Gone and Forgotten

By Rikaria

211 5 3

Sometimes you think about what has happened in the past and how it affected your future. Sometimes we think o... More

Gone and Forgotten
Tonight is the Night..
Can't stop myself from loving you
Going Home

All the tears that dropped

29 1 0
By Rikaria

All she causes,

is life-threatening pain.

So she ends up putting,

everyone out in the rain.

Bleeding dry,

cutting deep,

she closes her eyes,

and cries herself to sleep.

It was all a nightmare,

all about him,

and she remembers

all of it.

All the blood,

all the tears,

all the screams,

that filled her with fear.

She remembered,

even the end,

as it started to replay,

all over again.

Every time,

she saw him die,

she saw him bleed,

and watched him cry.

She screamed his name,

but he didn't hear,

it was all silenced,

by the drop of his tears.

One by one,

they fall to the ground,

just like hers,

they make no sound.

Everytime tortured,

by his cry,

every time,

she let him die.

She let him bleed,

she let him scream,

she was so scared,

and she didn't do a thing.

She let it replay,

as it tore out her heart,

as the images of him,

broke her apart.

She fell to her knees,

screaming again,

but every tear,

shrouded his name.

Now on her bed,

curled up in a ball,

she dreams this over again,

as the tears fall.

It shall always play,

and never stop,

until her saves him,

and all the tears that drop.

sorry I couldn't do anything to save you Andrew...i love you.

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