Markiplier & Jacksepticeye Im...

By julijugaming

7.7K 133 152

Basically Cute, Sad, Exciting, and cringe moments!! (THIS BOOK DOES NOT CONTAIN THE BAD SMUT. MAYBE THINGS GE... More

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Im pooped
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I... I dont understand...
Darki- Darki (part 1)
Darki- Darki (part 2)
Darki- Darki (part:;@&22335)
WELP a/n
New mascot!!!

Help Me Babysit, Please

394 8 17
By julijugaming

(In case you didn't know. The baby on the top of the guys head, is in fact Sean.❤)

It's been a year sense Jack and I have been dating. We were sitting on the couch, cuddling on a cold winter day watching our favorite movie, untill I get a phone call. I stood up to answer it.

Through phone
(J= Julie)

Y: hello?

J: is this (y/n)?

Y: yeah.


Y: Omg!!! Julie???

J: yeah!!!

Y: how have you been? I haven't seen you is such a long time!!!

J: I KNOW RIGHT!!! Anyway, I have a quick favor to ask you.

Y: yeah go ahead

J: How are your babysitting skills?

Y: umm. I dunno. I guess they're good....

J: GREAT!! So I'm bringing Catherine right away!!

Y: wait, Julie.... I'm not sure I ca-

J: Don't worry about it!!! We have everything you will need in a bag we will send her with.

Y: but I'm not sure If-

J: I'm pulling up on your driveway. See you in a sec.
*end phone call*

"Who was that babe?" I spun around to see Jack staring at me with concerned eyes.
"Uuummm" I chuckled "did you know I had a sister?" "No" he responded. "Well, I do. Turns out... we're going to be babysitters."
"WHAT???" his eyes basically popping out of his head.

*knock on door*
I stare at jack with shock on my face
A quick smile appears on my face, Before opening the door. I open the door to see a little girl with brown piggy tails looking up at me. She had brown eyes like my sister's, a puffy pink jacket to keep her from being cold, brown boots to help her keep the snow from soaking her socks.

I take a quick glance a the blue car leaving my driveway. "BYE (Y/N). PLEASE TAKE CARE OF HER. I WILL BE BACK TOMORROW IN THE MORNING!!" she drove off shortly.

"Quick. Come inside, it's cold out here." I quickly bring Catherine inside.

"Hello Catherine. My name is-" I was cut off by her. "You are Auntie (y/n)"
"Yes I am. This is uncle Jack" I said pointing at Jack who seemed to be gazing at the little child. "Nice to meet you uncle jack. Do you want to pway dwagons?" As looked up at him with her big brown eyes. Jack staring back at her with his hands on his face.

"Aaaawwww. Is Jack having a cuteness overload?" I asked nudging him with my elbow.

"N- no" he said giving me a glare with a small smirk
" I'm still pissed off that she RUINED our cuddle session"

"*GASP* Jack... you're not.... jealous... are you?" "Why would I. I know you're mine, and that's all I need"

"Auntie (y/n). Can I eat food now? I'm stawving!!"

I giggled "Of course you can Catherine"


"Thank you vewy much (y/n)! You cook better than mommy, but you didn't hear it fwom me." She smiled at me.

"I'm glad you liked it. I know your mommy cooks weird food, but that's our little secret" I said poking her little nose causing her to giggle.

"(Y/n), can I talk to you for a sec?" I look behind me to see an unsatisfied Jack.
"Yeah babe?" I walked up to him looking behind me to check if Catherine was still behaving. "Yeah?" "Just because Catherine is here, doesn't mean you should start ignoring me." I laughed at his comment. "Jack, she a little 5 year old. She needs more attention than you right now."

"But I'm a 5 year old" he whined. I narrowed my eye brows "really Jack?"

"I want attention babe!!"

"Well if I didn't know any better, I know a little 5 year old who would LOVE to play with a friend." I said nodding my head towards Catherine, who was now singing 'Im a little tea pot'.

"Just try to talk to her Jack. I'm sure you would LOVE her if you actually try to talk to her. She's adorable, and so are you. Be her friend." I said holding his hands.

He sighed "fine, but just because you told me to." I pecked his cheek. "Thanks babe"

He went up to her and began a conversation as a sat down on the chicken counter, listening quietly.

"Hello lass. What are you singing?"
"Hello uncle Jack. I'm singing the song called 'I'm a little tea pot"
"That's a song?" He chuckled.
"Yup. It also has a dance to it, wanna see?"
"Yeah sure" he gave her a warm smile

She got up, put one hand on her hip, and her other in the air and started singing...

"I'm a wittle tea pot, short and stout. Here is my handle here is my spowt" she dances with the Music that came out of her mouth.

"That was amazing Catherine!!! Can uncle Jack get a Big hug?"
"Why of course!! I wove hugs!!" She said in her babyish accent as she hugged jack with her small arms.

You awed silently. You had an idea to test if Jack was responsible enough.

"Jack, I'm going to take a shower okay? Put in a movie for you guys to watch."

"B- But babe. I don't know how to take care Of-"

"great!! I'll be out in a bit"

You get in the shower and have a relaxing time.

*30 min passed by*

Ok, maybe I took a little long than I should, but it was worth it. I changed into my pjs, and go check on jack and Catherine.

I walk towards the living room and see the tv screen playing the movie 'Monsters Inc.'
I look at the couch and see jack and Catherine sleeping together.

Jack had his arms wrapped around her, basically providing a blanket with his arms. Catherine had her arms around his neck and slowly rising up and down with jacks chest.

I couldn't help myself. I needed to take a picture. I took a picture with my phone and saved it as my wallpaper.



I packed Catherine's things in her little bag, and fixed her crooked piggy tails. I looked at her big brown eyes, she looked sad. "Why the long face?" I asked her.

"I don't want to leave uncle Jack" I looked up at Jack who was behind me waiting to say goodbye. I saw him look at her with a sad expression.

"Aaawww. Don't worry Catherine, I promise you will see jack again." I whispered in her ear, and caused her to smile

I stood up and left some room so Jack could give her a hug. He kneeled down and have her a hug.

"You are the such a great kid."

"You're the funnest uncle ever."

I wasn't sure, but I think I heard a small sniffle from jack when he let go of her.

"Your mommy is coming in a few minutes, okay?"


It was finally time for Catherine to go. I gave Julie a hug, and she wouldn't stop saying thank you. Jack and I gave Catherine a bear hug. As Catherine was about to get in the car, she stoped, turned around, and ran towards jack giving him a hug, and a kiss on the cheek.

"Thank you fow being my fweind" she whispered.

"Aaawww" he chuckled "anything for you lass."

She got in the blue car and drove off.

"See it wasn't so hard" I told jack as we were going inside.

"Yeah, but it was extremely hard saying goodbye."


*About a month later*

Jack and I were playing gang beast, until I got a call.

"Hold on Jack, I need to answer this"

A few moments later, i end the phone, sneak up behind Jack who was sitting on the couch.

"Do ya wanna help babysit...?"

Thanks for reading!! I really enjoyed writing this!! It was adorable!!! I made this story specifically for my friend Waffle_Muggler. We usually make stories for each other, and it's really fun!! Go see her stories!!

Hope you enjoyed!!

SEE YA!!😋😎

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