Scooby-Doo On Jurassic Park

By Braedey95

15.2K 148 362

The Scooby-Doo Gang and the Martin family are visited by a Mr. John A. Hammond, who offers them to go to an i... More

Mr. John A. Hammond
Welcome To The Island
Who's Hungry?
Welcome To Jurassic Park
The T-Rex Is Loose!!!
Cars In Trees, The Dinosaur Chase, and Singing Dinosaurs
The Next Morning
Electric Fences And Velociraptors
Raptor Breach And The Rex Being Tamed
The Big One VS Rexy
The Untameable King
The Tyrant Lizard King, 'Tarzan' and 'Jane' VS The Untameable King
Going Home

How Do They Do It?

1.1K 11 36
By Braedey95

Soon, the Jeeps arrived in front of the Visitors Centre. The building was of concrete and steel, looking rather nice and well designed. When the doors opened, the gang couldn't help but gaze in awe. The lobby was very large, and in the middle stood the skeleton of a Tyrannosaurus Rex that is attacking another dinosaur, with a banner behind it saying 'WHEN DINOSAURS RULED THE EARTH!' stretched from wall to wall.

"The most advanced amusement park in the world, combining all the latest technologies. And I;m not just talking about rides you know. Everybody has rides. No, we've made a living biological attraction, so astonishing, they'll capture the imagination of the entire planet!" John told his honoured guests.

As everyone was walking up the stairs, Valka saw Braedey shaking his head as he's looked around. Daphne also noticed. "What are you thinking, Braedey?" She asked.

Braedey laughed slightly. "I think palaeontologists are out of a job."

"Don't you mean 'extinct'?" Malcolm asked as he walked over to them.

Valka just looked at him, as Daphne and Velma laughed. "That was a lame joke, do you know that?"

He just smiled at Valka as he shrugged. "I try." Then, they all walked on ahead.


A couple of minutes later, the gang and everyone else walked into what looked like a theatre room. Malcolm, Fred, Daphne, Valka, and Velma sat at the front, as Shaggy, Scooby, and Braedey sat behind them, while Gennaro sat behind them.

When everyone looked at the screen, Braedey got confused when the image of John walked up. "Hello." The screen John said as he stopped. "Hello, John."

The real John started fumbling in his pockets for some cards that he pulled out. "Sorry. I've got lines."

"Fine, fine, I guess! But, what am I doing here?" The screen John asked.

After the real John found his place, he answered back to them. "Here, let me show you. First, I'll need a drop of blood, your blood."

The real John then reached over to the screen and pretended to poke a needle into Screen John's finger. "Ouch! John, that hurt!"

"Relax John. It's all part of the miracle of cloning." The real John explained as all of a sudden The John on the screen multiplied to about 3-4 and continued, and they all welcomed each other.

"Cloning from what? Loy extraction has never recreated an intact DNA strand." Velma said as the gang and the Martins huddled together.

"Not without massive sequence gaps." Malcolm pointed out.

"Paleo-DNA? But, from what source?" Valka started to ask.

"But, where do you even get 100 million year old dinosaur blood from?" Braedey finished.

Gennaro then told the gang to shush as a cartoon of a DNA strand then appeared on the screen.

"Oh, Mr. DNA, where did you come from?" Screen John asked.

"From your blood. Just one drop of your blood contains billions of strands of DNA, the building blocks of life!" The DNA explained. "A DNA strand, like me, is a blueprint for building a living thing. And sometimes, animals that went extinct millions of years ago, like dinosaurs, left their blueprints behind for us to find. We just had to know where to look."

Mr. DNA then goes on to say about how mosquitoes would suck some of the blood from the dinosaurs and then get stuck in some sap, which is known as amber.

"A hundred millions years ago, there were mosquitoes, just like today. And just like today, they fed on the blood of animals, even dinosaurs. Sometimes, after biting a dinosaur, the mosquito would land on the branch of a tree, and get stuck in the sap. After a long time, the tree sap would get hard and become fossilised, just like a dinosaur bone, preserving the mosquito inside."

The scientists would then extract the blood from the mosquito, and they would receive the dinosaur DNA from the preserved mosquito.

"This fossilised tree sap, which we call amber, waited millions of years, with the mosquito inside, until Jurassic Park scientists came along. Using sophisticated techniques, they extract the preserved blood from the mosquito, and bingo! Dino DNA!"

However, due to being fossilised for millions of years, the blood is so old, the DNA strand has lots of holes in them. So, using some special tricks, they replace the holes in the DNA stream with the DNA of frogs.

"Each strand of DNA has three billion genetic codes. If we look at screens like these once a second for eight hours a day, it would take us two years to read the entire DNA strand. It's THAT long. Since its so old, it's full of holes, and that's where our geneticist take over. Thinking machine supercomputers and gene sequencers break down the strand in minutes and 3D visuals show us our geneticists the gaps in the DNA sequence. We use the complete DNA of a frog to fill in the holes and fill in the code. Phew!! And now, we can make a baby dinosaur."

"This score is only temporary. All this has some dramatic music, of course. Da dum da dum. A march or something, it's not written yet, and then the tour moves on." John said to them, then all of a sudden the bars that were in front of the gang suddenly moved over their legs and clicked into place, similar to that of a roller coaster's rode.

The seats then slowly spun around, and the gang were suddenly looking through a window at some scientists working on some dinosaur eggs. Braedey and the others were talking enthusiastically with Valka and Malcolm, while Gennaro was talking to John about something. It was then that Braedey and the others saw the emu and ostrich eggs.

"Wait a minute! How do you interrupt the cellular mitosis?" Braedey asked as the seats continued moving.

"Can't we see the unfertilized eggs?" Valka asked as she spun round to look at John.

"Shortly shortly..." John replied. Everyone turned around as they were looking into the Control Room.

Braedey then started trying to move the bars. "Can't you stop these things?" He asked.

"Sorry! It's kind of a ride!" John explained.

Everyone looked at each other and nodded at once. Malcolm counted to 3 and they all pushed back on the bars until they lifted off. Then, they all got up and walked out to the lab, John and Gennaro following.


John opened a door and Mystery Inc., the Martins, Dr. Malcolm and Gennaro walked into the room where the eggs were being taken care off."Good day Henry." John said to one of the workers.

The worker looked over. "Oh, good day sir."

"A reminder: the boat to the mainland will he leaving at 1900 hours. Everyone must be at the dock no later than 1845. No exceptions." An announcement then came over the loudspeakers.

Braedey looked around and saw a table that the eggs were laid. He walked up to it then stopped as he saw something was happening. "Guys! Come here, quick!" He called, and pointed to one of the eggs. It was hatching.

The gang and the others came over, and they saw what was happening. "Ah, perfect timing! I'd hope they'd hatch before I had to go for the boat!" Henry said as he saw what was about to happen.

"Henry, Henry, Henry. Why didn't you tell me? I insist to be here, when they're born." John said as he put some rubber gloves on.

Braedey was watching the egg with a smile on his face, as the shell started cracking. Braedey could see the head starting to poke out. He looked over to his mother, and he saw that she looked like she was about to cry. This was something she had never expected to see.

"Come on then. Out you come. Very good. Push. Push." John started saying as he helped by pulling away the egg shells. Then, there appearing out of the egg, was a little dinosaur with a long snout and head. It made a few sounds, as it slowly climbed out of the eggshell.

"They imprint on the first living creature they come in contact with. That helps them to trust me. I've been present for the birth of every animal on this Island." John explained, as he helped to break open the shell for the animal.

"Surely not the ones that have bred in the wild." Malcolm said as he was watching the hatching.

"Actually, they can't breed in the wild. Population control is one of our security precautions here. There is no unauthorized breeding in Jurassic Park." Henry said as he stood next to the gang.

"How do you know they can't breed?"

"Because all the animals of Jurassic Park are female. We engineered them that way."

John kept his attention on the baby dinosaur, as he started to clean to clean it when it fully emerged from the egg.

"Oh, my God. This is beautiful. A miracle." Valka said, all in awe of what she saw.

"Blood temperature feels like a high eighties." Henry read the stats.

"Wu?" John asked Henry.

"Ninety-one." Henry answered.

"Homeothermic? It holds that temperature?" Braedey asked, sounding rather shocked, Henry nodded.

Dr. Malcolm looked to John with a sceptical look on his face. "But again, how do you know they're all female? Does someone go into the park and, um, lift up the dinosaurs skirts?"

Daphne and Velma tried to hold in a laugh, as the others looked over to him.

"We control their chromosomes. It's really not that difficult. All vertebrate embryos are inherently female anyway. It takes an extra hormone at the right developmental stage to create a male. We simply deny them that." Henry explained.

"Deny them that?" Valka asked.

"Deny them that?" Braedey asked also.

"John, the kind of control you're attempting is not possible. If there's one thing the history of evolution has taught us, it's that life will not be contained. Life breaks free. It expands to new territories. It crashes through barriers. Painfully, maybe even...dangerously, but and...well, there it is." Dr. Malcolm told John.

"You're saying that a group of entirely female dinosaurs will...breed?" Henry asked.

"No, I'm simply saying that life er, finds a way." Dr. Malcolm replied.

Braedey had put on some rubber gloves and held the baby dinosaur in his hands. Valka had on some rubber gloves also, and was gently rubbing her index finger on her left hand across the head gently. Braedey looked to Henry. "What species is this, Doctor?" Daphne could sense the fear and dread in his voice.

Henry looked up. "Uh...It's a Velociraptor." He replied.

Braedey, Valka and the gang exchanged looks. "You bred Velociraptors?" Braedey asked again, and Henry nodded. The brunette boy looked down at the little raptor in his hands, knowing he was holding the most dangerous dinosaur to ever exist in the world.

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