Goodbye And Hello

By ju7393

2.1K 97 43

Deciding that he should leave something behind before he headed off to meet with the Millefiore boss, Tsuna h... More

Chapter 1: Meeting with Shoichi And Kyoya
Chapter 2: Goodbye
Chapter 3: Disappearance And Reborn's Feelings
Chapter 5: All In The Future

Chapter 4: The Future

424 18 12
By ju7393


So I updated.  Pretty quick if I do say so myself, considering how long it took me to update last time.  So yeah.  But I kind of think this chapter needed something else, so it might not be very well.  And honestly I really couldn't remember some of the stuff that happened in the series so I actually had to go back and see it, well that parts that I wasn't sure of.  I think I tried too hard that it actually ended up kind of bad.  Sorry for any bad spelling, or grammar.  And also if it sucks, sorry for that too.



As quickly as possible Yamamoto ran with Reborn in his arms. He ran so fast that no even ten minutes had gone by when Yamamoto had finally stopped running. It seemed like they had already made it to their destination.

"We're here at the base." Yamamoto said answering Reborn's unasked question.

After entering the base, the first thing that Yamamoto did was to run and look for Gianini. He'd be able to do something to help Reborn in his current condition.

"Gianini I need your help!" Yamamoto called out as he practically kicked open the doors to the lab.

Letting out a startled yelp Gianini jumped from his seat in front of the computer at the sound of the yell calling for him, and the loud bang that the doors made. He quickly turned around and saw Yamamoto. Gianini opened his mouth to speak, but whatever he was about to say died down after seeing who was in Yamamoto's arms.

Gianini stared at Reborn for a long time, 'An illusion? No. But it can't be really him....' He could clearly see the rise and fall of the shoulders as he breathed in and out, which was very rapid, 'Unless he's not our Reborn.?' Before Gianini could get lost any further in his own thoughts Yamamoto spoke, "I need you to find a way to prevent Reborn from feeling the effects here quickly!"

"Right away!" Gianini said as he quickly began to work.

~Time Skip (Twenty Minutes Later)~

After a long twenty painful wait Gianini was finally done. Gianini wanted to finish as soon as possible, but if he had gone any faster he would have ruined everything and just make things worse than they were already for. It hurt him badly at knowing that Reborn was suffering and had to wait in pain for Gianini to make something to help. Gianini knew how deadly these effects are to the arcobaleno, after all the others fell victim to it as well.

Gianini had made a white one piece outfit with a round glass attached to the chest for the perfect size for the pacifier to fit in.

"I'm sorry it took so long." Gianini said as he took a step back to get a better look at Reborn to make sure that everything fit perfectly, "But this should help a lot. I have also made a barrier around the base to keep you safe."

Reborn carefully adjusted everything to his liking before looking up at Gianini from his spot on the couch in the living room, "Thank you Gianini." Reborn was very grateful to him, if it weren't for him and also Yamamoto for finding him on time, Reborn would have most likely also met the same fate the other arcobaleno did.

After looking at Reborn for a few more seconds Gianini finally asked, "Reborn-san how did you get here? I know you're not the Reborn from this time."

Reborn gave a curt nod, "I was hit with the ten year bazooka." Reborn glanced around the room and saw a calendar on the wall and there he noticed something was off. He wasn't ten years in the future, "What year and day is it?"

Yamamoto looked at Reborn questioningly but answered none the less. Yamamoto told him the year and day just as he was asked. And sure enough it was confirmed what Reborn had already figured out.

"Nine years and ten months in the future...." Reborn said as he repeated over in his mind what Yamamoto had just told him.

After watching the two, mostly at Reborn, Gianini finally excused himself and left leaving Yamamoto and Reborn alone.

"If you need anything else you know where to find me. If you'll excuse me I need to perfect the barrier also." Gianini turned away from them both and walked out of the room.

Once Gianini was gone all that was left was silence. Neither Reborn or Yamamoto made a sound, the silence was deftning.

"Tell me what exactly is going on here." Reborn demanded.

Yamamoto took in a deep breath and looked Reborn directly in the eyes, "First off what you're feeling is the effects of the non-trinesette radiation. All of the arcobaleno suffered a lot because of it....they all died." Yamamoto leaned against the wall behind him without breaking eye contact with Reborn, "Even the future you. Tsuna....Tsuna took the news the hardest of us all once he heard that your future you died. It took him a long while to get a hold of himself, but he managed to, but then he too died."

Reborn felt as if his heart had dropped all the way to his stomach. Hearing that his future self had died was a shock to him, but not as much as it was to hear of Tsuna's death. He felt lost, for the very first time in practically all his life he felt lost, "How did he die?"

Yamamoto glanced away from Reborn and stared at the ground while he clenched and unclenched his hands, "....He was murdered at a meeting he had with the Melfiore."

'Murdered. Tsuna was murdered.' Reborn felt so much anger. He felt horrible, but at the same time mad at himself because he wasn't there to help Tsuna. Reborn felt as if he had failed. Failed terribly. Failed to keep his student alive. And failed to have taught his student more. He felt that maybe he had failed in teaching something to Tsuna. Which is highly impossible since Reborn had drilled everything he knew into Tsuna's teachings. He did everything, yet he felt such pain and guilt at hearing of Tsuna's death.

"That coffin. Was it Tsuna's?" Reborn asked even though he didn't want to know.

A moment of silence followed for a few seconds, "Yes." Reborn slowly closed his eyes and sighed.

Yamamoto tried desperately to keep his composure, but even recounting Tsuna's death, and seeing Reborn made it so hard. After a few minutes of silence Yamamoto then proceeded to tell Reborn everything else that has been going on. The Vongola being attacked. Family and friends getting killed for any sort of association with the Vongola no matter how small it is.

"....I see."

Yamamoto continued, "We've sent someone to go and look for any remaining friends and relatives and to bring them in to safety. I will be going to soon to retrieve one of those people who were sent."

Reborn nodded, "And who is this person?

"Lal Mirch."


They were still looking for Reborn. They searched everywhere but they couldn't find him, one could say that they checked in every crock and cranny and still found nothing. Not even a clue to where Reborn could be.

Gokudera had gone in search for Reborn at the school. Haru had gone to ask Yamamoto if he had seen Reborn. And Tsuna had gone to the park to look around as well.

"Have you seen Reborn-chan?" Haru asked Yamamoto.

"I haven't seen him today." Yamamoto responded as he stood in front of takesushi facing Haru, "Did something happen to the kid?"

"Tsuna-san's looking for him. Please contact Tsuna-san if you see him!" Haru said as she ran off to continue looking.

Yamamoto called out to her, "Where are you going?"

"I'm going to ask Kyoko-chan is she knows anything." Haru yelled back.

Gokudera had checked the entire school. He had checked both inside and outside, and he hadn't found anything that might lead to him finding Reborn. In fact there was no one on school grounds.


Tsuna was running towards the park when he heard and saw I-pin, "I-pin!" Tsuna called out to her as he made his way towards her.

I-pin turned around at hearing her name being called, "Nihao Tsuna-san. Doing good today!" I-pin smiled at Tsuna.

"I-pin, have you seen Reborn?" Tsuna asked hopefully.

I-pin shook her head, "I-pin doesn't know."

Tsuna sighed, "Let me know if you do see him later on. Thanks." Then Tsuna turned around to walk away and ended up crashing into someone causing both he and the other person to fall to the ground.

Tsuna quickly got up from the ground, "I'm sorry! Are yo alright?" Tsuna asked as he looked down at red head who was still on the ground.

The person on the ground looked up and upon seeing Tsuna he began to freak ot and quickly got up grabbed his book and ran away screaming.

"He seemed so frightened." Tsuna said as he looked in the direction the other person had run off to, "Wait, I need to find Reborn!" And Tsuna once again ran off.

As he ran Tsuna began to think of the bazooka, then finally came to the conclusion that Lambo would know what has happened, "But I can't find anything out if I ask him." Tsuna said as he thought of Reborn lazing around the room with snot coming down his nose.

Tsuna stopped running, "I might be able to discover something if I ask adult Lambo!" Tsuna said in realization.


"Lambo!" Tsuna called out as he ran up the stairs.

Tsuna opened the door to his room and saw Lambo sprawled on the ground sleeping.

"Wake up Lambo!" Tsuna gently shook Lambo to get him to wake up.

Lambo turned around away from Tsuna and muttered, "Lambo isn't home right now."

"Wake up Lambo" Tsuna once again shook Lambo by the shoulder.

Lambo slowly opened his eyes. At seeing his eyes Tsuna asked, "Lambo turn into an adult with the 10-year bazooka!"

Lambo stared at Tsuna for a few seconds, "What are you saying? Lambo-san doesn't know anything about the 10-year bazooka." Lambo yawned.

Tsuna glanced up towards Lambo's head, "It's sticking out of your hair.!"

Tsuna then reached for the bazooka, "This."

"No, you can't! My boss told me not to use it!" Lambo said as he tried to pull the bazooka away from Tsuna.

"He already knows that you've been using it like crazy!" Tsuna pulled on the bazooka.

Lambo pulled on the other end of the bazooka, "He doesn't!"

"Please!" Tsuna pleaded.

"NO!" Lambo said as snot came down his nose.

"Please!" Once again Tsuna pleaded, then Lambo lost his grip on the bazooka. And the bazooka hit Tsuna.


Tsuna slowly opened his eyes, "No way. I was hit by the bazooka? That means I'm going to the future?" Tsuns said in shock.

Before he could think anymore Tsuna landed on something hard, "Ow."

It was all dark, he couldn't see anything at all. He could smell flowers. He could even feel them with his fingers.

Tsuna raised his hand up and felt a gard surface. He pushed on it and it moved. After pushing that object off Tsuna sat up, "Is this ten years from the present?" Tsuna looked around, "Then my future self was here."

"Where am I?" Tsuna said as he continued to looked around until he noticed what he was sitting in.  

"A coffin?" Tsuna whispered and then fear struck, "Why am I in a coffin?!" He didn't want to know, he was scared.  He was afraid of knowing.

"Who's there?" A voice called out startling Tsuna causing him to turn around to find the source of it.

A person came into the clearing and froze upon catching sight of Tsuna, "You are...."

Tsuna stared at the person who was standing in front of him, 'That face....' Tsuna thought then finally spoke out, "Could you be Gokudera-kun?"

TYL Gokudera kneeled in front of Tsuna and grabbed hold of his shoulders, "Juudaime!"

'It really is Gokudera-kun ten years in the future. He's gotten really big.' Tsuna thought as he looked at the older Gokudera in front of him.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." TYL Gokudera began to apologize completely catching Tsuna off guard since he didn't know what was going on.

TYL Gokudera had been squeezing hard on Tsuna's shoulders causing Tsuna to let out a sound of pain and discomfort, TYL Gokudera once again apologized as he let go of Tsuna.

"I don't know what's going on. I was hit by the 10-year bazooka."

TYL Gokudera felt his hands shake so he clenched his hands tightly, "We only have five minutes." TYL Gokudera felt so much pain and sadness well up in his chest at knowing that he only had a few more minutes with Tsuna before he went back to the past. So he took that chance to tell Tsuna what he had to.

TYL Gokudera told Tsuna that when he goes back to the past to kill a certain man. He had shown the picture to Tsuna and continued to say that Tsuna had met him in his second year of middle school.

"kill?!" Tsuna exclaimed as he held the picture of the man in his hands.

As Tsuna began to protest TYL Gokudera said, "If he didn't exist, Byakuran wouldn't have gotten...." He drifted off into silence.

'Byakuran.' Tsuna repeated the name in his mind, 'Just what is happening in the future?'

Gokudera continued to talk but was promptly cut off as Tsuna spoke what has been troubling him for a while now, "Why is my future self in this place? Why am I in a coffin ten years in the future?" Tsuna asked fearfully.

Gokudera didn't want to say it. He couldn't but Tsuna had to know, "That's because...." Then Gokudera was engulfed in smoke, and a younger Gokudera then took his place.

Tsuna was surprised at seeing the younger Gokudera. And also slightly upset since he hadn't been able to hear the truth of why he was in a coffin.

Gokudera blinked a few times then smiled brightly at seeing Tsuna, "I thought I was taken to the future." Gokudera laughed since he was clearly wrong since the usual Tsuna was in front of him instead of an older version of someone.

"This is ten years in the future Gokudera-kun. I just came from ten years ago too." Tsuna said.

Gokudera looked around the place, "So that's the case. I thought I'd get adult Lambo to tell me what he knows so I headed to juudiame's house."

~Flash Back (Short Flash Back)~

Gokudera had been running down the street heading down towards Tsuna's house to get adult Lambo to tell him everything he knew about the Bazooka.

Just as he made it to the house Gokudera looked up and saw the bazooka coming towards him. Unable to move quick enough Gokudera was hit by the bazooka.

~Flash Back End~

"That stupid cow. After I get home in five minutes, I'll get him!" Gokudera said. Then he took a better look at the object on the ground, "What is this? It looks like a coffin."

"It doesn't 'look like one'". Tsuna said basically telling him , "It doesn't look like on it is one."

Gokudera looked over at Tsuna eyes widening at what Tsuna had just said, "Then that means that in the future....juudaime is...." Not wanting to finish his thought Gokudera sat on the ground depressed and angry at him self, very angry at himself.

Tsuna then proceeded to try to calm Gokudera down even though he himself was upset and trying very hard to not think about him being dead in the future. After a few seconds of talking with Gokudera, Tsuna told Gokudera everything that TYL Gokudera had told Tsuna and what he should do.

And of course Gokudera decides that once they get back to the past they will look for that person who is on the picture and kill him. No other choices.

As Tsuna tried to persuade Gokduera not to do that he realized that the five minutes had already passed, "I think it's been over five minutes since I got here." Tsuna said as he stood up.

Gokudera then also realized that he as also been there for more than five minutes, and Tsuna then began to freak out. The more Gokudera spoke of the possibility of the bazooka malfunctioning and that they might never go back, Tsuna was panicking even more that is until his stomach growled in hunger.


As they finished eating the snack that Gokudera had brought Gokudera had gotten up and began to look around until he picked up the suitcase that his future self had.

Gokudera had begun to open it, with Tsuna saying that the future Gokudera might not like that to which Gokudera answered that it would be okay since it was his future selves case.

Once he opened the case all the content inside fell out. Some papers and a box, which Gokudera called it to be an old moldy box.

Gokudera picked up an envelope and opened it up, "We're still writing letters in the future." And proceeded to read it.

Tsuna inched closer to Gokudera to get a better look at the letter, 'I'm getting nervous.' Tsuna looked down at the letter, "What is that? It looks like drawings."

Gokudera stared intently at the latter, "This is G-writing!"

Tsuna asked what that was and Gokudera explained what it was. That he had come up with it in his first year of middle school.

Gokudera began to read the letter out loud slowly trying to piece it together. Both Tsuna and Gokudera were too distracted by the letter that they didn't hear the footsteps coming towards them until a voice was heard.

"I knew it."

Soon after that Tsuna fought with this person who turned out to be a women. And Gokudera couldn't do anything but watch since he was trapped inside a triangle web shape cage which was very hot to the touch.

The women then mentioned that they still had no control over their rings, which greatly confused them since they didn't know what she was talking about. The women then lit her ring and inserted it into a box and out came a centipede that was aimed at Tsuna. Tsuna had grabbed hold of the centipede that was wrapping around him and only had his flames forcefully taken out of him until he collapsed in exhaustion. Both of them thought that she was about to finish them off until she told them, "You get a passing mark."

"My name is Lal Mirch." Lal said, "We've played a little to wildly, it'll only be a matter of time until they find us." Lal dropped two chains onto the ground in front of Tsuna and Gokudera, "Put this chains on your Vongola rings."

After a small argument Tsuna and Gokudera followed after Lal as she led them to the hideout, "Is Reborn there too?" Tsuna asked.

"That's right. Reborn-san from ten years ago is still in this time period." Gokudera turned towards Tsuna.

Lal answered without looking back, "I don't know."

Gokudera's frown deepened, "What an unlikeable women."

Tsuna whispered to Gokudera, "Even if baby Reborn isn't around maybe their Reborn is."

"You're right." Gokudera whispered back.

Lal stopped walking and started mentioning all the names of the arcobaleno one by one, "The strongest infants, the arcobaleno, all died."

"What?!" Tsuna was shocked.

Lal turned around to look at them, "And of course Reborn isn't here either."

Tsuna felt fear grasp at his heart, 'No. It can't be true.'

~Time Skip~

As they ran Tsuna couldn't help but think back to what Lal had said, 'Reborn's not here. Could it really be that he's....dead.' Tsuna thought as he felt his eyes begin to sting.

Gokudera who was running slightly behind Tsuna glanced at Tsuna worriedly, 'Juudaime.'


They were all now sitting around the camp fire eating fish calmly, well one of them was anyways. Since Tsuna and Gokudera were both a little embarrassed since they both saw Lal naked in the lake....front few.

At that moment Lal said that they had time and that she would explain everything that has been going on. Lal mentioned how Vongola headquarters was attacked and that she was a member of the external advisor, to which Gokudera said was a lie. Tsuna didn't want to believe it that is until she mentioned Byakuran and the Millefiore family. TYL Gokudera had mentioned that as well.

"What she's saying might be true." Tsuna said as felt his hands begin to shake slightly.

"In this era rings and boxes are what are used." Lal continued, "You saw yourself how effective they are." Lal then briefly explained about the rings, "Millefiore overwhelmed the Vongola with the rings and boxes."

Tsuna grabbed his Vongola ring from the chain on his neck and looked at it. As he was looking at it Lal quickly stood up from where she was sitting since the parachute that she had let out let out the signal that someone was approaching. She quickly put the fire out, "It's an enemy a strong one." She said.

They all waited behind a boulder waiting for the enemy to pass by without noticing them, "Who is the enemy?" Tsuna quietly asked.

"Shh." Right after Lal signaled for Tsuna to be quiet loud and heavy steps could be heard, "Let it pass without making a move."

Gokudera and Tsuna looked over the boulder to see what it was and saw a Gola Mosca. Which Lal corrected them in saying that it was a Strau Mosca, the second generation Gola Mosca units. She explained that the military didn't just sell the blue prints of Gola Mosca to the Vongola.

The strau Mosca then looked around searching. Gokudera had thought that they had been found, but Lal explained that it searches and finds people by the flames emitted from the rings, and so since all their rings had the Mommon chain on them they should be safe.

Just as she finished explaining, the Strau Mosca started to move closer to the boulder. Lal asked if there were any other rings that they could have. Tsuna then remembered the ring he had gotten from Lanchia.

Lal got ready to attack the Strau Mosca to buy them some time to let Tsuna and Gokudera run away. And just as The Strau Mosca was ready to shoot at her it was stopped by someone.

"A shockwave." Lal muttered.

"Attaco di Squalo. This should buy us some time." The person said.

Tsuna broke out into a smile at seeing who it was, "Yamamoto!"


Yamamoto had been shocked at seeing Tsuna. He wasn't expecting that. He was only going to go and get Lal.

"This isn't some bad joke is it?" Yamamoto asked as he looked down at Tsuna. Looking at Tsuna brought him so many memories. Memories he wishes he could just get rid of. Memories of events that he wishes that never happened, "I came to get the agent from external advisers, but you guys are here." Yamamoto said looking from Gokudera to Tsuna.

Yamamoto stopped talking for a bit and got a better look, "You've shrunk. An Illusion? A ghost?"

'He really is Yamamoto.' Tsuna sweatdropped as did Gokudera.

Tsuna explained why they were there and how they got there. But once Tsuna mentioned the ten year bazooka and past, Yamamoto let out a nervous laugh.

That explained a lot for Yamamoto. But even though it was Tsuna from the past, it was still Tsuna. His friend Tsuna, and being able to see him and hear him was enough for him.

Yamamoto then walked by the Strau Mosca as did the others to follow after him. Yamamoto and Tsuna talked about what had just happened in the past. The ring battles had just finished.

It didn't matter what they talked about or if they even talked about anything at all. He was just happy to see Tsuna well....and alive. But still it wasn't the same. It wasn't the Tsuna from his time.

"A lot has happened since then." Yamamoto placed his arm onto Tsuna's head, "You were pretty amazing these years Tsuna." Yamamoto then glanced behind him to look at Gokudera, "So were you Gokudera."

~Time Skip (In front Of The Base)~

Yamamoto had told Lal that the information that she was given was all a fake with the location of the base. So he led them all to the location of it which wasn't very far from where they were.

Yamamoto lit his ring and inserted it in a box. And a heavy, very heavy rain began. Such a strong rain that it seemed almost like the jungle or so Tsuna compared it to.

As they were all trying to shield themselves from the rain Yamamoto spoke up sayin that they were at the base. They all went in. Yamamoto began to explain to them what the base was for, and how much of it was built, how many entrances, and the most shocking of all (to Tsuna it's shocking) is who was the one who had the base built. Tsuna. Well future Tsuna did.

They then met up with a barrier of some sort which made Tsuna very nervous especially after hearing that Gianinin had made it. Yamamoto walked through perfectly fine so the others followed after him. But when Lal stepped through she collapsed, "Her body is in shock from the sudden change of environment." Yamamoto explained.


Yamamoto had picked up Lal and taken her to the closest room which was the living room. He opened the door and let the others pass by first into it.

Tsuna looked around the room and froze at hearing a voice he so wanted to hear, "You're late." That voice was unmistakable. He knew that voice anywhere.

Tsuna slowly turned towards the source and saw Reborn sitting on one of the sofas. Tsuna felt so happy. He wanted to cry.


Tsuna's eyes began to water, "Reborn." Tsuna took a step towards him.

"Hug me." Reborn said as he came out from another place and kicked Tsuna on the head, "My toes fit perfectly on the back of your head."

"What's up with this reunion. I was looking around for you like crazy!" Tsuna turned to look at Reborn and once again saw him in another weird outfit, "And you're wearing another weird outfit". A white one piece suit that even had a tail, 'Is he trying to look like Leon?' Tsuna thought as he looked from Reborn to Leon.

Even though Reborn had kicked him Tsuna was honestly happy to see him. If he could he'd hug Reborn right now, but knowing Reborn he'd end up kicking Tsuna harder. But Tsuna was glad that Reborn was safe.

"I can't help it, if I don't wear this I feel sick. And I had that Barrier made for me too." Reborn said as he went and sat on the sofa.

Reborn was happy to see his student. He'd almost never be happy to see anyone, but he was when he was Tsuna. At seeing him there Reborn decided that he would do whatever was within his power to keep Tsuna from meeting the same fate that his future self had. He would do whatever it takes to keep Tsuna alive.

Unknown to him Tsuna was thinking the same thing as well, 'I'll keep everyone, Reborn alive. I can't lose him or anyone else.'

After Reborn told them that the amount of years was off, "Even I don't know what's goin on."

Tsuna couldn't believe that Reborn didn't know what was going on, "At least we weren't sent to some unknown place." Reborn said.

At that Tsuna asked where they were. Reborn glanced up at Tsuna, "You don't even know that?"

Reborn then told Yamamoto to put it on the monitor. A lot of images showed up on the screen. They didn't know where it was since it was so dark. That is until Yamamoto showed the last one.

"You should recognize this." And he clicked the remote and the image changed. That's when they realized that they were in Namimori.

Yamamoto began to explain what was going on, about the Vongola hunting. The hunting and killing of any member of Vongola or any person even if they're civilian that has any connections to the Vongola be it by family or friendship.

"You must have seen it too. The coffin with the Vongola mark on it." Reborn said as calmly as he could.

At the mentioning of the coffin Gokudera went and punched Yamamoto yelling at him why he had let Tsuna die. Yamamoto had no words to say except, "I'm sorry". Those words set Gokudera off even more, and he such felt the need to punch him again.

"Stop it Gokudera. Ten years in the future you were in the same position." Reborn said making Gokudera stop.

Yamamoto ended up telling them how it happened. How or rather what caused Tsuna's death in the future. How the Millefiore had called for a meeting, and Tsuna had agreed. They were to negotiate but they didn't follow on that and ended up killing Tsuna. And that the Millefiore have ignored all types of contacts from them, and just keep killing people from the Vongola.

This was not the future that they were expecting. They didn't want this future, they hated it. Why did this have to happen?

But there was still some hope, all the guardians of the future are still alive, they haven't been confirmed dead, so there is still hope no matter how small it is.

This fear inducing future.  This unwanted future has to come to an end.


So what did you guys think of it.  In my opinion I honestly think that I could have done better on it, especially from the middle to the end.  I'm not sure when I'll be updating.  I had planned on updating "Guardians undercover" but I started working on this one instead.  I kind of feel that this chapter is a bit longer than the other chapters were.

So that's it for now.  Hope you enjoyed it.

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