A Christmas Proposal

By arayofsparkle

104 4 0

Lacey Frost has always dreamed of a Christmas proposal. Invited to her boyfriend's hometown to finally meet h... More

Stranded & Rescued
Means to an End
Living a Little

Awkward Attraction

17 1 0
By arayofsparkle

It was quiet as they started their journey. Lacey rested her forehead against the cool glass window while Nicholas tapped his fingers against the steering wheel to the random music station softly playing.

She was surprised by how excited her sister was over this out of character move by her. Josh didn't press for details, but rather sent misgivings about her arriving a little late.

Eventually, she felt Nicholas eyes flicker over to her.

"So," he drawled out. "How long have you known him?"

His question surprised her, but she answered nonetheless. "A little over two years," she explained. "We met in our last year of college out West. That's where I'm from. I've never been this far East before." Her words surprised her, spilling out of her easily. She wasn't exactly one to open up to a stranger.

He gave her a surprised glance. "That's where you're from? I would have taken you for a New York girl."

She laughed. "No," she chortled. "I'm not exactly a city girl. I enjoy the slower pace of life." It was true. She'd grown up in a small town and had some of her best memories during that time. Her first time in a big city had been her freshman year of undergrad. She had learned to tolerate it well enough.

She did miss the slower pace of life.

"You'll like Cedarville then," he informed her with a small smile.

Lacey was purposely not looking at him, instead she gazed straight ahead. She didn't want to risk herself dwelling on how good looking he was.

He still noticed her surprised face. "Your boyfriend hasn't told you about Cedarville I take it?"

His observation skills were impressive. She wasn't used to having such attentiveness shown to her. Not to say that Josh didn't give her plenty of attention. He did. Yet his attention was different, like buying lavish gifts and taking her on trips.

It was nice to be actually heard in a way.

She shook her head and he dived in to telling her more about the small, cozy town. It apparently went all out for Christmas, decking the streetlights with pretty wreaths and stringing lights wherever possible. They prided themselves on being inclusive and caring, a community that loved life at a leisurely pace.

"That's not where I'd imagine Josh being from at all," she commented.

"Big city type?" He questioned knowingly.

She nodded. "Yes, he definitely likes the fast and flashy life."

He hummed in response.

"Do you care if I play some Christmas music?" He asked her.

She enthusiastically nodded her head. "I love Christmas music! Josh won't ever let me play it- he says it's too cheesy," the words poured out before she could think them over. Her stomach dropped. It made her feel awful to talk badly of Josh.

He was a good person. Really. She didn't know what had come over her today.

Nicholais chuckled. "Ah," he winked at her. "Sometimes Christmas brings out the Grinch in people."

Lacey gave him a small smile, but didn't continue the train of conversation. Nicholais tuned the radio to a Christmas channel and twisted up the volume.

She was entertained by his deep voice singing right along with every song that played. She felt the urge to sing along with him, but the potential embarrassment held her back.

Briefly meeting his joy filled eyes, Lacey couldn't remember the last time she had felt so calm.

Driving in comfortable silence, Lacey nodded her head to Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree as the car continued to roll forward.

She realized that the man next to her oozed with charm. Josh was charming as well, but Nicholais had a different charm. While Josh had a charm with undertones of ulterior motives, Nicholas had a charm that seemed genuine. Realizing she was comparing the two men yet again, she scolded herself and tried to distract herself with her phone.

"This one is your favorite," he remarked suddenly.

Lacey glanced at him. "What makes you say that?"

"We've been listening to it on repeat for about ten minutes now," he grinned back.

Her eyes grew wide. "Oh!"

It really was her favourite Christmas jam, but she didn't know how she missed it on repeat for so long.

"Only kidding," he chuckled, shaking his head at her gulliableness.

Tilting her head slightly, she checked out his side profile. "How'd you know it was my favorite?"

He evaded her question. "Just a hunch. A lucky one."

"Alright," she muttered, a bit thrown off by his abrupt briskness. Turning away from him, she pressed her temple to the freezing glass once more.

She flipped through her social media accounts on her phone, enjoying the festive posts. A post of her nephew in a Santa hat made her bust out a giggle.

"What's so funny?" He inquired noseily.

"My nephew," she chirped, flashing him the entertaining picture. "Doesn't he look hilarious?"

Nicholais' mouth quirked upwards. "He's certainly very furry."

The German Shepherd's goofy self happy features glanced back at her. "Yes," she giggled. "He's a shedder, that's for sure."

"Your nephew," Nicholas repeated, a sparkling humor in his gaze over at her.

She pursed her lips. "Yes! He's my nephew," she insisted defiantly. She had this argument everytime her sister's puppy came up in conversation with Josh. She didn't know why guys were so bothered by it.

He quickly held his hands up in mock surrender before grabbing the wheel again. "Right, right!" he agreed. "Not making fun, just never heard that one before for a dog. If it makes you feel better, I call mine my girl."

Lacey broke out in a smile, her eyes twinkling at the thought of his deep voice calling out for his girl.

It was adorable.

"What breed?" She asked.

"She's a rescue," he explained. "So she's a mix. Pretty cute if I do say so myself, though."

Lacey laughed, catching the proud undertone in his voice.

"What breed is yours?" He questioned back.

"Mine?" She responded, her face scrunched with confusion.

"Yeah," he answered, now also confused. "You obviously love dogs, so I assume you have one, too?"

She shook her head sadly. "No," she admitted. "I don't. Josh doesn't like dogs. Or cats. Any animals, really. He thinks they're too much work and annoying."

It felt nice this time to talk to someone about Josh's shortcomings. Especially a stranger turned friend. She often tried to gloss over Josh's flaws and talk him up.

Even though he did the opposite to her.

He carefully observed her torn expression and wisely lead the conversation to another topic.

"You ever play 21 questions?"

She nodded. "Isn't that a ritual for teenagers in embarrassing puberty experiences? Using that game to flirt with your crush."

He glanced over at her. "Maybe. We've got nothing else better to do though and I could use some fun."

She eyeballed him. "Um..."

"Plus," he admitted, taking a hand off the steering wheel and rubbing his neck. "I'd like to get to know you better."

Lacey fidgeted at his admission. "Oh- well- I guess- I guess we could give it a go...but I have one request."


"No personal questions."

"Scout's honor," he replied with a hand in the air. "You go first."

"What? It's your idea to play, why should I go first?"

He shrugged. "Listen, I don't make the rules, I just follow them. The rule is you have to go first."

She rolled her eyes as he chuckled. "Fine, whatever." She tapped her nails against her phone screen as she flipped through her memory for a good question. "Ah! Got one. Okay, Nicholas-"



"Call me Nick. All my friends do." He smiled, not taking his eyes off the road.

"Okay, but we aren't friends," Lacey replied slowly.

"We will be," he shot back.

"I'm not sure-"

"We are stuck together for the next fourty-eight hours. During that time, we will either do one of two things: become friends or want to murder the other."

"Hey, you told me you weren't a killer!"

"I was joking-" he began to defend himself when he took his eyes off the road and saw her smile. "Oh. You're joking. Well, it's good to know that you can."

"Ignoring that," she muttered. "Okay, Nick, you have $100 to burn, all your friends are busy and you have the whole day to yourself, what do you do?"

"Easy question. I would go down to the local coffee shop, order a cup of Joe and head on over to the local book store. I'd buy all the books I could with my leftover $100 and spend the rest of my freetime reading them."

Lacey was surprised by his answer. "I'm sensing a theme with local establishments with you."

He nodded. "Everyone gives their money to big box chains, local shops are suffering for it. Plus, I find that locally and family owned shops have a genuine appeal to them."


"Mhm. It's nice to go where they greet you by first name."

"My parents own their own restaurant," she shared.

"That's great," he replied. "Must have been fun growing up like that."

"Uh, it was pretty stressful. I have memories as far back as I can remember of me helping out during any of my free time. My parents struggled a lot making ends meet at the restaurant up until I left for college. Now their business is booming... I miss it, now that I'm older. The chaotic happiness. Funny how that works."

"You visit them a lot?"

She shook her head. "Between work and Josh, I haven't had much time recently."


"I mean, it's not his fault we don't visit. It's not that Josh doesn't want to visit- although he does make this face whenever I mention it and-"

"Hey, nothing personal remember?"

Lacey quieted down. "Sorry. I word vomit and I know it's annoying. I'm working on it."

"Word vomit?" He snorted. "Why in the world do you think you word vomit?"

Her face turned hot. She shifted in her seat. "I just... do. At least that's what Jo- that's what I'm told I do."

He glanced over. She avoided his quick gaze. Sighing, he brushed his hand up and down his arm.

"You don't word vomit. You were sharing an emotionally charged piece of information. I'm sure I do the same thing."

Lacey remained silent.

"I was teasing earlier, by the way. You were breaking your own rule. I would be more embarrassed about that."

She turned and glared at the side of his head.

He chuckled. "I get the feeling you haven't been teased much."

"You're impossible," she turned her head so her temple rested against the cool window.

"That might be true, but I'm also right."

She didn't even turn to him. "You're not always right."

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