Without You (Larry) Part 1

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This one shot has consumed my mind for days. I just had to type it up. It is going to be long so I might end up having two or three parts. Please leave your comments below. I would love to hear from you.

"Harry" Louis whimpers as his loving boyfriend gives a final thrust and empties his load into Louis's tight heat. Harry collapses onto his toned chest panting and placing open mouthed kisses on Louis's soft tanned skin. Louis loves having his boyfriend deep inside him and the feeling of that aching fullness was something he would always crave. Harry chuckles when he feels Louis's legs tighten around him. "Boo we need to shower we have a meeting with management in two hours.” I don't want to go I want to stay with you in bed. It's supposed to be our time off." Louis pouts adorably burying his face in Harry's neck and nipping at the skin eliciting a moan from Harry's soft kiss swollen lips. They had just finished their tour and had a much needed two months off to do interviews and talk shows and spend time with their families before they had to start recording the new album. "Boo it's supposed to be a quick meeting and then we will come right back. I have plans for us tonight that involve tangled sheets, sweaty panting bodies, and no interruptions."

Louis smirks and pulls his lover of six months down for a passionate kiss. I cannot believe he is mine Louis happily thinks stroking Harry's tongue with his own. He is my everything, he is my world, and he is perfect. Those thoughts keep flashing through Louis’s mind as he kisses him passionately. He can feel Harry begin to harden inside of him and smiles into the kiss intentionally tightening his muscles around Harry's enormous member. Harry's eyes roll back and he detaches his lips and throws his head back moaning dirtily. Louis starts to move his perfectly curved bum causing Harry's now hardened member to slide almost all the way out before tilting just right to allow him to slide back in. "I think we have time for round two" Louis says wiggling his eyebrows and tightening his muscles around Harry again. Harry smirks down at his lover a look of adoration gracing his perfect features. "I think you're right" he replies kissing his lips again and soon round two begins.

"Guys where have you been we are almost late you were supposed to meet us here twenty minutes ago, no wait don't answer that I am not sure I want to know." Liam huffs in exasperation rolling his eyes as Niall giggles beside him. "LiLi we already know what Larry has been up to did you not notice Louis's limp." Niall chuckles kissing Liam's cheek causing him to blush and wrap his arm around the blonde's waist. Zayn chooses that moment to walk up muttering something about being up at this ungodly hour and kissing Liam's other cheek laying his head on Liam's shoulder. He reaches out in front of Liam and grabs Niall's hand grasping it tightly. Louis coos and looks at the adorable threesome in front of him. The fans would be shocked to find out that every member of One Direction was gay and that Liam, Niall, and Zayn were in a committed relationship together. No one in the group has come out to management yet but it will only be a matter of time before they find out. Right now they have the perfect cover though. Perrie and Eleanor are beards to conceal Louis's and Zayn's real love interests. The fans would be even more shocked if they discovered that Perrie and Eleanor were actually in a relationship and were more than happy to be beards if that meant they could spend time with each other while they were supposedly with their "boyfriends."

"We need to get going" Liam states as they exit his flat and make their way to the van Paul has waiting for them. Paul is the only one who knows of their relationships and he is extremely supportive of the five boys who are like family to him. They arrive at their meeting with minutes to spare and are quickly ushered inside. "Boys so good to see you" Simon greets walking toward them giving each one a hug. "I called this meeting to announce our newest member of your management team. Marcus this is Louis, Harry, Niall, Liam, and Zayn. Guys this is Marcus." We chat for a few more minutes about the upcoming album and soon Simon closes the meeting and we all get up to leave. "Guys if I could have a moment with you individually to chat and introduce myself that would be great. I promise it will not take long." Marcus states with a kind smile on his face. Zayn goes first then the rest of the boys have a turn taking about five minutes each with their new management member. We all exit the building and return to Liam's flat for a movie and game night. Louis could not help but notice that Harry is not acting right. He is distracted and is texting someone throughout the movie and that’s odd because he is never on his phone that much Louis thinks wondering who could be occupying so much of his boyfriend’s time. Afterwards Louis and Harry leave to go back to their shared flat for a night of intense lovemaking before collapsing in a sated pile of sweaty limbs murmurs of I love you’s filling the room. Harry made love to Louis with a desperation that he had not experienced before. Exhaustion sets in and they drift off to sleep holding each other tightly. Louis’s mind was wrapped in a dreamless peaceful slumber while Harry’s mind was wrapped in frightening nightmares.

"Harry can you help me with..." Louis announces entering the kitchen his voice trailing off when he notices how nervous Harry looks. He is on his phone yet again. Harry quickly pockets his phone giving Louis a small smile that does not quite reach his eyes. "What do you need Boo?" Harry asks coming over and placing his hand on Louis's shoulder squeezing gently. "I want to move the dresser in our room. I dropped a cufflink behind it and it is too heavy for me to move on my own." They make their way upstairs and Louis crows happily as he retrieves the missing cufflink and the phone case that he has not been able to find. "I did not even know that was back there thanks for helping me Hazza." Louis goes to kiss Harry's cheek noticing that he stiffens up slightly when his lips make contact with his creamy skin.

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