Trust | Jastin |

By beliebers4ever1994

40.3K 2.3K 2K

Justin Bieber lives a seemingly happy life with his fiancé. It looks perfect to everyone on the outside when... More

~ Introduction ~
~ Chapter One ~
~ Chapter Two ~
~ Chapter Three ~
~ Chapter Four ~
~ Chapter Five ~
~ Chapter Six ~
~ Chapter Eight ~
~ Chapter Nine ~
~ Chapter Ten ~
~ Chapter Eleven ~
~ Chapter Twelve ~
~ Chapter Thirteen ~
~ Chapter Fourteen ~
~ Chapter Fifteen ~
~ Chapter Sixteen ~
~ Chapter Seventeen ~
~ The End ~

~ Chapter Seven ~

2K 120 105
By beliebers4ever1994

~ Read End Notes ~

Justin was barely in the door when his cell began vibrating in his backside pocket. He struggled the the boxes in his hands and ran over to the table in the dining room where he dropped them down and scrambled in his pockets to pull his cellphone out and answer it, bringing it to his ear and sighing.

"Hello?" He spoke breathlessly, he never checked the caller ID because he didn't have time so he was going into the call blind.
"Hello to you sexy. I'm on my way so you best put on your best party 'tude because the party is about to arrive!" He heard through the other side of the line and he giggled slightly at the sound of his best friends voice. He ran a hand through his hair and chuckled.
"Hailey, have you been taking your sane pills?" Justin chuckled through the phone and the line fell silent.
"Im perfectly sane and living babe, you're just boring." she giggled back and Justin raised an eyebrow as he laughed.
"Yeah whatever, we shall put that to the test when you get your ass over here." He laughed as he looked around the room and inspected it slightly.
"I'm coming!" She yelled before hanging up abruptly and Justin took the phone from his ear and laughed to himself a little. Hailey was definitely something else.

He tucked his phone back away and looked at the boxes sitting on the table. He didn't know if Jordan wanted him to pack the contents inside away or leave them so he can do it himself. He'd most likely get annoyed if Justin just assumed and put the stuff away but he'd probably get annoyed as well if he didn't. He ran his hand down his face and sighed loudly as he reached back into his pocket and pulled his cell back out to text Jordan and ask him what he wanted him to do with the boxes, hoping he'd reply fairly quickly so that it would be done and dusted before Hailey got there. He stared at the screen for a while and sure enough moments later the three little dots popped up and Justin smiled.
He waited a few seconds before the blue bubble popped up on his screen and he read the text.

"I'll do it when I get home." It read and Justin didn't reply, locking his phone and putting it away before grabbing the boxes from the table to take them upstairs. He climbed up the stairs carefully, unable to see properly because of the boxes blocking his sight but he made it upstairs without hurting himself and he carried on to walk into the bedroom that he shared with Jordan. He placed the boxes down on the floor carefully in the corner of the room and stood up straight. He groaned lowly as he placed his hand on the lower end of his back and stretched backwards to crack it. He sighed in relief when he soothed his back before stumbling over the room and flopping down on his bed and gripping the duvet tightly underneath his head as a cushion, closing his eyes for a while.

He wondered if Jason believed him after their conversation earlier. If he didn't then he never said but then again what do you say to someone you've just met when you think they're lying about how they obtained injuries. Jason didn't seem like someone who beat around the bush and Justin thought that if he had something to say then he'd come right out and say it, he's already done so twice before so there's no reason he wouldn't now. Maybe that means Justin isn't as terrible a liar than he thought and Jason actually did believe him.

Now the only person he had to convince was Hailey. He didn't want to spend ages explaining to her about what happened, well what he tells people what happened, so he hoped that she wouldn't ask tons of question and they could just have a good time like they normally do before Jordan gets home tonight. He liked Hailey, in fact she's probably the only one of his friends that he actually cares to tolerate so Justin didn't see a problem with her coming over tonight and he was glad that he didn't have to worry about Jordan's reaction about him having a friend over.

He forced his eyes to open and he stared at the window across from him before rolling onto his back and staring up at the white ceiling. He brought up and placed a hand on his injured cheek and sighed, Jason seemed to think that the cut was deeper than Justin first thought and it made him sad to think that Jordan was the one that hurt him. He's supposed to love him and protect him yet Justin finds himself scared in his own home and it hurts him to feel that way because he loves Jordan and he's given up everything to be with him.

He moved away from home to be with Jordan, left his family and friends. He even left his work and he does everything Jordan asks of him yet it's never enough. Jordan tells him constantly that he loves him, and Justin believes him but he's beginning to doubt that Jordan will ever stop hurting him. This new job was his last hope to bring the stress away from Jordan's shoulders and hopefully then the hurting will stop.

He wondered if Jason would ever hurt him. He was so gentle and soft with him and Justin could still feel his warm hands on his face from before and he smiled a little. Jason was very intriguing to Justin, he wasn't like anyone he had ever met and it drew Justin in.

He was tall and intimidating yet he radiated genuine kindness and warmth that pulled you in and convinced you to stay and Justin definitely wanted to stay. He felt protected when he was with Jason, even if there's no danger and he was confused by it all. What was it about Jason that drew him in?

He was cut of from his thoughts when he heard the front door open and then slam shut as a loud voice boomed through the house.
"I have arrived!" He heard and he laughed as he quickly pushed himself up and jogged slightly out the room and back downstairs where Hailey stood by the door with a huge smile resting on her lips and Justin smiled when he saw her.

He reached the bottom of the stairs and didn't give Hailey a chance before he engulfed her in a tight bear hug, wrapping his arms around her tiny waist and lifting her up to spin her around.
"I missed you so much!" He smiled as he buried his face in her neck as he wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him into an equally tight hug and laughed loudly.
"I missed you too muffin!" She giggled as Justin set her down on her feet and pulled back from their hug, the large toothy smile still present on his face.

Hailey smiled back but her smile instantly dropped and she brought her perfectly manicured hands up to grip Justin's face tightly.
"What happened to your perfect face?!" She exclaimed as she gently traced over his cut with a sad look on her face. Justin winced a little and pulled his face back and chuckled a little.
"Hails, it's alright. It was just me being me and walking into walls." He chuckled as he turned his back on her and began to towards the kitchen.
"Food?" He questioned, as if he needed to ask her if she wanted food, before stepping into the kitchen and walking over to open the fridge.

He heard Hailey's footsteps behind him and he was soon met with her standing next to him by the fridge.
"Is that even a question? Of course." She giggled as she looked at the contents of his fridge.
"That cut is pretty bad, how did you manage to cut it on a wall?" Hailey asked as he shimmied her way in front of Justin and searched for food inside the fridge. Justin took a step back as he shrugged.
"How do I do anything?" Justin chuckled and Hailey nodded as he laughed along with him.
"That's true, you gotta be careful boo. You can't go around bruising your pretty face. It's the money maker." She laughed as she pulled out a tray of dips.
"Where's your breadsticks boy?" She spoke as he closed the fridge shut and turned around to walk over the table and place down the dips she got.

Justin walked over to where he kept the breadsticks and pulled out a box full of them, walking over to where Hailey was sitting at the table and handed them to her and took his own seat.
"I'll try not to hurt myself again." He told her and she smiled as he took a bead stick and dipped it into one of her favourite dips before taking a bit.
"Good. Now, where's your fiancé?" She asked and Justin placed his elbows on the table and reached over to grab a breadstick.
"Work." He stared simply as he dipped into the sauce and ate it, looking over at Hailey for a moment before re-dipping it.
"When is the wedding?" She mumbled as he took another breadstick from the box.

Justin looked over at her with hooded eyes and bit into the breadstick as he shrugged.
"I'm not sure, it's not really came up in conversation for a while." Justin spoke and Hailey squinted her eyes at him.
"You mean you're engaged but don't talk about the wedding?" She muttered confused and Justin nodded slightly.
"I guess." He spoke as he looked down at the heavy ring on his finger.
"I always imagined you'd be planning the perfect wedding since the moment you got engaged." Hailey chuckled slightly and Justin tore his eyes away from his engagement ring and chuckled slightly as he stood up.
"I guess not." He replied as he walked over to the fridge and took out a bottle of water.

Hailey closed the breadstick box and closed the seal of the box of dips, pushing them away from her slightly and turned in her seat to look at Justin.
"Is everything good between Jordan and you?" Hailey questioned as she picked up on Justin's sudden mood change. Justin nodded as he took a sip from his water.
"Yeah things are great, he's just busy with work and we've not had time to discuss things." He told her as he patted his pockets for his phone but felt nothing. Hailey opened her mouth to talk but Justin cut her off.
"I've left my cell upstairs, I'll be back in a minute." He spoke quickly as he took a few steps out of the room as Hailey nodded and sat back down properly in her chair.

Justin combed his fingers through his hair as he jogged back upstairs and towards his bedroom to retrieve his cellphone.
He pushed the door open and walked into the room, his eyes scanning the room for the iPhone that he had left and he instantly spotted it laying on the large bed that he shares with Jordan. He left the doorway and walked towards the bed, bending down slightly to reach across the bed and grab the white phone and pressing the home button to check if he had any missed calls or messages.

He scrolled past the twitter notifications and messages from his friends until he came across a message from an unknown number at the bottom. He furrowed his eyebrows as he read the message.

From: unknown
"I've had to take your fiancé to the hospital after he was involved in a car accident at the company. We are at St Joseph's. I'll fill you in once you get here. - Jason McCann."

Justin's eyes read over the text a few more times frantically as his stomach dropped and his heart pounded. He shoved the phone back in his pocket quickly as he ran out the door and down the stairs, almost falling down them.
"Hailey, I've got to go to the hospital!" He yelled through the house as he opened the door quickly, leaving it open for Hailey as he ran out to the car.

Hey guys, two chapter in one day!
Hope you liked it, please comment if you did.
So, Jordan, wonder what will happen.
Also, Justin's ring is in the pic at the top or side, whatever you're reading this on haha
Until next time

P.s What do you think of Hailey and her friendship with our baby?

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