One Less Lonely Girl (A Justi...

By fcbarcelcna

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This is a fan fiction how I supposed to meet Justin. This is a really good story comment please of how to mak... More

The Beginning
Getting Ready
A sad story
Finding Justin
Going to the hospital
I thought you were died
I love you
I am sorry
I am sorry but I hate you
I went to hospital again because I love you
The Tour
The Date
Bantos or Sieber Part 1
Harcus or Maley Part 1
Caddy or Monner Part 1
Bantos or Sieber Part 2
Harcus or Maley Part 2
Caddy or Monner Part 2
Author Note :(
The ex-boyfriends are back
Hanging out with are ex-boyfriends
Good news :)
I still love her
The kidnapper
Mad and gone
What REALLY happened
I am done with you
Are they REALLY died
The Funeral
Am I going crazy?
They AREN'T really dead
Will you be my girlfriend (Hames or Jaley)
Can I please talk to her
I NEVER want to see him
First day out
Jacky has gone missing
Interviews to find where to search Jacky
Watch the Confident video by Justin
Found Jacky
Throw all your stuff away and doing something I don't want to do
Talking to him was a mistake
Fights, break-ups, and car crashes
I think we should not talk for a while
Leaving and beach day
Evil Plan
What Happened?
Not telling you, compines, and questions?
Leaving to Georgia
Starting a company
Mystery Person
Can I get the job? and seeing him
Author's Note
The End (last chapter)
Author's Note for Sequel

Selena and Justin hanging together

44 2 0
By fcbarcelcna

                                                                                    Justin's Profile 

I was on my way to pick up Selena so we could hang out today. After all we have been thourgh it is hard for both o us to forget about our relationship. Like one of her song says Love will remeber.  So it was getting boring so on my way to pick up Selena I will call Jacky and ask her why her parents were yelling at her. 

Phone call with Jacky:

Me: Hi 

Jacky: Hi honey 

Me: Can I ask you a question 

Jacky: Ya sure anything well it depends 

Me: Ok then why did your parents scream at you

Jacky: Well lets hope this dosen't hurt your feelings but they think you are a celebratie and think that you wil cheat on me and they don't want to see there daughter hurt so ya. 

Me: O ok then I have to go but I love you 

Jacky: Love you too 

End of phone call

So I ended the phone call with Jacky and I still needed to get at Selena's house it is pretty far from Jacky's house it is closer to mine. I finally got to Selena's house. So I got up and went to knock on her door. I knocked and she opened it. 

Me: Hi Selena 

Selena: Hey Justin can we hang out at my place

Me: Ok it is the same thing 

Selena: It is because my mom told I had to bake today you wanna help 

Me: Sure why not 

Selena: Well ok then follow me 

Me: Sure thing whatever you want captian 

Selena: Shut up Justin 

Me: Don't be so mean or esle I will leave 

Selena: I was joking you know 

Me: I know (laughing) 

Selena: Lets start 

Me: Ok then what am I suppose to do 

Selena: Go the refigatorator and get 3 eggs out for me please

Me: Ok cheif 

Selena: Shut up Justin it is my first time 

Me: Gosh (throws powder at Selena) 

Selena: What did you just do (turns arund and gives Justin a mad look) 

Me: I threw pounder at you 

Selena: You want to go there 


So Selena and I started to have a pounder fight. There it was everywhere in the ground so I started to throw some on the ground so she could slip in fall when she was not looking. I hope she falls that would be funny.

Selena: Hey Justin 

Me: What 

Selena: Think fast (throws pounder at Justin) 

Me: (start running and chasing Selena) I will get you for this 

Selena: No you won't (then she slips) 

Me: I wonder where Selena went (then slips on top of Selena and kisses her) Sorry

Selena: It is ok don't tell anyone though but I don't have a boyfriend but I know you have a girlfriend lets just not tell anyone ok 

Me: Ok well look at the time I have to go I had lots of fun but before I go lets clean 

Selena: Ok 

So we started to clean, but all I could think of is the kiss that me and Selena had. I knew I had a little feelings for her but I have to move on I have Jacky now. 

Me: You should put on music or the radio 

Selena: Ok (turns on radio) 

Then a song starts playing. It was one of my songs, heartbreaker. They are playing on the radio so I got happy cause of that so then I started sing the song and then Selena joined me in the song. When the song was over we were finshed. 

Selena: That was a good song that you wrote

Me: Thanks I wrote it for you 

Selena: Really 

Me: Ya but a long time ago 

Selena: O (she looked sad when she said that) 

Me: Well I had fun today but I have to go 

Selena: Me too but bye see you soon right

Me: Ya (gives a hug to Selena) 

It was fun hanging around Selena but I couldn't forget about the kiss we had. I didn't mean to do it. It kinda just happend but I know I have to get over it fo Jacky. I don't want to hurt her. I love her but I love Selena.

                                                                                 Selena's Profile 

I had lots of fun with Justin today. I realized when I had that kiss with him that I still had feelings for him. I know he has a girlfriend but I still do. When he told me he wrote that song for me I was happy because I thought he had feelings for me but then he said that he wrote it a long time ago and that made me sad. I really had a wonderful today. 

I said yesterday that I was going to update this but for the rest of the day but I couldn't I will try this past these days. I think I may end this book what do you guys think. Sorry this chapter sucked but comment on how I could make this book better please and vote. 

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