↠ wild spirit {calum hood au}...

By tchaikensky

433K 11.9K 4.1K

"oh really so what are you then? miss piano slash cello girl?" "the angel from your nightmares." "is that so... More

↠ wild spirit {c.h} ↠
09 /scarlett/
10 /calum/


19.7K 612 50
By tchaikensky

scarlett's pov

Calum went to change in the bathroom, so we could leave for his soccer match. I'm not going, I have too much to do. Besides, we've spent a lot of time together and I'm getting sick of him. I'm getting sick of not knowing whether I'm getting emotionally attatched to him or if I'm just having PMS, more than likely it's emotions and hormones. I slumped onto my bed, the sheets were unmade and messy.

Sitting there thinking about every questionable choice I've made including Calum, I didn't notice the bed dip, causing me to slide down; and someone crawling on top of me. "We have time." Calum whispered, sucking on my neck.

"But we better go, don't want to miss your before game warm-ups or whatever they are called." I nervously laughed at the end of my little reply. I looked around, Calum was laughing at me and walking out the door and down to the car. I turned to the door frame and hit my head on it numerous times and walked out of the room and to the car.

"Took you long enough." He smiled at me, sitting in the pasenger seat of the car I share with Violet. I grimaced at his presence. I've been cold towards him since we got in the car; and I could care less.

"We're here get out." I unlocked the doors after a short five minute drive. Practically shoving him out of the car.

"Are you staying?" He asked, head poking in the door and his body was outside of the car.

"No." I pushed his head out of the door and drove off. I pulled over into a parking space and just sat there. Emotionless and staring at nothing. Tears started to roll down my face, one by one, drop by drop. "Not now please." I muttered through my tears. My heart-beat increased and my breathing became fast and deep. Crying more and more I sat there; screaming and shaking. I probably looked like a lunatic. I sat there like that for many minutes. Letting my thoughts fly a million miles an hour, the thoughts that plagued my mind; the thoughts that caused this. I calmed my breathing and heart rate, and looked in my car mirror, to say the least, I had mascara runs down my cheeks, black smudged under my eyes, above my eyes, the corners, everywhere.

I pulled into the driveway, Violet running out of the house, "where were you?! You were supposed to be ba-" She cut herself off as she got closer to me and could see the visible tear stains. "Scarlett, are you okay? Did it happen again?" I hugged her, with everything I had. Letting the tears fall. She rubbed small circles in my back, calming me down. My dad did that when he wasn't away on trips for his work. "Everything will be okay, Scarlett. Just go lie down and get some water. I plugged in your studio stuff before you got home, I figured you'd want to play." She rambled. I shook my head multiple times.

"I don't want to play anymore." I whispered, walking into the house, and threw myself at the couch; fully intending on staying there forever, or until my dad gets home. Speaking of my dad, I decided to call him, after-all we haven't talked in a few days.

After a few rings I heard him answer with a very casual "hello, this is Marcus Dawson."

"Hi dad." I replied, my voice cracking in-between my words. "W-When will you be home?" I asked, hiccuping a few times, that's what happens when I cry too much.

"Sweetheart, I'm at the airport in New York, I'll be home in a few minutes, and we can watch movies okay? We can watch Love Actually, or we can watch whatever you want." He replied, heart- break and sadness in his voice.

"Thank you." I hung up before I could cry more. I stood up and walked into my room, looking at the cello on the floor, the piano pressed against the wall, the music scattered all over my floor. I was about to cry again, but I stopped myself, I stood up and picked up all the music and put them in a folder and shoved them in my closet. I packed up my cello, and put it in the slot we made in my closet for it. Collapsing the piano and moving it into the hall, I couldn't help but feel like I was having a pity-party for myself. Moping around because of what? Because some boy had come into my life and fucked everything up? That's exactly why. I was supposed to get into a prestige music school and become apart of the leading symphony there was. Not be some girl who is sad and crying over some stupid boy.

I walked back into the hall, grabbed the piano, and did the same with getting my cello out of the closet. I put them back in their regular spots. "Scarlett, I'm home! Violet, I'm home!" Dad hollered, kicking the door shut. I ran downstairs and jumped on him and englufed him into a hug.

"I missed you so much." I whispered into his chest, taking in his distinct smell of airplane and flowers. He always had a unique smell that I loved.

"I missed you too, where's Vi?" He asked, setting me on the couch, more like dropping.

"She's at the school soccer match." I responded, not caring about where she was, or why she was there. Probably to support her 'Friend With Benefits'.

"Well I guess it's just you and I tonight then." He slipped in 'Love Actually' this movie made me very emotional, but it's also one of my favorites.

calum's pov

I walked out onto the field to meet my friends to warm-up before the game. I wasn't up for their stupid tricks and games they wanted to do. I walked out and sat on the bench. Ashton, Luke, and Michael walked over to me, sliding around on the bench before finally sitting next to me. "Have you seen Violet? I saw her walking into the game today. She looks hot as hell man, she's here to support you." Michael leaned into me saying all of the nonsense he thought was quote-on-quote cool.

"Where did you say she was?"

"In the bleachers." He replied before I got up and ran towards the bleachers, "get some!" They hollered at me. Scarlett was right, I am disgusting. My friends are a representation of me. I jumped up into the bleachers to see Violet pacing around the row of seats, she looked like a disaster.

"Violet..?" I asked, sitting next to her and pulling her wrist down so she'd sit with me.

"She's a m-mess sh-she is a mess!" She kept repeating those words, hiccuping in-between her cries. She brushed her tears away but she soon had more spilling out of her eyes.

"Who is?" I asked, my heart rate increasing, as if it were about to explode. I was dreading what she would say, if it were Scarlett, I- My thoughts were cut off by her reply.

"Scarlett! She's a mess! She said s-she's quitting cel-lo and piano! She can't!" She cried even more. My heart sank, am I missing something? did I do this? I thought, my stomach churning with all of the thoughts. "I have to go home, she's probably breaking things." She wiped her eyes and got up, smoothing out her black sweatpants and her dark blue sweatshirt; that's normally something Scarlett would wear I thought to myself.

"Let me take you." I whispered, "please."

"No, you have a game. Scarlett will probably try and hurt you. it's best if you stay here. Good luck though." She still managed to smile.

"What do you mean she's a mess?" My curiosity and guilt getting the best of me.

"She has panic disorder, Calum. She's afraid, she's scared. That's why she drives herself to bloddied fingers and broken strings and bows! Because she's afraid she's not good enough! My own sister." She yelled, storming off. It was eating her up just as my guilt was eating me.


scarlett's pov

"Scar? You here? I saw dad's car, is he home?" Violet's voice rang through the small two story home. Walking out of the room, dad hugged her, loud screams of happiness could be heard. "You're home! I missed you!" Violet shrieked hugging our dad. Even though I hate her at school, she's still my other half at home. Even though she has platinum blonde hair and I have dark red hair, we are still the same.

"I'm so sorry, Scar, I'm so sorry." She came hugged me, repeating those words.

"For what?"

"He asked and I told him about it I am an aw-"

"You're not an awful person, Vi. You're an amazing person. Thank you for being there for me," I hugged her back, just as tight. "I don't care if he knows. He was bound to find out sometime."

We all sat around the television, popsorn in each of our hands, and watched the movie. Nothing mattering other than my family that surrounded me.

And that one boy who still managed to swim around my thoughts.



hooray for crappy chapters l0l im sorry it was bad i know. but i wanted to update. and thIS IS REALLY SAD I CRIED A LITTLE WRITING THIS. i have panic attacks/disorder/ and yeah that's what attacks are like and it''s scary.


vote, comment, fan, share ♡

xoxo- ken

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