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Jack: hey, I'm coming over.

Y/n: umm... first of all, it's midnight, and second I didn't know I gave you permission to visit me.

Jack: well, first of all, you used to come visit me at 3am, second, I don't need your permission, because you're already mine, ;)

(Y/n): you're already at my window, aren't you?

Jack: plz open it...

I sighed as I set down my phone and opened my window for Jack to come through. He put in his leg, and struggled from there, I only chuckled as he tried to manage his other leg. I sat down on my bed with my biology AP book opened as I took notes on a lined piece of paper.  Then Jack fell on his butt with a loud thud.

"Damn dude, I should probably put a "proceed with caution" sign. I chuckled as I wrote down on the paper.

"You don't need a sign," he groaned, " You need a bigger window." He sighed as he laid down and rolled over on his back.

"Hmmm... nah." I stated.

"Why not?" He asked still lying on the floor.

" I just don't  think I can't work with a boyfriend that can't even climb through my window. I think I should leave it as a test." I sighed as I looked at Jack.

"I mean... I can still do it... It's just a lot of work." He mumbled. He stood up, and walked towards my bed.

"Ew, biology?" He asked. I looked at him as he sat behind me, his arms wrap around my waistline.

"Yes. Biology." I rolled my eyes, "you have this class too ya know. I can help you study." I said

"I don't want to study biology. I like human anatomy more" he smirked as his face inches closer to mine.

"Ew gross!" I laughed, and shoved Jack off my bed. Jack laughed holding his stomach as his short spasms of giggles left his lips. He stood up and sat next to me on my bed. He leaned in and gave me a sweet and passionate kiss on my lips.

"You know my dads gonna kill me if he finds you here at midnight, right?" I asked breaking the kiss.

"But he doesn't have to know-" Jack was about to lean in until I heard a knock on my door.

"(Y/n)???" I heard a familiar voice outside my door. Jacks eyes opened wide in fear.

"Y-yeah dad??" I called back. I started to panic as I tried to shove Jack somewhere.

" why are you up so late? And who are you talking to-"

"Nothing! N-no one! I'm just- just working on anatomy- I mean Biology!" I replied. I shoved jack into the deep abyss of my bed and sat on the bed .


"Shut the hell up Jack!" I whispered.

"Wait, is someone in there with you?" My dad asked.

"Nope! It's just me." I sighed panting.

"You're not with a boy are you?!" My dad asked now knocking on my door.

"Pft, no dad! T-that's just gross!" I chuckled nervously

"Then you don't mind me coming in?" He asked.

"Yes! No- I meant no..." I cleared my throat. My dad slowly opened the door with one of his pistols in-front of him. He cane in looking in my closet and underneath my desk.

"Dad? Are you serious?" I asked.

"Come on out, Jack." He growled.

"Dad! I told you, no one is in here, just me!"

"Jack. Don't make this hard" My dad looked behind the curtains. My dad looked at me, "where is he (y/n)?" He asked.

"Who? Jack? Oh, he's probably at home sleeping." I said sarcastically. I dad grumbled as he walked towards me.

"He's under the bed, isn't he?" He asked, I only gulped in response. My dad sighed and looked underneath my bed. My dad stood up and looked around.

"I could've sworn he was here" he said underneath his breath. I was just as confused, but relieved.

"Sorry hun, go back to doing whatever you were going. I didn't mean to disturb you." He sighed.

"It's fine. Goodnight." I said putting away my things. As soon as my dad left my room, I ran to my door and shut it. I looked underneath my bed and saw Jack wasn't there.

"Jack??" I whispered, "Jack where'd you go??"

"(Y/n)!" I heard a faint voice.

"Where are you?" I asked.

"I'm out here!" Jack whispered.

I turned towards  the noise and saw my window still open. I ran to my window and looked around and saw Jack hanging on a branch from a nearby tree.

"Jack!" I laughed, "you're insane!" I kept laughing.

"How's it hangin, baby?" he winked.

"Don't Be weird." I chuckled, "hold my hand, I'll help you down." I extended my hand and jack reached for it, pulling himself inside.

" Oof that was scary" Jack panted.

"Haha yeah" I whispered.

"Do you want to go back to what we were doing?" He smirked.

"Your kidding right? My dad literally had the potential to shoot you for being in the same room as me." I whispered

" then I guess he'll have to shoot me, cuz I'm not leaving you anytime soon" he whispered.

"You're still a weirdo" I smiled, "but your my weirdo"


*vomits* this was such a bad *barf* story!  Sorry! I promise I'll make it up to you guys but I'm kind of running dry of ideas... sorry....

I wove you guys! Don't be mad!

See ya 😎😜

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