital gown that ended just above his knee.

He brushed back his fringe that was plastered to his face in the sweltering heat and sighed whilst closing his eyes. He slumped down on a bench underneath a tree which sheltered him from the blistering heat of the Korean summer.
He always loved summer, he got to go out and play with Kyungsoo and Jongdae all day and when he got too hot he could come inside and his mum would give him lemonade. He felt so happy back then, an emotion Baekhyun felt so distant from now.

"Are you sure you want to be out here?" A deep yet kind voice asks, Baekhyun opens his eyes and looks up at the tall figure in front of him. He squints his eyes slightly and shelters them with his hand as he tries to look at the man in front of him but can't get a good look.

"Oh sorry I'm guessing you can't see me in this light" he chuckles.

"No sorry" Baekhyun smiles lightly as the boy sits down next to him.

"I'm Kim Taehyung by the way" he flashes a smile in the shape of a box and outstretches a hand. Baekhyun looked at him and finally got a good look at his features. His skin was a light tan and his face was cute but manly which confused the older. He had chocolate brown hair just above his eyes and a mouth that seemed to form the shape of a rectangle every time he smiles. He was tall but extremely skinny, you could see the bones in his knees and all the bones sticking out of his face.

"Nice to meet you I'm Byun Baekhyun" Baekhyun shakes his hand and looks at the ground uncertainly.

"You looked alone so I thought about coming out here and talking to you" he smiles, moving closer to Baekhyun, "I'm 16 by the way how old are you?"

"I'm 18" Baekhyun says.

"Oh shit I'm sorry" Taehyung gasps as he covers his mouth, "I should be using polite speech I'm sorry! My mum always told me to be polite especially here..."

"It's okay don't worry" Baekhyun continues staring at the ground.

"You don't talk much do ya?"
Taehyung leans back swings his legs with a cute and childish smile.

"You don't shut up do ya?" Baekhyun replies as Taehyung gasps and looks hurt.

"Oh... I'm sorry I'll leave" Taehyung gets up ready to leave but Baekhyun grabs his wrist.

"No don't I'm sorry- that was out of line forget that.I'm just not In a Good place now I'm really sorry" Baekhyun apologises.

"It's okay" Taehyung giggles as he sits down, "I saw you when you came here... I was watching"

"Was it a good show?" Baekhyun asks with a laugh.

"I guess" Taehyung shrugs as he chuckles, "you've not been here long"

"No I haven't. How long have you been here?"

"A year and 2 months"

"Shit really! Why are you here?"

"Depression and anorexia" Taehyung murmurs as Baekhyun suddenly feels a load of remorse for the young boy next to him.

"I'm sorry" Baekhyun says as he pats his leg slightly.

"It's fine don't worry" Taehyung smiles, reassuringly,"I attempted suicide 4 times that's why I've been here so long and a total of 5 relapses of anorexia. Every month it's something new so my mum just left me here"

"Oh my god I'm so sorry" Baekhyun frowns, "I'm depressed too and I know how horrible it is"

"Yeah" Taehyung nods.

"You seem so positive, you fooled me"

"I was always told to be positive and put on a fake face. Wow that was edgy as fuck" Taehyung laughs as Baekhyun does too.

"You're really sweet you know that" Baekhyun smiles, "I think we're going to get on well"


"It's hot out here lets go inside" Taehyung whines as he fans himself with a leaf on the floor. The couple had been friends for a week and every single day Baekhyun wanted to stay outside for his hour worth of break.

"It's nice out here shut up" Baekhyun says, closing his eyes and breathing in the summer heat.

"I'm actually crying make it stop I want to LEAVEEE" Taehyung shouts.

"No come on it's nice out here" Baekhyun laughs, putting his legs out to the sun.

"You're going to burn" Taehyung groaned, "I'm going to burn fuck"

"Don't curse you're still like 10"

"That's what I say to Jungkook-" Taehyung laughs.

"Who's Jungkook?"

"My boyfriend" Taehyung chuckles.

"Oh" Baekhyun nods, his heart dropping when he hears the word 'boyfriend' as all he can think of is Chanyeol, "what's he like?"

"He's cute and small. He looks like a bunny and I love that. I love him so much but I'm scared he's gone TOO emo whilst I've been away" Taehyung says as Baekhyun laughs.

"How emo?"

"Like really emo. Emo to the extremo. He wears black and eyeliner all the time and he's so edgy when he's visiting me. He's got these earrings and they're hot but he's emo as fuck. I love him though" Taehyung fished as Baekhyun smiled at his new friend.

"You're so cute" Baekhyun smiles.

"How about you? You got a girl or boy?" Taehyung asks as he nudges Baekhyun with a wink.

"I have a boyfriend but that's apparently why I'm here" Baekhyun shrugs as Taehyung looks at him in a confused manner.


"They think I see my boyfriend and he's just a schizophrenic episode I'm having" Baekhyun sighs.

"Oh I'm sorry that sucks" Taehyung frowns, "if it helps, jungkook had to force feed me a block of cheese yesterday and he threatened to break up with me"

"Why would that make me feel any better?" Baekhyun asks.

"I don't know" Taehyung shrugs, "I'm stuck on what to say"

"Chanyeol, my boyfriend, is real and I know he is but no one seems to think so" Baekhyun sighs as he rubs his eyes.

"I'm stuck for what to say" Taehyung frowns as he wraps his arm around Baekhyun's shoulder. Baekhyun suddenly began to worry about how bony his arm really was as it was digging into Baekhyun's skin hard and all he could see was bone which couldn't be healthy.

"You don't need to say anything" Baekhyun said as he rested his head on his bony shoulder and let out a sigh.
They stayed like that for a while, the only sound they could hear was the cicada's loud noises and their breathing.

"You know Baekhyun I have a dream and a plan for when I leave here, if I ever do" Taehyung chuckles at the last part.

"what?" Baekhyun asks.

"I'm going to marry jungkook one day, I know it's too far and we're too young but I don't care, I love him more than anything you know? We'll run away and live in I don't know- Japan together and we'll be singers and dancing teachers together as we both love to sing and dance" Taehyung giggles, smiling as he closes his eyes and pictures it, "that's my dream"

"Wow" Baekhyun laughs, "I'll stick by your dream I guess"

"Yeah, I've talked about it with jungkook and he wants it too, I just need to get out of this dump"

"You will One Day Tae tae DON'T worry you and your emo will be reunited" Baekhyun teases as Taehyung laughs at him whilst shoving him off his shoulder.

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