Don't Go Thorin Oakenshield

By TanaMikolon

27.3K 646 76

Hėlla was kicked out of her clan. When she finds Gandalf, she joins the company of Thorin Oakenshield and fin... More

I'm Not A Mole!
Hang On
Nice Bear
Bath Time
The Bowman
The Mountain
The Beginning of the End Part 1
The Beginning of the End Part 2


1.4K 39 4
By TanaMikolon

Scene 8


I took off most of my clothes to dry and wrapped myself in a blanket. Warming up by the fire, Bards littlest girl came over and sat down next to me.

"Hello, I'm Tilda," She says with a sweet voice and held out her hand.

"Hėlla." I shook her hand and quickly placed it back under the blanket.

Tilda handed me clothes. "You're very pretty for a dwarf."

"Why, thank you."

She smiled and trotted away.

When Bard left, Thorin and the others got an idea to leave and steal weapons from the armory.

"Thorin, we might get caught. What then?" I whined.

Thorin looked down at me. "We'll be fine."

All 15 of us left to steal weapons. We moved fast and unseen. Bombur, Bifur and a few other's formed a stepping stool to get to the window of the armory. Thorin let the others go first, then he went. When it was my turn, he made sure he was there to help me. Little noise was made. I grabbed swords and axes from the armory. Thorin gave a bunch to Kili who going down the stairs to the others until he fell. Guards shouted in the distance. In a matter of seconds, cold blades were pointing at everyone's throat. We were marched to the Master's doors.

"What is the meaning of this?" The Master grimly questioned, coming out in a thick robe.

"Caught them stealing weapons, sire." The head guard explained.

The Master narrowed his beady little eyes at all of us. "Ah. Enemies of the state, eh?"

I blocked them out all looked towards Thorin. "Dorzada, what do we do?" I whispered to him.

Dorzada is Dwarvish for Love. In case you guys didn't know.

"We got this." He whispered back.

"Hold your tongue!" Dwalin roughly said to the Master. "You do not know to whom you speak. This is no common criminal. This is Thorin, son of Thrain, son of Thror!"

Thorin touched my arm and went forward. "We are the Dwarves of Erebor. We have come to reclaim our homeland."

The crowd of humans started to gasp and murmured.

"I remember this town in the great days of old." Thorin continued. "Fleets of boats lay at harbor filled with silks and fine gems. This was no forsaken town on the lake. This was the center of all trade in the North! I would see those days return. I would relight the great forges of the Dwarves and send wealth and riches flowing once more from the Halls of Erebor!"

I looked at Balin and Balin looked at me. We both had a concern look in our eyes. The crowd of people cheeredThorin'srins words.

Suddenly, Bard shouted from behind us. "Death! That is what you will bring upon us! Dragon fire and ruin." Bard made his way to the front. "If you waken that beast it will destroy us all."

"You can listen to this naysayer, but I promise you this: if we succeed all will share in the wealth of the mountain. You will have enough gold to rebuild Esgaroth 10 times over!" Thorin shouted over the cheering of the humans.

Bard did not give up. "All of you! Listen to me!" He shouted. "Have forgotten what happened to Dale? Have you forgotten those who died in the firestorm?! And for what purpose? The blind ambition of the Mountain King so riven by greed, he could not see beyond his own desires!"

I couldn't help but notice something sounded different in Thorins voice.

"Now, now." The Master of Lake-town said, pulling the attention to himself. "We must not, any of us be too quick to lay blame. Let us not forget that it was Girion, Lord of Dale, your ancestor who failed to kill the beast."

"It's true, Sire." Some dirty man said, who was standing near the Master. "We all know the story. Arrow after arrow, he shot. Each one missing it's mark."

Bard got close to Thorin and said something. Then Thorin turned to face the Master of Lake-town.

"I speak to the Master of the Men of the Lake. Will you see the prophecy fulfilled?" As Thorin spoke, Bard kept getting close to him. "Will you share in the great wealth of our people? What say you?"

It became very quiet as people leaned in to hear what the Master was to say.

He rose his finger and pointed to Thorin. "I say unto you welcome! Welcome! Welcome! King under the Mountain!" The Master shouted.

Everyone cheered and hugged. Bilbo tried to hug me, but I pulled away.

There was a party thrown in celebration. Food, drink, and weapons were given to us. Some dwarves slept, others partied like Bofur.

Thorin pulled me into his room.

"Wow! Thorin!" I squeaked when he pulled me close to him.

"I'm so happy that you're here." He breathed as he kissed me.

I gripped his heads and held them close to me. "Me too."

"We leave at sunrise. We have a few hours to spare." Thorin breathed, kissing my neck.

"Thorin, are you saying..."

He looked at me. "Yes."

I smiled as he picked me up. Thorin laid me down on a soft and well built bed. As he took off my clothes, Thorin left a trail of kisses on my body. When he took of his shirt I was amazed at all the muscle he had. He was so strong and thick. Our skin touched as soft moans left our mouths. Sweat formed on our bodies as moved. Thorin was the on bottom, but still was in control of my actions. I could feel butterflies crept up and into my stomach. Causing me to gasp and moan very loudly. This was my first time and I was pretty sure it was Thorins too. What used to be a soft and well built bed was now a broken mess.

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