The Blood-Book III

By ZeroWineThirty

8.4M 365K 231K

It took one bite to change her life forever. Now Charlotte has found herself in the middle of a war that has... More

Chapter 1: Legs
Chapter 2: Truths
Chapter 3: Magic
Chapter 4: Voices
Chapter 5: Thorne-Everette
Chapter 6: Blue Bear
Chapter 7: The Creek
Chapter 8: Sisters
Chapter 9: Whipped Cream
Chapter 10: The Itch
Chapter 11: New York
Chapter 12: Lyle
Chapter 13: The Rock
Chapter 14: Memories Part I
Chapter 16: Snakes Part I
Chapter 17: Snakes Part II
Chapter 18: Balance
Chapter 19: Some Field
Chapter 20: Brown M&M's
Chapter 21: Levi
Chapter 22: Yes
Chapter 23: Jump
Chapter 24: Unexpected Guests
Chapter 25: No, It's Vodka
Chapter 26: Lucas Part I
Chapter 27: Lucas Part II
Chapter 28: Mini
Chapter 29: Swimming Goggles
Chapter 30: Long Live The King's
Chapter 31: Involuntary Sneezing
Chapter 32: Vanishing
Chapter 33: Blood, Dirt, and Tears
Chapter 34: Hang it High
Chapter 35: Thigh Highs
Chapter 36: Games
Chapter 37: The Club
Chapter 38: Blood Oaths
Chapter 39: Recovery
Chapter 40: Adventure
Chapter 41: Rules
Chapter 42: Let's Talk
Chapter 43: Horace and Hera
Chapter 44: The Last Tree Part 1
Chapter 45: The Last Tree Part II
Chapter 46: Timing
Chapter 47: Tequila
Chapter 48: Garden
Chapter 49: Cigar Smoke
Chapter 50: Itching
Chapter 51: Moon Dust
Chapter 52: Twist and Shout
Chapter 53: Luck
Chapter 54: Beetlejuice
Chapter 55: This Beautiful Life
Chapter 56: No More Talking
Chapter 57: Foxes
Chapter 58: Fifty Bucks
Chapter 59: Whiskey
Chapter 60: Witch With A Twitch
Chapter 61: Marching In
Chapter 62: Fire
Chapter 63: Lucky
Chapter 64: The Stick
Chapter 65: Real Damn Glad
Epilogue Part I
Epilogue Part II
Epilogue Part III
CROSS POST A/N: The Moon Blood Saga
The Hunt is Here 🐺

Chapter 15: Memories Part II

97.2K 6.1K 7.3K
By ZeroWineThirty

I was sitting in the living room still. I was sitting there looking at my dead father's body. My father.

My real father.

I couldn't help but wonder who raised me–who were the people I lived with. Who were the people that I loved and loved me?

Who was my family?

My wolf had been howling and my eyes hurt from all the tears that had jerked their way out. Dominic walked back into the room with a bag. He set it down then knelt down in front of Hadrian.

His fingers reached into Hadrian's mouth and seemed to be pressing around until the caused his fangs to retract. With the other hand, he reached forward to snag them, but he couldn't do it.

His chest was wracked with sobs and his hands were now rubbing his face that was broken with heartache. "Goddamn you Hadrian," he growled out. He shook his head, tears dripping down his face, and moved forward away while I stared in horror.

"No!" I screamed as Dominic ripped out his fangs with a sharp cry of his own.

My legs were pushing me back as quickly as they could away from the scene on the carpet. I hit the wall, my stomach churning sickly as Dominic choked back another sob and pulled out a knife–a butchering knife. My wolf snapped out while something tore out from deep in my chest that scared even me.

"No!" I cried out again, but I was pulled.

I was pulled and whatever it was that was pulling me was gentle. It let me cry out in anguish as I fell through the air, my hands reaching out for something to hold me–for Ethan, for Levi, for my mother, or for my father.

My father.

He died and let himself be carved up for me, but why? What the hell was so special about us?

I landed on grass, in a forest. A forest that smelled familiar. My wolf cocked her head as we looked around; the trees looked like ones we knew.


We were on the pack's land. We were on Levi's land.


I let out a sharp breath then turned to see Dominic walking with Derek. towards Levi's cabin. My feet began to carry me into a run; my wolf pushing me harder to desperately follow them. What the hell were they doing?!

"Are you sure Levi is ok with this?" Dominic asked.

Derek gave him a nervous glance. "About that, I kind of didn't tell him..."

Dominic snarled at Derek. His eyes murderous before he turned on his heel and began to walk away, the baby in the carrier still sound asleep with a blue teddy bear in her arms.

"Dom!" Derek called after him.

"You don't understand. She is not safe. I made a blood oath to him."

Derek zipped up in front of him, stopping him with worry heavy in his eyes. "Dominic, what have you done?"

"The right thing. I finally did the right thing and it's eating me up inside Derek," Dominic tried not to choke out, his eyes watering while he breath wavered.

Derek nodded with hard eyes and leaned back. "Then it's good you did it. It's about time you learned what your soul felt like again."

"Derek!" a familiar voice called out.

Eve walked out of the bushes in a navy cotton dress with Levi in tow. They eyed the vampires and the baby carrier then looked at each other, silently communicating something before Levi walked forward. "The hell are you two doing? With a damn baby? And what the hell is he doing here?" Levi snarled out, his eyes narrowing at Dominic.

"We need to talk, I need your help," Dominic gently said.

"Who is she?" Eve asked, her green eyes glued to the carrier. "I can smell her blood from here."

Dominic moved the carrier back so it was behind him. Derek sighed and looked up at Levi with pleading eyes. "We should sit down and talk. Please?"

Levi looked at Derek for a long moment before he nodded. "Fine."

They followed Levi and Eve inside the cabin that looked almost exactly like how I remembered it, but there was one exception. Eve walked in and picked up a toy truck off the floor then carried it to a pallet of blankets on the floor where a boy with white blonde hair and silver eyes was playing.

She nuzzled his cheek then kissed his forehead. "Lucas, we have visitors here. Come say hello."

I stilled. I was sure I was about to throw up as little Lucas held Eve's hand while they walked to the front where Dominic had stepped inside the house. He couldn't have been more than four years old. His blood hummed a little louder when his silver eyes looked at the baby in the carrier. "Mommy, can I play?!"

She looked at the baby, almost a year old then up at Levi. Levi sighed and knelt down to face Lucas. "She's a little baby son, you know what that means?"

"Like the baby in mommy's belly?"

Levi smiled and nodded while his eyes flickered to Eve who touched her stomach with a small bump starting to show. "Yup, just like that. She's little and can get hurt. So if you play with her, you have to be careful and look out for her. Do you understand?"

"Yes daddy," he replied with a bright smile before he turned to look at Derek. "Hi, uncle Derek!"

Derek smiled and zipped over to Lucas, hugging him quickly before he pulled away and looked him over. "You're getting so big, Lucas. Almost as big as your dad," Derek said with a warm smile.

Lucas stood a little taller. "Mom says I'll be big one day."

I smiled as more small tears pooled down my eyes at the sight of Lucas, who couldn't have been more than four. Dominic walked over to Lucas and knelt down, setting the carrier with the baby next to him. "Hello, Lucas."

Levi stiffened as Lucas looked directly at Dominic. "Hi. Who are you?"

"I'm Dominic, I'm a friend of Derek's, and this is Charlotte. She's my–" Dominic paused and swallowed hard. "She's my niece."

"Can I play with her?"

Dominic nodded. "Be careful, she's very little."

"I promise," Lucas said, a slight impatient whine in his voice.

Derek ruffled Lucas' moppy white blonde hair then nodded to Dominic who walked over to the area that Lucas had been playing in before. Eve had a hand over her belly, slightly showing, while she watched Dominic unhook the baby from the carrier and gently scoop her out.

Lucas ran over then carefully sat down next to her. "Hi Charlotte," he rushed out as the little girl in the dusty pink onesie with a blue teddy bear in her hands.

The little girl looked up at him and squealed with a smile. Dominic stood up with a tired smile to look at Levi who was a mix of perplexed and annoyed. "Who the hell is she?"

Dominic sighed and looked back at the baby that was crawling to Lucas. He laid on the floor and gave her his toy truck to play with, which she started to move back and forth–squealing some more a bright smile. "She was my best friend's daughter."

"Where is he?" Levi asked as he walked around the couch that faced the children and sat down.

Dominic sat in a chair, his eyes not leaving the laughing baby on the floor. "I killed him. He asked me to do it to save her so I did." He paused and looked up at Levi, desperation in his eyes. "I need help. I don't know what to do–I don't trust anyone."

"But you bring her here because what? You trust me?" Levi asked sardonically.

Lucas was playing peek-a-boo with the baby. He would make a funny face each time he moved his hands away and drew a laughter that was contagious from the baby's lips.

Levi looked at her while Eve slowly walked towards the children. "What have you brought to us?"

"I have brought you a nine-month-old girl that I need help hiding. I need to hide her while I try to clean up a mess that could kill her. I wouldn't have come if I wasn't desperate," Dominic answered honestly.

I was pulled. I found myself falling back on a couch as the room began to spin. Closing my eyes, I yelled out for Ethan but all I felt was air whirling around me like a tornado.

"We can't keep her here, you know that," Levi said, his voice slightly regretful.

I blinked and looked up in front of me. Lucas was asleep, his head in his dad's lap and his arms clutching a toy firetruck. Levi was looking at Eve. She was showing more. She had the little girl, who looked older on her shoulder. Her eyes were brighter, her cheeks much fuller, and her dark hair a mess of curls that were pulled into two little pig tails on top of her head. She had to be around one, maybe a little younger or older?

"What do we do? She's just an innocent human! A little girl Levi!" Eve whisper yelled out.

"She's not just a damn human and you know that!"

"Smell her blood Levi, the gene didn't carry. It happens," Eve said while the little sleeping baby nuzzled further into her neck.

"Little red," Levi sighed out. "You know that's not what I mean."

Eve sat back and looked at Levi, slight hope in her eyes. "Do you think there's a chance he's wrong?"

Levi shook his head. "Baby, I know you feel her blood like I do. It's that pure blood like ours, but it's damn strong. There's no hiding that."

"I don't want to hurt her Levi," Eve said. Her fingers gently stroked the babies hair before she looked back to Levi who gave her a tired smile.

"Let's just see what Dominic says, alright?"

I was pulled. It was a whirlwind like before. I clung onto the couch, yelling out to whoever would hear me but it was like whatever was pulling me was purposefully drowning my voice out–like it only wanted me to focus on what I was seeing.

Blinking. I saw Eve feeding the baby while Lucas ate some cheerios. Levi was pacing back and forth; eying the baby with a look that I had seen before–fear. Fear not because he was afraid of her, but afraid for her.

"You can't tell them–"

"They can help," Eve injected as she scooped what looked like pureed carrots into the baby's mouth.

I grimaced as Lucas looked over at Levi. "Dad, can Lee-Lee have Cheerios?"

Levi gave Lucas a soft smile. "Sure, but be careful with Charlie girl. One at a time, remember?"

I stilled. Charlie girl.

My heart twisted while it felt like my throat was tying itself in knots. Eve kissed Lucas' cheek then looked back at Levi. "My brother already smelled her on me, I can't keep lying to them. Chris is is a good man–your best friend, he won't hurt an innocent child," she said before she scooped another bite into the baby's mouth.

"Mommy, can I?" Lucas asked as he held up a spoon of Cheerios.

Eve sighed then nodded. "Just little bites like this Lucas, see?" she said, pushing off some cheerios until there were only two on the spoon. "Then be gentle with her," she told him while she moved the spoon to the baby's mouth, the gentleness of a mother in her touch.

"Ok, you try," Eve said, handing the spoon to Lucas.

He scooted over and carefully scooped out some Cheerios from his bowl, but he wasn't pleased with it. He kept dabbing parts of it off until he held up his spoon with only three Cheerios on it to his mom. "Good?"

She nodded with a little grin. "Good."

He slowly moved closer to the baby, smiling as she opened her mouth for him and took the cereal, chewing messily with a smile on her face. Lucas sat back and looked at his mom, who gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Good job Lucas."

"Eve," Levi breathed out while he leaned against the counter. "I'm not saying Chris would do anything like that, I'm saying the more people that know the more dangerous it is."

"We look after our own Levi, this is family," Eve replied back, wiping bits of food that had gotten loose off the baby's cheeks.

Levi looked at the baby who Lucas was feeding then back to Eve. "And what about her?"

"We look after her too. We promised Dominic we would while he's gone."

Levi looked at her for a long while before her green eyes snapped to his. "Do you feel it?"

She nodded. "I felt it the day he brought her here."

"We can't claim her Eve, it's too dangerous."

"What about Lander and Claire?" Eve thought out loud. "They've been trying for so long with no luck. They would love her, she would be so good for them!"

Levi rubbed his face and opened his mouth to reply when his eyes caught something outside. He bit back a growl and looked back at Eve. "Did you tell your brother to come over?"

She shrugged innocently. "Levi he can help. They can help us."

Levi muttered a string of curses under his breath then walked towards the baby. "Lucas, want to watch Charlie girl for a little bit? Your mom and I need to talk to your uncle Chris."

"Uncle Chris!"

"Yes, but Lucas," Eve rushed out. "Remember what we said about Charlie? About the secret?"

Lucas sat back and nodded quickly. "I won't tell them about Lee-Lee."

Levi kissed his hair then started to unhook the baby from the highchair. "Not even to Eli or Ethan, do you understand Lucas?"

Lucas sighed then nodded. "Daddy I won't tell, I promise."

"I know son," Levi sighed out before he picked the baby up, she laughed making Levi smile a little as he tossed her up a little in the air. He chuckled then looked over at Lucas. "Come on Lucas, help me with Charlie girl."

Lucas jumped off his seat and followed Levi to the same small pallet area they had made before. He set the baby down carefully so she sat upright. Lucas crawled around in front of her and kissed her cheek. "You're a secret Lee-Lee."

There was knock on the door. I snapped my head around then walked to stand in front of Lucas and the baby–baby me. My wolf crawled closer as we saw a male, female, and two young boys–Chris, Margaret, Eli, and Ethan.


My wolf and I were stunned. I found myself stepping closer to the door to watch Eve and Levi greet the Everette's. I heard rustling behind me; Lucas had scooted around so the baby sat on his other side away from the door while he looked on after his parents.

"Uncle Levi!" a boy yelled out.

Levi laughed and caught a boy with chocolate hair. "Eli you're getting big!" Levi said with a laugh before he put the boy down.

My heart twisted. Eli looked around Levi's legs at Lucas who wasn't moving from his seat. He smiled and started to walk to Luca when Levi stopped him. "Hold on Eli, we need to all talk first."

"What's going on Levi?" Chris asked.

Margaret looked at Eve then over at Lucas. "Mommy," a little boy said to her as he tugged on her dress–Ethan. He couldn't have been more than two, but his eyes were the same exact color of blue-green.

She scooped him up while her nose smelled the air; eyes widening before she looked at Levi. "Who's here?"

Levi sighed and looked back at Lucas and the baby, his eyes pained before he looked forward at Chris and Margaret. "Charlotte, her name is Charlotte."

"What is she Levi?" Chris asked.

"She's a human," Levi honestly answered.

Chris shook his head. "I smell that blood. She's more than that."

Eve nodded. "She needs our help and we need yours. Please?"

"You can never speak of it," Levi said. "If I let you in this house you can never speak of her and you need to go wash off in the creek to get her scent off of you when you leave."

"Who's baby is she?" Margaret asked.

"Swear to me right now you won't, otherwise you have to go, I'm sorry Chris. I gave them my word."

Chris sighed and eyed Levi before he looked at his two boys. "Have any of that whiskey?"

Levi cracked a relieved smile. "It's five o clock somewhere. Come in."

"Can I play with Lucas now?" Eli asked.

"Yes, take Ethan with you, Eli," Margaret said.

"Eli," Eve injected. She walked over to Eli and Ethan, who took his brother's hand, and smiled at him. "We have new friend here and you boys need to play nice with her, alright?"

"She?" Ethan said with bright blue-green eyes.

Eve nodded. "She's very little. Can you two play nice?"

They nodded. "Yes aunt Eve," Eli said. "I promise."

"Ok," she sighed out, holding her hand out to Eli. "Come with me."

Lucas sat a little straighter as the two boys approached. Eli smiled at Lucas and walked towards him before he bent around to look at the baby. "Is that her?"

Lucas looked at his mom, his eyes a little scared before he moved to sit between Eli and Charlotte. Eve knelt down next to Lucas and kissed his temple. "It's ok baby, Eli and Ethan know. They won't hurt her."

"They can't tell," Lucas pleaded.

Eli scooted closer. "We won't. Right Ethan?"

Ethan was eyeing the baby. His blue-green eyes swirling like he knew her. I felt the breath leave my lungs as I watched it unfold.

"Secret," Ethan breathed out without taking his eyes off the baby. He walked forward, eyes curious while Lucas scowled at him. Ethan looked at Lucas, the baby, then Eve. "Please?"

I felt a sob rippled out of my lips. My trembling hands moved over my mouth while Ethan plopped down on his rear and scooted closer to the baby, his little belly showing a bit from between his Batman t-shirt and dusty blue shorts.

"Her name is Charlotte," Eve said.

Ethan waved with a smile. "Hi Charlop."

"It's Charlotte," Lucas corrected.

Levi rolled his eyes while Eli sat down next to her. "Are you her new daddy uncle Levi?"

Levi looked at Eve, who was mildly amused with the question, before he sat down while Margaret brought Chris and him two classes of whiskey on ice. "No son, I'm not."

"Then where are her mommy and daddy?" Eli asked, innocent confusion in his voice.

"They died sweetie," Eve said.

"Died?" Ethan asked with big sad eyes.

Eve nodded while Ethan looked down at the baby and handed her the blue bear that she was reaching for. "Here Loppy," he said to her. She smiled at him, which seemed to make his whole body smile. I felt another sob rolled out of my lips.

"It's Char–lotte!" Lucas said with a scowl contouring his little face.

Ethan knew me.

He knew me as a child.

They all did.

Why the hell have they lied to me?

"Her daddy was very special," Eve started to explain.

"Why? Was he like us?" Eli asked.

Levi nodded. "He was son, he was very strong and very brave. A lot of bad people wanted to kill him–"

"Is that how he died?!" Eli gasped out.

"Dad?!" Lucas shot out. "Did someone kill Lee-lee's daddy?!"

"No son, her daddy died doing a brave thing to save her," Levi said. "There are bad people that would hurt her if they knew about her, which is why we have to keep her a secret."

"Won't tell," Ethan murmured out quickly, looking seriously at Levi, before he scooted a little closer to the baby.

"Why did they want him?" Eli asked. "Did he do something bad?"

"No," Eve breathed out. "He didn't do anything wrong. He was–uh–" she paused and looked at the two older boys who were cognitive enough to know what they were asking yet still so young to try and truly understand. "You know those comic books your daddies are always reading to you?"

"Uh-huh," Eli and Lucas hummed out together.

"Remember how no one liked Gamora? From the Guardians of The Galaxy one that you love?" Eve asked, looking at the boys who were around four–Eli looked closer to five, causing Levi to breathily laugh into his glass.

"Well done babe, keep it up," he snickered out.

Eve shot him a pointed look while Margaret cocked a perplexed brow. Eli mused for a minute. "In the movie," he said so fast that he had to take a deep breath. "They said she was bad."

"Well, why did they think that?"

"Thanos," Lucas said. "He was bad."

"That's right," Eve breathed out. "Her daddy was bad, but she ended up being very good."

"But those guys–those real bad guys," Eli rushed out. "The blue man–" he took a big gulp of air, "he wanted–he wanted to kill her!"

"Well her daddy hurt him and he thought she was bad too," Eve said. "But she wasn't was she?"

"No," Lucas said while quickly shaking his head. "She was kick-ass."

"Lucas!" Eve's eyes were wide while Levi bit back a laugh. She turned to him and growled lowly. "Levi Alexander Thorne, this is your fault."

Chris waved her off. "Come on sis, little ass never hurt anyone," he said with a sly smile, causing Margaret to smack his chest before she walked towards the children and sat down with them.

"Sorry momma," Lucas said, his eyes big and sad as he looked at Eve.

"We don't repeat things daddy says, remember?"

"Yes momma," he sang out.

The baby squealed, causing Ethan to smile more before he laid down next to her. His eyes watching her closely while Margaret eyed the two of them.

"So was Gomora bad?"

"No momma," Lucas answered.

"That's like Charlotte's daddy," Eve explained. "Her daddy was a very good man but he had a daddy that was not–well, a great great great–well, a lot of greats– grandaddy that was not."

"Is she like us aunt Eve?"

"No baby," Eve said. "She's a human."

Eli scrunched his face up then looked back at Eve. "She is?"

"Eve I can smell her blood," Chris said. "My five-year-old son can smell that much."

"Put it together Chris, you're a smart man," Eve breathed out.

Chris looked at her for a long moment, like they were linking before his eyes widened. He looked down at the baby that Ethan as making silly faces at, then back at Eve. "There's no way. That's a legend–a fairy tale."

"It's not," Levi said. "Smell her blood, it's not from one of our lines or the other lines around. Alex has apparently been chasing their whole family since it began–hell, her father was an alpha male on the run his whole life from either Alex or his twin who apparently was maybe working with your favorite neighbor. He didn't just die, he had a mate and they had a child that survived way back then."

"No," Margaret breathed out, her brows narrowing as she looked at the little girl. "There's no way. That's impossible!"

Levi took a sip of his whiskey and looked at the baby reaching out to touch Ethan's face. "Impossible things happen all the times Marg. I wouldn't have believed it until Dominic himself brought her to me."

"Dominic?" Margaret asked.

Levi nodded. "He's all bent up over her, I guess he and Hadrian were good friends."

"Hadrian?" Chris asked as the wheels in his mind turned.

Levi sighed. "Charlotte Hadria King."

Chris almost dropped his glass. "No," he breathed out. "That line is dead–never even started. That's a fairy tale that people tell their kids at night!"

"Smell her," Levi said. "She doesn't smell like one we know."

"But she's just a baby," Margaret said, not wanting to truly believe what she was hearing. "Alex would really kill a little baby? Even if it was true?"

"Margaret, they chased Hadrian his whole life–they and the rebels that his twin was apparently a part of," Levi said. "They tracked down his mate and killed her when he and the baby were out. Dominic helped hide them, but Alex knew. That man always knows," Levi breathed out. "He asked Dominic to kill him. Alex doesn't know about her, suspects? Maybe, but he doesn't know for sure."

"He asked to die?" Margaret looked down at the little girl that was sleepily crawling towards Ethan while Lucas watched with stern eyes.

"What else would he do? Run? No packs would harbor him, or get behind him. Doing that means war with the vampires."

"Having her here means that too," Chris added, his eyes locking with Levi's.

"Not if they don't know," Levi breathed out. "Dominic said he sent Alex Hadrian's fangs and pelt. It should satisfy him until this blows over."

"Oh my God." Margaret covered her mouth and shook her head. "Chris?"

Chris sighed and looked at the little girl that was laying with her head on Ethan's chest while they both dozed off as Eli and Lucas played with Lucas' toy trucks. "What will you do then? What will you have us do?"

"We need to move her but it's too hot right now. Dominic is out cleaning up the mess and making sure Alex is buying everything. When it cools off, then we'll move her," Levi explained.

"Move her where?" Margaret asked.

I was pulled.

"Brother let us take her," Lander said.

I blinked my eyes open to see Claire holding the baby, the baby that had aged. She was closer to maybe fifteen or sixteen months? Her wild dark coffee colored curls and stormy eyes that looked exactly like Hadrian's. Like her father's. Like my father's.

Claire looked over at Levi and Chris while Eve with her giant pregnant belly watched the boys from the sofa where she had her feet propped up. "I feel it, Levi, I feel the pull to her. Lander and I can claim her."

"She's just a human Claire," Chris said.

"She's so strong, though," Claire pushed back. "She would make it if we bit her, I know she would."

"Aunt Claire," Lucas asked. He had grown so much since the last memory. His skin was more golden–sun kissed and the dimples in his boyish cheeks were more defined. "Can I play with Lee-Lee?"

She smiled and kissed the little girl before she set her down to stand on the floor. Claire watched Lucas closely as he took her hand in his, walking slowly next to her while she just waddled clumsily next to him.

She fell down half way to where the other two boys were playing; her lip started to quiver and her eyes started to water. Claire was about to get up when Ethan trotted quickly to her with big blue-green eyes with a look of worry that I had seen so many times before. He knelt down while Lucas gave him a scowl.

"Ethan," she murmured, her little lip quivering some more which made Lucas roll his eyes.

"It's ok Loppy," he said with a gentle smile as he held a hand out to her.

"Come on Lee-lee," Lucas said. He and Ethan started to help her up, before Lucas took her hand again, while Ethan took another.

Ethan tugged her to a place on the blankets where these blocks with letters on them were scattered around. He gave her some from a pile he had built while Lucas started to spell out the words 'Lee.' He smiled and pointed to it. "See, that's your name Lee-lee."

Claire smiled then looked back to Levi with pleading eyes. "Please, Levi?"

"It wouldn't be bad," Margaret said. Chris gave her a long look which she shrugged off. "What? If she does stay here, then where will she stay? Eve is going to pop any day, we have another on the way–I think it would be good for Claire and Lander."

"What about Ethan?" Lander sighed out.

"No," Levi said, shaking his head. "They're too young."

"He cried for like an hour when we got him home the first day they met Levi," Margaret said. "I mean just look at them, we can't separate them. What if they are?"

Levi sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Dominic should be back this week. We'll see what he says and until then we won't be making any decisions, understand?"

Claire sighed then nodded while Margaret walked around to give her a side hug. Eve cocked her head while Ethan and Charlotte took turns playing with the blocks. Levi looked over at Eve and groaned. "They are too damn young Eve."

She shook her head. "I don't know Levi, I have a feeling about it."

"I do too," Margaret breathed out.

I felt myself slump back into the couch right as I was pulled. It was all too much–so much. Watching the younger versions of Ethan and I play with each other made my heart swell while my stomach wanted to puke out its contents.

Blinking my eyes again I looked around. Dominic was walking through the door with Derek and Leo. "Dom dom!" she squealed out as she ran on her little legs to Dominic.

Dominic chuckled and scooped her up into his arms. He placed a kiss to her temple then looked her over. "You've gotten big Charlotte. Have you been a good girl?"

"Yes uncle Dom," she murmured with a slight blush.

Dominic smiled and kissed her forehead again. "I got you something," he said while Derek handed him a fuzzy yellow blanket. He held it up to her and let her touch the soft fabric. "I heard you and Ethan got mud all over your other blanket."

"Ethan's sorry," she said, her cheeks blushing some more while she held the fabric in her tiny hands. "Soft."

Dominic nodded then turned her around to face Leo. "Charlotte, this is my friend Leo."

"He safe?" she quietly asked while she squirmed closer to Dominic as he held her.

His face dropped a little before he smiled at her with pained eyes. "Yes sweet girl, Leo is safe. He's a very good friend who wanted to meet you."

"Hello little one," Leo said with a gentle smile. "My my, you're so pretty. How old are you?"

She held up a hand with one finger before she added a couple; she looked at her fingers then put them down and held one finger back up again. Eve smiled as she watched the girl. "She's around sixteen months"

"There's our girl," Derek said while Elliot walked in, pushing his glasses back on his head.

Then zipped over to the girl with sparkling smiles, causing her to squeal excitedly. "Dereeeeek!" she squealed out, reaching for the dark haired vampire.

He laughed and took her from Dominic, who stepped back to stand with Levi. Derek kissed her cheek before Elliot hugged her to him, kissing her cheek as well and making her blush by telling her how pretty she had gotten.

I couldn't help but clutch onto the countertop while I watched, because I was sure my legs were about to give out. My beast and I felt in this odd state of limbo–heartache meets bitterness. A bitterness I didn't want, yet it was twisting so fiercely at my heart.

She curled back into Derek and looked over at Dominic, holding out her arms for him. There was a flash of pain in Dominic's eyes, a flash that made Leo let out a long breath. A breath that looked like one of regret.

"So it's true," Leo breathed out.

Dominic nodded. "It is."

"How do you know?" Eve asked from the couch.

"I know the smell of my own brother's blood, there's no mistaking it. I could never forget how his blood smelled," Leo breathed out before he looked back at Dominic. "You know what this means?"

"I'm done killing people and children for him. Hadrian was my best friend and I killed him because he asked me to. Because he wanted to protect her–I won't do it. I made him a blood oath," Dominic bit back.

Levi stepped towards Dominic, standing slightly in front of him and the little girl. "If you plan on telling Alex about her, then you're not leaving this house. It's been hard enough to keep her a secret from two packs, I won't have you blabbing to your damn brother."

"I'm not going to harm a child Levi," Leo quickly replied back. "I told Dominic that I would help him and I will. Let's just all sit down and talk about it first? Alright?"

Dominic set the little girl down with the blanket in her hand. "Go play with Lucas sweet girl."

"Ok uncle Dom." She trotted over to Lucas who was waiting for her, then walked with him to sit in front of Eve while she and Lucas played with the building blocks.

Leo sat down at Levi's table and looked over at them. "She can't stay. You know she can't stay."

Levi furrowed his brows and looked back at the little girl. "Lander would take her. He and Claire have no pups, they've been trying–I know she would be safe there. Lander and Claire already feel a pull to claim her."

"So do you," Derek breathed out.

Levi looked at him and nodded. "We do."

"Levi," Leo said, his eyes flickering to the girl then back to the Levi who's silver eyes already looked like they knew what was coming. "Let her live a life away from us. If she is near any of us, she is in danger. Let us let her live as a normal human and have a happy life. You're putting not only your pack at risk, but Mangata too, as well as your families, you know that."

"What would you do if Alex found out Levi?" Derek asked. "It's not just Alex you would have to worry about. People would see her as the new figurehead for the rebels–who considering that we now know were working with Hale, would probably love to have her; there is already fear amongst both our kinds for that line."

"Whose side are you fucking on?" Levi bit out. "She is a little girl! Your going to let your brother murder a little girl? He already hunted down her whole family. Hell, Dominic here had to defang and skin his best friend to keep your brother happy, and you're telling me that I should be the one that's afraid?

"Leo I have a lot of respect for you, we've known each other a long time, but we both know this is bullshit. She would be safe here; there are two packs plus Lilaq and Paraq that I know would support us. If he wants her he can try but I will be the one hanging his hide up to dry if he tries to touch her."

Leo held Levi's hard stare in a moment that was so tense I thought it would shatter the air. He let out a frustrated breath then looked back up at Levi. "No on has to fight, we don't need to go to war."

"She can have a normal life Levi," Derek said. "She can have a life away from any violence. She stays here that is all she will know. Hadrian didn't die so his daughter could be the center of a war that he didn't want."

"Let's take a break," Elliot said. "I know this isn't easy but we need to come up with a solution today, we can't wait anymore, so let's take a little break and talk again? Alright?"

Dominic nodded then zipped over to where Lucas and the little girl were playing. Leo sighed and shook his head. "He loves that girl."

Levi nodded. "He does."

Derek got up with Elliot and zipped over to the floor with the little girl while Levi walked outside. Eve stood up; she struggled a little with her large belly, until Derek zipped to her and helped her. "Thank you," she replied. "I'm so tired of being pregnant."

Derek chuckled. "Well, it's soon now, right?"

She smiled and touched her stomach. "Hopefully. This little one is going to be evicted if she doesn't hurry the hell up."

Derek's laughter trailed after Eve as she walked outside to Levi. I stood up quickly then jogged after her, the need to know what they were saying was insatiable.

She saw Levi sitting in a chair that I had seen him sitting in so many times before; his eyes like they were in a war between what he wanted and what he knew was right. Two things that sometimes were not always the same thing.

"Baby, if she stays here, then they will find her," Eve said, walking over to Levi, who jumped up to help her sit down in a seat. "It's just a matter of time," she said, her breath a little labored.

Levi shook his head with a warm smile. "It's almost time for you to check out of this hotel here little girl," he said to Eve's belly.

Eve laughed and nodded. "We may have to evict her."

Levi sighed and looked up at Eve, his head resting on top of her stomach. "Are you afraid for ours? Is that why?"

"Levi–" Eve sighed out while she threw her hands up. "Of course Levi! I can't but not think of our children and this pack, but I also won't put that baby at risk. I care for her too, and I think they're right. She'll always be in danger here."

"I feel like we're giving in," Levi grumbled.

Eve nodded. "The alternative is one that may rip us all apart."

"What's the right thing to do Eve? Her family shouldn't have to run like that, her father should have had a pack–he shouldn't have had to die and have his damn pelt skinned so we could sate some vampire's anxiety!"

"I know," she replied, her lips turning into a bit of a frown. "They're right though. Our packs alone cannot overcome the fear that people have for that line, that's something that takes a long time to do–and frankly, I am not going to let that little girl be some martyr so that can happen."

Dominic walked outside with Leo behind him. Levi looked up and nodded to them with a heaviness hanging over him. "It's not just where she goes, you know that right? If any of us know, then she's in danger. The more that know, the more dangerous it is. You need to take that Leo. I have pack members here who have been growing suspicious–you need to take it from them too."

"He's right," Dominic said. "No one can know."

"No, you will know," Levi said while giving Dominic a hard stare. "And you will too Leo. Someone at least needs to make sure that she stays hidden and lives a good damn life away from us. This is on you."

"Where would you take her?" Eve asked, her voice trying to stay strong but I could hear it slightly crack.

"Her mother had a nephew who's a young architect. He and his wife have tried and haven't had children. I'll take her there, it's where she belongs, I looked into it myself. I wouldn't take her there if I didn't think she would be in danger. I can keep her safe there," Dominic answered.

Levi nodded then stood up. "So be it then."

I was pulled. I was pulled again quickly, the loud cries of a child spinning around my head until I landed ass first on the hardwood floor in Levi's cabin.

Lucas was crying his head off. He was thrashing around while Levi tried to calm him down, but he kept reaching out for the little girl crying against Dominic's chest.

"I want Lee-lee!" Lucas cried out. "Why can't she stay!?"

"She has to go to her family Lucas," Levi said, his voice struggling to stay firm with his son as his eyes flickered to the little girl. "She belongs there."

"She belongs with us!" Lucas cried out again.

"Babe," Eve said as she walked around the counter. "Chris and Lander will be here soon."

Levi nodded then looked back at Lucas. "Go say goodbye son, and listen to Dominic and Leo, alright?"

Lucas sobbed some more, his bottom lip quivering as he nodded. He walked over to the little girl who Dominic put down on the floor; hugging her tight to him, he pulled out a small toy car from his pocket and put it in her hand. "Bye Lee-Lee."

The little girl started to sob again. Dominic scooped her up as Leo walked over to Lucas. He smiled and turned Lucas's quivering chin towards him. "Lucas, can you look at me?"

Lucas nodded with water eyes. "Yes."

Leo sighed and looked up at Levi who nodded reluctantly. "Do it."

His eyes dilated as he held Lucas's gaze–causing Lucas to look like he was hypnotized while Leo stared at him. He blinked then waved to Dominic who quickly handed the little girl to Levi.

"Lucas?" Dominic squatted down to meet Lucas' curious gaze. His eyes dilate as he held Lucas' line of sight. "Sleep." Leo caught Lucas as his body went limp and scooped him up, handing him to Derek who zipped back to what I assumed was his bedroom.

My wolf looked at Leo with her jaw wide open. What the hell was he?

Eve shook her head. "What did you do?"

"I took his memories of her. It will be like she was never here," Leo said with a sad smile.

I felt my breath hitch. He could do that? That was a thing?

He erased me. Erased me from their lives.

That's why they didn't know–why I didn't know.

Eve's eyes widened in the realization of what would happen. "You can do that?"

Leo nodded. "They don't call me the Dreamtaker for nothing, although I hate the name."

"Lander and Claire are here," Elliot said.

Levi walked outside with the little girl towards Claire who was already sobbing. She picked the baby up form Levi's arms and hugged her to her chest, pushing back her tears while she nuzzled her cheek.

Lander sighed and kissed the top of the girl's dark hair before he looked back at Leo. "Do it."

"Give her to me Claire," Levi said gently.

The little girl clung onto Levi and waved to Claire, who Lander was holding back while Leo and Dominic walked to them. Levi turned away, clenching his eyes shut before he opened them to look at Eve. "I hate this."

Eve nodded. "Me too."

"They're gone," Dominic called out. "I sent them home."

Eve nodded and wiped her eyes right as Chris, Margaret, Eli, and Ethan walked out. Chris looked around then back to Levi. "Sorry, we wanted to wait for Lander and Claire to leave. I didn't want the boys to talk about her in front of them after he wiped them."

Levi put the little girl down as she started to squirm anxiously in his arms. Upon her feet hitting the floor, she ran carefully down the stairs and over to Ethan and Eli. Chris watched them for a moment then looked at Levi. "I told them to say goodbye."

Levi nodded in understanding while Eli hugged the girl. "Come back ok?"

The little girl with the blue polka dot dress and a blue bow in her hair nodded. "Ok," she breathed back.

Ethan walked up to her. He had been crying–his eyes were red. His lip was quivering as he held her gaze and in that moment I thought I was going to shatter into a million pieces.

"Let's let them play for a bit?" Margaret said as she wiped her eyes.

Chris nodded while Ethan tugged Charlotte with him to a set of flowers growing in the middle of the lawn. They walked up the stairs to the front porch to sit with Levi and Eve.

I didn't know what to do but watch too. I walked around and sat down on the steps while I watched Ethan pick little flowers and hand them to the younger version of me while Eli caught ladybugs for me. The sobs were painful in the back of my throat–bitter.

My life had been taken away from me–erased away from me.

I sat down and tried to piece it all together with my brain that was exhausted with emotion. I thought of all the possibilities until one clicked in my mind. One that didn't make sense but it had to be what it was.

"What if they're mates?" Margaret asked. "We would be taking that away from them."

"If they are, which we don't know, then the moon will find a way. She always does," Eve breathed out.

Chris sighed. "Let's do it. If I watch them any longer then I'm taking her home with me."

Margaret nodded then smiled at Leo. "It won't hurt them right?"

"They won't feel a thing, I swear," he replied gently.

"Ok," she breathed out. "Levi, you want to grab her?"

Levi nodded and walked out over the lawn towards the little girl and Ethan. "Charlie girl, Ethan has to go."

"Say goodbye boys," Margaret said, covering her mouth to hide a sob.

Eli hugged the baby girl then kissed her head. "Bye Charlotte," he said while taking his mother's hand.

"Ethan," Chris gently called out.

But Ethan wouldn't let her go. He was crying. He was crying and shaking his head. "Don't daddy, please don't!"

"Ethan," Chris breathed out with sorrowful eyes. "Come on son, she has to go."

"No," Ethan pleaded. "She stays here!"

The little girl was crying and clinging onto Ethan as Levi scooped her up. She almost ripped his shirt as Levi pulled her away. "Ethan!" she screamed out. "No! No! No!" she cried out, tears streaming down her bright red face that mirrored mine. "Ethan!"

Levi tucked her head against his chest and started to rock her while Leo knelt down next to Ethan who Dominic was trying to gently hold while he cried and thrashed around. "Ethan, look at Leo," Dominic ordered, his eyes dilating and causing the boy to cease his thrashing and turn his teary gaze to lock onto Leo's.

"What if she's his mate Chris?" Margaret half choked out. "What if this ruins that?!"

"I'm just taking his memories of her being here, that's all," Leo calmly said. "I'm not taking away the notion that she exists and Dominic won't compel him to not recognize her scent–we'll do that to you all though, so her blood– if you ever run past her again–won't put her in danger. Besides, not even this could stop something like that. If they are then there will be a way, but there won't be if we do not do this for her."

"Come here love," Chris murmured out to Margaret while Eli sobbed against his chest. Margaret walked into Chris' embrace while Leo looked at Ethan, eyes dilating as he took all Ethan's memories up to that point away.

Levi sat on the porch as Leo quickly moved to Eli, before he moved to Margaret and Chris while Dominic put Ethan and Eli into a peaceful sleep after Levi had taken their memories. The little girl was sobbing still on his chest, his shirt almost soaked with his tears while Eve watched her–her wolf whining painfully.

"What have we done Eve?"

"We're doing the right thing, we're giving her a chance," Eve said, more trying to convince herself than Levi.

"Levi," the little girl sobbed out. "Stay, I stay with you..."

Levi blinked hard and looked down at her. "I'm always here Charlie girl. You know that."

She nodded and curled back into his chest as Dominic walked with Leo back to the porch while the Everette's disappeared with their sleeping boys into the forest. "It's time Levi," Leo said.

"I'll go first," Eve said.

Levi sighed and handed to girl to her. She hugged her tight to her and nuzzled her cheek. "Good luck Charlie girl," she murmured to her before she placed a long kiss on her cheek.

"Bye, bye," the little girl said through tears with a trembling lip.

Eve bit back more tears and handed her to Levi as a pained smile appeared on her lips. She turned to Leo who walked her inside where Derek and Elliot were waiting with watery eyes.

Derek sighed and smiled at Eve regretfully. "He'll wipe us too, don't worry."

Eve nodded as Leo turned her to face him. "I'm sorry it has to be this way."

"Just take care of her, make sure she's happy," Eve choked out.

Dominic nodded to her as Leo nodded as well. "We will. I made a blood oath to Dominic, she's going to be safe."

"Do it then, what are you waiting for?"

"Look at me," Leo gently said, his eyes dilating as he held Eve's gaze–big green eyes that were leaking tears.

And I was pulled.

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