Scooby-Doo On Jurassic Park

By Braedey95

15.2K 148 362

The Scooby-Doo Gang and the Martin family are visited by a Mr. John A. Hammond, who offers them to go to an i... More

Welcome To The Island
How Do They Do It?
Who's Hungry?
Welcome To Jurassic Park
The T-Rex Is Loose!!!
Cars In Trees, The Dinosaur Chase, and Singing Dinosaurs
The Next Morning
Electric Fences And Velociraptors
Raptor Breach And The Rex Being Tamed
The Big One VS Rexy
The Untameable King
The Tyrant Lizard King, 'Tarzan' and 'Jane' VS The Untameable King
Going Home

Mr. John A. Hammond

2.5K 24 28
By Braedey95

In the Mystery Inc. headquarters building in Coolsville California, the famous Scooby-Doo gang were winding down after their scary and terrifying mystery of Timothy the Ghost Train in the U.K., which was very scary indeed, and they were happy to be home, but Shaggy and Scooby were more happy to be home.

Fred and Daphne relaxed on the large couches, whilst Velma sat in a seat nearby the lab, and Shaggy and Scooby were both in the kitchen, the two of them making themselves something to eat. However, there seemed to be two people missing out of the gang.

Daphne seemed to notice this. "Does anyone know where Braedey and Valka are?" She asked.

"Like, last I heard, they were out rallying in Braedey's new Dodge." Shaggy replied, as he held a rather large sandwich.

True to what he said, both Braedey and Valka were racing around in the hills of Coolsville in Braedey's new Dodge.

The new Dodge was basically a regular 1970's Dodge Charger, but outfitted with a specialised roll-cage and body, long travel suspension, limited slip-differentials, heavy-duty rally tyres, a bull-bar on the front, two spare tyres on the back, and with a 7.6L turbocharged and supercharged V8 engine, and produces up to 700bhp.

Braedey, who was driving, was smiling broadly and without a care in the world, as he slammed his foot down on the accelerator, making the car shoot ahead from 90 miles per hour to 150 in just a few seconds. Valka, who was in the passenger seat on his right, was as pale as a ghost, and was holding onto the roll-cage, and her hands had gone white at the knuckles.

Soon, the Dodge drove away from the mountain roads, heading off back to the gang's home. Valka was happy that they were heading back home, but was still shaken up by Braedey's insane driving.

Once at the headquarters, the two Martins got out of the car, and the two of them entered the main part of the building. But, they didn't see the gang. They all walked over to the lab, and saw them all there.

"Gang? What are you guys doing in here?" Braedey asked them.

"We wanted to see what Velma had been working on for the past few weeks." Fred replied.

"Yeah. I made a newer version of your prosthetic arms, and made them better than before." Velma added, and showed off the new platinum silver and blue highlighted prosthetics. "Why don't you try them on?"

"Yeah." Braedey walked over to the table, then he gripped his right lower arm. With a slight turn and tug, the prosthetic arm came off, and he placed it down on the table. "I guess I would've needed an upgrade down the road." He sighed.

"It's the sign of progress." Valka told him, and he smiled a little.

"Right. Progress." Braedey then placed on the new right prosthetic arm, and it clicked into place. Next, he took of his old left prosthetic arm, and put on the new one. He looked at them, and he smiled at how they looked.

They were slightly larger than his old ones, have a more aerodynamic design and shape to them, along with having the fingers perfectly shaped to mirror a human's fingers.

"Thanks, Velma." Braedey smiled at the brains of Mystery Inc., and with a mental command, he shifted his left arm into its upgraded blaster form, and shifted his right arm into its new upgraded sword mode. "With these new upgrades, nothing could stand in my way-" before he could finish up, he and the others heard a whirring sound coming from outside.

Shaggy walked over to the window. "Guys. Like, there is a helicopter in our front yard."

The gang walked over, and they saw that Shaggy was right. There, parked on a large slab of concrete was a blue and white helicopter, and the pilot seemed to be checking over his chopper.

As the gang looked, they then heard the sound of the front door opening and closing, and footsteps in the main room. The gang all looked to the lab doors, and they all had a bad feeling someone was inside their home.

Silently, Braedey walked over to the doors, and shifted his sword back to an arm. He kept his blaster up, and with the gang behind him, they snuck out of the lab, and hid behind the couch. The brunette snuck over to the kitchen, and he saw someone in the fridge.

"What in the hell do you think you're doing in here?" Braedey asked so suddenly, and the person moved away from the fridge.

The person was a man in his late 40s or early 50s, with a white beard and moustache combination, a pair of glasses and wearing a white shirt with white pants, and a beige hat which covered up his white hair.

The man held a bottle of expensive champagne Valka had bought for a friend she knows of, and shot the cork off the bottle.

"Hey! I was saving that." Valka scolded to the man.

"For today, I guarantee it." The man smiled, unfazed by Braedey aiming his blaster at him.

"Who in the name of God do you think you are?" Braedey asked him.

"John Hammond, and I'm delighted to finally meet you in person, Braedey Martin." The man, now known as John Hammond, shook hands with the blaster, and closed the fridge, as Braedey looked rather shocked, and he shifted his blaster back into his hand. "Well, I can see you've made yourself quite at home here."

"Braedey? Who's this man?" Daphne asked, as she and the others ran up.

"Sir. This is Mystery Inc.; Fred Jones, Daphne Blake, Velma Dinkley, Shaggy Rogers, and Scooby-Doo, along with my mother, Valka Martin." Braedey began the introductions. "Guys, this is Mr. John Hammond, a man in charge of InGen, is a bioengineering start-up company which performs research to recreate extinct animals."

"Nice to meet you all, I'm dreadfully sorry for the dramatic entrance, but I'm in a hurry." John told the gang, as he shook their hands.

"Now I'll get right to the point." John began to explain to the gang, as hey sat on the couch. "I like ya, all of you. I can tell instantly about people it's a gift. I own an island, on the coast of Costa-Rica. I leased it off the government and spent the last 5 years setting up a kinda biological preserve. Really spectacular, spared no expense. Made the one I've got down in Kenya look like a petting zoo. And there's no doubt, that our attractions will drive kids out of their minds."

"Really?" Shaggy asked.

"Interesting." Valka added.

"And not just kids. Everyone. We're going to open next year, that's if the lawyers don't kill me first. I don't care for lawyers do you?" John asked.

The gang looked at each other in wonder, then they answered at the same time, "We don't really know any."

"Well I'm afraid I do." John told them. "There's a particular pebble in my shoe that represents my investors. He says they insist on outside opinions."

"What kind of opinions?" Braedey asked.

"Well, your kind, not to put a fine point on it. If I could just get you three to sign off on the park - you know, give a wee testimonial - I could get back on schedule – er schedule." John explained, then corrected his pronunciation from British to American.

"Why would they care what we think?" Velma voiced Valka's thoughts.

"What kind of park is this?" Daphne asked.

Hammond looked over at her with a smile. "It's right up a palaeontologists' alley." He replied. "Look, why don't you come down, all of you for the weekend. I'd love to have the opinion of a member of the target audience, along with the best mystery solving detectives ever. I've got a jet standing by at Choteau." He finished as he sat on the kitchen counter.

The gang all looked at each other, and they thought about this offer. After the Spooky Island, Evil Masked Figure, Zombie Island, Witch's Ghost, Ghost Train, and everything else they've been through, it sounds like something they can enjoy.

Braedey walked over to John, and held out his hand. "Mr. Hammond, we'll gladly take up on your offer." He said to him, and John shook his hand.

"Splendid! We'll leave tomorrow morning. Best you all get packing." John then walked to the front door, and left the headquarters.

The gang soon decided to get ready for the journey ahead, getting their belongings together, and get ready for what there is to come.

But, they will have no idea of what to expect...

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