Scooby-Doo On Jurassic Park

By Braedey95

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The Scooby-Doo Gang and the Martin family are visited by a Mr. John A. Hammond, who offers them to go to an i... More

Mr. John A. Hammond
Welcome To The Island
How Do They Do It?
Who's Hungry?
Welcome To Jurassic Park
The T-Rex Is Loose!!!
Cars In Trees, The Dinosaur Chase, and Singing Dinosaurs
The Next Morning
Electric Fences And Velociraptors
Raptor Breach And The Rex Being Tamed
The Big One VS Rexy
The Untameable King
Going Home

The Tyrant Lizard King, 'Tarzan' and 'Jane' VS The Untameable King

952 11 13
By Braedey95


The gang and family slowly turn towards the trees. Suddenly, as if appearing like magic from the trees around it, the creature appeared from it, as if it were a chameleon, and it eyed the gang with a murderous look in its eyes, as it growled at the humans.

The creature was standing 50ft long, 25ft high, and weighing 17 tonnes, with spiky osteoderms across its body and horns above its eye orbits, has well-developed forelimbs from a Therizinosaurus, with opposable thumbs, and sickle-shaped claws on each of its four fingers with the claw of the middle finger being the longest, the skin colour a grey/white, with eyes whose sclera is red-orange, teeth like a Rex, exposed like a crocodile's, varying in size, some jutting out at unnatural angles and many broken, with a total of 74 teeth, and has a roar as loud as a Jumbo Jet on takeoff. It was the Indominus Rex.

"IT CAN CAMOUFLAGE!!!" Braedey yelled out, and with that, he and the others sprint for their lives, as the Indominus Rex roared and chased after it.


Braedey and Valka Martin, Fred Jones, Daphne Blake, Velma Dinkley, Shaggy Rogers, and Scooby-Doo have been through a lot of crazy things, and that included with the Evil Masked Figure, the monster Scrappy-Doo, and along with the Witch's Ghost, Zombie Island, and even the Ghost of Timothy, but this creature, the Indominus Rex, was an entirely new level.

Braedey was leading, with Scooby and Daphne next to him, whilst Fred, Velma, Valka, and Shaggy were just behind them, and they were sprinting through the thick of the jungle, but the Indominus was keeping up with them. The lead brunette was thinking of a plan, and had an idea.

"Everyone!! Split up!!" Braedey ordered, and the gang all split up. The groups were...

•Braedey and Valka
•Velma, Fred and Shaggy
•Daphne and Scooby

The three groups immediately split up, all three going to the North, West, and East. The Indominus stopped for a moment, then headed East, where Daphne and Scooby had gone to. The Indominus roared out, and began to follow the scent of a Great Dane and some perfume fragrance.

As Braedey and Valka came to a stop to catch their breath, they heard the Indominus roar from the trees, then the scream of Daphne and Scooby. Braedey shot up, and looked to the West. He had a bad feeling that the Indominus was following the two, and he needed to get them to safety.

"Mum, we need to get to Daphne and Scooby, and defeat that Indominus!" Braedey told Valka. "That monster can't get our family."

"Yeah, but how?" Valka asked.

Just then, Rexy walked up to them, and knelt down to Braedey. The brunette patted Rexy's snout, and he had an idea. "All we need is a Rex, a Triceratops, and a jungle man and woman." Braedey replied to Valka, and he began to tell him and Rexy about his plot.


Meanwhile, Fred, Shaggy and Velma made it back to the Visitor's Centre, and as they ran up to the big concrete building, they saw John with Dr. Malcom in the jeep.

"You all." John said to them, relieved to see them. "Where is everyone else?" He asked.

"We had just run away from this big white thing." Shaggy told John, and emphasised the 'big' word with his arms out wide. "Something called...Indominus."

"The Indominus Rex..." John sighed sadly, and he slapped the steering wheel. "It was never meant to be made, but Dr. Wu decided to make it anyway."

"I'd want to have a word with Wu, whenever we get a chance to find him." Fred cracked his knuckles, then he and the others heard the Indominus roar in the distance, but then they heard the sound of a T-Rex roar. "What was that?"

"The T-Rex." Velma realised. "It must be helping Braedey and Valka find the Indominus, and attack it."


Daphne and Scooby kept running, not bothering to stop for anything, even if it were for a fallen tree log, a bird or something, or anyone. But, they had to stop to catch their breath. As they stopped for a moment, they then heard the stomping footsteps of the Indominus, and it appeared from the trees.

Daphne stared at the Indominus behind her and Scooby. "You have got to be kidding me." She muttered, trying to catch her breath.

The Indominus roared at the two of them, and both Scooby and Daphne split up to run away, but the Indominus decided to go after the redhead, since it was already exhausted, instead of Scooby, but the Great Dane knew he couldn't leave Daphne to the monster, so he ran to the trees, thinking of what Braedey could do in this situation.

Luckily for Daphne, the Indominus was a little slower due to its size, but it was still keeping up. As Daphne ran as fast as her body could let her, she wasn't looking at her feet, and tripped on a grown in branch from a tree, twisting her left ankle, and broke it.

"Oww." Daphne groaned in pain, feeling a few tears come up in her eyes.

Daphne tried to get up, but she couldn't run on her left foot now. She turned on her back, and the Indominus was in sight of her. It slowly made its way towards her, growling in its throat. Daphne tried to at least back up, but there was no way she would be able to get away from him now.

'I'm not gonna make it...' Daphne thought to herself, as she knew her fate was sealed now. 'Goodbye, Mystery Inc., and goodbye, Braedey Martin.'

But then...


Both Daphne and the Indominus looked over, and they saw Braedey and Valka, both yelling like Tarzan, swinging on vines, with Rexy and a large Triceratops right behind them, raring to tear apart the monster.

Braedey and Valka tied the vines around the snout of the Indominus, distracting it, and Rexy charged her head straight into the side of the monster, making it stumble away. Then, the Triceratops rammed one of its three horns into the right leg, leaving a puncture wound into its leg, and making the Indominus stumble back and roar out in pain.

Braedey and Valka slid across the branches, then leaped back and forth over the Indominus's back, making it try and grab the two, then Rexy slammed her head into the left ribcage of the Indominus, making it stumble into a tree, then unexpectedly, plasma shots struck the back and the sides of the monster.

Braedey, up in one of the high trees, had his left blaster deployed, and was firing plasma rounds at the Indominus, striking the weak points on the animal, whilst the Triceratops and Rexy bashed, rammed, bit, and attacked the Indominus at all points.

Finally, Braedey and Valka nodded to one another, armed with thick vines, and swung down from the trees. The two yelled out their Tarzan yell, and kicked the Indominus right into the chest, making it stumble back, then the Triceratops and Rexy both charged at the monster, and their combined might made the Indominus stumble back, heading to a rather steep cliff nearby, which lead down to some sharp rocks down below at sea level.

Braedey then swung down from the trees, swinging out over the cliff, along with Valka, and they both kicked a large large boulder out from under the cliff, which held up the edge the Indominus was standing on. With the large boulder gone, the cliff began to collapse into the sea, but Braedey wasn't done. He swung around once more, tied the legs and arms of the Indominus up, and with a final roar of his own strength, he kicked the Indominus right in the chest, and sent the monster of white falling into the deep below.

Daphne was shocked of what she saw, but now sighed in relief. She then winced and looked at her ankle. It was pink and slightly swollen, but she knew it was broken. When she looked over, Scooby was walking up to her, making a whining sound.

Daphne sighed and hugged Scooby. "I..I'm okay, Scooby." She tried to stand, but again she winced when she tried to stand on her left foot.

Braedey then helped her up to her feet, and both he and Valka helped her over to the Triceratops. They placed her on the animal's back, and with Scooby leading, the Triceratops followed the Great Dane back to the Visitor's Centre, as Braedey and Valka rode on Rexy's back.

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