The Rich And The Dangerous

By AlexandriaRoseWalker

82.5K 2.1K 84


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 13

3.2K 92 1
By AlexandriaRoseWalker

As the night falls the pain begins to rise again so I grab my pain killers taking them with a glass of water, putting my drawing book away I change into my pj's and climb into bed, the medication takes effect helping me to fall into a deep slumber.





Hitting the snooze button I roll over onto my stomach, then before I could move again I shot off the bed in pain and fell on the floor, because I forgot I have a stab wound.

Carefully climbing up I walk into my bathroom taking off my bandage I hop into the shower washing my body and all the healing cuts, looking at myself I see some of the bruising disappearing but some are a funny yellow and black colour.

After washing I wrap a towel tightly round my body drying my hair, I curl it as well, putting on fresh bandage I walk into my wardrobe putting on black jean shorts a white tank top along with my black leather jacket, putting on my white vans I head downstairs for breakfast before school.

Making sure I have all my things, phone, keys and pain killers, I head out the front door.

I lock the door behind me turning round to walk to my car when I spot Jacob leaning against his car which coincidently is blocking my car.

I slowly walk up to him "hi" I smile at him, he looks annoyed "why did you ignore me yesterday and slam a door in my face?".

I bite my lip, "I'm sorry, it's just that.........well I have a complicated life some days I don't know what's going on till last minute and I can't control it, my life's set in a certain way there are things that have happened that shouldn't and it causes a lot of problems, this right here isn't in my life plan I shouldn't even be here I should be miles away doing my job but I can't for my own safety I shouldn't even be getting involved with you" looking at him with hurt in my eyes, I can see that he is upset with what I just said.

Stepping forward I hold onto his waist "but, I can't stop thinking about you, day in day out and for me that's dangerous especially if my family find that I'm falling in love with a fucking bad boy" my eyes widen at what I just said "look I'm just going to go" before he could say anything I ran to my car, getting in I Rev the engine putting it in reverse I speed onto the front lawn and around Jacobs car, heading to school.

Driving to school I pull out my phone and text Lucy.

To Lucy

SOS meet me at the front door of the school ASAP


Picking up speed I shift the gears into 5th gear, speeding round the corner I reach the school swerving round the cars in the lot I pull to a screeching halt at the front door causing everyone too look in our direction, winding down the window on the passenger side of the car I look up at Lucy "get in" saying in a serious tone, she does as I say without hesitation as soon as the door shuts, I switch the gear into place and speed off.

"Right what's going on, you look like you've just committed a crime" I turn to look at her' seconds later her mouth drops open "Oh my god you have haven't you?" I roll my eyes "no idiot something worse" she looks at me confused.

"What could be worse?" And then I begin to explain what happened from walking out the door to seeing Jacob to saying I'm falling in love with him.

"You seriously said that to him?" I nod my head "and then what did you do after you said you were falling in love with him?" I smiled slightly at her "I said I have to go and legged it to my car before he could say or do anything then sped off and texted you to meet me at the school front doors" shrugging my shoulders "and you didn't wait for his reaction?" I Shook my head " I knew what his reaction would be, he doesn't feel the same way as I feel about him, I'm just another one of his toys" turning back to look at the road.

"Lexi you're the first girl he has ever been with at this school, Krista has threatened every girl in the school telling them to stay away from Jacob or else she'll make their lives hell, but you aren't afraid of her and its really pissed her off, and he really likes you I can tell the way he looks at you is unreal, I think he's falling in love you just as your falling in love with him".

I sigh slouching in my seat "Lucy, I Can't fall for him, I just Can't, if my family find out I'M falling for him and then also find that he's a bad boy they'll take me away I'll never see him or you ever again" a small tear falls down my face.

Before I knew it we had talked the entire day, I drop Lucy off at her house going home I park my car.

Getting out I head straight to my room, going into my wardrobe I pull out my duffel bag, putting in my clothes, from track suits to leather trousers, after half an hour of packing I write a note and put it on the pillow of my bed.

Walking down stairs I go to the office unlocking it with my code I go in, walking to the desk I sit in the swivel chair, pulling out papers I look at some documents.

The documents in the office are to do with criminals and gangs around America, searching through the piles I find the gang 'terror streets gang' that's situated in Bay City Michigan, some of the members are wanted on a murder charge some on kidnapping, looking through the file I see that there is a seven year old boy and a baby girl which are missing and are thought to have been kidnapped and the terror street gang are the main suspects due to the fact a lot of the gang members prints are at the crime scene of where the two children were last seen.

Collecting the information need, I grab my bags walking out the door locking it behind me, then heading to the front door I lock the house up getting into my 1970 dodge charger RT and setting off for Michigan.

A week has passed and I've had none stop calls and texts off of Lucy and even Jacob has messaged and called me, I've been ignoring there calls all week, I know it must annoy them but I Can't call them not yet anyway.

I finally arrive at the terror street gang main living/work place parking my car round the corner so no one would spot it I climb out walking round to the boot of the car pulling out my ak47 along with two knife and two more back up guns placing them in the back of my trousers and the knifes in my boots I'M ready for whatever may be ahead tonight.

Walking round the building I count two guards on each door, the perimeter is high on guard there's no way I can get in and out without being seen.

Heading back to the car, I pull out my computer searching through the records I find the two missing children the seven-year-old boy called Cameron and the baby girl who is only one-year-old called Sophie they were taken three months ago from their home in Mount Pleasant 50 miles away from here.

Their parents have been on the news pictures are everywhere and the cops are starting to think that they are dead and won't be found, soon they are going to stop looking for them and the gang if they don't get a new lead.

I pick up my heat sensor pointing it in the direction of the building where the gang is staying, I move it around counting how many people are in the building.

everywhere I turn the sensor I find more people all holding some sort of weapon, by the time I'm finished I find 27 men in the building all holding weapons mainly guns and I find right in the middle of the building two small heat signatures curled up in a corner of the room, one smaller than the other, right there I knew that I found the kids and I had to get them out and soon.

Starting the car, I drive off in search of supplies also to look at the home and the parents of the two kids.

the rest of the day spend sat in my car opposite the kid's house watching as news crews stand outside waiting for the parents of the two kids to exit so they can bombard them with questions to do with the missing children after hours of watching and surveying the house I drive off and collect the items I need for this mission so to speak.

I change into a complete black outfit consisting of a black tank top, black cargo pants, black army boots and a black hoodie with a black hat to cover my hair with, putting all the items I need into my trouser pockets I head towards the building.

I reach the front of the building, knowing that they think that anyone who will want to get in will try to get in through the back, but they didn't put any defence at the front, armatures.

I easily slip into the front of the building walking round the corner I see many men holding guns walking in every direction, I turn to leave when I spot a group of men heading towards me, m trapped from both directions, I had to think, looking up I see an old ladder leading to the air vents and the upper deck, jumping up I pull myself up, just in time looking down I watch as the men pass each other only acknowledging each other with a simple nod of the head. I navigate my way through the dark halls to the centre of the building.

After ten minutes I manage to find the room in which the two kids are kept in, I see that there are guards stood at both entrances to the room, I look round the room and find the air vents leading to the room climbing in I crawl towards the light.

I get to the room looking inside I see there isn't anyone in the room and no one can see inside because there aren't any windows, unscrewing the bolts that are in the air vent I knock it to the floor and slip into the room, standing up I stretch my body, then I walk over to each door locking it so no one can get in.

I look round the room and see both kids huddled up on the blanket in the corner of the bare room, cautiously I walk over to them the boy Cameron huddles his sister Sophie close to him, I crouch down inches away from them "hey it's okay I won't hurt you I came to get you out, I watch as he lowers the blanket away from his face and away from his sister.

"HI, I'm Lexi and your Cameron and this is your sister Sophie right?" He nods his head, I do a quick once over to see if they have any cuts or injuries on them, they don't appear to have any but they are really skinny, going into my bag I pull out a box opening it up the steam rises from it, I pass the box of hot pizza over to Cameron and both immediately tuck in.

"Right I'll be back in a minute okay stay here, Cameron when I leave I need you to lock the door straight away okay" he nods his head, standing up Cameron follows me to one of the doors, looking down at him I smile I promise ill come back" opening the door I walk out Cameron shuts it and I hear him lock it, turning the corner I see a room full of men, rummaging into my trouser pockets I pull out some gas bombs and fire crackers along with a bottle of beer and a rag with a match, opening the bottle I drown the rag in beer and shove half of it in the bottle, grabbing a gas bomb I. Pull the tag and throw it into the room with another four straight after.

In seconds the room is full of smoke I can hear them yelling to one another trying to get out, lighting the rag in the bottle I throw that in as well, a few seconds pass and the bottle blows up setting everything on fire, running away so I don't get caught I set a load of rooms on fire, before I knew it the entire building was up in flames.

Going back to the room where the kids are I see two men trying to break down the door, pulling my knife out head towards them, thy turn around when I get close and begin fighting soon the smoke gets too thick for them to handle, pulling out my ak47 I shoot them both they fall at me feet.

Going to the door I kick it down, walking in I search the room for the kids I spot them in the corner huddled under a blanket, running up to them I grab the kids wrapping them in a blanket each I pick them up putting them on a hip each, turning round I walk towards the door just as I exit the room the roof collapses in.

I make my way round the halls stepping over the falling debris and over some fallen men's bodies, I find the door I came through in the beginning, kicking it open I step out my lungs fill with fresh air, looking around I see fire trucks and firefighters spread out trying to extinguish the flame.

Walking away from the burning building a fireman spots me and runs over with paramedics running behind him I follow them to the ambulance putting the kids on the back of the ambulance I tell them to attend to them first, as I get my breathing under control.

Soon enough the kids are fine and don't need to go to hospital but the paramedics think otherwise for me but I deny them every time.

The cops walk over and begin asking questions I give them nothing on who I am, one of the cops turns to look at the two kids "who are they?" He raises an eyebrow at me "I need you to escort me somewhere, can you do that?" They turn to face one another and talk amongst themselves turning to face me he nods, I turn and pick up the kids walking to my car I fasten them in.

Climbing in the front of the car I start the engine and drive up to the cop car rolling down my window I talk to the copper in his car, "I'm going to 5 south drive maple street Mount Pleasant, we need to get there fast" he nods his head then looks at me confused "isn't that the home of the two kids that went missing three months ago" I just nod my head, he looks at the back seat of my car "are they the kids?" Pointing to them I just nod my head "yes and I promised them I would take care of them till there back home, and that's what I'm going to do" with that I begin driving there's a. Cop car behind me and another just over took me and pulled up in front, seconds later they both put their sirens on and began speeding up so I followed too.

Twenty minutes later we were coming close to the house I looked in the review mirror to see Cameron holding Sophie's hand comforting her, "were almost home and you get to see mommy and daddy" smiling at them, huge smiles spread across their faces and then dropped "what's wrong?" I could see Cameron gulp "will you come with us?" I smile "of course" there smiles reappear, minutes later we pull up outside the house the front lawn is full of tv and crew people, switching off the engine I climb out.

Walking round to the back door I unbuckle the kids picking up Sophie and immediately she hides her face in my neck and away from the cameras and people, Cameron crawls over the seat I scoop him up in their arm and he also hides his face in my neck away from the overbearing crowd.

The cops help me push through towards the door of the house, the people clear and a man and woman stand at the top of the stairs on the front porch of their house both have hopeful looks on their faces, I stop walking and nudge Cameron "I think someone wants to see you" he lifts his head and looks around I put him to the floor standing up he grips onto me for dear life, I crouch down to his level, "look" I point to the couple standing feet away from us, a smile appears on his face and runs towards them they both collapse to the ground and scoop him up in their arms, his mom begins to cry, pull Sophie away from me slightly "it's time for me to go" her eyes widen in fear and tears form in her eyes a few slipping out and falling down her face "hey it's okay it's time for you to home to mommy and daddy, look Cameron's over there dot you want to go too?" She shakes her head, I laugh a little kissing her on the forehead I put her on the ground on her feet, looking at her parents they stop making a fuss of Cameron and look at their daughter, letting go of her I take a step back, slowly she waddles towards her brother Cameron and her parents, her dad scoops her up in his arms and twirls her around I could hear her laughing, I knew they were going to be fine.

Turning round I push through the crowd of paparazzi and news crews as they try to get photos of the children being reunited with their family, stopping at my car I turn around to look at them one last time my eyes land on Cameron who is stood looking at me, he gives me a huge smile and wave in which I return immediately.

Opening my car door, I climb in putting on the radio I start the engine and speed away.

I'm now on my way back home after two weeks of beingaway and hoping that Jacob would have forgotten the conversation we had beforeI left.    

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