
Od Innocence_is_bliss

29.1K 801 193

Nineteen year old Cassidy Forester wants to get away from it all. She wants to be as far away as possible fro... Více

№ I. Takeoff
№ 2. Double C's
№ 3. Panties & A Bridge
№ 4. Leaky Faucet
№ 5. Only One
№ 6. Coffee Pimp
№ 7. Jaffa Love
№ 8. Paint War
№ 9. Smashing
№ 10. Let's Get Accepted
№ 11. Love Is Love
№ 12. It's Just Egg
№ 13. A...friend
№ 14. Warm On A Cold Night
№ 15. Kelly
№ 16. How It All Happened
№ 17. Two Truths and A Lie
№ 18. Road Trip
№ 19. George's House
№ 20. I've Got Game
№ 21. Define The Relationship
№ 22. Mr. Panty-Dropper
№ 24. I'll Hurt Him
№ 25. London Calling
№ 26. Chocolate Cake
№ 27. Let Me In
№ 28. Choices
№ 29. Burning Bridges
№ 30. The Finish Line
№ 31. Sour
№ 32. Make it To Me
№ 33. Daylight

№ 23. 50 Shades of Biscotti

642 14 4
Od Innocence_is_bliss

I sat in the small compact car, the engine idling with a low pur while I fidgeted with the radio incessantly. Every station was a mess of static and I eventually gave up with a huff and slumped back. George let me borrow the car but I convinced him not to tag along.

Since that night, I had become cautious. I didn't answer every call of his, and I certainly tried to lessen the makeout sessions - that one might've been too tough. But he was so sweet, so good to me. He was intuitive and apparently I was transparent. I loved to hear the sound of his throaty chuckle and the brush of his lips against the nape of my neck; the way his rough hands felt when he gathered me into his arms. How a mere cocky grin could suddenly make me lose all sanity was beyond my comprehension. He was so good to me and it frightened me.

Jeremy had been sweet, but that was how  he acted with everyone. He was a people person; I never was. They just gravitated towards him and he pleased them whenever and in whichever way possible. Some occassions called for his penis. I grimaced and shook my head to dissolve the uncomfortable thoughts, turning back to gaze out the window. 

I scanned through the throngs of people that stood, some waiting, some chasing down their wailing children, and others chatting away on their phones. I put the car in drive and coasted slowly, trying to pick apart the crowd until finally my gaze landed on a girl; about six feet tall, dressed in canvas slip on shoes with a swishy, pale blue dress and curled auburn tresses which hung just past her shoulders. A tattoo of her mother's name, Alice, was drawn in cursive and framed by red roses on her left shoulder.

"Emma," I breathed.

As if able to hear my sigh, Emma turned and our eyes connected immediately. A grin far too large for her delicate features stretched past her lips as she pushed through the crowd towards me. I hopped out of the car and slammed the door behind myself, jogging towards her until the both of us dropped everything and grabbed on to each other.

Vanilla and coconut; that was Emma's perfume. It filled my nose with a comfort I had missed dearly as she crushed me against her chest, burying my face in her hair. I clung to her as well, matching the same frantic manner as we stood, laughing like idiots. Remembering each other, what the other felt like,  and just how much time had gone by.

"Oh Jesus, you're here. You're finally here," I exhaled as we finally pulled apart and took a good look at each other.

She smiled and batted her eyelashes,  "Can't get rid of me now."

"Oh too bad, I was planning on it."

She punched my shoulder and picked up one worn duffel bag, "Oh shut up. Now help me with my luggage."

I grabbed the other suitcase left and trailed as she opened the trunk to the car,  "Wow, a few months without me and you're saucier than ever."

"Well since you were gone, I only had Tim to hangout with."

I nodded slowly, understanding perfectly. Tim was our mutual flamboyant, gay friend. Just one evening with him and suddenly a girl would end up with a scorching case of bad decisions and a horrible hangover. Of course not every stylish and dramatic man batted for the other team. However where we were raised, it wasn't something out of the ordinary. 

Since Mom had moved her wedding so early, Emma decided to fly over and help plan the big soiree. Plus, we needed to get fit for our bridesmaids dresses. I still had no clue as to what Mom had chosen or what hideous color we would be forced to wear, so I crossed my fingers and prayed to god for anything but sequins. But with my luck, I'd probably be dressed as a peacock for her wedding.

Emma and I grew up together, and since she practically lived in my house, it was like I had a sister and Mom got a second daughter. Emma was never very close with her parents. After her mother passed in Emma's last year of junior high, her Dad moved on and remarried,  which never settled quite well with her. But in recent months, she told me that things were getting better.

"Yo, I'm thirsty," Emma whined.

I smirked as we got into the car and I started the ignition.

"We'll stop by where I work and get a coffee."

"Do they sell kombucha?"

I wrinkled my nose in disgust as I slowly eased out and merged with traffic. 

"If I can't pronounce it than I'm not drinking it. What the hell is kum-babka?'

"Kombucha, Cassidy. Seriously."

We argued for the next half hour over some weird live bacteria culture drink that I was convinced probably made a person shit like a mad man. But Emma swore by it, saying that the garbage gave her a cleansed and nourished body. We started to near Gary's Roast, and I noticed Emma begin to flick her phone on and off.

"Expecting a call?"

"No. Clearly I'll never be called."

"Hey, I call you all the time."

"Well, I meant from someone that has testicles, Cass."

"I can make that happen," I waggled my eyebrows at her and she slapped my hand.

"Hey! Designated driver!" I stuck out my tongue.

She shook her head and reclined against the passenger seat, "Bitch."

"Whore," I shot back.

We laughed it off and settled as I somehow managed to parallel park. If I left a scratch, too bad. Emma grabbed her bag from the back seat and I locked the tiny car, leading her up the street to the coffee shop. Surprisingly enough, the sun decided to make an appearance today, and I smiled at the warm rays until we walked in.

The shop was bustling as usual but today was my day off, and I caught sight of Nick behind the register.

"So, what sort of caffeinated crap do you want to buy me?" Emma sighed as she looked around.

"Glad to know I'm paying, " I scoffed as we made our way to the counter.

Nick punched in my employee discount and looked up, "Hi, nice to see you Cass."

"Likewise Nicholas," I scanned the menu.

I should've known it by heart but I never ordered anything for myself before.

"Do you know what you want?" I nudged Emma. 

She too had tilted her head towards the vast list of beverages above, but I paid attention to Nick, who was now gaping like a fish. He was oggling Emma as though she were a diamond; the whole goo-goo eyes and expression of a schmuck on his face. No, oh no oh no, not my friend.

My eyes widened as I caught his attention and mouthed furiously, "NO."

But he was finished and my attempts to interfere were useless. He took one look at Emma and he was a goner.

"I'll have a tall chai latte," Emma stated boredly. 

Nick continued drool, and I snapped my fingers hastily before the tip of his nose, "Close your mouth or you'll catch a fly."

Nick shot me a dirty glare and grabbed a cup to write a name, but I was smarter than him, "We're staying, so place the order for me."

I shelled a few bills and slapped them down, turning Emma quickly to pick a table before Nick could attack. I went to follow but a hand yanked a fistful of my sweater back, causing me to recoil and slam butt-first into the counter.

"Watch it!"

"Cassidy! Who is that gorgeous creature?"

I swatted Nick's clingy fingers and brushed myself off, "I'm not telling you,  she's off limits."

"Can I place an order?" A tall and rather plump elderly gentleman waved his hand behind me.

"I'm sorry sir, but this is a matter of life or death," Nick panted. He was halfway across the counter and he had a crazed look in his eye which was beginning to be a cause for concern. 

"Nick, she's only visiting and she's my best friend."

"And I will worship all the time I have with her! Please just, tell me her name."

I gazed at him with hesitance, but seeing as he wouldn't let up, I answered, exasperated, "Her name is Emma."

He rolled her name of his tongue like it was butter, "Emma, my goddess."

Nick melted off the counter,  stars in his eyes and I stepped back cautiously with my order. 


I rolled my eyes at the whole situation,  heading over to Emma by the window where I handed her a chai latte. 

"What took so long?" she sipped delicately. 

I plopped into an armchair and wondered if I should tell her. Eh, let's embarrass Nick.

"You see that guy over there?"

Emma followed my line of vision to Nick, who had been staring like a love-starved puppy until he quickly spun the other way.


"What do you think of him," I prodded.

She shrugged, "He's good-looking. Why do you ask?

I looked down into my iced tea, swirling the ice cubes lazily with my straw,  "No reason."

"Cassandra Ellen Forrester, tell me what is going on this instant."

I cringed at her use of my full name, and the fact that she used my real first name which I loathed. We've known each other too long.


She leaned over and pinched a jab of skin off my forearm intensely with her index finger and thumb.

"Jesus! Ow!"

"Spill," she popped the -p dramatically.

"He likes you," I groaned.

Emma laid back, quiet with a wry look. I edged forward, suddenly jabbing a finger in her face.

"You are so full of yourself!"

She smirked as she continued to sip, but I could see the flattery wash over her.

"So what?"

"Are you going to pursue it?" I narrowed my gaze.

She shrugged but I could already see the fantasies forming in that clever auburn head of her's.

"Emma. Just, be careful. He's been through a lot."

I quickly dropped my smile,  thinking back to the evening when he shared his story. Kelly, what a bitch. If Emma ever amounted to anything close, I would never forgive myself if he got hurt again. They would have met on my account.  Nick was looking for something real but Emma was in the mood for something fun.

"Cassidy, what are you implying?"

I sighed, "He's special. And a friend of mine. Only if you feel the same way, should you really go after him."

She nodded, but I could tell she was confused. I didn't want to share his tale of woe, it wasn't mine to tell, so I spoke vaguely. 

"Complimentary biscotti?"

Emma and I both picked our heads up in unison,  to find Nick standing sheepishly with a large, glass jar of baked goods and a pair of tongs. I shook my head at his move, it was pathetic; the way to a girl's heart was most definitely not through her stomach.

"I'd love one," Emma smiled.

Nick nodded dumbly, fumbling to open the jar quickly so he ripped off the lid and hastily handed it to me. My brow furrowed in annoyance but he clearly didn't give a rat's ass about how I felt.

"What k-kind? We have chocolate,  cinnamon, vanilla,  and c-cranberry."

Emma pursed her lips in thought,  leaving Nick to wait on her every breath. I think he was starting to turn blue until she finally settled on chocolate. 

"Yeah, chocolate. That's my favorite," He smiled and dug into the jar, swiping one biscotti with the tongs and gingerly offering it to her.

All the while,  I watched with bored discomfort,  pressed into my chair with hands clamped to a glass lid. This was just too hormonal. Emma plucked the cookie from Nick, raising it to her mouth with hooded eyes and a sudden shift in attitude. Nick salivated and I watched with disgust as she pushed the treat past her lips, locked eyes with Nick, and crunched down intensely.

"Oh d-dear God," Nick stuttered.

"AND we have got to go now. Thanks for everything."

I bolted upright and grabbed Emma by the arm, hauling her along with me as we pushed past Nick towards the door. She continued to chew and blabber in protest but I needed to get out of there before I puked. Man, Emma can really put away a biscotti, but for crying out loud, let a biscotti be innocent!

"Bye Nick," Emma winked as I managed to somehow get her past the line of customers.

Nick waved his tongs excitedly, his eyes following Emma out the door with a newfound hope that could only be associated with love at first sight.

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