Not From Your World(Mech-X4:...

Door -babyroses-

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Veronica Dublin(Caldera) is a normal 14 year old girl living on Earth. Well, is being an alien girl from anot... Meer

Veronica Dublin(Caldera)
Let's Call It MECH-X5! Part 2
Let's Get Some Air!
Let's Open the Monster Heart!
Let's Get To Know Veronica's Backstory
Let's Be Idiots
Ryan and Veronica's Date
Let's Survive in the Woods!
Life on Caldera
April 17th!
Let's Get Our Robot Back!
Let's Get the Big Bad!
Let's Deal With Our Stuff!
Let's Get Some Answers!
Let's Go Clubbing!
Let's Get Veronica's Powers Back!
Let's Get Leo!
Let's Dig Deep!
Let's Destroy Some Ooze!
Dustin Caldera
Let's End This! Part One
Let's End This! Part Two
You Make Me Feel Human, Ryan
Ask Me Questions!

Let's Call It MECH-X5! Part 1

7.3K 132 74
Door -babyroses-

Veronica's POV

"See you after school, honey." My mother smiled, and kissed my forehead. I gave her a fake smile, feeling butterflies in my tummy. Honestly, they could be real, cause I'm an alien. Yes, I am an alien and nobody knows. "Don't be nervous, I know it's hard to start a new school, but it's a part of life."

I sighed, gripping my back pack strap, "I guess, and thanks mom." I flashed a real smile at her, and opened the car door. I gave her one more wave and shut the door.

I watched her drive away, and I turned to the school. I read the sign, Bay City High.

"Here we go." I breathed and made my way inside. I had my schedule and everything, but I have no friends here.

I eventually found my locker, and opened it. I placed my bag in there, and I heard a voice. I looked up, and the innercome was speaking.

"Attention, students! This is Principle Gray, welcoming you to another exciting year at Bay City High! Go fighting Lamas!"

Everyone, but me, was chanting the name Mark, and I don't know why. I saw a bunch of taller, older guys walk into the hall, wearing football jackets. Oh, ok, that makes sense, he must be popular. I closed my locker, and sighed against it.

Great, another school full of popular football jerks.

"And go Mark Walker, he is awesome! And to our new students, I know starting high school can be stressful, my door is always open. And here's a fair warning, I'm a hugger!" I rolled my eyes at the principle. Try to hug me tight, and I will purposely bite you, enjoy my hug!

The principle continued to speak, but I blocked her out. I watched closely as the football team watched three guys around my age go to their lockers, the football team had smiles on their faces.

Oh no, this can't be good.

The three kids started to open their lockers, and the short one with the black hair tried to warn his friends, but it was to late. His friends opened their lockers and they got blasted with crap. Like, spaghetti, paper, peanut butter, underwear.

I stood there in shock, watching this. Everybody was laughing but me.

"Hurl Locker!" The football team exclaimed, laughing.

"Such jerks." I mumbled, shaking my head. I slowly walked up to the three boys, worried. "Hey, you guys ok?"

They looked at me, and just stared. I raised an eyebrow, waiting for an answer.

"Uh, yeah." The darker skinned one replied. He took off the underwear from his face, and looked at what hopefully is peanut butter. "I really hope this is peanut butter in here."

The boy with the hat took the underwear, dipped his finger in, what I hope is peanut butter, and sucked his finger. Honestly, I wasn't disgusted, I'm an alien, I find nothing revolting.

He smiled, nodding. "Peanut butter cup. Get it?"

I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms.

"Ok, so Mark wants to play pranks? I can do pranks." The tall, dark one shrugged.

"So, I'm Veronica, by the way." I smiled, shyly.

They looked at me, smiling a little.

"I'm Ryan." Darker skinned one greeted.

"I'm Spyder." The one with the hat winked. I raised an eyebrow at him.

"I'm Harris." The shorter one added.

"It's nice to meet you guys, I wish you had a better way to start school." I chuckled.

This maybe the start of a great friendship.


School so far today has not been so bad, actually pretty good. Considering I had three friends to help me.

Ryan, Spyder, and Harris got cleaned up, it's sad that the freshman are bullied, I'm a freshman and I'm not bullied, well, not yet anyway.

Ryan told me something awesome, he has the power to control technology. At first I didn't believe him, then he showed me by making a bunch of treats come out of the vending machine. I told him it was wicked. Also, his eyes turned an aqua color, which is pretty.

The guys and I were sitting on the bleachers outside, waiting for his Ryan's brother, Mark and his friend to run by so we can prank him. The waste truck was here and it was putting oil in the ground.

"Okay you guys, keep your eye on the waste truck and keep your eye on varsity." Ryan smirked, watching the man put oil in the ground. "Let's see how funny they think it is when they're coated in gunk."

Unless is backfires, and goes on us. If it sprays on us for some reason, I can't help, because I can't reveal my secret.

"I don't know, Ryan. There could be unintended consequences." Harris commented, not to sure about his prank.

"You know what, my good friend Harris here, he makes a good point, but just hear me out, do it." Spyder encouraged Ryan, smiling.

"I'm gonna have to go with Spyder." Ryan glanced up at Harris, who rolled his eyes.

"Do whatever you want, but if it backfires, don't blame Harris for trying to stop you." I added looking at Ryan, who gave me a playful glare.

Ryan focused on the waste truck, and made his eyes turn blue. Suddenly. something on the truck exploded, and Ryan gasped in pain, squinted his eyes. What's happening?

Ryan shook his head, and continued to focus on the truck.

"Something's wrong with my power!" Ryan exclaimed in pain. I griped his shoulder with worry

"Turn it down!" I told him, raising my voice.

"I'm trying!" Ryan exclaimed, struggling.

I saw the tube lift up from the ground, and pointed at us. I gave it a look. Oh great...

"Oh no." Us four said, and we got squirted with the gunk.

Everyone ran up to us, and a girl holding a phone in our faces, spoke first.

"Hi, Cassie Park, That's Cassie P on Grammy Grams Spark net and every bid, streaming live. Now, tell me how does it feel to be the only freshman to be double dumped on the first day of school?" The girl named, Cassie, asked. I gave her a slight glare and started to pick of the pieces of gunk out of my hair.

"Annoyed, now that it's on the internet." Ryan mentioned, and I heard chuckling. I turned to find Mark and his friend.

"Looks like lunch is on him." The friend chuckled, and nobody got what he said.

Of course, because he's not Mark!

"Looks like lunch is on him!" Mark repeated it clear and loud, and everybody laughed. Mark went up to his brother, "Dude, you're gonna be more famous then just being my little brother." He winked and moved back.

Not the way I wanted to start school.


I cleaned up in the girl bathrooms and stood outside waiting for the guys to come out, I stood there, leaning against the glass window wall. I'm glad I brought extra clothes.

"So, I'm gonna say it in Spanish, te lo dije." I saw Harris walk around the wall, and Ryan and Spyder were there too. I smiled warmly at them as they stood around me.

"Ok, hey, everything was working fine, it's just that, I got distracted. Like... a vision! Abandon cars!" Ryan explained, I made a weird face.

The junk yard?

"When I have visions, it's uh, usually of, Ariana Grande...and cake." Spyder imagined, smiling a little. I rolled my eyes, chuckling.

Harris pulled his tablet out of his bag as Ryan told us more about his visions. "Yeah, uh, mine was a junk yard, by a river!"

Harris nodded and typed on his tablet.

"Yeah, my vision is better," Spider commented and I rolled my eyes at that.

"Cars, river, junk yard. Anything else?" Harris asked.

I stared at Ryan, and I saw what he was thinking. It was like an old, run down ship. A ferry?

"Hey, was it a ferry, a huge abandoned ferry?" I guessed and Ryan looked at me with wide eyes.

"Yeah, how'd you know that."

I shrugged, chuckling nervously.

"Wild guess."

Harris showed us a picture and it looked exactly what like that one I saw in Ryan's mind. "Like this?"

"Yeah, that." Ryan nodded and we walked off to find the junk yard.

I told my mom I was gonna be home late today, because I was gonna hang with friends. She was happy about that, so I'm glad she didn't freak out.

I grabbed my green bike from the garage and met up with the guys and we were off to the junk yard.

We arrived at the junk yard and I just stared at it. This place seems familiar for some odd reason.

Ryan looked at me and I nodded. We rode into the junk yard and stood in the middle of it. I took off my helmet and looked around. Yeah, this place is all too familiar.

We walked around the junk yard, and then suddenly this lamp lifted up and the light turned blue. I moved back a little freaked out. That scared me.

"What are you doing to the lamp?" I asked Ryan, glancing at him.

"I'm not doing anything." Ryan replied, confused. "I think the lamp is scanning me?"

"If that is a lice test, I'm totally gonna fail." Spider pointed at the lamp.

I hope it doesn't scan me, because it will find some weird things. Ryan moved back from the lamp and I heard objects moving.

Us four moved up and looked at the ship. The top of the ship disappeared and my eyes widened. A giant robot emerged from the ship.

"Are you guys seeing this?" Spider asked.

I scoffed, "how can you miss it?"

"Woah." Ryan breathed, with amazement. The robot looked at us, lifted his foot, and stepped on us. We screamed and I covered my face with fear.

Wait? Why am I not dead?

We continued to scream until we landed inside what I believe is the robot. I looked at Harris and he had the same facial expression. Confusion.

Ryan opened the yellow elevator doors, and a burst of smoke shot at us. We yelped and shielded ourselves from it.

We walked out and lights started to turn on. I was still in shock by this.

Spyder went up to a control desk and was going to touch things.

"Don't touch anything." Harris stopped him, and Spyder looked at him.

"But, I wanna touch everything." Spyder pressed a few buttons and a view from the outside appeared in front of us.

"Ryan, we don't know if-"

"No, it feels right, trust me." Ryan cut off Harris, and stepped down the steps and over to the circle in the front.

A small, white, light flashed and a man appeared on the screen in front of us. "Hi there!"

We yelled in fear.

"Welcome to Mech-X5! If you're seeing this, it means two things. 1. You are a techno path, who can control machines with you mind."

Ryan looked at us, "guys, you hear that, I'm a techno path."

I smiled at the others.

"And two, I'm in hiding or probably dead. Dead would be a bummer." The man continued, "Mech-X5 is a complex weapon that can only be piloted by you. Reach out to it with your power."

Ryan got into some sort of fighting position and started to control Mech-X5. The circle around him flashed white, then blue and then formed an x-shape.

"And you're linked," the man nodded, smirking. Ryan lifted his left hand and the robot hand mimicked his actions.

My mouth opened and I was shocked. Ryan is controlling the robot.

"Guys, I'm bounded to this robot. I'm moving the robot." Ryan started to walk and the robot moved forward.

"Mech-X5 will now mimic your actions." The man appeared in the screen once more.

"So, I bet if I jump..." Ryan wondered, and this sort of bungee jump thing appeared and went around Ryan's waist.

Ryan got on one knee, looking at the ground. He jumped up and landed back on the ground. We wobbled as he landed but maintained balance.

"Pretty cool, right?" The man asked, flashing us a smile. "I hope it's cool, I-I assume it's cool, I don't know, this is a recording. Hopefully you're a strong enough techno path to operate Mech-X5, because you cannot imagine the horrors coming your way. Monsters as big as the robot, if not bigger. You're gonna need a team, if you're gonna save Bay City, you need Weapons, defense, an another fighter. The most important thing is-" He didn't continue, then he glitched, getting closer to the screen, then the screen went black.

"Is what? That could be important." Harris sighed, annoyed.

"I call weapons, that's important." Spyder went over to the weapons desk, and we joined him.

"He just said monsters." I reminded a little scared. I'm considered a monster to most people.

"And maybe he's right, or maybe he filmed this years ago and no monsters have showed up. So, we can do whatever we want with this thing." Ryan told us, chuckling lightly.

"Don't you wanna know why that guy built a robot, specifically for someone with your power?" Harris asked.

"Or we can have fun with this thing and do all that stuff later? What do you say?" Ryan suggested, and I smiled nodded.

"Ok, I'm with Ryan." Spyder jumped in.

"This is a giant battle bot, we need to understand it. When you get a new toy, you need to read the manual." Harris informed, and I rolled my eyes.

"I don't." Spyder pointed out.

"And that's why all your Christmas toys only last till December 26th." Harris told him and I chuckled.

Just like my sister.

"Dude, I'm Jewish." Spyder told him, offended.

"Ok, you're right, you're right, until we can figure this out, we have to be responsible with it." Ryan agreed with Harris, stepping to the circle in the front.

"There we go." Harris nodded.

"You know see what it does, test it out, train."

"Exactly!" Harris smiled at Ryan.

"So we're in agreement!" Ryan rubbed his hands together.

Harris's smiled faded and became confused. "Wait? What did I just agree to?"

Something that is probably fun.


That night, we sent up a prank, Spyder and I went out with Marks MVP trophy, but we wrote 'least awesome' over it. Ryan and Harris were in Mech-X5 and were gonna dump trash on him and his friends to teach them a lesson.

Spyder and I hid behind a tree with Marks' trophy, and watched Mark and his teammates at the car workshop fixing a car.

Spyder and I shared a smiled and ran out from behind the tree. Spyder bite the head off the trophy and threw it at Marks' feet.

Mark noticed it and picked it up, "Mark Walker, Least Awesome. Okay, who's spreading lies?!" He called out and Spyder and I quickly hid behind a tree. Mech-X5 appeared from behind the building, spying on them.

I saw Ryan pick up a dumpster, and Spyder got out his phone to film it.

This is gonna be great.

I smiled as Ryan emptied the dumpster and all the trash poured on Mark and his friends.

I laughed, but covered my mouth and Spyder and I ran away, before getting caught. Spyder sent the video to Ryan so he can upload it to the internet.


The next day, I was outside sitting at a table, with my friends and we saw Mark walking into school, getting teased and laughed at.

Honestly, it was awful to see him getting teased like that. Last night, it was funny, but now it was a sad sight to see.

"Wow, you did it, Ryan. You used your giant, fighting robot to break your brothers spirit." I told Ryan with no emotion in my voice, putting my hand on his shoulder.

"Yeah, I thought it'd be fun to take Mark down a peck, but now, now I feel like a-"

"Monster." Harris said, and I spaced out as I saw a huge dinosaur monster thing with huge sabor tooth fangs. I gasped.

"No, actual monster!" I exclaimed, gesturing to the huge dinosaur in front of us.

I stood up, alarmed. Everyone in the school started to flee and scream.

"What is that thing?" Ryan asked.

Wouldn't we like to know.

"You know I could probably get a good picture of this-" Spyder got his phone out and I smacked his arm.

"Not the time, not the time!" Harris stoped him, yelling.

"We need to get to Mech-X5!" Ryan hurried us and we ran off to the junk yard.

We ran into to Mech-X5 and got into our positions. Spyder at the weapons, Harris at defense and Ryan was controlling the robot. I climbed up the ladder and watched from overview. Apparently I'm the 'another fighter', but I can't reveal my secret identity. What do I do?

"Ready?" Ryan asked.

"Ready!" Us three told him.

"Mech Execute!" Ryan exclaimed, putting his arms in a x-shape.

"We're doing catchphrases now or?" I wondered out loud.

Ryan jumped and landed in front of the monster, and put his arm up and a cannon appeared.

"Spyder when I say- WOAH!" Ryan moved back, as Spyder pushed a red button and a huge orange grenade shot out and went passed the monsters head.

Ryan got stable again and looked at his friend, "you fired too soon!"

"I'm a little new at this!" Spyder defended.

"Maybe if you practiced a little." Harris shot at him.

The monster attacked us and Ryan was struggling.

"Hey, how do these shields work?" Ryan asked.

"Trying to figure that out!" Harris continuously pushed buttons to find the shield activator.

Ryan eventually got the monster off him, and I wobbled as he jumped.

"Ok, Spyder, let's try this one more time." Ryan suggested putting his arm up. The monster attacked and bit the robots arm. I yelped as Ryan got hurt.

Ryan yelled in pain, holding his arm in pain.

"Why did that hurt?" Ryan asked, in pain.

"Probably a techno pathy. You are bounded to this robot, if the robot gets hurt, you got hurt." I told him as I climbed down the ladder and over to Harris's desk.

"Is this doing anything? Feeling any better?" Spyder asked, petting his desk.

I'm starting to wonder if I'm the actual alien here.

"No, Harris you were right, we should've trained. How do we beat this thing?!" Ryan asked, aggravated.

"Uh...start pressing buttons and learn as we go." Harris suggested, pushing buttons randomly.

The monster ran at us, and Harris yelled. He panicked and pressed a big red button, which made a shield appear and the monster got flown back.

"Bam! Shields!" Harris cheered.

"Spyder find me the biggest weapon this thing has." Ryan ordered, and Spyder searched in the computer.

"Uh, Shoulder Missiles, Lasers, and something called a Plasma Punch. Looks like a boss level weapon." Spyder smiled. I slowly made my way out of the robot, and outside.

I have to reveal myself and if they don't like it, then they can go suck a truck.

I ran away behind some trees and changed my form. I put my hands together and closed my eyes. I felt my body reform its self, my hands got all wrinkly, my eyes changed color, and I opened my green eyes.

I looked at myself.

"It feels good to be back." I smirked.

I used my alien super speed and ran over to the monster. I leaped onto the school building, and saw Mech-X5 and the monster.

I saw the monster hit the robot back with his tail and I growled.

I leaped into the air and formed an energy field and shot it at the monster. It flew back and it laid there on the ground.

I landed on the ground, glaring at it. It got up and attacked the robot; Ryan got him off but the monster hit his face.

"No!" I screamed and shot another energy field at it. It moved back but not much and I saw the robot gain it's plasma grenade again and I smiled.

I backed out of the attack zone and watched Ryan defeat the monster. I did what I could without revealing my secret.

Ryan jumped up and punched the monster with full force and it got destroyed. A bunch of orange liquid squirted out and I cheered.

I felt accomplished and super sped off.

I should tell my friends about this it could be a huge help for what is happening.

I changed into my human form and found Mech-X5 and stood in front of them, waving. Ryan stepped on me and I got shot up into the robot.

I walked out, and they looked at me. I saw Mark here, but why?

"Hey, where did you go?" Ryan asked, giving me a worried look.

"Um, about that, I went out to help you fight the monster. Ryan you're not the only one with a power." I told him and they were all confused.

"What do you mean? Do you also have superpowers?" Harris asked walking up to me.

"Not exactly, I'm-I'm an alien and I'm not from your world."

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