By defsoulite

3.6K 182 106

Do you believe in...ghost?! My name is Oh Sehun and I'm 22 years old. I have a very special ability. I'm not... More

Different Side
Death Calling
Kim's Siblings
Golden Memories
Save her
A Goodbye
Epilogue : Next Life
bonus - the letter -
49 days with Jonghyun


286 16 8
By defsoulite

Sehun Pov :

The sound of my alarm clock wakes me up. It's already morning as the light shine through the window..

As I open my eyes, Sonhyo bright smile come to my first view.. "arghh!! Hey you shocked me!!" I sighed.

" Hehe sorry~ I can't wake you up so I can only stare at you. Based it's 6:30. I don't want you to running out late to your class.." She giggle. I look at the clock and it's 6:33 a.m. The time I used to wake up every day.

" You wait for me at the living room. I'll get ready for class. " I said as she nodded.


''So where should we go now?" I ask her the she just look at me surprisingly. I know why she look at me like that.

"aren't you suppose to go the class?"..

"My class has being canceled. So I had nothing to do today. Based, I already promise to you if I'm free I'll help you. So where are we going now?" I ask. She smiled at me.

"I want to visit myself at the hospital. MyungWoo Hospital." she said as I nodded.

I stopped the taxi then tell the driver to send us to the Myungwoo Hospital. Hospital for rich and named person.

I know who's Sonhyo.

Kim Sonhyo.

She was born from a wealthy family.. Kim Fashion Family and she's the youngest heirs from the family..

23 November 2016, She will holding the President title officially..

But look at her now.. She look so innocent and know nothing about everything that happened around her. She just being a devoted daughter to her parents and received hates from her eldest siblings.

She said she was really close to her brother but after being announced by her father that she is gonna be the heirs of the company, he started to stand off and refused to talk with her.

Poor her.. From what I can see, She didn't want the title at all. She just want to be happy with her family.

Look, She even think to meet her family first rather than looking for the murder. It must hurt her feeling so much to know if the suspect is one of her family members. She love her family more than everything.


"I'm nervous.." She said as we arrived the hospital. I see she's holding her hand together tightly while smile nervously.

"I can see that.." I smile to her as she looked at me. "Let's go" I said then walk in. She followed me. I asked one of the nurse at the counter where is her room. The nurse politely shows me the room. I smiled and thanked her. I wanted to go in but Sonhyo stop, stopping me too.

I look at her.

"Why?'' I asked her when she frozen in front the door. I can see she started to teared up. I felt sympathy towards her. "My mom.." She said in sob. I look through the door window.

Her mom is caressing her hand with tears.

Then I look back at her..

"I-I made..My mom cr-cried.."she said between her sob. I felt bad towards her. I want to comfort her by hugging her but I can't.

"It's okay. Everything is gonna be fine." I said. I hope it gonna make she feel better.

"Do you wanna go home first??We can come again tomorrow.." I asked. She look so sad now and I don't think she's gonna be okay if she meet her mom now

She shook her head and wipe her tears away.

"I'm okay now. Based I really want to see her." She said still sobbing. She try to smile and convince me.

"Are you sure?!" I asked again. She look at me with smile then nodded.

"Okay then.." I said as I stand up from my seat and walk to the door and she's following me from behind.

I knocked.

Her mom look at me as soon as I open the door. She look at me confused. "Who are you?!" She asked as she wipe her tears away.

I look at Sonhyo, The sign to answer her mom question.

" Just tell her that you're my boyfriend.." She said make my eyes wider.

Are you sure you want me to lie to your mom?!

I looked at her as she just nodded and saying it's okay.

"I-I'm Oh Sehun, Sonhyo's boy-boyfriend.." I told her mom with smile then bow at her. She look at me shook. "ahh.. I never know my Sonhyo has a boyfriend.." She said still in confused but she still smiling at me as I smile at her lightly. She stand up then whisper something to Sonhyo's ears.

It's soft but I still can hear what she said clearly.

"Uri Hyo~Your boyfriend are here to visit you. And why you never told me that you have a good looking boyfriend.." She whisper while smiling. Sonhyo look at her mom then smiled.

As a mother,It must be so hard for her to accept the fact that her daughter is dying in front of her eyes.

I smile bitterly.

Meanwhile, My own mother left her perfectly healthy son, just like that. Somehow, I want to replace Sonhyo's place and let myself die instead of her.

Everyone loves her. Everyone need her.

But me..? No one want me. I even need to work hard to support my own life.. My life is meaningless..

Suddenly my tears fall from my eyes.

I immediately wiped them before Sonhyo and her mom realized it. But I was too late.

Her mom saw it.

"Are you okay? Why are you crying, young man??" She asked me. Sonhyo look up the look at me. She look surprise since she never saw me like this.

I wiped my tears away but it keep falling down till I gave up. I hate to admit it but I miss my mom so much.

Her mom came to me and gave me a warm hug. That make me cry even harder.

I miss a warm hug from a mother.

"I-i miss my- mother.." I said between my sob. Her mother pat my back as I hug her back.

I miss my mother so much..

"It's okay young man. Cry as much you want. Sonhyo's my princess so you're my prince too." She said again. Sonhyo look at me with her weak smile.


After I calm myself down. I tell Sonhyo's mom everything that happened during my childhood but yeah, of course I skip the part that I can see ghost. She just won't believe me so. Sonhyo just sit there. In front of me.. Just listening to my story.

"I'm sorry.." She whisper softly but I still can hear her. I smiled and just shook my head the sign of "It's okay.."..

"Listen to me Sehun. Every mother are the same. They think only one things in their head, Their child Happiness. I believe that your mother are looking for you too and one day you guys will meet again. I can't promise it but I believe.. One day Sehun, You will see your mother again.." She said pat my back. "I want to buy something.. So would you mind to stay with Sonhyo for awhile?" She said and showing her sweeties smile to me. I smiled back to her and just nodded.

She was about to left, then she stop and called my name. "Sehun.." I looked up to her. "You're my son now. I'm always here to be your mother. "She said the just leave. I smiled.. "thank you." I whispered.

I look at Sonhyo's human look. She look so calm and pale.

"So this is how you look like in person.." I said made she giggle in shy.. "This is how I look like. Not like what people saw on newspaper, on internet, on television and even the family photo that the reporter took. With those make-up, beautiful accessory and clothes. I hate it the fact I need to fake everything about me to everyone. But now you can see everything about me.." She smiled weakly.

"heyy..listen to me..I'm gonna help you to solve your problem okay..Don't worry.." I said smiling to her. Hope my words can cheers her up. "You look prettier without make up anyway.." I say makes she giggle again. I laughed as I can she blushing." hahaha is it me or I can see you're blushing?'' I tease her and laugh even harder seeing she get embarrassed.

Suddenly I heard the door being open. I stop laughing and look at the person who just entered.

That person look at me weirdly.. I look at Sonhyo.. "It's my brother that I've being telling you before.." She said. "Who are you?!" He asked me. Almost yelling.

"Yugyeom?! Why are you yelling at our guess like that? He come her cause he want to visit your sister and plus. He's your sister boyfriend~" Sonhyo's mom come from behind.

I just smiled.

"WHAT??!!NO WAY!!MOM IT'S NO WAY THAT GUY IS SONHYO'S BOYFRIEND..'' Yugyeom said in shock. Sonhyo look surprise too by Yugyeom's reaction. She have never seen Yugyeom this mad. She look at me nervously. Scared that her lie uncovered. I shook my head lightly saying to her she don't have to be worry..

"What wrong with that?! He look nice and have been polite to me and Sonhyo. What is wrong with you??" Her mom lifted her eyebrow up..Yugyeom look frustrated. "Mom!! You shouldn't just trust a person that you just met. He might just pertaining." Yugyeom said.

"You!! I didn't trust you!!" He said again.. He walk to me and grabbed my collar then drag me out. Sonhyo's mother and Sonhyo look shooked.

"Yugyeom-ahh..Stop it.." Her mom beg..

"NO!! Mom you stay with Sonhyo.. I'll deal with him.." He said that continue dragging me out. Her mom just sighed. Sonhyo look surprised then follow us out..

"WHO ARE YOU ACTUALLY??" He asked again.

Wow. This kid has hot-tempered.

"I answered you already. I'm Sonhyo's boyfriend and-...." I haven't finish my words when he trailed me off.

" DON'T YOU FU**KING LIE TO ME!!" He grabbed my collar and push me to the wall.

"OPPA STOP!!! YOU'RE HURTING HIM!!" Sonhyo yelled at him but he can't hear her..I just smiled at Sonhyo and telling her I'm fine.

"HEYY..WHAT ARE YOU SMILING AT??!! ANSWER ME!!" He yelled at me.

I slapped his hand and push him away harshly.

" Sorry " I whispered to Sonhyo. I know I will be harsh to her lovely brother and she hate it the most..

I grabbed his collar then yelled at him.


Everyone who's walking by was looking at us but too scared to interrupt us. Yugyeom look away from me as I can see his tears flowing down to his cheek. "Sehun please.. You're hurting him.." Sonhyo asked, tearing too. I let go of him then just stand away from him.

Sonhyo knee down.. Wanting to cares and wiped away his tears but she can't touch him.

Yugyeom started to cried hard.

"What have I done?!! I hurt my own sister.. My sister that I loved the most!! I always promised to protect her but.." He was trailed off by his own sob.."I ruined everything!" He continue.." I hate myself that can't protect her till this happened to her.. "I see Sonhyo is crying beside him hard.

I looked away.. I can't stand seeing she cried.. It somehow made me hurt as well..

"Sonhyo-ahh..I'm so sorry..I-I can't keep my promise.." Yugyeom apologize again. It's getting hard for him to breath because of his sob. No matter how many time he apologize, He keep feeling the guilty, That he can't spent his time with Sonhyo more before.

I give him some drin then pass it to him. I pat his shoulder.

" Hey..kid stop crying or else.." I pause then look at Sonhyo who can't stop crying. I took a deep breath before continue my words. " or else you gonna hurt your little sister more seeing you crying like this." Yugyeom look up to me.

I helped him to get up then sit on the chair nearby.

" Look. Your sister loves you and it's hurting her so much if she know you cried like this.."I said and he nodded. I point at Sonhyo's ward room, but actually I was pointing at Sonhyo, who's sitting in front of the ward door.

" Your sister.. She struggling to survive inside there and she need your support to keep fighting.. But if you guys keep feeling sad, that will just destroy her energy. so you guys need to be strong for her too." I said again..

Yugyeom nodded silently.

"Thank you.. I'm sorry about my attitude just now. I should've asked you nicely.." Yugyeom show me his smile for the first time.. I look at Sonhyo as she smiled too after seeing her lovely brother smiling.

" Sehun hyung.. You can call me Hyung. Since I'm older 3 years that you.." I said. He then look at me surprise..

" omg..I'm sorry hyung. I never mean to be rude to you. I thought you're the same age as me. Cause we both seem to be the same tall." He said showing his guilty look.

" It's okay. You're quite a hot-temper person. You almost punch my handsome face. Your sister might be very mad cause you just hurt her handsome boyfriend.." I joke as both of the Kim sibling laughing weakly.

"aish..kid nowadays are so tall.." I sighed makes them laugh again.


Everything seem okay. After I ask Sonhyo if she want to stay longer with her mother and her brother, she said she want to go home since she already feeling tired at the hospital. I just follow her.. I told her mother that I'm leaving for work 

After we leave the hospital, we held to my work place. She keep saying how much she's happy that she get to met her lovely person today..for her her mother and Yugyeom is very important in her life. She keep smiling and laughing about how I act as her boyfriend. I laughed as well. Well I can't believe it too. I really hope people won't notice me laughing alone.

"Thank you for everything today Sehun. You makes me feel very happy." She said smiling at me. I don't know what's wrong with me but I love to see her smiling.

" Have I told you that you have a beautiful smile Sonhyo-ah?! "


For a quick note, Sonhyo was referring to her body, meanwhile Sonhyo is her spirit that Sehun was talking to.



By the way, I'm so sorry if this chapter hurt someone feeling.. remember I always love you guys...😘😘😘😘😘😘

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