My Therapist (August Alsina)

By _lil_psycho

11.5K 534 113

August Alsina the twenty four year old upcoming R&B singer we all think we know everything about him but we d... More

Authors Note
The Beginning
The Beginning part2
Persia's Past
Authors Note
Possible Relationship?
Halloween Date
Ready or not BIG daddy Aug is coming
My Balloon
Just a dream?
Family Feud (not the game show)
Sad Turkey
Disastrous Thanksgiving
Family Day
My Blessing
Family Date Night
FDN Part2
Persia'sPast pt3:Short story
Home Alone
Persia's Past
Shocking News
Authors Note
Bonus Chapter

Persia's Past pt2

205 14 2
By _lil_psycho

As I watched Persia cry afta that nigga and her mom left I couldn't help but wonder what the hell he did to her and what done happened in her past to make her so damn scared of him. So I decided to ask her.

August:Baybeh why ya so scared of him he can't hurt ya?

By now everybody had decided well do our dinner tomorrow since today got ruined well just make it a family day. I looked at Persia as she took a breathe then pulled me to our room. She sat me down and sat in front of me she took another breathe before she began.

Persia: Molestation wasn't all that happened August he beat me to the point of where I was in coma at the age of 5 I didn't know any better when he first started he was drunk and when he sorta sobered up and seen that I was passed out on the bed he took me to hospital and told them I got hit by a car the doctors took a look at my wounds and knew it wasn't a hit and run but didn't have any evidence that I was being beaten. When I was seven he put me into another coma only thing is it was worse.....
(flashback will be told in third person)
Seven year old Persia was sitting playing with her dollies when HE came in the room drunk and looking pretty malicious. He stepped to her and pulled his pants up some he grabbed he little legs😳 and opened them he start touching her in the private area where no man should touch. She knew this cause her mommy told her yet she was scared to say anything because she didn't know what he would do to her. So she kept quiet and let it continue 2 years later it got worst to where e would beg  her to jack him off and make him cum.😳 Most times he would try and force it into her mouth sometimes she would be able to say no and he would back others...😳 She had no choice but to do what he said scared of what the "consqueneces* may be she never said anything until when she was ten on February 15,2013 she finally said something but she would always remember the glare he gave her and how he was silently wishing death upon her. When he went to jail she thought it was over but then er parents had a custody battle unfortunately her father won which cause her siblings to get tooken away to. They were put in separate foster homes. Her sister in one for toddlers who were sick do to er sister having sickocell😢 (think that's how you spell it) and her brother put in Mrs.Peggy's home for gentlemen. Her father took her away only able to see her mom on visitation. She was forced to go through therapy which only made her relive every single day f her misery she wanted to just leave she tried commuting suicide but it always back fired😢. When she would cut her self her father would yell get angry and punish her tell her if she tried again he would beat her ass but what she heard was your worthless no one  loves you kill yourself.
No one knows that she feels this way a d that she felt everything was like that she would cry herself to sleep and wake up in the middle of the night from the nightmares. She prayed and hoped everything would go back to normal but it never did so for her to be afraid no one could ever understand.

I started at Persia as she had tears rolling down her cheeks and couldn't help but think this girl has been through it all and he barely knew all of it her child hood was rough teenage years were rough. Just her growing up period was rough and he just didn't know what to say or do so he just grabbed her by her arms kissed her took off her clothes kissed every inch if her body from her hair down to her toes telling her she's not worthless shes the most wonderfullest thing that ever happened to him then he undressed and made straight passionate love to her body, to her mind, to her soul. Giving her his all, all his love, and unspoken love giving her hard sweat and tears and kisses showing her that she can expect better and not everyone is the same. He ravished her body as she moaned softly he never bit once went hard or fast but deep and slow letting her feel the live in every stroke. He gave her what she always been craving for, for someone to love her incondionally like she loves them.

Another juicy chapter damn guys I'm on fire three updates in one day can I get a Amen. Anyway I'll update three chapters a day or at least I'll try, but rn I'm going to sleep K.O. bye bye
               -Blue Alsina

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