The Diggory Sister (Part 1) A...

By greasergirl567

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Im Delia Diggory, Cedric's little sister. I was finally 11 and that means I get to go to Hogwarts. But secr... More

The Diggory Sister (Part 1) A Harry Potter Love Story
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 8
Author's Note
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 6

Chapter 7

22.1K 555 523
By greasergirl567

Delia's POV:

I woke up early and started to get ready; mum, dad, Cedric and Sven, my pet owl, not awake yet so I decided to get in the shower.

After I got out, I decided to just put my hair in a ponytail. I didn't want to look that good for anyone, and anyway my mum and dad are making me sit with Cedric and he's going to be hanging out with all his friends.

I went downstairs to get something to eat, when I saw Cedric down there looking at something.

I walked up and sat beside him, "What are you looking at?" I asked. He didn't answer my question but asked, "Couldn't sleep?"

"Ah not really I just woke up, what about you?" I asked. "I guess you could say that," he said.

I noticed he wasn't that happy go lucky guy that I know, he seems different. "What's wrong with Cedric and don't lie," I said. "Oh Delia I don't know if you would understand," he said.

"Try me," was all I could say. "Well there's this person I care about, but I don't know if she has the same feelings," he said.

I was confused until I heard the word 'she'. "Oh my dear lord, you like someone," I said jumping up and down. "Shh, I don't want mum and dad to know," he said holding his hand over my mouth.

"Fine, fine, I won't tell anyone, but who is it?" I asked moving his hand. "You wouldn't know her she's already going to Hogwarts," he said.

"Well you never know I could become friends with her," I said putting my hands on my hips. "Well I guess you will never know then," he said getting up and going upstairs. "But Cedric," I whined walking up the stairs after him. "No, Delia now go back to bed," he said closing the door in my face.

I grunted then walked back over to my room and laid on my bed staring at the ceiling.


Harry's POV-

I was still locked up in my little room under the stairs and my Uncle wouldn't let me out. I thought I was going to miss the train, but thankfully Hagrid came and helped me.

I heard them disagreeing about me going to Hogwarts. "Now you listen here, you muggle, Harry is going to go to the best school in the wizarding world and you aren't going to stop him," he said. "Oh yes I will, that boy is not going to that school for freaks and that's it," Uncle Vernon said.

I didn't hear a come back from Hagrid and my hope's were lost from seeing Delia and going to Hogwarts.

The past few days I couldn't get Delia out of my head and it was killing me not seeing her. But my hopes were brought back when Hagrid came and tore the door to my room off.

"Come on now Harry, we're going to Hogwarts and ain't no muggle's going to stop ya," he said.

I grabbed my stuff plus Hedwig, and followed Hagrid outside and saw some bike looking thing.

"Come on now Harry get in," he said patting a little cart that was attached. "But Hagrid where do I put my stuff?" I asked. "Well just put it in the back," he finished patting another seat. I put it in there, but decided to hold Hedwig.

After a couple minutes we were at the train station. I carried my stuff in, and was going to keep on carrying it but Hagrid came and gave me a trolley.

"Thanks Hagrid," I said putting everything up. "No problem Harry, here's your ticket, I best be going," he said.

I looked at my ticket and it said Platform 9 3/4. "Hagrid where's Platform 9 3/4?" I asked but when I looked up he was gone.

I was walking to 9 and was about to give up, when I saw some more people that looked like they were going there and some woman yelling at them to come on and something about muggles.

"Excuse me, but where's Platform 9 3/4?" I asked her. "Well it's right here, all you do is run through this wall, is it your first time?" she asked.

I just nodded my head, "Oh well it's Ron's as well," she said, "Percy why don't you go first." Some boy came up and started running to the wall, but when he got there he just went right on through.

"Fred your turn," she said. "I'm not Fred, I'm George, and you call yourself our mother" he said. "Well George go then," she said. The boy started running then, "Just kidding I am Fred," he said running through the wall, with someone else following him.

"Ok now why don't you go," she said to me. I went straight in front of the wall, "now just run straight to the wall and don't think that you're going to not get through," she said.

I took a deep breath then ran straight to the wall and when I opened my eyes I was standing in front of this train with Hogwarts Express on it and saw the sign Platform 9 3/4.

I walked onto the train hoping to see Delia, but I never saw her. I looked for an empty compartment and thought I wasn't going to get one, until somewhere in the back I finally found one.

I walked in and put my stuff on the racks.

I sat down thinking about Delia and where she was going to be and wondering if I would ever see her again. I was still thinking when the boy that was with the other's came in.

"Are these taken?" he asked. "No, you can come in," I said. He came in and sat in front of me, "I'm Ron, Ron Weasley."

"Hi I'm Harry, Harry Potter," I said, and when I said that he looked at me with a smile and shocked. "Is it really you?" he asked.

"Yea," I said. "Do you have the scar?" he asked pointing to my forehead. "Oh yea," I said pulling up my hair. "Wicked," he said.

Right then I knew had a friend.


Delia's POV-

Finally everyone woke up and was ready to go. "Come on," I said pushing everyone out the door with their stuff, then grabbed my trunk and Sven and ran outside to the car. I pushed them all in, "Come on now, start the car," I said getting anxious.

We had finally got to the train station after what seemed to be forever, but was actually only about 20 minutes.

I ran and grabbed my stuff then ran, with everyone following me. I got myself a trolley and threw my stuff in it.

Cedric must have done the same thing, because when mum came and stopped me, I saw Cedric with one, "Darling calm down," mum said.

Dad came and walked in front of us, after about another 10 minutes we got to Platforms 9 and 10. "Mum what are we doing here?" I asked. "Cedric why don't you go first," mum said.

All he did was nod and run straight for the wall in between, I was going to say something, but when I was he didn't collide with the wall he went right through it with dad following him.

"Darling why don't you go now, all you do is run straight for the wall and don't think that your not going to make it," she said.

I did as she said and ran straight for the wall. I closed my eyes, but I didn't collide with it. Dad and Cedric were standing by the train talking once I opened my eyes.

I walked up to them, but when I saw the clock I ran, "Bye daddy, I love you," I said hugging him and giving him a kiss on his cheek.

Mum came over then, "Bye mum, I love you," I said hugging her and giving her a kiss on her cheek. I ran inside the train, and waved goodbye out the window, then tried to find an empty compartment.

Cedric came and grabbed my arm, "I'll be down there if you can't find one," he said pointing to a somewhat empty compartment. "Ok," I said.

He walked into the compartment and I kept on walking down, when someone else grabbed my hand.

I turned around to see a blonde head with gray eyes, "Hey there beautiful, want to come and sit with us," he said pointing to a compartment filled with some people that looked like bad news. "No thanks Blondie," I said pulling my hand out of his grip and walking down the hall.

I finally found one in the back with two boys in it. One was a red head and then the other had black hair and the black haired one looked really familiar. "Are one of these seat's taken?" I asked.

The red head turned around and when he saw me he just looked at me, in this weird way.

"Hello?" I asked waving my hand in front of his face. "Oh yea of course, you can sit, come on in," he said seeming jittery.

I came in and sat down beside the red head, because the black head seemed to be in real concentration. I put my stuff above me and then sat down completely.

"Hi, I'm Ron Weasley," he said. "Hi, I'm Delia Diggory," I said. "Wow your a Diggory, my brother's know who your brother is," he said."That's cool," I said.

It was starting to get awkward, when the snack cart came. "Would you guys like something?" She asked.

Ron held up what I think is sandwich's, "I'm good." "I'll take the lot," I said. She handed them to me and I gave her the money. I handed them to Ron, "here you can have some." "For real?" he asked and I just nodded my head. "Thanks," he said digging in.

I just looked at him, how could someone eat so much. He seemed to notice me staring and he slowed down a bit.

"So who's this?" I asked pointing to the black head. He seemed so familiar, "Oh that's Harry Potter," he said.

Once he heard his name he seemed to come out of his thought's. I don't know for sure what came over me, "Harry!!!" I screamed running and hugging him, but we somehow got on the floor. "Delia!!!!" He screamed back.

He seemed to be in confusion if it really was me, and he hugged me back with a smile on his face.

"You two know each other?" Ron asked. "Yea we met in Diagon Alley," I said still hugging him. I don't know how long we was on the ground hugging, but when I heard someone coughing I looked up to see Ron pointing his head to the door.

I thought it was going to be Cedric, but it was just that blonde nitwit that grabbed me in the hall, "Oh beautiful what are you doing?" He asked in this weird voice, seemed to be bossy like he was my boyfriend. "Nothing that concerns you," I said.

I had finally got up, not wanting to have to see that boy. "What do you want Blondie?" I asked using the name I had gave him in the hall.

Harry looked at me and then at him then I noticed the look and it was jealousy. The boy must have noticed it to because he came over, sat beside me and put his arm over my shoulders.

I tried to get free, but he had this death grip on me. I looked up to see him smiling down at me. I don't know if it was just him acting or if the look on his face was the look someone gives you when they like you.

I was still staring at him, his eyes were mesmerizing in a weird way. I heard another person cough then looked to see Harry with a look of pure hatred and jealousy.

I hated seeing Harry like that, "Get off me," I said pushing his arm from around me, walked over to Harry and he must have known what to do because he put his arm around my shoulders. I don't know why but I laid my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes.

When I opened them I looked up to see Harry and Ron smiling while the blonde one looked at Harry with the same expression Harry had gave him. I then noticed that this was going to turn into a hatred between the two.

We wasn't even half way there and Ron was still eating the candy and a rat sitting in his lap. "This is Scabbers," he said and we just looked at him.

"My brother Fred showed me this spell that can turn him yellow, but I think it's probably rubbish," he said.

I smiled noticing I was still beside Harry with his arm around me but I moved away. Ron coughed and was about to say the spell, when a girl with curly hair walked right to the front of the compartment, she looked around, huffed then, "Has anyone seen a toad?" she asked, "a boy named Neville lost one." Ron gave her this weird look, "No."

She noticed Ron with his wand, "Are you doing magic?" she asked, "let's see then," she finished with a smile. Ron coughed again, "sunshine, daisy, butter, mellow, turn this stupid fat rat yellow'" he finished.

All that happened was a spark and the box his head was in popped off and made me jump. He looked at Harry and shrugged his shoulder with this look on his face, and Ron just shrugged his shoulders.

"Are you sure that's a real spell?" she asked. "Oh well it's not very good is it, of course I only try simple spells, but they always work for me," she said taking out her wand and coming and sitting down right in front of Harry.

"Example," she said pointing her wand right in front of Harry. He gave her this worried look, "Occulous repairo," she said. Right then the tape that was holding Harry's glasses together flew off and was fixed.

Ron and Harry looked at each other, Harry took off his glasses and looked at them. "Isn't that better?" she asked, and then it seemed to dawn on her, "holy cricket your Harry Potter, I'm Hermione Granger," she said.

She looked at me, "I'm Delia Diggory," I said. She smiled at me. Then she looked at Ron with this look, "and you are?" she asked. He finished chewing, "I'm Ron Weasley," he said with his mouth full.

I just smiled, and she still had that look on her face. "Pleasure," she said then looking at Harry, "you three best be getting in your robes I suspect we'll be getting there soon."

She got up and walked out smiling at me, I smiled back and waved at her, she left the door then came back and told Ron, "you know you have dirt on your nose by the way, just there," she said and pointed on the side of her nose.

Then she left, Harry and Ron looked at each other and I just died out laughing at them. Harry just laughed with me.

I stood up and got my robes, "I'll be right back," I said smiling and walking out the door to the bathrooms in the back.

I got dressed and came back to the compartment and saw that Harry and Ron weren't back yet. I sat down and looked out the window and it was pitch black out so I couldn't really see.

I thought I was alone, until I felt someone grab my hand. I screamed, but they put their hands over my mouth.

I bit their finger and they let go and when I turned around I saw Harry, "Oh my lord Harry I am so sorry," I said coming over and grabbing his hand.

I looked at where I bit him and my teeth imprint was on it, "hey at least I'll know I have something of you to remember," he said.

I pushed him and smiled, then looked out the window and saw Hogwarts, and it was huge. I looked out the window and just stared at it in ah.

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