UN-Popular ☞ mle

By hemmostrophy

519 20 1

Paris Rubio is one of the luckiest girls you could think of. She lives in a huge 3 story mansion, she's vine... More

♡ This Is Me ♡
Would You Believe?
Not so sweet...

The Date

11 1 0
By hemmostrophy

Paris' POV

The night after the show we all made sure we had our bags packed and we were ready for our flight. Our next stop was New York and everyone was in their cars driving towards the airport. I was in the passenger seat listening to my music while Lucas was driving and Ryder, Nash and Hayes were in the back. Ryder had her PSP and Nash was playing bloody knuckles with Hayes - whom of course was losing.

Once we arrived at the airport, it was a pretty basic routine.

Car. Bags. Fans. Plane.

When we got on the plane, everyone was together in first class while watching movies or playing video games or listening to music. Maybe about 10 minutes into the flight Matthew came over and sat next to me.

"Hey," he said quietly and I replied the same. "Listen, I was gonna ask you while we were still in DC but I kept forgetting and then the show started and everyone one was busy and then when the show ended everyone was running around like wild animals and then we had to go in separate cars and when we got to the airport I forgot and - will you go on a date with me?"

It took me a moment to realize he stopped talking and he looked at me in worry although I couldn't tell if it was because I remained silent or if it was because my face looked bewildered.

"Uhh, " I paused and watched him gulp down almost as if he was preparing for rejection. "Yes."

In my mind it came out as more of a question rather than an answer but he seemed pleased with it as his shoulders relaxed and he let out a long breath I didn't know he was holding.

"Great! I'll go tell Taylor you said yes," he got up and turned around but stopped abruptly. "I mean- I'll uh go plan .. where ... we're gonna go...? Yeah! That's what I meant."

He laughed nervously and began walking fast whilst muttering to himself words I couldn't understand.


We arrived in New York around the time that the sun was already setting. Our hotel wasn't far from the airport so we all decided to go shopping around Town Square before we had to check in. 

Ryder, Nash, Hayes and Cameron wen't to Game Stop while Matt, Taylor, the Jacks, and I went to some clothing shop on the second floor. I was looking through the racks for a dress to wear on my date with Matthew when Taylor came up behind me and slapped me on the back, scaring me and causing me to yelp.

"I heard you and Matt and going out tonight?" He smiled at me and rested his body on the rack right on top of the dress I was trying to look at. I pushed him out of the way almost causing him to fall down and continued looking through different sequenced and glittering dresses.

"Yes we are," I responded. "Although I don't see how or why it would concern you, of all people." He laughed loudly, some what comically which caused practically everyone in the store to look at us.

"He's my best friend, Pari. Why wouldn't I be concerned about the puppies he drags behind him." I felt my cheeks warm up after he said that and I couldn't have felt more embarrassed and disrespected. So, turned my self in his direction and slapped him as hard as I could.

"Don't ever speak to me like that, first of all." He looked at me shockingly. "Do not call me 'Pari' and don't ever assume I'm just following Matthew around for the fame or the money or anything in between. I like Matthew a lot and I always have and I don't intend on losing something - someone I've wanted to care for and spend time with for as long as I can remember. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go try this dress on."

I hoped that what he assumed about me wasn't true and that I was just jumping to conclusions because if Taylor thought that about me, I could only imagine what the fans thought. But I pushed those things out of my head and went straight for the dressing room. I stripped down from my clothes and grabbed the first dress on the hanger. It was pink and sparkly, and reached to about my mid thigh and it had a sweetheart neckline.

Too short.

I took it off and grabbed the next one. It was long, about ankle length, and black with a diamond belt.

Too 'Prom'-ish.

I kept going for what felt like hours until I finally found what felt like 'the one.' It was red-a bright yet deep red that made my eyes seem brighter somehow. The chest area was tight with a strap that wrapped around my neck and a flow-y bottom that reached to my knees. I grabbed my clothes and put the dress back on the hanger before going to check out and grabbing a black fur blazer on the way.

Now, let's just pray it wasn't too extravagant for wherever Matthew was taking me.

After we all left the mall, we got to our hotel which was huge and seemed like it came straight out of the Great Gatsby. Everyone was tired and had their hands full of shopping bags. I glanced over at Matt as Lilly was signing us in and I could see him teetering from his tippy toes to his heels, back and forth and back and forth.

He noticed me staring and smiled which I couldn't help but mirror and then continued to look back at my feet. It was only 7:23 P.M. meaning I had about an hour to get ready for our date.

"Alright guys, here's your keys, same story- two people per room. Go!" Lilly threw the keys in a bowl on the table in the lobby and everyone dove straight for it especially Ryder who grabbed me just as fast as she grabbed the first key and ran for the elevator. Our key was blue, unlike the others which were green and I realized the only reason she dove for it was because this was the biggest room out of them all.

"I do hair, you do makeup, it's gonna take about 5 to get you dressed, boom!" She screamed the last part causing me to jump. "We done in 40 tops."

"First of all, pushing the button repeatedly isn't going to help Ry," she stopped harassing the elevator and rolled her eyes. "Second of all, the last time I let you do my hair, you cut the right side 6 inches shorter than my left and it was neon green."

"I mixed it wrong. Plus, that was six years ago, I've been watching youtube."

We got to our floor, and sure enough it took us 38 minutes to finish my hair and my makeup. Ryder must have been watching 34 hours worth of youtube videos because my hair looked like it had been done by a professional. My make up was light but I did a smokey eye and my lipstick was matte red which watched the dress perfectly. I dropped my robe on the floor and put on a pair of tights before slipping on my dress and my black heels. I loved the way I looked and I swear I felt 112% more beautiful than I had ever felt.

"You look amazing, Paris." Ryder smiled at me. I walked over to her and gave her a tight hug but not tight enough to ruin my hair.

"Thank you so so much for helping me with my hair Ry, I couldn't have asked for a more talented best friend." We shared one last smile before I walked out of our room and down to the lobby where I was meeting Matthew. Once I reached the main floor, I saw him standing by the front desk tapping his foot and ringing out his hands. I'm sure he looked more nervous than he felt but he still made it look good.

I made my way over to him and he took a glance at me before having a double take and widening his eyes. On the inside I was screaming the bible backwards but on the outside I stayed calm and smiled at him.

"You look great!" He was wearing a black tuxedo and his hair was slicked back making him look like a businessman.

"You-ya-I um-" He stuttered while looking me up and down before clearing his throat and taking a deep breath. "You look phenomenal." His eyes finally met mine and I could've sworn if I smiled any wider, my mouth would rip open.

"Shall we?" He extended his arm and I linked mine through with a light laugh before we walked out and called a taxi to take us to our destination.

We arrived at a restaurant that seemed a little too expensive for a seventeen year old kid to afford but considering his career and his job, it made it more believable. We sat down at our table and ordered our food and we talked and talked and talked but it was evident to both of us that neither one was interested in the conversation. After our desert came, the air seemed to be getting thicker and we quickly got silent, although it wasn't a very comfortable silence. It was the feeling when you haven't talked to someone in months and your parents force you to get together but it just doesn't feel right.

Mid way through my cheesecake, Matt loudly dropped his fork on the table and threw down his napkin. "Let's get out of here."

"What?" He stood up and grabbed my hand.

"Look, I wanted to show off and make this night feel like something you would see in a movie but it doesn't feel the way I thought it would. Let's get out of here and do something that both of us will actually enjoy." And with that he tightened his grip on me and ran out of the restaurant like a little kid. Once we got outside, the cold hit us both and we had to take a minute to put our coats on.

"Aren't we going to call a taxi?" I called after him when I noticed him walking and began catching up.


"Where are we going?" I laughed and began walking at his pace as he intertwined our hands and smiled.


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