My Poetry

By Choosing2Live4Christ

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All of my poems gathered into one book (who knows, maybe someday published as so? probably not :-/ ) poems... More

What Should I Do?
Someday and Today
Hold Strong
One Step at a Time
Down the Road of Life
Precious Gifts
He is here
Forgiveness Has Reasons
What Christmas Is Really About
Best Friends Forever
God Is In Control
Signs of The Christmas Times
The Night Sky
Forever Good Bye, A New Year Has Begun
The Most Wonderful Gift
Remember The Alamo
When I am, You are
The Soul's Escape
Through The Clouds
How do you do it?
What's Wrong </3
A "Civil" War?
What Is Love?
I Come Not Knowing
White As Snow
I Dream.....
My Dream
A Special Day
Snowboys and Indians
In the Heart of the Wilderness
A Showdown In Silence
Wondering What To Do
When You're Hurting
Treats From the Trees
Fighting Fatal Feelings
Trust (why does "Trust" have to be to short??)
No Distance Can Alter My Love For You
Birthday Memories
Through The Broken Dreams
One Big Series of Unfortunate Events
The Days of Sorrow
My Relationship
Best Friend Conversations
I Am Who I Am
Words Are Like Daggers
Stolen Heart

False Accusations

212 1 0
By Choosing2Live4Christ

I try my best at school.

I always strive to do well.

Being a twin, life is a dual.

Can people not tell?

At the site of a shabby grade,

A river of tears flow from my eyes.

There is no hiding in the cover of shade,

It is nothing more than mere lies.

Many think my twin and I identical.

Shall our work then, not look alike?

Words hit me like a falling icicle.

Driving into my emotions like a spike.

To be claimed a cheater,

Has scarred my pride forever.

Now they must be the pleader,

Begging me to come now or never.

That storm of hurt has never passed.

The words still scar me as I look back.

How much longer will they last?

I want the fire of courage that I lack.

Alone I have no hope of rain.

Though I want the courageous storm

That was lost from that pain.

How will it return? In what form?

The words are still sharp knives.

They cut my trust in teachers apart.

My life has the hurt of many lives.

Yet still they come storming into my heart.

The key to my wondering is near to me.

I feel it all around, present near by,

But where near me could it be?

Shall I give up?  Just sit down and sigh?


So, once I met with my math teacher for help on a problem.  She helped me, but when we were done, she accused me of cheating on my school work, because mine and my sister's work was identical.  It shamed me even though I know I never cheated.  Being a twin and studying together may lead to our assessment answers to be identical, and it did.  Ever since then, though, I rarely get the courage to go ask a teacher for help on something.  Now I have to write poem's for English, so I wrote this one.  I get bad grades in English, so maybe my teacher will see why I don't go ask for help. 

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