Scooby-Doo On Jurassic Park

By Braedey95

15.2K 148 362

The Scooby-Doo Gang and the Martin family are visited by a Mr. John A. Hammond, who offers them to go to an i... More

Mr. John A. Hammond
Welcome To The Island
How Do They Do It?
Who's Hungry?
The T-Rex Is Loose!!!
Cars In Trees, The Dinosaur Chase, and Singing Dinosaurs
The Next Morning
Electric Fences And Velociraptors
Raptor Breach And The Rex Being Tamed
The Big One VS Rexy
The Untameable King
The Tyrant Lizard King, 'Tarzan' and 'Jane' VS The Untameable King
Going Home

Welcome To Jurassic Park

987 11 34
By Braedey95

Inside the nerve centre of the park's systems, John and Robert walked into the place, where there was a large screen showing the entire island, whilst a number of computers were nearby.

"Weather service has been tracking a tropical storm, about seventy miles West of us." Rover explained, and John groaned in frustration.

"Why didn't I build in Orlando?" John grumbled.

"I'll keep an eye on it. Maybe it'll swing South like the last one." Robert looked at a screen that was tracking the weather.

"Okay. Start the tour program." John told a dark-skinned man with glasses on, who was Mr. Arnold, and he was in command of the computer system.

With a few key inputs, the tour program had started, and as the three men looked, they saw the cars were slowly rolling away from the front of the visitors centre at a good pace, and was heading away to the park.

John breathed a sigh of relief, as the cars headed off.


As Rex cars drove away, Shaggy, Scooby and Daphne, along with Gennaro, were in the first car, whilst Braedey, Fred, Velma, Dr. Malcolm and Valka were in the second car.

Soon, they were approaching the front gates to the park. They were two tall pillars on either side of the road, whilst having torches on them, and two large gates on either side. On the top of the gate was the name 'Jurassic Park'.

"Welcome to Jurassic Park." A voice then spoke out, and the large gates then opened for the cars. As soon as they drive into the park, the doors closed behind them and locked.

"The voice you're now hearing is Richard Kiley. Heh, we spared no expense." John's voice spoke out in the cars, as unbeknown to the gang or the others, he was watching them on the security cameras.

Soon, the cards were driving through forests on either side, whilst there was an electric fence up on both sides, made to keep the dinosaurs inside.

"If you looked to the right, you will see a herd of one of the first dinosaurs on our tour, called Dilophosaurus." The computer informed.

"A dilophosaurus?" Velma looked to the right in excitement, as the others turned to the right side of the cars, trying to see the animal. "No way!"

"One of the earliest carnivores, we now know Dilophosaurus is actually poisonous, spitting its venom at its prey, causing blindness and paralysis, allowing the carnivore to eat at its leisure." The announcer continued as the guests searched for the dinosaurs. "This makes Dilophosaurus a beautiful, but deadly addition to Jurassic Park."

"I don't see anything..." Valka frowned. "All I see are trees."

"They must be hiding or trying to find some food or nesting." Braedey said as he tried to look for one as well.

After a few minutes of looking, nobody could see anything apart from tree after tree after tree. After a while, they all sat back down in their seats after giving up looking and the cars continued on down the road.


About 5-10 minutes later, the cars soon come to a halt again, but right next to what looked like a 20-30 foot high fence, which contained the King of the dinosaurs itself, the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

The gang were looking through the windows and the roof, but there was no sign of the T-Rex. The others seemed to be bored out.

Dr. Malcolm scoffed, as he started to count off things. "God creates dinosaurs. God destroys dinosaurs. God creates man. Man destroys God. Man creates dinosaurs."

" man." Valka then trailed off, and showed a cheeky smile. "Woman inherits the Earth." Fred, Dr. Malcolm, and Braedey all looked at the magic woman, as she leaned closer to the window to see.

Suddenly, a voice sounded over the radio, "We'll try to tempt the Rex out. Keep watching the fence."

Everyone looked into the paddock and a goat rose from the ground tied to a post.

"What's gonna happen to the goat?" Daphne asked as everyone was watching. "It's gonna eat the goat?"

"Like, Zoinks." Shaggy added.

"What's the matter kid? Never had lamb chops?" Gennaro aked.

"I happen to be a vegetarian." Daphne replied, sounding annoyed.

"T-Rex doesn't want to be fed. It wants to hunt." Braedey said to himself, scoffing in the process. "You can't just suppress 65 million years of gut instinct."

After a while of watching, the goat simply...laid down. The gang and the others all sat back down in their seats and the cars continued on again.


As Valka and Braedey were looking through the windows, as they left the wooded area, and they saw a field of some sorts. As they were looking out, they saw something strange...

"Braedey, you see that?" Valka asked.

"That, I do." Braedey replied, then he and his mother opened the doors, whilst the cars were moving, and they both jumped out of the cars. "Come on, let's go."

"See? Nobody could've predicted that Braedey Martin and Valka Martin would suddenly jump out of a moving vehicle." Dr. Malcolm told Velma and Fred, as the two Mystery Inc. members looked at each other, then they followed the two Martins out of the car.

"Braedey?" Velma called out to the two. "Valka! Where are you going?" With that, she and Fred then followed Braedey and Valka out into the field.

"And there's two more examples." Dr. Malcolm then realised that he was by himself in the car. "

As the four, along with Dr. Malcolm got out of the tour cars, which had stopped, thanks to Hammond in the control room, Daphne, Shaggy, Scooby and Gennaro followed behind them, and they made their way through the open plains, heading off to see what the object might be.

"Uh, does anyone else think we shouldn't be out here?" Gennaro asked, and the others simply ignored him, since he was a lawyer, and they didn't care about lawyers.

All of a sudden, everyone stopped as they all heard a sudden growling sound nearby. "Everyone wait here." Braedey told the others, as he walked on ahead, but Valka followed behind him, then Daphne followed suit.

The others then followed the two Martins through the tall grass, and as they all came to a small clearing, what they saw made the Martins stop and gasp in. There, lying on it's side, was a large quadruped, standing on elephant-like feet, with three toes on each foot. It has a huge frilled head, with two horns over each eye reaching 4ft long, along with a third, smaller horn on its nose, and is the size of an American school bus. It has a large, horny beak and long rows of teeth, along with a slightly hunched back. It was none other than a Triceratops.

"Come on its ok. Don't be scared. Muldoon tranquillized her for me. She's sick." The warden said as he noticed the gang and the others.

Valka knelt to the downed animal, and gently placed a hand on one of the two large horns. She looked like she was gonna cry at the sight of this magnificent animal. Braedey smiled to her, and gently wrapped his arms around the large creatures neck.

"She was one of my favourites when I was a kid, and now, I think she's the most beautiful creature I had ever seen." Braedey whispered, as Velma looked at her illness.

"Microvesicles..." Velma informed. "That's interesting..."

One of the park rangers came up and decided to collect it. "What are her symptoms?" Velma asked him.

"Imbalance, disorientation, labored breathing." The ranger diagnosed. "It seems to happen every six weeks or so."

"Every six weeks..." Velma muttered, and inspected the Triceratops's eyes. "These are dilated." She told the ranger.

"They are?" The ranger asked.

"Look." Velma told him.

"I'll be damned..." the park ranger muttered once he took a look at the dinosaur's pupils.

"That's pharmacological." Velma diagnosed before looking to the large blades of grass. "From local plant life..." she then said, then decided to get up and take a look at the plants. Velma examined the plants and bent down to take a closer look. "Braedey, take a look at this." She called the brunette over.

Braedey walked over to Velma, and saw the planet. "Is this West Indian lilac?" He asked, as he got on his knees and looked closer at the plant.

"Yes. "The ranger replied. "We know they're toxic, but the animals don't eat them."

Velma knelt down and picked up a sample. "Are you sure?" She then asked.

"Pretty sure..." The ranger shrugged.

"We'll have to be sure, which means we'll check out the dinosaur's dropping." Velma guesses, and headed off to take a look.

"Dino droppings?" Dr. Malcolm scratched his head. "Droppings?"

"This is gonna be gross..." Valka mumbled.


Back in the control room, Muldoon got another report about the tropical storm heading to the island.

"That storm centre hadn't dissipated or changed course." Muldoon told John. "We're gonna have to cut the tour short, I'm afraid. Pick up where we left off."

John seemed disappointed, but knew the risks. "Okay. Tell them to get back in the cars." He told Muldoon, and the game warden left.

"Ladies and Gentlemen." Mr. Arnold gave another announcement over the speakers. "Last shuttle heading for the dock leaves in approximately five minutes. Drop what you're doing and leave now."


Velma walked over to a large, disgusting pile of dinosaur crud and she got to work, but wearing a pair of rubber gloves and a face mask to keep herself protected.

"Wow, that is one big pile of-" Dr. Malcolm was about to say.

"Crud." Braedey cut in.

"Found anything, Velma?" Valka called, as she walked up with the ranger.

"No, it seems she didn't eat any of Lilac berries." Ellie said. "That's so odd, though."

"That's weird..." Braedey commented. "Then, what would've made her sick?"

"I don't know, maybe it was something else." Velma replied, and began to wonder what could be the reason why the triceratops could be sick.

"She's tenacious." Dr. Malcolm whispered to the others about Ellie as she looked around.

"You have no idea." Fred murmured.

It was only a few minutes we arrived back with the trike when thunder clapped loudly in the sky, making me jump slightly.

"Everyone, if you please. I really insist that we should keep moving." Gennaro told the gang.

"Oh, actually, if it's alright, I'd like to stay with Dr. Harding and finish with the trike. Is that okay?" Velma asked.

"Sure." The ranger turned to Braedey and the others. "I've got a gas powered jeep. I can drop her off at the visitor's center before I make the boat with the others."

"I'll catch up with you both later. You can go with the others." Velma says to the others.

"Are you sure?" Braedey asked.

Velma nodded. "Yeah, I want to finish up with her."

"I'll stay with Velma also." Fred told the gang, and looked to Braedey. "Braedey, Valka said back there she wanted to help Velma out, so you'll have to take charge."

"Got it." Braedey saluted, and with that, as another clap of thunder hit, followed with lightning, everyone headed off back to the cars to continue the tour, while Fred, Velma, and Valka stayed with the triceratops.

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