Without You (Larry) Part 5

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Louis turns around desperately looking for Harry but not finding him anywhere in the room. "I know who you are looking for but guess what" Marcus states walking up to Louis who is frozen in fear. Marcus leans close pressing Louis against the sink placing his hands on either side of him trapping him. He presses his body into Louis's causing his lower back to painfully dig into the sink. He lets out a sinister laugh and leans his head forward his lips brushing against the soft shell of Louis's ear. "He's not here. No one is here to save you." He begins to place soft kisses on Louis's neck in between words. "It's just you *kiss* and me *kiss* I have always wanted you *kiss* from the moment I saw you *kiss* I just knew you had to be mine." Louis pushes him away and tries to run past him only to have his hair roughly grabbed and pulled so that he is forced back beside Marcus. Marcus places his hand on Louis's shoulder spinning him around and slapping him hard across the face. He grabs Louis's hair and yanks him forward causing his body to collide with his. He wraps one strong arm around Louis's waist and pulls him close pulling on his hair and forcing Louis to look at him with tear-filled eyes. "I have your precious Harry and if you want him to live to see tomorrow I would suggest you do as I say. Now we are going to walk out of here and calmly walk to the parking area. We will then climb into my car. Do not run from me or you will regret it and Harry will die." He lets go of his hair and caresses Louis's reddened cheek with his hand. "You are so beautiful" He leans forward and tries to capture Louis's lips with his but Louis turns away at the last minute and his lips connect with his soft cheek instead. He chuckles and pulls away placing his hand on Louis's lower back pushing him toward the door. As they exit the bathroom Niall comes running up to them.

"Louis we have been looking all over for you and Harry..." He stops his eyes widening slightly at the person he sees exiting the bathroom behind Louis. Louis thinks desperately hoping that when his mouth opens the correct words come out to warn Niall but not alert Marcus. "Niall Marcus asked Harry and me to help him with something. Marcus has already has Harry downstairs and he is waiting on us in the parking garage. I am sure Simon already knows about this so go on back to the meeting and we will see you in a bit." Niall looks at Louis understanding shining from his beautiful cerulean eyes. "O.k. you have fun with that. I'll call you and let you know what the meeting was about." Niall reaches forward and gives Louis a hug slipping something into the front pocket of Louis's hoodie his actions thankfully going unnoticed by an impatient Marcus. "Louis we have a lot to do we should go." Marcus sweetly says with a smile that does not quite reach his eyes. Niall pulls away from Louis and rushes toward Simon's office. Louis watches his retreating figure longingly wishing that he was going with him. Marcus leans down and whispers harshly in Louis's ear "move." Louis slowly makes his way to the elevator pushing his hands into his hoodie pocket to see what Niall placed there. His fingers brush against something he can recognize by touch. Niall slipped Harry's phone into his pocket. Harry has a very unique protective case on it and Louis would recognize it anywhere.  How did Niall end up with it? He vaguely remembers Harry telling Niall to hold it while they were in the car on the way to the meeting. Louis's heart speeds up at the thought of the help this phone represents. The police are monitoring it. If he can just turn it on and dial them maybe they can track where they are going. His finger brushes the power button as they enter the elevator when they reach the ground floor a security guards halts Marcus asking him a question causing his attention to be diverted from Louis who quickly pulls the phone out unlocking it and dialing the police praying that they do not speak loud enough for Marcus to hear and take the phone from him. He shoves the phone back in his hoodie pocket hoping that the dispatcher can hear what is going on and it is not too muffled by his pocket. 

Louis does not realize the police have already been informed by Simon and are already in the parking garage waiting on them to emerge from the building. As soon as Niall left Louis in the hallway he burst through Simon's office door yelling what he just discovered. Simon grabs his phone and contacts security and tells them to stall Marcus. He then calls the police who just happen to have a car close by. They are all making their way to the elevator quickly trying to catch up to Louis and Marcus when a soft cry stops them in their tracks causing them to look at a doorway to their right. The door opens and Harry emerges holding the side of his head and whimpering pitifully. "Harry" Liam yells rushing over and grabbing him trying to see the extent of his injuries. "Go help Louis he is in the bathroom. I was standing at the sink washing my hands when I looked into the mirror and noticed Marcus behind me. He must have hit me over the head with something and I woke up here. We need to go find Louis we need to save him." Harry tries his best to pull away from Liam looking toward the bathroom door. "Harry Marcus has Louis and they are on their way to the parking garage we are on our way there now." Harry pulls away and takes off toward the elevator Niall already has waiting for them. They all pile in and anxiously wait for it to arrive on the ground floor. Simon is on the phone updating the police so that they know Harry has been found and Louis is their priority now.

Marcus talks to the security guard and is growing impatient at his endless questions. He abruptly ends the conversation motioning Louis forward. Louis tries his best to walk as slowly as possible in hopes that Niall was able to tell someone where they are headed and can send help. Marcus grabs Louis's arm frustrated because in his opinion it is taking too long to get to the parking garage. "Where is Harry? What have you done to him?" Louis questions making sure the phone is at an angle to where someone can hear. "He is tied up in the boot of my car and is probably still unconscious from where I hit him but if you don't hurry he will wake up and panic because he will not know where he is now walk faster." They make our way across the lobby and out the door to the garage. He drops Louis’s arm not wanting it to seem like he is forcing him in case someone is watching. They are about halfway across the parking deck when a loud voice sounds echoing off of the walls surrounding them. "This is the police hands where we can see them." Marcus nervously reaches for Louis but Louis is far enough away that he backs quickly and avoids Marcus's grasping hands. The officers swarm surrounding Marcus guns pointed at him. "Try to find his car Harry is tied up in his car!" Louis shouts worriedly looking around at all of the vehicles and praying Harry is o.k. Tears are now flowing down Louis's cheeks as he looks around trying to figure out which car Harry is trapped in. His search is stopped by the sound of the most beautiful voice to ever grace his ears. "BooBear!" Harry that’s my Harry's voice his mind registers as he turns and see Harry running towards him. Louis takes off running and throws himself in his arms wrapping his legs around Harry's waist and peppering kisses on his perfect face. "I thought I lost you" Louis sobs into Harry's neck. Harry gathers his love close to his heart and repeatedly whispers. "I'll never let you go; I'll never let you go."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2013 ⏰

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