Scooby-Doo On Jurassic Park

By Braedey95

15.2K 148 362

The Scooby-Doo Gang and the Martin family are visited by a Mr. John A. Hammond, who offers them to go to an i... More

Mr. John A. Hammond
Welcome To The Island
How Do They Do It?
Who's Hungry?
Welcome To Jurassic Park
The T-Rex Is Loose!!!
The Next Morning
Electric Fences And Velociraptors
Raptor Breach And The Rex Being Tamed
The Big One VS Rexy
The Untameable King
The Tyrant Lizard King, 'Tarzan' and 'Jane' VS The Untameable King
Going Home

Cars In Trees, The Dinosaur Chase, and Singing Dinosaurs

1K 9 36
By Braedey95

Meanwhile, inside of the Visitor's Centre, in the main control room, Fred, Valka, and Velma, who had finished up with the Triceratops earlier that afternoon, were with John, Muldoon, and Mr. Arnold, who were dealing with computer codes that were affecting the entire park security system.

"'Keycheck space minus zero'." Mr. Arnold saw the readings, whilst having a cigarette. "'Keycheck's off safety space minus zero'. He's turning the security systems off. Doesn't want anybody to see... Look at this next entry, it's the kicker. 'White rabbit object'..."

"Wait, what does that mean?" Fred asked.

"Whatever it did, it did it all," the man explained the best that he could. "The computer didn't file the keystrokes. The way to find them is to check the computer's lines of code one-by-one." Mr. Arnold replied to her.

"How many lines of code are there?" Valka then asked.

"About two million." Mr. Arnold replied as he took out his cigarette.

"Wow, that's a lot." Fred admitted, as Valka then walked off away from the men.

"Robert, I wonder if perhaps you would be good enough to take a gas jeep and bring back our esteem guests." John requested to the man behind him.

"I'll come along." Valka said. "My son is out there, along with Scooby, Shaggy, and Daphne."

"Thank you." John nodded to him.

"Sure." Robert then agreed.

"I'm going with you guys." Fred told Valka.

"We'll need all the help we can get." Valka said.

John watched the three of them then leave as he looked very emotionally worried, whilst Velma stayed behind, and placed a hand on John's shoulder.

"John." Mr. Arnold at the computer got John's attention, as he and Velma looked to him. "I can't get Jurassic Park back online without Dennis Nedry."


Back at the T-Rex paddock, Braedey, Shaggy and Scooby were nearby a pile of water, and started to clean off the mud off their faces and clothes as best as they could. With their faces cleared off the mud, the three looked up to the tree where the car was stuck in, and knew Daphne was stuck up there.

"Shaggy. Scooby." Braedey got their attention. "I'm gonna go up in the tree, and I'll try and get Daphne down. I need you both to hide here, okay?" He asked, and they nodded to him.

With that, Braedey began to climb the tree, jumping from branch to branch, then swung back and forth. As he got closer to the car, he saw how high he was now. He was around 45ft above the ground, and saw the car was stuck 50ft above. He soon reached the wrecked and smashed up Ford Explorer, and saw Daphne, sitting in the front passenger seat, but she was in a mess.

Her hair was tangled up with small twigs and leaves, whilst her purple clothes were covered in mud, along with her having some mud splotches on her forehead and her legs, and she looked rather pale in the face.

"Daphne?" Braedey's quiet voice seemed to get her attention, as she slowly lifted her head to him. He opened the driver's door, and leaned into the car. "Are you okay?" He asked her.

Daphne groaned a little. "I...i feel sick." She muttered, which explained her pale face.

"Okay." Braedey held out his hand. "Come on, Daph. I'm gonna get out outta here." He told her, and she slowly began to move out of the car. She took his hand, and he began to gently pull her out of the car.

"Careful. I feel a bit weak on my legs." Daphne told him, and he gently got her to hold onto his back, wrapping her arms around his neck, and her legs around his waist.

"Okay, Daphne." Braedey then wrapped a piece of cloth around him and Daphne, and tied it so that the redhead doesn't fall to the ground. "Hang on tight, and we'll be on the ground in a moment."

The two were just about to head down when they suddenly heard a tree snap. They then looked up at the Ford, and saw the car drop a few inches.

Braedey and Daphne looked to each other, fear evident on each other's face. "Oh no...Go!"

Braedey began to drop down onto the other branches, climbing down as fast as he could, with Daphne holding on tightly. But then, the sound of snapping branches got their attention, as they saw the car starting to fall through the branches. Braedey accelerated his climb down, making sure he and Daphne don't get hit by any branches. It took them a while, but they finally managed to hit the ground after falling seven foot from the last branch. Braedey grabbed Daphne then, and they rolled away as the car hits the ground nose first, right where Daphne's legs were. Braedey took her hand and they were about to make a run for it, just as the car began to fall forward, heading for them. Braedey grabbed Daphne again and threw her down, laying down over her to protect her from the impact, but luckily they were saved because the sunroof was shattered.

Braedey looked to Daphne, as they recovered their strength from climbing down so quickly. "Daph. You ok?" He asked

Daphne nodded. "Well...We're the car again."

Braedey smiled. "Well, at least you're out of the tree." He and Daphne laughed, then slowly got out of the car, and headed over to where Scooby and Shaggy were.


Meanwhile, Valka, Fred, and Robert all left the Visitor's Centre in the gas jeep, heading to the T-Rex paddock at speed. The storm seemed to be travelling down and across the island, getting worse with flashing lightning and daggering and freezing raindrops on other parts of the island. Robert and Fred sat up front, trying to be extremely careful while driving in the rain while Valka was in the backseat worriedly stared out the window.

"I hope they're okay." Valka said.

"Don't worry, Valka, we got this." Fred promised.

"Then why do I see a fence broken off up ahead?" Valka asked, scared, and pointed ahead.

Robert saw that and parked beside the fence, allowing Ellie, himself, and Atticus to climb out, wearing rain ponchos. But, as they looked around, there was only one Jurassic Park vehicle nearby.

"Where's the other car?" Valka wondered in worry. "BRAEDEY!"

"Mr. Rogers!" Robert called.

"Daphne! Scooby-Doo! Where are you!" Fred called out.

No one answered them. The three wandered around with flashlights, trying to find someone they knew, but couldn't.

"Um, Valka, Robert?" Fred asked out of disgust. "I think I found a piece of that lawyer."

Valka overheard that and came over to Fred's side and winced slightly, seeing whats left of the lawyer. Robert looked too.

"I think this was Gennaro..." Robert sighed.

"I think it is too..." Valka shuddered.

Then, there was a nightmarish sound, which startled all of them instantly, but not sure where it came from. It seemed to echo all around them, and it vanished into the night.

"It could be anywhere. We have to find them soon." Fred said, looking around.

"He's right," Robert added. "With the fences down, it could wander in and out of any paddock it likes."

There was then some light moaning heard.

"That sounds like Malcolm." Fred said.

Robert and Valka came to damaged property and lifted it up to find the mathematician himself as he looked nearly battered.

"He's put a tourniquet on him," Valka commented. "Ian...?"

"Remind me to thank John for a wonderful weekend..." Malcolm mumbled in a daze.

"Yep, he's alright." Fred said.

There was a low roar heard, alarming them again, as they looked to the jungle. Robert and Valka cautiously looked up.

"Can we chance moving him?" Valka asked nervously.

Malcom sat up right then. "Please chance it."

"We'll have to do it carefully then." Fred said.

Robert, Valka, and Fred then quickly moved and helped Malcom up as the roaring continued out in the distance. The dinosaur felt like it would be there any minute now. Fred, being curious where the other car went, decided to go to where the fence was broken and to look over the edge. Robert and Valka waited as they kept Malcolm secure.

"Fred, come on!" Robert called as the blonde felt like he was stalling.

Fred kept looking until he looked over the concrete wall, and saw the other tour vehicle. "Guys! The other car!" he told them.

Robert and Valka heard that, then decided to join him and they then continued to explore from there. They got down to the paddock, and saw the wrecked car.

"Braedey?" Valka called, as she and Fred ran up to the car. The two looked inside it with a bitter frown with his flashlight.

"They're not in here..." Fred sighed.

"Look." Robert said, seeing footprints and paw prints in the mud, indicating that Braedey, Daphne, Shaggy and Scooby got out.


Malcom woke up in the backseat, then looked down as he saw small ripples in the water inside of a T-Rex footprint next to him in the jeep. And where the ripples plus the sound of something big coming told him only one thing, making him panic while trying to stay calm. He then started to signal the others to come over and get right out of there right now.

Fred, Robert, and Valka got the message, then rushed over to the jeep to get away before it would be too late. The T-Rex emerged from the trees and snarled as the jeep started to drive away as quickly as possible.

"Must go faster!" Malcolm told them.

"I agree," Fred replied. "Let's drive faster."

"Here it comes!" Malcom wailed as the dinosaur stomped closer. "Step on it, fifth gear!"

Robert looked at the mirror and tried to drive faster. Unfortunately for him, Malcom had backed up right on the gear shift.

"Get off the stick!" Robert scolded. "Bloody move!"

"LOOK OUT!" Valka shrieked.

"DUCK!" Fred shouted.

They all ducked down as a tree was in view as the Tyrannosaurus Rex stomped after them. It crashed through the tree and did not let that it stop it and it started to ram its head against the jeep. It roared at the occupants in the jeep, and Valka screamed out in fright.

"Clutch it!" Fred yelled.

Robert kept trying to go faster and faster, shifting into fifth gear, and stomping his foot down onto the accelerator. The jeep raced away, as the T-Rex gave up its chase, and walked off back into the jungle. Valka was exhausted, and placed a hand on her chest, as Fred sighed in relief, and Robert continued to drive along.

"Think they'll have that on the tour?" Malcom weakly joked. Fred simply elbowed him. "I get it, not the time for jokes." Malcom winced.


In the paddock, Braedey, Shaggy, Daphne and Scooby started walking through the wooded area that was grown for the T-Rex to roam. They didn't know how far they had walked when they stopped to rest for a while. As the four friends rested, Daphne's head shot up as she heard the roar of the T-Rex in the distance.

"Are you hearing this?" Daphne said, knowing she wasn't the only one to hear it.

"No. We're ok." Braedey replied as he looked around. "It's getting late. We should find a safe spot to rest for the night." He then led the three up to one of the tall trees. "Up here, come on." Daphne groaned as she stood in front of the tree. "Come on, Daphne. It's ok, I'll help you." Braedey said as he got her to hold onto him, and he began to climb, whilst Scooby and Shaggy followed behind them.

Soon, the four of then managed to get near to the top where they find what looked like a ledge that they could all easily sit and be comfortable on. As the four settled down, they looked out over the park, and they could see the heads of the brachiosaurs poking up from the trees.

"Hey, look! Brachiosaurs." Shaggy said rather surprised.

They all continued to watch them, Braedey seemed to be enchanted to them as they started hooting to each other.

"Listen to that, they're singing." Braedey then got up and got onto a branch a little bit higher, where he sat himself down. Then, he cupped his hands over his mouth and hooted, trying to imitate one of their calls. Then, he insinuated a deep bellow call of a brachiosaur, and immediately, all of their heads turned and looked in our direction.

"Jeepers." Daphne muttered in shock. "This is amazing."

Braedey settled back down against the large tree trunk, as Daphne cuddled up to him. She wrapped her right arm over his stomach as he wrapped his left arm over her shoulders. Shaggy and Scooby were next to each other, Shaggy against a large trunk, and Scooby on his lap. The two instantly fell asleep, as the music of the Brachiosaurs soothed them to sleep.

"Braedey. What if the dinosaur comes back while we're all asleep?" Daphne asked.

"I'll stay awake." Braedey replied, showing a small smile.

"All night?"

"All night long."

Soon, Daphne had fallen asleep, and Braedey looked out to the jungles nearby. He could see the many of brachiosaurs nearby, and knew the T-Rex was still out there. He looked to his right arm, and deployed his blaster. He sighed, and soon fell asleep, but as he does, he heard a faint roar that could only be from maybe 22 miles away, possibly on the other side of the island, but he wasn't sure, as he fell asleep.


Back at the visitor's centre, Fred and Valka walked through the gift shop and into the next room which looked almost like a restaurant. There were dolls, T-Shirts, lunchboxes, furnaces, almost anything possible with the Jurassic Park logo on it. John was eating some food for himself at a lonely table as Fred and Valka wandered around.

"Are you okay, sir?" Fred asked as he noticed the old man was eating tubs of ice cream all by himself.

"They were all melting." John replied as he took another spoonful.

"Want some company?" Fred asked.

"Sure..." John said softly.

Valka and Fred sat with him at the table as he continued to eat more and more ice cream.

"Malcom's okay for now." Valka told the old man. "I gave him a shot of morphine."

"He's lucky that he didn't get more than one injury." Fred said.

"They'll be fine..." John mumbled, but it was clear what he said. "Who better to get the children through Jurassic Park than someone like Braedey Martin?"

"You do realize that my son and his friends are in the jungle with living, breathing, most meat-eating dinosaurs!" Valka suddenly glared.

John glanced at her, feeling hurt enough already.

"But they'll probably stay in a tree for the night." Fred said.

John sighed, then looked back as he sulked with his frozen dairy treat. "You know... The first attraction I ever built when I came down from Scotland, was a flea circus... Petticoat Lane."

Valka and Fred listened attentively then.

"I had a wee trapeze and a..." John said, spinning his circle around. "One of those merry-go... What do they call them...?"

"Carousel?" Fred asked.

"Yes, one of those," John nodded then. "And a seesaw... They all moved motorized of course... People said they saw the fleas, 'I can see the fleas'..."

"But, let me guess, they couldn't feel them." Valka said.

"Indeed..." John sighed once he pulled himself from his flea circus flashbacks. "I wanted to show them something that wasn't an illusion. Something that was real, something that they could see and touch... An aim not devoid of merit."

"But, all of this, it's still just that an illusion." Valka said. "You can't think through this one, John. You have to feel it."

John nodded to them. "You're absolutely right." he said with a smile before frowning. "Hiring Nedry was a mistake, that's obvious... We're all over-dependent on automation, I can see that now. Now, the next time, everything's correctable. Creation is an act of sheer will. Next time, it'll be flawless."

"You don't understand. You can't simply control these creatures and how they'll behave, the Tyrannosaurus was waiting for the moment to strike, and whoever this Nedry guy is, gave it that opportunity." Valka said.

"When we have control-" John was about to continue.

"Don't you get it?! You can't control animals or nature!!! Now, thanks to you, the most deadliest animal is out there, and it'll kill anything in it's path!" Valka glared. "Even if this was dream and if it were to come true, you still need to know that animals can't be controlled, they have feelings too."

Fred was surprised of how mature and direct Valka was. John frowned, not sure what to do or say now.

"I didn't have enough respect for that power and it's out now..." Valka said then. "The only thing that matters now are the people we love... Braedey, Daphne, Shaggy and Scooby... John, they're out there, and people are dying..."

"All we can do now is hope and pray that they'll be alive when we find them." Fred said.

Valka then leaned forward and took some ice cream as she became emotionally worried for the others, especially her son. "It's good..."

"Spared no expense." John said as he then decided to share his ice cream with her and Fred.

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