Little Miss Awkward

By Ammxeee

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The first time I walked into a bank I had a cold and I sneezed, I mumbled something about slobber coming from... More

Chapter 1 - The Right Day to Pick the Wrong Classroom
Chapter 2 - Being the Perfect Student is Overrated
Chapter 3 - I'm Not Like Most Girls
Chapter 5 - Sharing is Caring
Chapter 6 - I'm Not Short, I'm Fun Sized
Chapter 7 - Watching Disney Movies Should be a Religion
Chapter 8 - I Volunteer as Tribute
Chapter 9 - It's Over
Chapter 10 - Trial and Error

Chapter 4 - Blown Cover

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By Ammxeee

Chapter 4 – Blown Cover

Regan’s P.O.V

“I’m not like most girls…” She smiled slightly before turning around

I watched her in amazement as she cast a glance at the David guy and gunned the bike to go forward, gripping onto her waist to stop me from falling off. Looking around me the surrounds blurred past us as me sped down the road.

Something about this girl interested me, I wasn’t sure what caught my eye about but she was certainly not like most girls. Most followed a crowd, tried their best to stay up with new trends and were afraid of how others saw them – but Max, she was different.

I watched her silently as we rode through the streets; no doubt the girl was beautiful. Her skin was flawless aside from the few freckles that dusted the bridge of her nose and her eyes, they were the most beautiful blue I’ve ever seen not mention they matched her hair. The first day when we met and she ran into me I thought she was just like everyone else but then she opened her mouth and told me that story apart her and her brother and something inside me changed – since then when I should’ve been paying attention to other things my thoughts would always somehow wander to her… When we crashed into each other the second time I was thankful that I had an excuse to talk to her, and admittedly I did see her (the blue hair was kind of hard to miss), but when she spun around he ended up colliding heads again.

Smiling at the memory I didn’t notice us slowing down, shaking my head to clear my thoughts I noticed we were at a park. Max pulled over and shut off the bike. She stepped off the bike and placed the keys in her pocket and helped me off the bike, watching her curiously, she ran a hand through her wavy hair.

“I figured that I kind of owe you an explanation of what just happened…” Max trailed off ringing her hands in front of her

Nodding I led her to a bench and we sat down together, her thigh brushed past my leg and my heartbeat sped up. Looking towards the pond on the other side of the park a distant look crossed Max’s face as if she was sorting through the memories.

“It all started back in high school. Sophomore year I tried out for cheerleading, I was tiny and I’d just quit gymnastics so the team thought I’d be perfect to do stunts and stuff like that. I figured cheerleading would keep me busy so I agreed and got a place on the team, everyone was nice so I stayed with it then I suddenly became popular. I started dating and that’s where David comes in, he was the playboy of the school and I was so happy that he actually noticed me. But then during junior year everything turned for the worst. My mum and I were messing around one day and I found her bucket list from when she was young.” Max paused for a moment, a sad smiled crossed her face before she continued, “One of the thing’s on the list was to dye her hair a crazy colour. I asked her if she ever did it but she said no, so I tried to convince her to do it then” She let out a shaky laugh, “But she couldn’t do it because of her job, she was a paramedic and having crazy coloured hair was against the dress code. Being the weird person I am I decided that I would do it. On the way back from the hairdressers that day a car collided with ours and my mum-” her voice broke slightly, clearing her throat she continued on pushing a strong tone into her voice, “My mother didn’t make it. The next week I went back to school trying to act as if everything was okay, I knew my mum wouldn’t have wanted me to mope around for weeks… Anyways, I walked up to my friends and asked them how they were and if I’d missed anything important. They took one look at the blue hair and just flat out ignored me”

She turned to face me now with a guarded expression, “The people I’d spent so much time with, laughing with, joking with, making memories with just dropped me. I was heart broken, my mother had just died and no one wanted to talk to me – they were afraid that I’d blow up on them. So I confronted them one day, in the cafeteria in front of half the school”

Looking back over towards the pond her gaze followed a small group of ducks swimming around, “I called them out in front of everyone how they’d dropped me and avoided me like I had the plague. Right at the time when I needed them the most they weren’t there for me. Then Rachel stood up; she was the stereotypical head cheerleader. She dressed in pieces of fabric you could hardly call clothes and caked on her make up and do you know what she said to me?” she asked to no one in particular, staying silent I watched her face contort into a sarcastic smile, “She, of all people accused me of being an attention whore. The person who practically threw herself at the male population of the school was labeling me as the one who was ‘pathetically moping around craving attention’” She quoted with her hands angrily, “She pointed out my hair and said that it was another cry for attention. Later that day I went to walk into an empty classroom because I’d left my notebook in there. Knowing my track record I should have assumed that something else would happened to me that day, I walked in on David – my freakin’ boyfriend and Rachel. They were together in the empty classroom… So as you can assume as anyone would react in that situation I screamed that David and me were over and called Rachel some very colourful words and skipped the rest of the day. The night I though about everything and decided to reinvent myself, I quit cheerleading and became sarcastic, rebellious Max that showed no real emotions to anyone. I even got a tattoo…” Max finished with a laugh

I sat there taking all the information in; Max had been through a lot. She had to go through something that no one should with out the help of her friends.

“Well, I’ve never done that before. Poured out my life story to someone…” Max trailed off awkwardly running a hand through her hair

I smiled at the action, “So do I get to see it?” I asked cheekily

Max frowned, her eyebrow’s creasing together in confusion, “See what?”

“Your tattoo silly” I joked to lighten the mood

She laughed along with me and shook her head, “Nope” She winked at me cheekily

My heartbeat sped up slightly; blinking a couple of times I smiled back.

“Hey do you like dogs?” Max asked suddenly looking back to me curiously

“Random question, but yes I happen to love dogs” I replied watching for her reaction

Beaming at me she jumped up, “Great!” she giggled excitedly grabbing my wrist and pulling me back towards the bike.

Slipping back onto the bike I gripped onto her waist again before we sped off down the road again, within a couple of minutes we pulled up out the front of an apartment complex and Max shut of the bike.

Stepping off the bike she turned to me and a beautiful smile crossed her face, “There’s someone I want you to meet” Pulling me into the building we took the stair two at a time before we arrived in front of a door

Slipping some keys out of her pocket she placed them into the door and unlocked it, swinging open the door she called out, “Zeus, I’m home and I bought someone for you to meet-” She stopped abruptly and rushed in the door to a grey husky that was lying on the ground whimpering

“Hey what’s wro-” I didn’t get to finish my sentence before I noticed two men sitting on her couch, my training kicked in and I got into a fighting position

One of the men stood up suddenly and looked at me with a confused expression, “Agent Daniels? What are you doing here?” The man asked and I dropped my stance

“Mack? What are you doing here?” I asked him, what was he doing her in Max’s apartment?

Just then I noticed a fired Taser on the ground and Max noticed it too, “You Tasered my dog?” She exclaimed at the two men standing in her lounge room

“Well he kinda jumped at us when we came in…” The other guy stated and I recognized him as Samson Hurst another agent

She looked at them like they were stupid, “Of course he’s going to jump at you, you idiots! You don’t live here! I do!” She yelled at them throwing her hands up into the air in frustration before going back to patting the dog soothingly

“Are you Max Sterling?” Mack asked her seriously

“No. I just live here, this is Max Sterling” She deadpanned pointing to the dog

Placing a hand over my mouth to stop myself from laughing, I bit my lip smiling.

“Wait” She paused for a moment before looking over at me, “What do you mean Agent Daniels?”

The smile dropped from my face and I realized the situation that I was in, “Well um… It’s a nickname?” I finished, my excuse sounding more like a question. For some reason I couldn’t lie to her, letting out a breath I glanced at Mack and Samson to see them watching our exchange curiously. Shaking my head I took a step forward and closed the door behind me, turning to face Max again she’d raised her eyebrow anticipating that I was going to say something else, “I’m C.I.A, Max or at least I was… Not so sure now, my cover is kind of blown now” I rubbed the back of my neck sheepishly

She blinked at me a couple of times taking in the information I’d just told her and she opened her mouth to ask another question but was cut off by Mack.

“So you are Max, well I hate to break up this moment between you two, but Max Sterling you are under arrest for the suspicion of working with Damon Link” He said flatly taking out a pair of hand cuffs

I stood there in shock, there’s no way she could be working with him.

“Wait, what? Who the heck is Damon Link?” Max asked looking to me for help

“Do you know this man?” Mack asked holding up a drawing of Damon Link

“Hey that’s my drawing, you went through my stuff-” She started but Mack cut her off

“Answer the question Miss Sterling” She opened her mouth but her gaze flicked to me a second before she answered him.

Letting out a breath her shoulders sagged slightly and she nodded, “Yes, I know that man”

“How?” Mack asked again taking another step closer

Max’s posture seemed to freeze before she looked Mack straight in the eye, “He’s the man that killed my mother”


Bam! Chapter 4 done! We got to learn a little bit more about Max in this chapter and in Regan's point of view (surprise!). Poor Zeus got tasered, Regan turned out to be CIA and Max got arrested!

Stay turned to find out what happens next!

And if you have actually read this then thank you, and if you liked it maybe vote?

Emma xo

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