Falling For A Villain-Peter P...

By EnaChiaraTeglovic

427K 8.7K 2.5K

Clary Wolf is a 15-year-old girl, and she lives in Canada, a city named Toronto. One night she said the word... More

Glowing Eyes
Peter Pan
Welcome to Neverland
The game
Lost Girl
Run, run lost girl
The cliff
Mermaid Lagoone
Peter Pan never fails
The pipe
The Game
Bloody Demon
I guess you got me
Pan like Pan
The test
Lost and unloved?
The Guilty Meadow
Is it all just a lie?
Am I falling for the demon?
Liam and a mermaid
Drive me crazy
Accepting me
Day with Peter Pan
He is a killer
What is going on?
The cage
Read please
New Lost boy
I fell in love with him
Race with Pan
The real Neverland
Pixie dust
Peter Pan
My Lost Girl
My life now
Your lover dead
Thank you!


6.1K 126 63
By EnaChiaraTeglovic

Last chapter guys, thanks for reading, voting, commenting. 

Chapter 45

"I want your lover dead." he said. So the pirate was back. But firts, how did he know that me and Pan are lovers? Oh, right. Mermaids.

Stupid stupid mermaids.

"Call him." He said pressing his hook harder under my chin.I swalowed and raised my eyebrow. I was not scared of Hook. I was never scared of him.

"Call who, pirate?" I asked showing him that I'm not scared. He presed the sword harder and I flinched.

"Call the demon lost girl." He said and growled inside me. I didn't want to call Pan, but it wil be fun to watch Pan and Hook in a fight.

"Pan!" I scremed and Hook laughed. One thing changed by him. He was more like a villain. Then one thing came to my head. What if he did leave, but came back to Neverland? No, Pan would tell me.

"Oh no. How do you call him." He said and smirked. I glared at him, but I called Pan.


"Peter!" I screamed again but nothing. He was not here.

"Why is he not coming?" Hook asked with a nervous tone. He moved away a little bit, and that was enough for me.

"Becaouse he knows he doesn't need to!" I said and punched his sword with my hand,with my leg I pushed him off of me. I took my dagger out and he took his sword from the floor.

"He tought you well." He said and atacked me. I blocked it and pushed him away. I atacked him and he blocked it. We were fighting but no one didn't get a cut. But I didn't want to lose this. So I pushed Hook to the floor but he kicked me with his leg in my knee so I fell down, but I was too fast and I blocked his sword by my neck. I punched him with my fist in the stomack and he fell down when he tryed to get up. I jumped and pressed my dagger to his neck. In his eyes I could see that he was suprised and scared.

"Next time think before you decide to fight with a lost girl pirate." I said and pressed the dagger harder on his neck. Hook just swalowed and didn't say a thing for a while.

"Come on, kill me." He said and my eyes widden. I didn't want to kill him, I never wanted to kill anyone, and I still don't want to

"No." I said and started geting up.

"Well if you wont, I will." I heard british acent behind me and tensed up. Peter. I turned around to see Peter with dark eyes. I was scared for a second. I didn't saw Peter with dark eyes for a really long time.In one second Hook was by the tree and Peter was holding his neck.I gasped from suprise and started to walk towards them, but Pan showed me with his other hand not to come any closer.

"Pan let him go!" I screamed but Pan didn't give a shit.

"Why the helll are you doing here Hook?" Pan said and Hook smirked.

"I heard that you have a little weaknees." Hook said looking at me. Pan glanced at me and growled digging his nails in Hook's neck.

"If you don't leave my island today, I swear I'm going to kill you." Peter said giving him a magical bean to Hook.He let Hook go and clanched his fists. Hook glacned at me and ran into the jungle. Peter turned to me and looked at me.

"Are you hurt?" He asked looking over my body and coming closer to me.

"No, I'm fine. Where the hell were you?" I asked and he looked me in the eyes.

"I was talking with my shadow." Pan said and I nodded. Then we went on a walk on the beach, it was a normal walk, us talking and laughing. I was looking at the sunset and then I felt someone's hand's around my waist. I turned around and looked at the boy. His mesy brown hair that was falling on his forhead a little bit, his beautiful green eyes, his stongjaw line, his lips. Him. I was not afraid of the thing anymore. I mean I'm not afraid to say that I love him. Because I do. Everything about him. I'm so glad I met him. Peter took my face in his hands and looked me in the eyes. His eyes had some broken look. Something is not okay.Before I could ask him what is wrong he smashed his lips to mine and I kissed him back. This kiss was a little bit rough, but full with passion. He was holding me so close to him. Then he broke the kiss because we both neded air. Then he kissed me again, but this time gentle. The kiss was long, beautifull, pasionate... It was like.. He was scared that he will never see me again. He smiled at me, and that smile gave me life. He kissed my forhead and said..

"Come to the waterfall by the healing water after the boys go to sleep." He said and disaperard. I was just looking at the place he was just standing. I had a feeling that something was wrong. 

well you said that to yourself lik 1o times..

I shook my head and pushed that feeling away. I went to the camp and played some games with the boys. I went to sit on a rock and then someone took my hand. I looked at the person and it was Jason. Well, I probably didn't tell you that after the thing with the campfire we didn't talk so much. I mean, he knew that Pan would kill him if he comes near me.

"Yes?" I asked and he smiled at me. But still, we were good friends.

"You going with us on a run?" he asked and I nodded. Every lost boy stood up, and turned to the jungle.

"Okay, we are running to the beach." Felix said and I looked at him.



"3!" I screamed and everyone started to run. It was like in some dream. We were all runing trough the jungle of Neverland. It was an amazing moment. To see all of them, so happy. Derek and Liam started to rn beside me, and then Felix came. We smiled at each other and that was enough. We understood each other. We were a familly. Later we came back to the camp and the boys went to sleep. Only me, Felix, Derek, Liam, Jason, Brent and Will stayed. We were just looking at the night sky. I didn't know where Pan was, but I knew that I need to go to the waterfall soon.

"Hey guys?" Brent asked and we all looked at him.

"When we were runing, how did you feel?" He asked and I smiled. I didn't love Brent so much, but still he was a good boy.

"A conection between all of us." Felix said and we all agreed.

"I hope that we will always feel like that." Liam said and I rested my head on his shoulder.

"I hope that too." I said and looked at each of them. They were my friends. But Felix, Derek and Liam they were my brothers. They were always there for me. I smiled and they did the same. Later they went to sleep and it was time for me to go to the waterfall.



 While I was walking I was thinking about Peter. Something is not okay with him. He was not by the camp whole day. I came to the waterfall but the dreamshade was on my way. How the hell am I suposed to come there if the bloody dreamshade is here? Then suddenly the dremsade made a gap. I raised my eyebrow and went trought the gap. Then I saw Peter. His back facing me. I looked over the place it was amazing like always.

"Hello Peter" I said and smiled. He turned to me, his eyes dark. And that made me already a little bit nerveus.

"Hello mate." He said and smirked. Mate? He never, like ever said mate to me. I just srugged it off and started to come closer to him.

"So, why did I need to come here?"I asked coming closer to him but he teleprted behind me.

"Well, I called you here because I have a really important thing to do." He said and I raised my eyebrow. I turned around to face him. He was acting diferently, he is standing in the shadows all the time. Like he is afraid. And that was just not him.

"Like what?" I asked and he smirked in the way I didn't see in a year. The evil smirk. He came out of the shadows, and then, I stoped to breath. In front of me was Pan. His eyes dark as night, his smirk so evil that even the satan would be scared of him. He was looking like.. Like a shadow. Then I remembered the nightmare I had long time ago. Pan was killing me. Actually his shadow. That made me swalowe hard.

"I'm sending you back." Everything inside me stoped. This thing was  reallynot funny.

"Peter what are you talking about?" I asked and my heart racing.

"I'm telling you that you are going back to your family." He said and I shook my head. I started to shake.

"No, this is my home,The lost boys and you are my familly. Peter is this some kind of your sick joke?." I said and steped away from him. I was scared from him. And I was never afarid so much in my life from him.

"No, Clary. I'm serious. You are going home. Back to Toronto." He said and I gasped. I fellt hoe tears were coming on my eyes.

"Pan, what are.. What ...? What about us?" I aksked shaking now. I couldn't talk, my voice was breaking.

"Oh, Clary I don't want you anymore. This all, was just a game."

He said and my heart cracked. Everything stoped. Only thing that I could here was my breathing. My chest was hurting like hell. The person I'm in love with is teling me that all of this was just a bloody game? That everything we had was just a game? All that kisses, nights, moments, months, or even years I don't now, was just a game?!! I was just his doll? My head was spining. This can't be true. No, I just found someone who I really love, but... that person doesn't love me. Everything was blury and I didn't know what is happening. Tears came on my face, I could feel them going down my face.

"Peter.." I said and my voice crcked. I moved away from him, but he just came closer to me.

"You now sometimes the people we should fear the most are the people closest to us." He said and I looked at his eyes. I was looking for something, for something that is teling me that he is lying, but he wasn't.

"Peter please-

"Shadow!" He scremed and the shadow apeared behind me. This was not happening. I was so confused that I didn'tknow what to do.

"Pan please don't sent me back.. " I can't go back. This is my home, I don't want to grow up. And I know that something is going on, but.. Peter is not lying. I don't know is he or not. He is always hard to read. But.. I didn't now anything anymore.

"Goodbye." Peter said and my eyes widden.That was soemthing that didn't hurt my heart, it hurted my sould.

Never say goodbye, because goodbye means going away, and going away mean forgeting.-

 he said that. He promised me. HE PROMISED ME. He broke the promise. Our promise. I fell on my knees because it was to much to handle. He promised me. He fucking promised me. That's the reason why I usually don't trust people, they are just going to break you. But I didn't expect that from Peter. From the person that is my world. And know I'm confused, and this is all was hurting like hell.

"How can you?" I asked and he just looked at me with no emotios.

"I'm Peter Pan love, I can do everything." He said and I felt how the shadow was taking my hand and I opened my eyes. I ripped the necklace that Pan gived to me and trowed it in the water. I looked at Pan and my eyes were full of tears. I didnt know what to think what to feel. I was lost. I was dead.

"Peter...." I said. Peter swalowed and closed his eyes. And when he opened them again, they were again green. Green eyes that I loved so much that I always got lost in.The warm eyes that were mine.

"Goodbye Clary" and the shadow took me away, away from my home.




The shadow left me by my open room winow. I was still crying.I looked at the shadow that just looked at me and flew away in the dark night.I bit my lip and calmed my self down. I turned to my room and I started to shake again. I steped in my room, and the smell of my home hited me. I forgot how my room looked like,smelled like. I was all confused.I looked around my room. Then someone opened my door room. My mother. She was wearing a grey shirt with black jeans. She saw me and clothes, that she was holding in her arms fell on the floor.

"Clary! Dear Lord, how did you get in? When did you get in? You said that the camp is - she keept talking and I was just looking at her. I missed my mother, a lot. I remembered that Pan made them think that I'm in some camp.

"Mom." I said and went to hug her. She huged me back and then fast moved away from me. I didn't want to let her go, but.. She didn't care.

"Dear Lord you are dirty. Go get a shower then come down to eat." She said and went out of my room.I went to my bathroom and looked myself. I was looking horrible. My eaebrows were horible, my hair was too long, and in knots. I had lot of scars o my face, arms.. And then one special scar cough my eye. The scar Pan made me on my neck. I felt how tears started to come back. I opened the drower and looked for scissors. I found them and started to cut my hair. I was cuting it and crying. So many hair was on teh floor. My hair was now long just enough. It was a little bit under my shoulder. I juped in a shower, and it was a great feeling. I was washingmy sel so long.. And then I strated to cry again. Everything I thought about was Peter, Neverland, Boys.. I shaved and get out of teh shower. I went to my room and took some grey leggins and green shirt. I went back to the bathroom and fixed my eyebrows. When I was done, I was looking just like before I went to Neverland.. I swalowed and went downstairs. My brother Gabriel euning in my arms and huging me. I let few tears when I huged him. God I missed this kid. My dad huged me and then we sat down to eat. I needed to think something out about the camp, because no one would ever believe me about Neverland. I was happy because I saw them again, but that was not Neverland. This is not the place where I want to be. After I got back in my room, I was crying again. I was looking at the stars calling Peter. But it was uslles. I was drowning in my own tears.I layed on my bed, and I cryed all night. Because I still culdn't belive that Pan broke our promise. I thought he loved me, that all of that was real, all that emotions, kisses.. But it was a game. I thought that everyone can have a happy ending.

I gues I was wrong.

No ones P.O.V.

Clary was in a deep depression. She tryed so hard to forget about Nevrland and Peter,but she never did. She cryed every night first few months, but then she changed, in a good and in a bad way. The scar on her neck made her heart always break a little bit. She was hiding the pain, the anger. After all Pan thought her that.

When the shadow took Clary by her arm and fluw with her back to Toronto, Peter fell on his knees, his eyes full of tears. He pulled the necklace out of the water and put it around his neck. Only one thing was spining in his head. Clary's tears, and her cracking voice. How she was beging him to let her stay. Pan scremed and everything around Neverland shook, the wind started to blow, and it become cold. Pan stood up and took a deep breath. He opened his eyes, and they were dark, cold and sad. Evarything around him, the whole Neverland was dark. Peter knew that he did the best thing,becaouse this was just lust. Actually that is what the shadow told him. Peter Pan decided to go on with his plan. He needed to find the heart of the trues believer. But he knows that he will never forget her. That he will never forget Clary, the lost girl.

Neverland, changed. Everything changed. You remeber how Pan was harsh before Clary? Well, after Clary left, Pan become much more worse. He was the villain you don't want mess with. He was someone everyone was scared of.

He was a true  bloddy demon.

Don't kill me! There is a second book and I will try to upload it this weekend. The name is "Second game". Thank you so so so much! Please read the second book ( when it comes out). Hope you liked this one, and that you will like the next one. LOVE YA!

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