The Blood-Book III

By ZeroWineThirty

8.4M 365K 231K

It took one bite to change her life forever. Now Charlotte has found herself in the middle of a war that has... More

Chapter 1: Legs
Chapter 2: Truths
Chapter 3: Magic
Chapter 4: Voices
Chapter 5: Thorne-Everette
Chapter 6: Blue Bear
Chapter 7: The Creek
Chapter 8: Sisters
Chapter 9: Whipped Cream
Chapter 10: The Itch
Chapter 11: New York
Chapter 12: Lyle
Chapter 14: Memories Part I
Chapter 15: Memories Part II
Chapter 16: Snakes Part I
Chapter 17: Snakes Part II
Chapter 18: Balance
Chapter 19: Some Field
Chapter 20: Brown M&M's
Chapter 21: Levi
Chapter 22: Yes
Chapter 23: Jump
Chapter 24: Unexpected Guests
Chapter 25: No, It's Vodka
Chapter 26: Lucas Part I
Chapter 27: Lucas Part II
Chapter 28: Mini
Chapter 29: Swimming Goggles
Chapter 30: Long Live The King's
Chapter 31: Involuntary Sneezing
Chapter 32: Vanishing
Chapter 33: Blood, Dirt, and Tears
Chapter 34: Hang it High
Chapter 35: Thigh Highs
Chapter 36: Games
Chapter 37: The Club
Chapter 38: Blood Oaths
Chapter 39: Recovery
Chapter 40: Adventure
Chapter 41: Rules
Chapter 42: Let's Talk
Chapter 43: Horace and Hera
Chapter 44: The Last Tree Part 1
Chapter 45: The Last Tree Part II
Chapter 46: Timing
Chapter 47: Tequila
Chapter 48: Garden
Chapter 49: Cigar Smoke
Chapter 50: Itching
Chapter 51: Moon Dust
Chapter 52: Twist and Shout
Chapter 53: Luck
Chapter 54: Beetlejuice
Chapter 55: This Beautiful Life
Chapter 56: No More Talking
Chapter 57: Foxes
Chapter 58: Fifty Bucks
Chapter 59: Whiskey
Chapter 60: Witch With A Twitch
Chapter 61: Marching In
Chapter 62: Fire
Chapter 63: Lucky
Chapter 64: The Stick
Chapter 65: Real Damn Glad
Epilogue Part I
Epilogue Part II
Epilogue Part III
CROSS POST A/N: The Moon Blood Saga
The Hunt is Here 🐺

Chapter 13: The Rock

105K 5.1K 3K
By ZeroWineThirty

"You alright?"

I sighed and nodded against Levi's chest. "Thank you."

He kissed my crown. "I wish I knew what Fruit Loops was talking about girl. I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault," I sighed out. "Should we go find them?"

Levi was quiet for a few moments before he let out a long breath. "Liam is still talking to Ethan, let them have some more time. Ethan needs it."

I nodded. After Cora' told me that 'they had been lying to me' and that 'they knew who I was,' Ethan politely excused himself before he lost it in front of the crazed she-wolf. I was shaken to say the least–I was scared. Liam had chased after Ethan and Jake was trying to settle Cora down.

Levi was there, though.

Levi scooped me out of my seat and carried me to this other bedroom where we were both sitting on the floor, me in his lap while he hugged me to him. I almost cried– I was so close to crying again, but Levi stopped me. He told me that there was a time for tears and a time to get it together so we could do something–so I decided that I would get it together. There was too much to do.

"Liam's a good wolf Levi," I murmured.

He nodded. "He's so much like Lander. Almost the spitting image of him."

"That's a good thing," I said. "Lander is your better half, obviously."

Levi chuckled and nodded. "He is that. He'll be real good for the pack. Better than me in ways."

"He told me about Evangeline..."

Levi groaned. "Damn females," he grumbled. "She's going through a phase, she'll get through it. She just needs a thicker skin and a little more grit."

"Do you think you push her too hard?"

"Did I push you too hard?"

"I'm not her Levi and she's not me," I replied.

"I know girl," Levi said. "She's so like her mother, more than she knows."

"Lucas almost gave Ethan another black eye when he told him that he married me."

Levi chuckled darkly. "I'll have to thank him for that one day. I always thought he would have been attached to you at the hip Charlie girl."

"Do you wish they were here?"

Levi was quiet before he looked at me. "Everyday girl, but that doesn't mean that I wish that the way things were now were different. Things happen for a reason, even if I hate the damn reason, they do happen for a reason."

"We should find Ethan, we need to go to Lusa."

Levi nodded. "Don't worry about little Lina, she'll come around. She's a strong girl, she'll be just fine."

I sighed and stood up with Levi then walked out into the hall where Ryder trotted up to us. "They're downstairs in the kitchen. If you don't need me, then I need to check the borders. Remi has a few places that he wants to double check."

I shoved back a smile and nodded to him. "Good luck and be careful, alright?"

"Roger that Ghostrider," Ryder said with a mock salute.

Levi and I watched him walk off before Levi looked at me. "If he doesn't come out and tell us already about Remi, I'm going to be pissed as hell because in about two weeks I'll owe David around fifty bucks."

"You know?!"

We walked forward and Levi rolled his eyes. "Course girl, what the hell to you think I do all day? Smell the damn roses?"

"Derek did plant some nice rose bushes outside your cabin," I said.

Levi nodded in agreement. "True," he mused. "But still, he just needs to come clean. They aren't doing each other any favors."

"Do you think they are true mates or bondmates?"

Levi shrugged as he headed down the stairs. "Hard to say with those two girl. I want to say bondmates, but I could always be wrong. Wouldn't be the first time."

"Does Bowie know?"

"I think he suspects. Honestly, Bowie doesn't care. He just wants his kid to be happy and healthy like the rest of us."

"Maybe you should say something to Remi?" I thought out loud. "You know? A nice gentle kick in the ass."

Levi scoffed out a laugh. "A gentle kick in the ass," he grumbled. "I'll think about it Charlie girl."

Levi and finished trotting down the stairs then turned to head outside where the scent of Liam and Ethan lingered. They stopped talking as we walked out; Ethan stood up and walked over to me, an apologetic smile tugging a little at his lips. "I'm sorry," he murmured against my neck. "That she-wolf gets further under my skin more than I would like to admit."

"Mine too," I breathed out before I kissed the edge of his jaw.

"It could be nothing baby," he said, his hands rubbing my arms.

I shook my head. "It's not nothing Ethan. We both know that."

"Well," Bernard called out. "Shall we have a look at this damn rock?"

Ethan rolled his eyes then looked at Liam. "He's my damn penance, I swear."

"Martin!" I called out.

"Yes, Luna?" Martin answered back.

"Can you get some men to take a four wheeler and Bernard to Lusa with us?"

"On it Luna," Martin replied.

"Bernard, some of our men will meet you here with a vehicle and take you to Lusa," I called out over my shoulder.

"Fantastic," Bernard replied.

I kissed Ethan chastely then turned with his hand in mine. "Come on, race you?"

He growled lowly, slightly seductive. I ran a few steps then shifted past Liam who eyed me playfully. Levi just rolled his eyes as he pulled his shirt off; Ethan shifting quickly and chasing me hard within only a few minutes.

Ran hard towards Lusa; Ethan and Liam kept trying to trip each other until Evan joined us–which meant that Evan tackled Liam, leaving Ethan free to run next to Levi and I. Ethan would enclose the distance between us, letting his fur graze mine while the thoughts of Cora's words plagued my mind.

My wolf whined out.

She wanted the she-wolf to stop suffering, she wanted to erase her memories of all the horrors she had been through. She was one ours now–outs to look after. She wanted Hayden's throat–as did I.

Caden was waiting for us at the border with a group of warrior holding clothes. Ethan shifted first and slipped on some shorts a warrior tossed to him; he took a shirt and some shorts then walked over to me, running his fingers through my fur while he nudged his chin towards a boulder.

I trotted after him; my wolf was nipping at his hand, rubbing against his legs, and drawing a soft chuckle from his lips. Shifting, Ethan handing me the shirt which I slipped on quickly before I stepped into the spandex shorts he was holding open for me. He kissed me hip as he pulled them up my legs, before he kissed my lips. "Ready?"

I nodded. "You?"

"For you or the rock?"

I rolled my eyes then walked away from the boulder; Ethan was laughing to himself when I caught sight of Andrea walking to me. She rubbed her cheek against mine and hugged me. "This damn rock won't shut the hell up."

"Jaxon said you saw things?"

"I saw him, Char, I saw my dad," she breathed out.

I nodded. "It's like the tree."

"It is," she replied. "I want to blow both of them up."

I held her gaze, totally serious, before we both broke out in laughter. I clutched my stomach while Andrea tossed an arm over my shoulders and led me over to where Evan, Liam, Levi, and Ethan were speaking with Caden.

Caden eyed Andrea then rolled his eyes. "She keeps asking me to buy dynamite."

"Is that such a bad thing?" Evan asked. "I totally support any activities that include explosions Andrea."

"Thank you, Ev," she replied before she shot Caden and pointed mock scowl.

"No Ev," Ethan said, his hand held out for me.

"Come on!"

"No way, you're not blowing shit up!" Ethan hissed out.


I took Ethan's hand while he let out a string of curses out from under his breath. He shot a scowl at Andrea. "This is your fault."

Andrea laughed and shook her head; blonde hair in a long braid down her back. "Just trying to get rid of the things that are robbing us of sleep. Annoying as hell if you ask me."

"She has a point babe," I muttered out.

"Evan and explosives?"

I mused then nodded. "You have a point there."

"Come on Char!" Evan whined.

I waved him off then walked with Andrea through the pack. Lusa looked a lot like Mangata; carved out of the mountains with cabins scattering the area. Little pups would run up to Andrea and hug her legs before they would high-five the warriors running with us.

"That's our pack house," Andrea said, pointing to a large house–cabin, much like out pack house built amongst the trees.

"Well, I think it's time you host wine night soon then," I breathed out.

She nodded. "Caden actually loves wine night."

"I do," he said. "Red wine and dark chocolate are up there with my child and mate."

Andrea rolled her eyes. "He's also quite dramatic."

Caden scoffed out a laugh. "Really Luna?"

Andrea growled at him. "Really Beta."

Levi gave Andrea's shoulder a light squeeze. "Your dad would be proud Andrea. You've done well here."

She sighed and nodded with a sad smile. "Thanks Levi. Where's Lander?"

"Back home combing more through Leland's dusty shit with Evangeline," Levi said with a devious grin. "He lost a bet."

Ethan chuckled and pulled me closer to him while Liam and Evan both contemplated ways they could blow up our tree and rock. Levi growled lowly and looked over his shoulder. "We're not blowing anything up!"

"Come on uncle Levi!" Evan whined.

Levi shook his head. "No."

We walked further until we got to a line or warriors. They nodded respectfully at us and parted for us to walk through. We walked through three rows or warriors until we found Jaxon staring at a large black boulder with bloody palm prints all over it. I could feel the blood from here–feel it hum. A hum that seemed to cover the boulder that stood over fifteen feet tall and what looked like ten feet wide. It was huge. It was huge and covered in blood. Bloody prints just like our tree; but on the black it almost blended in, unless the sun hit it just the right way, then you could truly see the red.

"We should just blow it up," a female said.

"We're not blowing it up," Jaxon replied slightly annoyed.

His skin twitched as we approached. Turning, he smiled and walked towards Andrea. He quickly kissed her and hugged her to him before he looked over at Ethan, Levi, and I. "Well, welcome."

"Jesus Jaxon, you're so rude," a blonde female said from behind the alpha.

He rolled his eyes and stepped aside for a pixie blonde with bright green eyes and freckles sprinkling her cheeks to step towards us. "I'm Jane," she said, walking to me and offering me her cheek.

I rubbed my cheek against her and stepped back, flickering my eyes curiously to Andrea's. "Charlotte," I replied.

"My little sister," Jaxon said, answering the question I had on my tongue.

"Asshole," she muttered under her breath before Levi walked to her.

"Well, you didn't get much taller little Jane," Levi said with a wry smile.

Jane rolled her eyes. "And you're still an ass, what else is new?"

"I love her," Andrea breathed out before she looked at me. "I told her she could come to wine night."

I bit back a smile while Ethan eyed the pixie blonde. Nodding as she started to bicker Jaxon, I flickered my eyes back to Andrea's. "Like I said, you're hosting next time."

"Well, how bout this rock?" Liam asked.

"Won't shut up," Jaxon groaned out.

"He's right," Andrea said. "It's like the tree Char. Like when it first whispered to you."

"It's been whispering again," I replied.

Her eyes widened. "Did you touch it?"

I nodded. "Did you touch the rock?"

She shook her head. "No, not recently."

"It's not right," Jaxon said. "What we saw was not natural. There's no way it's safe."

"He's right," Bernard said as he walked through the warriors towards us. "I would recommend that you not touch it."

"So what do we think? That the rogues and their friends are going to march in here and use this damn thing to let some dead people over?" Caden asked.

Bernard turned quickly. His shiny black boots already dirtied and dulled, his face dripping with unamusement. "I would hope if I were you wolf, that they do not want that."

Caden's brows raised high and his beast shook out his fur. Evan put a hand on his shoulder and whispered something that seemed to calm him down. Jaxon just shook his head and pinched his brow before he looked back up at Bernard. "Well, what do you think?"

Bernard walked to the rock and extended his hand towards it, like he was feeling the energy coming off of it. He waved his hand, almost like it had been held over a fire for too long, then looked back at us. "Like the tree."

"Which mean?" Evan asked.

"Which means that it could be a door," Bernard wryly replied. "Have you touched it?"

Jaxon nodded. "We have."

"It whispered things, called us here," Andrea said.

Bernard scratched the back of his head. "Well, has anything else happened? Besides the whispering?"

"The blood," Jane answered. "It lit up. "

"What?" Andrea snapped her gaze to Jane who stepped forward. "What do you mean it lit up?

"One night, before you upped the guards I was going on a run. I heard whispers, I couldn't sleep. Somehow I ended up here and the blood was glowing on the rock. I almost touched it until one of our guards stopped me."

"Jane." Jaxon looked at his sister, his eyes slightly horrified. "Why didn't you tell me?"

She shook her head. "I thought I was sleepwalking at first. When I woke up, it felt like a dream."

"Well, that's interesting," Bernard said.

"Interesting? Why is it interesting?" Jaxon bit out.

"Because," Bernard breathed out. "Someone is trying to activate the blood."

"Activate?" Liam asked.

Bernard nodded. "Activate the power in it yes."

"Who?" Evan asked. "I mean who the hell?"

Bernard shrugged. " I think the general guess is the rebels, the snake, this incessant 'Hayden' character–who knows. Ethan has the tree done the same?"

Ethan shook his head. "I can ask our warriors, but no. No one has seen anything glow on it."

"Double check," Bernard said.

"So what do we do?" Jane asked. "What does this mean."

"It means I am calling Caleb," Bernard said. "I suggest you put extra people on this rock and make sure your borders are tight."

Jaxon looked at Caden who nodded. "We need to get the pack ready in case."

"Us too," I breathed out.

Ethan sighed and looked at me, his eyes wary and heavy. "Alright," he breathed out. "Evan, where's Ryder?"

"Already on it," Evan replied. "He and Remi are on the borders, they're headed back."

"Any movement?" Caden asked.

"No," Evan said. "Not yet."

Jaxon looked at his rock then back at Ethan. "Maybe we should blow these damn things up."

Ethan nodded. "I'm starting to think that too."

We headed back to our back after looking at the rock with Bernard for a little longer. Bernard stayed behind while our warriors rode off on the four wheelers to get the other witches.

The vampires were not back yet. Barrett had called us when we got back to our pack house–they found nothing. Dominic was gone and so was his bondmate. They scoured the city and had coven members still out, but it was no use.

Lyanna and I went around the pack and made sure our pack members were ready–ready in case they needed to go to the emergency shelters. The shelters that made the wolves in our pack grow rigid when we brought it up. I didn't blame them, one look at those underground cellars was enough to make me shudder as well.

We helped Ryder and some of our warriors make sure the shelters were well stocked; batteries, flashlights, first aid kits, water, some food which included a giant bag of Cheetos in one shelter near Ryder's home. Ethan and I tried to visit Cora once more, but Sam had her knocked out. She was doing well with the treatment, Sam said it was helping but we had to hope that the damage that was done was reversible. That the sickness had not eaten too much away at her.

Eventually, I ended up back at the pack house where Ethan was talking with warriors in the kitchen, trying to rearrange different patrol patterns with Tikanni's help so we could keep our people safe. I walked over to him, my hand sliding over his back while the other warriors nodded at me.

"Are we ready?"

Ethan leaned up and nodded. "We are, hopefully for the next few days it will be quiet though."

"Probably an overreaction," Murphy said. "But it's better to be safe than sorry."

"Alright, that's good for now. Reports top of the hour," Ethan said.

"You got it," Murphy replied while the rest of the captains echoed similar words.

Ethan sat down on a bench and looked over the map, his hand running over it before he looked back at me with wary eyes. "Witches?"

I shook my head. "Everything is calm."

"It doesn't feel that way sunshine," he breathed out.


He shook his head. "It feels like that day. I can feel it, Charlotte. Evan too."

I sucked in a breath and looked at the map. "The mountain borders?"

"Almost every foot covered." Ethan pinched his brow and looked back at me. "How do we fight the magic? How do we stop things that just poof in and out?"

"First off, it may be nothing," I said. "All we know is that the rock was lighting up–"

"Because someone is trying to use it, Charlotte," Ethan added in.

"I know Ethan, I know," I sighed out. I walked over to him and sat down on his thigh, wrapping my arms around his neck. "We're doing all we can. The tree has more people around it than it probably did when you put your print on it. The pack is ready, shelters are ready."

"So we wait?"

I nodded. "We wait."


Leaning forward I kissed him, lingering for a few moments before I pulled away. "Blobs–blobs would be good."

Ethan got up and walked over to the kitchen. "You don't want to go home?"

He shook his head. "I told Evan and Ryder to come here. Jake is upstairs, this is more central to the pack."

I nodded then walked to the kitchen with him. We silently started to go about our normal tasks like we would if we were at home; Ethan started to whip up pancake batter while I made some coffee. I was pulling out coffee cups, when I felt a link stir in my mind.



"You and Ethan need to come here."

"Why? What's wrong?"

She sighed. "It's glowing Char. It's been glowing."

"Shit," I hissed.

"What is it?"

"The rock is glowing, we need to go back to Lusa." Ethan's hands still and his eyes locked onto mine. "We have to go, Ethan, we can't abandon them. We're in this together."

He nodded. "Link Levi, I'll link Deryl and Ajax."

"Let's go then," I breathed out.


"Charlie girl?"

"The rock is glowing Levi, we're heading to Lusa."

"I know girl. Jaxon just linked me." He sighed out. "Lander and I will meet you there."

"Alright see you there."


I nodded as Ethan and I walked out of the pack house. "He'll meet us. Vampires?"

"Derek said he was riding with Barrett, they are close but still a few hours."

"Ok," I breathed out before I lunged into the air, charging forward with Ethan next to me.

Evan and Lyanna met us halfway and ran with us to the border lined with warriors reeking of a tense energy–and anxious energy. Warriors craving a fight, and I prayed to the moon that we would not have one. I prayed that it was just an over reaction. I desperately prayed as I ran next to Ethan; looking at him, Evan, and Lyanna made my heart ache at the thought of this mess coming to us.

Andrea jogged to us with a handful of clothes. I shifted and slipped on a sweatshirt that she tossed me, then some spandex shorts. "How is it?"

She shook her head and hugged me. "I heard his voice, Char."


"My dad's."

I pulled away from her and shook my head. "Do not touch it, Andrea."

She nodded warily. "I know."

"Alright, let's go see this life size nite-light," Evan grumbled.

"Where's Levi?" I asked as we walked forward.

"They're still getting squared away at Tikanni," Evan answered. "It may be a few hours."

"Come for the light show?" Caden called out.

Andrea groaned as he caught up to us. Caden nodded at us then turned to walk with us through their pack that was like a ghost town. Andrea looked around then back at me while Ethan snaked a hand around my waist. "We had them lock up early tonight."

"Us too," I breathed out. "How are the witches?"

"Annoying as hell," Caden grumbled out. "The one in black literally is as depressing as the dirt we're walking on and even the dirt is a little more lively."

I rolled my eyes while both Ethan and Evan nodded in agreement. Lyanna scowled at Evan who nodded innocently. "What babe? He's like a twenty-four seven dick?"

Lyanna rolled her eyes and walked over to me, linking her arm in mine. We walked closer, closer to anxious warriors standing guard around the rock that I could see glow as I approached.

Ethan's skin started to ripple as his beast crept forward; mine, creeping closer too as the blood on the rock looked like it had a light behind it–illuminating it. My breath hitched and Lyanna covered her mouth.

"Holy shit," Evan breathed out.

Caden nodded. Ethan looked it over as we walked past the last line. "How long?"

"About thirty minutes before I linked you," Andrea answered.

Caleb was smoking a cigar in a corner with Daphne. He pulled it out of his mouth and walked over to us. "Someone's trying to activate this."

"To do what exactly?" Ethan asked.

"Open it? Use the blood for some kind of spell," Bernard said.

"I think considering what we think this is, they're doing something within the realms," Caleb said.

"So we watch it," Jaxon said.

"Yup," Caden added. "Got us a case of wine too. I think I got some good movies saved on my Netflix list."

"Christ Caden," Jaxon hissed out.

Caden shrugged while Ethan pinched his brow. "What can we do?"

"Wait," Jaxon breathed out. "That's all we can really do."

"Well I am starving," Evan groaned out.

Caden patted Evan's back. "I got some pizzas at the pack house."

"I am going to kill him," Jaxon thought out loud.

Ethan nodded in agreement. "About how I feel like eighty-five percent of the time."

"Well, there's no use in all of us being here. We have this and the tree that is currently quiet right now," I said.

Lyanna nodded. "Evan and I can go back to the tree–"

"What?!" Evan turned to her with puppy dog eyes. "Pizza babe..."

"We have pizza bites at home Ev," she dully told him.

"Fine," Evan breathed out.

Caden shrugged. "Next time man."

"Someone link Levi and tell them to hold off," Ethan said. "We don't need a whole army here if there is not a war. Have them ready but waiting–Ev, you take Jake and watch the tree, send Ryder back to the border with Remi. We need to know if there is so much as a squirrel that smells like a rogue."

"Deryl and Ajax want to know what we need," Jaxon said. "Ajax is closer than Deryl, but he's still at least a half day's run from here."

"Tell them to watch their own borders then and stay alert. We don't need to be spread too thin," Ethan replied.

"We can take turns taking watch," Andrea said. "I know right now we have a bunch of hungry warriors who probably want to go home and rest–"

"Please!" one man called out, causing the group of warriors to chuckle with deep nods.

Andrea gave Jaxon a tired knowing smile. He sighed and nodded back to her. "Go home you lazy assholes!" he called out with a slight laugh. The men around him echoed his laughter with their own. Jaxon just shook his head. "Send the next rotation in. Do not leave until another man is here to take your spot!"

"Yes alpha!" the group called back.

"Jaxon, why don't I take Charlotte and get us something to eat?"

Jaxon shook his head. "I'll go sweet thing, you girls enjoy the damn light show."

"Got a couple bottles ready for us Big A," Caden said with a smug grin.

"Dickhead, you're with me," Jaxon half- growled out.

Ethan rolled his eyes. "How far is your pack house?"

"Not far, not even a quarter mile," Jaxon replied.

"Go Ethan," I said. "I'm hungry."

Ethan nodded before he kissed my forehead. "I'll be back."

"Well, looks like you girls are with us," Caleb said. "Cigar?"

"I'm not too good at smoking, remember last time?" I said.

"Well, today is your lucky day. Bernard, do you have those cards?"

"What are you thinking?" Bernard said with a raised brow.

"I'm thinking that my lovely light over there snuck a bottle of bourbon in her oversized bag, and that we should have a little poker game," Caleb said with a grin.

"Hey! I want to play!" a warrior called out.

Andrea rolled her eyes. "Jesse! Last time you played you lost fifty bucks and a six pack that you still owe me!"

Caleb eyed Andrea. "You play poker then?"

Andrea scoffed. "He asks if I play poker," she slowly said while rolling her eyes before a devious smile tugged at her lips.

Bernard pulled out a pack of cards while Daphne dug around in her purse. Looking around, I realized we were missing a pink haired little witch. "Where is Dagny?"

"She was with Ryder on the borders," Caleb said. "But I am having her go to your tree. Daphne love, we may need to go there too in a few hours," he thought out loud while Daphne laid out a blanket that she pulled out of this little wristlet on her arm. "We should take rotations too."

"That's your oversized purse?" My eyes looking the little bag up and down.

Daphne lightly laughed. She reached into the bag, then pulled out a large bottle. "Magic dear. It has its perks."

Daphne pulled out some glasses while we sat around in a circle as Bernard started to shuffle the cards. Somewhere in that purse of her's, she had actual poker chips. Apparently, Daphne and Caleb were quite the poker players.

Andrea gave Caleb a run for his money though, the first two rounds she actually took everyone's chips. It was after two rounds that Daphne opened the bottle while Caleb took out a cigar and decided that he was going to teach me how to properly smoke.

"Now remember, don't inhale," Caleb said.

I raised a brow. "Isn't that the point?"

"Well don't fully inhale, you suck it in and let it float around your mouth and caress your tongue, then you blow it out."

"That's what she said," Andrea causally said before she tossed a chip in.

Bernard chuckled. "I like this one Caleb."

"I like her better when she's not taking all my damn money," Caleb grumbled. He took out a new cigar and looked back up at me. "I'll get it started for you."

He cut off one end of it then lit another, puffing on it until it looked like it was smoking on its own. "Now you try dear."

I held the cigar in my fingers, my eyes flickering to Andrea who was watching me with amused eyes before I looked back at Bernard. Putting the cigar in my mouth, I tried to follow Caleb's instructions but only found myself choking and coughing up a fit.

"Here, drink this dear," Daphne said, extending a glass with brown liquid in it.

"What is it?" I croaked out.

"Bourbon dear," Daphne answered. "Good for your soul."

"That is true my sweet," Caleb added, tipping his glass towards his light.

I took a sip of the liquid that stung as it went down. Coughing again, Andrea passed me a bottle of water that I gladly chugged.

Caleb just smiled gently at me. "You'll get better, just practice."

I eyed the cigar in my hand then shrugged at Andrea who was shaking her head as she picked up her cards, a sly smile tugging at her lips. We played a few more rounds that I more or less lost at, but I did get much better at smoking the cigar. Caleb was trying to show me how to blow smoke rings when Ethan, Jaxon, and Caden walked up.

Caden eyed our little poker picnic approvingly. "Nice, good thing we brought the pizzas."

"There's pizza?" Andrea asked.

Jaxon rolled his eyes and pulled a box out of tote. "Yes sweet thing, we brought pizza."

I inhaled a bit of cigar, then exhaled–perfectly blowing a smoke ring. Caleb chuckled and tipped his glass to me. "Well done, we'll work on shapes next."

"Shapes?" I asked with a cocked brow.

"Baby, what are you doing?" Ethan asked while he bit back a smile.

"We're having a proper poker game you nitwit," Bernard replied.

Ethan rolled his eyes then sat down next to me, wrapping an arm around my waist before he kissed and nuzzled my neck. "Are you hungry?"

I nodded. "Please," I breathed out. "Cigar?"

Ethan shrugged then took the cigar from my fingers. He took a long puff then let out two perfect smoke rings. I eyed Caleb who held up a hand. "We'll get there Charlotte, Rome was not conquered in a day."

Ethan handed it back to me then kissed my forehead. "Almost on my level sunshine," he breathed out as he reached for a pizza box.

"Ethan, do you play poker?" Caleb asked.

"I do," Ethan replied while he put some pizza on a plate for us.

"What about you two?" Bernard asked, eyeing Jaxon and Caden.

Caden nodded. "I play, Jaxon mostly bitches."

"Sounds about right," Andrea added in.

Jaxon gave her challenging smirk before he turned towards Bernard. "Deal witch."

About one cigar down, more rounds of poker than I could count, and four boxes of Digiorno pizza gone, I was leaning against Ethan's chest while he eyed our hand. We had decided to play together, mostly so we could combine our chips and ensure that we could steal all of Jaxon's, which wasn't too hard. Jaxon was terrible at playing. Andrea was very good though, and Jaxon kept trying to get her to play with him instead–which she was not about to do.

Eventually, Caleb and Daphne left. They had decided to go back and check on the tree but told us they would return after they got a few hours of sleep.

"Char, why don't I take you home?" Ethan asked while I dipped between asleep and awake.

I shook my head as he pulled me closer to him. " No, I'm fine. We need to stay. How is Evan?"

"The tree is still quiet," Ethan answered. "And the vampires just got in. I told them to settle in first and link us when they were ready to come in."

"Let's just stay, it's fine," I murmured out.

Ethan sighed and kissed my crown. "Alright, sleep then. I'll wake you in a little bit."

I sighed and settled back against his chest while the smell of the cigar in his mouth swirled in the air along with the scent of bourbon and blood. Letting my body fall more into the land of sleep, my beast stirred a little. We stirred when we heard it.

A whisper.

"Charlotte," she called. "Come see."

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