What If You Could Go Back In...

By ExoBangFinite7

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*Ok I'm just going to put this under mature for now. Don't know if I want this to be a clean or a dirty fanfi... More

Chapter 1: Inception
Chapter 2:The Meeting
Chapter 3:Why is It...?
Chapter 4: Realization
Chapter 5: What a Flirt?
Chapter 6: What Matters the Most
Chapter 7: What?
Chapter 8: At 4AM
Chapter 9: Is Yoonmin Real?
Chapter 10: You're Caught
Chapter 11: What Do I Do Now?
Chapter 12: No!!!
Chapter 13: Game Over
Chapter 14: What If I Told You That I Came From The Future?
Chapter 15: Definition Of A Kiss
Chapter 16: Why Megan? Why?
Chapter 17: Megan's Chat With V
Chapter 19: Good Ending
Ending Credits

Chapter 18: Bad Ending Like Really Bad

80 3 0
By ExoBangFinite7

Thought this song suited this ending.

"It's a week before we are debuting. We should go to this BBQ place that I know" Jin said. "I knew I can trust you with doing something like this" Jimin said. Jin is quite a good cook and knows everything about food including the best places that sell food. V knows that Jungkook's day has come. It was also like this last time. Also, a trip to a BBQ place. Its just that last time their manager invited them but ever since he knew that they were gay he has been distancing himself in fears that they might fall for him. "Hey guys make sure you guys have all you safely precautions when you get on, especially you Jungkook" V sternly said. Jungkook knows. He knows that its his "death date" today. "Ok, don't worry about me" Jungkook said. "Are you going to wear your safely equipment too?" Rap Monster said to V. "You make us all wear something but yet you don't do anything". V knows that he isn't going to die but just to play it safe and make it seem as natural as possible he went back to grab and extra pair of safely equipment. Jungkook saw something outside the car window as V was walking away. He nodded at it and turned around to tell the members something. V had on all of this safely things by the time he got back so he couldn't see the members clearly. He ended up being in the same spot again. In the back and the center since Jimin had to go on a quick bathroom break before they left and was the last person to enter the car. V doesn't really know when the accident actually happened. He didn't really pay attention last time and was knocked out when it happened. After a while in the car, V starts to question if this time there would be a crash. "Hey, V" Rap Monster said sounding pissed, "Aren't you going to tell us the truth now?". "What truth?" V said scared. Did they know that I came from the future? I only told Jungkook about that. Suddenly, even though V had all the safely gear on, a truck come straight at them ignoring the red light and crashed into them. V passed out thinking "They have that much protection on. This wouldn't be such a big deal. At most they be in a coma for a while but still alive. I've done so much". V wakes up. This time he can't stand up to check out the scene since the doctors on the scene were trying to take all the protection that he had on. "How did you know that you were goignt o be in this condition?" one of them said. "Why is he asking me a question like that? It isn't like I was the only one in this gear" he said to himself. "Hey, do you know how the others are doing?" V said to the doctor. He continued saying "You should had at least told your friends about what to come if you predicted the future". "What?" V said and sprang to his feet. He looked around. The scene was the same instead he didn't spot Jungkook first. He saw Rap Monster and Jin first. Both were dead and were carried out together. J-hope was still in the car. V doesn't know if he was still breathing or not since it suddenly exploded. Suga and Jimin were a few yards away. Dead holding each other arms. V started to move towards them. The only gay couple that he knew other than himself and was the closest to other than his boyfriend. As he was moving he bumped into something. He looked down. He saw Jungkook. A bloody face, his skull must be cracked in the process. "Jungkook!" V cried as held him in his arms. "Why? I told you and the other members to wear your protection. Why didn't you listen? Did you really wanted to leave?". V suddenly looked up. He saw Game Over flash up in front of him and the same fella in the distance. The weird dude started to walk up to V. "I know you did this" V said, "You devil". The devil walked out from the shadows. It was him, Taehyung. Just the devilish version with the hideous smirk. "I told you....you would never escape reality. This is the life that you have and will always have" he said while laughing.


"12 murders in a week. Who exactly did this?" the news said in a dark room. A man sits on a couch in the corner. He holds a bloody knife. That man is V. He walks up to a mirror. There you can see another person. V, much nicer but in tears. "Please, let me go" he says crying. "The last time I made you experience that for some reason you weren't that easy to give up your body yet. So I made you experience it again and it actually works. You have no more hope. You're now a hopeless soul, trapped till the day I die" the Devil said laughing. "Now I can even do this" he said and stabs the 13th person in the heart. She screams saying "Kim Taehyung! No!" and dies. It was Megan. "You wanted her to die right. Look I gave you what you wanted. Aren't you happy?". V sobs. He is stuck. Stuck in a never-ending nightmare because of the Devil. The killer of all of those that he loved.

Ok explanation/flashback time since it may be confusing:

Basically the devil means evil ok. Even though V thinks the devil may be like his imaginary friend that no one can he. He is some mystical being showing himself to people that he wants to see. The Devil wants to turn V like him. Oh, yeah the well actually doesn't work. The devil is the one that actually sent him to the past so he can learn that he can't move on from his sad fate.

*P. S-The Devil is the one that made the truck slam into the car. I'm sorry it has to be this way. I just needed someone evil other than Megan that would explain why the truck crashed into the car.

When Jungkook saw the Devil next to Megan:

Ok, so Jungkook saw the Devil next to Megan right. That shows that Megan is a b***h and yeah she's a bad charcter, the villain. Jungkook said it looked like his ideal type like duh it's the devil version of Taehyung. Jungkook goes outside the room. He thinks its V, the normal one and wants to talk to him about the situation. The Devil tries to kill Jungkook. He runs away scared falls down stairs and that's we see V enter.

At the Car:

Jungkook sees him. Being the person that the Devil is, he does something to Jungkook, likes controls him. Persuades that the safely things are just a joke which is why Rap Monster was like "Tell us the truth". So yeah, they all took off the gear and died. 

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