One Direction Boyxboy One sho...

By lovetoread9876

5.3K 89 16


One Direction Boyxboy One shots
Marcel and Louis
Without You (Larry) Part 1
Without You (Larry) Part Three
Without You (Larry) Part 4
Without You (Larry) Part 5

Without You (Larry) Part 2

344 10 2
By lovetoread9876

I had to censor some of the words so that it would remain a PG-13 book. I hope you are enjoying. Dedicated to @Glamdirectioner17 for always commenting and encouraging me. Comments are always appreciated. Thank you for reading my story. 

Four days later not much has changed. Louis wakes up and Niall brings him food and hovers over him until he attempts to eat what he has prepared. He usually drinks a half a mug of tea and nibbles on toast to keep Niall from lecturing him although he usually frowns when he notices the practically untouched toast being returned to him. Louis then turns on the television not paying attention to anything that’s on. He just blankly stares at the screen no emotion on his face, his mind not even registering what channel or show that is currently on. He is beginning to have dark circles form under his eyes and the only time he can sleep is when Niall holds him. Niall is on the phone with Liam and Zayn a few times a day and Louis tells him that he can leave because he knows the blonde Irishman misses his lovers but Niall refuses to leave him alone. Louis is sitting on the couch listening to every word that his best friend is saying over the phone even though Niall is in the kitchen trying to be quiet about it. "Please come over LiLi I miss you and Louis needs to get out of here for a bit. He is not doing well and I am so afraid for him. He's still not eating much and he wakes up screaming if I am not holding him. Thanks LiLi love you." Niall hangs up and walks into the room sitting down beside Louis. "You don't have to stay I know you miss Liam and Zayn." Louis whispers brokenly. "I already told you I am not leaving you Louis. You are one of my best mates and I will not leave you like this." Niall replies tears swimming in his blue eyes. He gathers Louis close and runs his fingers through his messy fringe.  Louis sighs and snuggles into Niall's side glad that he is here even though he wishes he were alone.

There is a knock at the door and Niall goes to answer it motioning Liam inside Zayn close behind him. As soon as they clear the door Zayn pulls Niall into a hug murmuring "I miss you" over and over into Niall's neck placing small pecks to his soft skin. Zayn wants to push Niall against the wall and snog him senseless but they had all made an agreement over their texting conversations to keep the PDA to a minimum to not cause Louis undue stress. Zayn reluctantly lets go and goes to greet Louis giving Liam a chance to greet their hot little Irishman. Liam pulls him close softly pecking his lips while Louis's attention is focused on Zayn. They reluctantly pull apart from their tight embrace and make their way to where Louis and Zayn are sitting.  "Louis we are here for an intervention. You need to get out and spend some time with your friends away from this place. Now go shower and dress we are going out to lunch and then a movie and we will not take no for an answer. So go get dressed." Liam makes a dismissing motion with his hands talking in a posh voice causing a small smile to grace Louis's features. He stands up and makes his way to his bathroom and all of the boys release the breath that they have been holding relief evident on their faces. They can hear the shower start and Niall sits down in the middle of Liam and Zayn trying his best to cuddle with both of them at the same time.

The front door opens and turn their head to see Harry enter. To say he looks rough is an understatement. His curls are lackluster and lying limply across his forehead. He has dark circles under his eyes and he enters with a slouch clothes wrinkled and creased. Niall is beyond furious at him. How dare he come back after what he did? Before anyone can stop him he jumps up running over to Harry. A resounding crack fills the room as Niall's palm connects with Harry's cheek. "Get out right now you do not deserve to even be in this house." He snarls and raises his hand again but is stopped by Liam before he can strike being pulled back against Liam’s toned chest. "Mate you really need to leave. Louis is not doing well and if he sees you we're afraid he will break down even more." Liam soothingly says trying to ease the tension in the room and hold back the little ball of Irish fury in his arms. "Let him in that way I can have room to properly kick his a** without the pap’s seeing it" Zayn snarls standing behind Liam with his fists clenched and jaw tight. Harry just stands there with sad red rimmed eyes and backs toward the door. He opens it and is almost completely outside before he takes a deep shaky breath and turns to look at his best friends once more.

"Please know that I had a reason for doing what I did." He murmurs lower lip trembling as he closes the door on their now angry but stunned expressions. "Reason my a** stupid twat" Niall snarls running his hands through his hair and face palming. They all try to calm themselves down before Louis sees them upset and wonder what happened. They look at each other and mentally agree not to mention the fact that Harry stopped by. Louis soon enters wearing a pair of black skinny jeans and one of Harry's hoodies which looks baggy on his smaller frame. Let's go" Liam says with a smile and they exit the house eager to try and cheer Louis up. To Niall's delight they decide to eat at Nando's and they even manage to coax Louis into eating some of the chicken that Niall has ordered. They all then climb into Liam's car and head to the movies and they actually get Louis to giggle halfway through when Niall places his empty popcorn bucket on his head and pretends he is a princess falsetto voice and all. They enter Louis's house and settle down on the couch. "I'm going to go to the bathroom" Louis murmurs walking slowly up the stairs. They settle on the couch snuggling with each other only to pull quickly apart at the high pitched scream that emanates from the direction of Louis's room. They all run Zayn in the lead to see him on his knees before his open closet.

Liam kneels down beside Louis and pulls him close "what's wrong love?" He gently asks looking in the direction Louis's shaky hand is pointing. They all peer into the closet to see half of it empty. Harry's clothes are gone. "He's been here and took his clothes he's really not coming back." Louis sobs clutching tightly to Liam's arm and the noises coming from him are so broken they sound as if they can never be fixed again. Niall is standing behind them furiously texting and Zayn looks like he could punch something preferably Harry's face at the moment. Liam finally gets Louis to stand and helps him lie down running his fingers through his hair and murmuring soothing words while Louis cries himself to sleep. Even in his slumber he still manages soft whimpers and has tears flowing down his cheeks. They all make their way out if his room and downstairs as quietly as they can so that they not disturb the sleeping heartbroken man asleep clutching Harry's pillow tightly.

"That insensitive twat how could he do this to Louis he had to have known how much this would hurt him. He knows how deeply Louis loves him." Zayn snarls pacing around the living room fists tightly clenched eyes shining with a murderous gleam. "Remember what Harry said before he left. He said there was a reason for doing what he did. This is not like Harry he loves Louis and I really don't think that he would leave unless he had a good reason." Liam always the peacemaker tries to calm down the other two by reminding them that Harry has a side to this story as well. "Well if he cared he should have called us or texted us and let us know what is going on, wrote a note, something." Niall exclaims and throws his hands up in exasperation. They hear a shuffling noise coming from the stairs and turn to see Louis slowly making his way down. He makes his way over to Zayn and lays his head on his shoulder almost as if sensing that he was the most upset and needed to calm down. Zayn puts aside his feelings of rage for a moment and pulls Louis close kissing the top of his head and rubbing his back. Louis pulls away and gives him a watery smile pulling out of his arms and running his hands through his hair.

"I think I'll go visit mum. Daisy is over her sickness and I really need to get away for a few days. Niall can you pack me a bag with a few changes of clothes and the stuff I will need, I really don't want to look at that closet right now." "Sure anything for you" Niall says rushing out of the room and making his way to the bedroom grabbing his bag and beginning to pack. He reaches for a pair of skinny jeans and something falls out of the pocket as he is trying to fold them. He leans over and retrieves a silver ring. Niall looks at the engraving on the inside and outside and clenches the ring in his hand so tightly he is surprised the skin does not break. This must be Harry's engagement ring. He takes a few deep breaths to calm down and pockets the ring not wanting to give it to Louis and cause him more grief but also wanting to keep it safe for him. He quickly finishes packing and presents the fully stocked bag to a somewhat smiling Louis. They all walk him to his car and help him put his bag in the boot of his car. "I will probably stay a week and I'll text you when I start back. I love you guys." Louis says as he hugs them individually. They watch him climb into his car and drive away relief etched onto their faces. "At least he will be taken care of Jay will spoil him rotten." Niall says while walking towards Liam's car, he stops halfway and looks over his shoulder whispering seductively. "Are you two coming I really want to go lie down on that big bed we have at home, who wants to join me." Everyone eagerly piles into Liam's car and makes their way home for a night of tender touches, soft caresses and whispered I love you's.

Across town Harry is sitting on the small bed in his undecorated bedroom softly sobbing into his pillow. The door to his room opens and clothes are tossed on the end of his bed. "I used your key and retrieved your clothes you can thank me later." They storm out of the room slamming the door behind them and Harry reaches down grabbing one of Louis's shirts that must have accidentally been taken. He pulls it to his face inhaling the sweet scent of his lover. "I miss you so much baby and I'm so sorry. I hope one day I can tell you that I am doing this for you." He quietly whispers lying down with the shirt next to his face so that he falls asleep with the scent of Louis invading his senses.

It has been a week since the boys have seen Louis and Niall wakes up gasping for air waking his two lovers out of their peaceful slumber. "Niall baby what's wrong?" Zayn asks gently rubbing his back and trying to calm the distressed lad. "I don't know but I really feel like we need to call Louis. Something’s not right. Please LiLi call him."  Liam jumps out of bed and walks across the room to retrieve his phone. He quickly dials Louis's cell number but it just goes straight to voicemail. He then dials Jay and she picks up on the second ring. "Jay its Liam I need to speak to Louis." Liam clutches his phone tight with one hand his other flying to his lips clamping down over them. He hangs up and turns his tearful expression to his two lovers sitting on the bed watching him intently. "Guys Louis is not at Jay's house."

"So that means he left early lets go to his house and see how he's..." Zayn states but falls quiet when he notices Liam's pained expression with a tear now slipping down his cheek. "Guys Jay has not seen him; Louis never made it to his mum's house."

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