Going Home

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The sound of kids screaming filled the bus, most of the screaming was at me. I turned my head towards the window and ignored them like I do everyday. I took out my social studies binder and flipped through the assessments I had gotten back earlier that day. F..F...F..D..D F, I said in my mind as I read my grades out loud. The bus had made a loud screeching sound and stopped unexpectedly. My whole body jerked forward as my face hit the seat in front of me. I cursed aloud as I fixed my glasses that had falling halfway down my face, the lense popping out of the frames as usual. The bus driver yelled at the 8th graders in the back to sit down, most of them being cocky and giving him the middle finger while he wasn't looking.

I continued to gaze out the window, counting the number of trees that still had their color. We rolled up to my bus stop and I started to gather all of the things I had taken out of my bookbag. I was about to put my social studies binder away when something caught my eye.

There was a boy sitting down at the curb of my bus stop. He wore a black hoodie and worn out jeans with black coverse hightops. A black beanie sat on the back of his head, his hair covering his eyes. Next to the boy was 2 suitcases, a violin case and a guitar case. I knew it had looked familiar because those cases were mine. I could tell because there were red and white strips of duct tape spelling out the word "Rika" on the side of the violin case.

I stormed off the bus clentching my fists. I walked straight over to the boy who was still sitting down at the curb. He wore the biggest smile I have ever seen and if I had known any better, I'd think it was fake. I asked him why he had all my stuff and what was with the creepy big smile. I waited for an answer but instead he stood up and wrapped his arms around me in a hug. I was about to kick the boy in the shin but something told me not to. This hug was different from all the other hugs I have ever gotten. It made me feel safe and happy, as if he had finally filled the empty void in my body. "Excuse me, um who are you?" I managed to spit out.

The boy looks down at me with big eyes, "Sorry if I scared you, I thought you would recognize you big brother." he said with a grin as he pulled away from the hug, stuffing his hands in his pockets. My stomach flipped and I smiled like the biggest idiot in New Jersey.

"BIG BROTHER LUCI!" I screamed as I tackle hugged him into the grass. My eyes started to water and tears quickly ran down my cheeks and onto his shirt. He laughed and sat up, picking me up and spinning me around. I squealed and hugged him tightly, "When did you get here? How did you find me? Why the fuck do you have my stuff?!" I questioned as he wiped my tears away with the sleeve of his jacket.

He set me down and picked up my stuff, starting to walk down the street away from my house. "Common Sissy, we're going, everyone's waiting for our return. I scurried over to him and looked at him, tilting my head.

"Where's everyone waiting for us? Where are we going?" I asked quickly, grabbing his hand with my own.

"Home," he said with a loving smile, squeezing my hand and walking. My smile only grew bigger and I could feel all the sadness and emptiness slowly vanishing. My fake smile that I used as a veneer was no longer in use. My smile was the real deal.

Then I woke up.

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