Minecraft In The Morning- (A...

By Youtubeforlife

517K 9.4K 11.5K

Lexi just found out her psyco boyfriend Jake is cheating on her. They broke up, but he wants her back. As he... More

Chapter 2- Secrets, Secrets, Secrets
Chapter three- Don't Move
Chapter 4- Critical Condition
Chapter 5- Keep Fighting My Prince
Chapter 6- Pinky Promise
Chapter 7- Panic Attacks And Pained Hearts
Chapter 8-Repairing Old Friendships
Chapter 9-The Heartbreak Isn't Mine to Feel....
Chapter 10: Too Many Conflicts....
Chapter 11- Confessions and Fangirls
Chapter 12- A Promise is a Promise
Chapter 13: Surprising Encounter
Chapter 14- No Cool Title Name Doods
Chapter 15- Livestreams and Drama Going Round!
Chapter 16- Here Comes Trouble
Chapter 20- The Correct Path
AN: Phobias...
Chapter 21- I Don't Like Making Titles Okay?
Chapter 22- This Isn't Normal... Right?
ANOTHER AN: Sequel Information
Chapter 23- Oh Look An Update (not actually about the characters updating)
Chapter 24- Short and Meaningful
Chapter 25-Winter Storm
Chapter 26- It May Be Broken But We Can Rebuild It
Chapter 27- Finale (EPILOGUE)
AUTHORS NOTE OF THE END- Read this also mom and dad


13.7K 333 254
By Youtubeforlife

MITM chapter 17

AN: Thanks for the love love on the last chapter! :3 Much love to all! This is a very VERY short chapter, but I wanted it to be out on Christmas, along with maybe a new book! About a Youtube school. :3


Adam and I were in a pretty heated argument over whether Jefferys or butter was better. I insisted that Jeffery was best, seeing as you could ride one around. They can take you anywhere really fast. But he kept saying that butter can do anything your heart can imagine. Since when can butter carry you around?

"Yknow, I think Jason actually has a point Adam." Ty said suddenly, coming up behind Adam and placing a hand on his shoulder. Adam pouted and crossed his arms like a child. Sarah giggled next to him. Everyone was talking quietly, afraid to speak too loud. Yet we all were trying to forget the danger we are in. We just wanted to have fun this week. Make the best of it.

There was knock on the door. Ian got up and quietly snuck over to it, making no sound, and peered out the peep hole. A grin spread across his face and he yanked open the door, pulling three people inside. They were all boys.

"Guys, I'd like you to meet my friends Christian, David, and Sam." He said, motioning to each person as he said their name. They all smiled and waved. I smiled back.

"Hey everyone! So we heard you guys had a problem?" The one with sleek black hair and bright blue eyes asked. I'm pretty sure he's Sam.

"Yeah there's a guy trying to kill us apparently." Quentin said with a sigh. Sam nodded.

"We can help. We can get you out safe and to a good place to hide while we take care of this guy. And yes, you guys can record and post videos on the correct schedule there. You should be fine. We can bring you everything you need." The one with shaggy blonde hair and green eyes assured. That's Christian. The last one is David, who seems to be pretty quiet. He hasn't made a noise yet. He has hair like my old hair, which is pretty long when straight but usually stays curved to one side. He looked around at everyone, not saying anything. I shifted in my seat, a bit awkwardly. Everything had gone silent.

"Alright too quiet. So you guys said that we should be safe for a couple days?" Adam asked. Christian nodded.

"Based on what we know, people like this wait to attack. They make you feel safe, but you aren't. They let you know they'll be there, but they wait so you think they lied, and go back to your normal life. You can stay for a couple days. But after that, leave. Again, we can help." He said, very formally. It was strange to think of these very proper looking people as Ian's- the derpy one- friends. You'd think they'd be pretty nuts. They sure know what they're doing.

"Alright. So what all are we allowed to bring? Anything?" I ask.

"You should be able to bring a few days worth of clothes, recording equipment, and phones. We have hygiene supplies already at the warehouse." Sam said.

"Warehouse?" Ty says, quizzical.

"Yeah. The place you guys are staying is an old warehouse. Yes, it's safe. It's out off the main roads. Most people say it's haunted, but that's us that spread that. We don't want anyone intruding on anyone that needs to hide."

"Ah, I see."

"So should we go pack now? Like, so we have everything we need?" Jordan asked. Christian nodded, seeming to be the leader of the group. He even stood closer to us than the other two. Dave seemed to slightly hide behind Sam and Christian. I hope he's alright. I made a slightly concerned face before getting up with the others and grabbing some stuff. I shoved it in a suitcase as I thought back to when I first got here. Everyone was a bit shaken up at what had happened with Jake, but they were okay. We never saw this coming. We never thought we might have to say goodbye to each other, our families, our fans. I grabbed the shirt in my hand tightly as I bit my lip as hard as I could to hold back the tears. The taste of my own blood flew into my mouth and I instantly released the pressure on my lip, cursing under my breath at my stupidity. I shoved the shirt into my backpack and stood up, wiping some of the blood that was dripping down my chin. It was coming out pretty steadily, so I walked to the bathroom and grabbed some toilet paper. I held it on the wound and winced. That would leave a mark.

"You alright?" Lexi asked from the doorway.

"Oh yeah. I'm alright." I smiled. She smiled back. "So yknow Christmas is tomorrow.... And we all have our Christmas videos ready to just upload, right?" I asked. She nodded.

"We made sure to get them ready ahead of time. Boy was that lucky!"

"Yeah." I said with a sheepish grin. "Well, since we all already have gifts, it would be alright to hand them out right?" I asked.

"You'd have to ask Jordan. I didn't want to put up a tree just in case he wasn't okay with it. Yknow, him being Jewish and all."(true story bro) She said with a shrug. I nodded.

"I understand. Lets go ask. I got him a present, even though he doesn't celebrate." I grabbed her hand and pulled her with me after stopping my lip from bleeding. I dragged her to Jordan and smiled at him.

"Oh hey guys! What's up?" He asked.

"Well, seeing as Christmas is tomorrow... We understand you don't celebrate, but would it be alright if we did? I got you a present!" I asked slowly, a small smile on my face. He chuckled and grinned.

"Of course! Just because I don't celebrate doesn't mean you can't! And Lexi, you know you could've put up a tree, right? This is your house too now." He said happily. Lexi s,lied widely.

"Thank you so much Jordan!" She engulfed him in a huge hug and he hugged back, placing his head on her shoulder.

"Anytime Lex. Now, should we get the presents ready for tomorrow?" He asked. I nodded and ran to grab everyone.

"Everyone get your presents ready for tomorrow! Put them all in a pile together! Jordan says it's alright!" Everyone grinned and rushed for their presents, throwing them into a pile in the living room. I smiled as Ian threw the last present. I noticed he even had presents for his friends. I guess he was going to go see them anyway while he was here. I sat down in a chair and thought about everything. The guys should have left here about two months ago, but they never did. The trip was supposed to be a week long. I guess everything that has happened made them extend it quite a bit. My eyes shifted over to everyone, smiling and laughing, having a good old time. They all were forgetting their troubles. I liked that. I loved seeing everyone forget their danger and have a happy time. I smiled.

"Alright guys. It's been a long day. Lets just get to sleep and try to have a good Christmas." Adam mumbled sleepily. I chuckled and rested my head on the arm of the couch. Lexi had been curled up into my side, so she simply shifted around until she was cuddled next to me again. I pulled a blanket from the floor and wrapped us up in it, welcoming the warmth it brought. My eyes closed and I let the darkness engulf me.

My eyes opened groggily to Ian, Adam, and Ty running around excitedly. Ty was jumping up and down on the other end of the couch Lexi and I were on, and Adam was chasing Ian around. Like that would work. I poked Lexi's face until she woke and smacked my arm. I pouted and got up, stretching.

"JASON IT'S CHRISTMAS I WANT MY PRESENTS!" Adam said like a child. I laughed and ran around with them, happily forgetting everything until we all got worn out and collapsed onto the floor.

"What are you nut heads doing?" Aster asked with a laugh. I grinned.

"Nothinnnnn!!" Ian said as he spun around on the floor.

"DOG PILE!" Tyler yelled, jumping on us all. Preston then joined, followed by everyone else. Even Christian and Sam got in on it! David still stayed lurking back in the living room, though.

"Ian get your foot out of my face!" I yelled as his foot smacked my jaw.

"Get your face off my foot!"

"Speaking of feet, TYS LEFT FOOT!" Adam yelled, grabbing Ty's foot and lifting it in the air. That earned a small squeak from Ty, then he fully noticed what was happening and squirmed around.

"Shut up and get off of me!" Ty complained, wriggling free and dusting himself off as he stood up. Everyone followed suit, then rushed to the presents, eager to get started opening.

"Okay guys! Lets sort these! One for Ty, one for me, one for Jason!" Adam started calling out names and handing out presents. Once everyone had all of theirs, we tore the paper away from the gifts happily.

"BEATS! YES! THANK YOU IAN!" I yelled, tackling him after opening my new set of Beats by Dre. Definitely needed those!

"I thought you'd like them, seeing as you stated making all this music!" He explained with a chuckle. I grinned widely and nodded.

All in all, Christmas was amazing. We ended it all off with a ham for dinner, which Lexi had been hiding, and some egg nog. No one thought of our danger all day.

'Maybe we can get through this if we just stick together.' I thought as Adam proposed a toast to us all. I grinned, holding up my glass or egg nog and touching it to everyone elses'. Best. Christmas. Ever.

AN: SUPPPPERRRR DUPER SHORT CHAPTER! Just wanted to get this up for y'all on Christmas, and made it quite short to do so! (Btw, this is what happens when I rush a chapter. Ugh, I'm not proud of this, but it's what had to happen!) Merry Christmas to all, and happy holidays to those who don't celebrate, like Jordan! I love you all! Have a very happy holiday, and if you're traveling, stay safe!

As always, if you enjoyed, slaaaapp dat vote button witchya forehead! And, BYE!

GOAL FOR THIS CHAPTER! (Since it's terrible, lets keep it low!)



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