One Saturday in the Fall

By baseballfan8

206K 6.4K 240

Savannah LaShae Miller, senior at the University of Alabama ,was doing a favor and working on Game Day in Br... More

Chapter 1 Game Day
Chapter 2 Watching the Game
Chapter3 The paper
Chapter 4 Thoughts and 20 Questions
Chapter 5 Morning After
Chapter 6 Writing and eating
Chapter 7 Concert
Chapter 8 Read me my Rights
Chapter 9 Just those 2
Chapter 10 Wake Up
Chapter 11 Elephant in the Room
Chapter 12 Songwriting
Chapter 13 The Summons
Chapter 14 Hanging Out
Chapter 15 Staying the night and Bobby Bones
Chapter 16 Feedback
Chapter 17 The song
Chapter 18 First night
Chapter 19 Interruptions
Chapter 20 Frustration
Chapter 21 His song
Chapter 22 Bump in the Road
Chapter 23 Feelings
Chapter 24 True Grit
Chapter 25 Kolby
Chapter 26 Finally
Chapter 27
Chapter 28 Doubt creeps in
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 Back to the Grind
Chapter 31 Travel
Chapter 32 Waking up alone
Chapter 33 Momma's
Chapter 34 Telling Momma
Chapter 35 Wedding Day
Chapter 36 Wedding
Chapter 37 Party
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40 Football Saturday
Chapter 41 Songwriting
Chapter 42 what?!
Chapter 43 Home alone
Chapter 44 Bobby Bones
Chapter 45 Tragedy
Chapter 46 You need to leave
Chapter 47 Going home
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Part 115

Chapter 109

1.2K 44 5
By baseballfan8

Savannah wakes up and goes to start the coffee and get a shower. Brantley has a radio interview and then sound check, VIP and then show tonight. Savannah gets in the shower and Brantley comes in the bathroom and leans against the sink.
"Baby we need to talk about some things and I don't mean to make you mad when I say this but I think that we may need to look at you going on home to the house in Tuscaloosa."

"Brantley I am in the damn shower and I will not discuss this with you right now. I want 15 minutes to myself please can you just give me that?" Savannah said.

"Please baby today is jam packed and I want to talk to you. I'm worried about you and princess that she's gonna be like me and be rowdy and do things her own way. "

"Brantley Keith I said to let me have 15 minutes to myself and then I will talk to you but not one damn minute before. Now go get ready cause you are so right today is jam packed."

Brantley walks to the front of the bus and PJ is sitting there waiting on them. Brantley said,"PJ I am worried she cussed at me twice told me that she wanted 15 minutes alone and then she would talk to me. She has never been like that before so it scares the shit out of me."
PJ laughed and said,"Boss you haven't seen nothing yet, wait till she's screaming she's gonna cut your dick off while she's in labor and that she hates you."
BG's eyes bugged out and he said,"what no she is not gonna be in pain she's gonna get an epidural. I can't watch her in pain PJ. I will kill someone."
Savannah came up front and said,"Brantley do you think we have time to talk while I get ready?"
Brantley walked back to the back and sat on the bed.
" Savannah I love you and I know that you know I love you and I want to be with you all the time, but seeing how tired you are after the last couple of days I wonder if the road is getting to be too much for you and Georgia."

"B I know you love me and I'm sorry for snapping at you earlier. I didn't want to tell you but I had some contractions yesterday and last night. Don't get upset they were never regular and stopped. I can't rest well on the bus and I feel like I am becoming a burden to you being out with you cause instead of focusing on the music you are focusing on me. That's not fair to you or your fans. So I had already come to the conclusion that I needed to head back to Tuscaloosa even though I don't want to. I was actually trying to figure out my thoughts when I was in the shower. I don't want to leave you B but right now I have to think about Georgia and getting her here safe and sound. So I snapped because I was crying and didn't want you to see."

Brantley pulls Savannah into his lap,"Baby I want you with me all the time and you will still be my focus when you go back to Tuscaloosa but I know you aren't resting and from what everyone says you are gonna need to rest now. I love you Savannah and if you are having contractions now you need to be close to the hospital and not in some strange town. So why don't I get Jeff to get us a flight home and then I will fly out the next day to the next show. That way I get to take you home myself."

"Okay baby that sounds good I guess so why don't we plan that for day after tomorrow since you have a day off. But now we have to go to your interview."

Brantley kisses her and his hands roam down and cup her butt and she smiles in the kiss and tells him," don't start what you can't finish cause I am a pregnant woman with raging hormones baby"
He pops her butt and tells her to get her shoes on so they can leave.

Brantley tells Jeff what they need and he tells them he will handle it.

The interview went well and they made it to sound check and then during the VIP session Savannah slips back to PJ and tells him she needs to go to the bus. PJ escorts Savannah to the bus and she said," I'm gonna lay down text Boss and tell him where we are but I'm just tired and gonna rest until time for the show."

PJ sent Brantley the text. Brantley sent back I will be there as soon as I finish here.

Savannah laid down but not before calling Dr Thomas and filling him in, he told her itvwas a good thing she was coming home and to be at the hospital first thing that morning that he wanted to hook her up to the monitors for a tracing and depending on what it said be prepared to stay until delivery. She asked if she needed to come now and he told her no he just was gonna be extra cautious and wanted her to be prepared. Savannah hung up and text her mom.
S: Hey there has been a change of plans I am coming home off tour tomorrow night. I have to be at the hospital the next morning for a tracing.
M: Are you ok? Do I need to meet you there? Is Brantley able to come with you?
S: I'm okay just getting tired and not able to rest on tour. Had a few contractions and we just want to be safe. I talked to Dr Thomas and he wants to do this to make sure everything is okay. Yes B is flying in with me and will fly to the next show.
M: Okay baby but if you need me so Brantley can go on tour just let me know I will check on you later.
S: thanks momma I love you and may need you when he leaves
M: I love you too and just let me know

Brantley comes in and looks at her and kisses her.
"What's wrong darlin? Do we need to cancel and go now?"

"No B, I am tired and just wanted to lay down Georgia was kicking up a storm and I think it was because she was hearing your voice but not feeling your hands. That may be crazy but it's what I think. I called Dr Thomas he wants me to be at the hospital first thing day after tomorrow so we need to fly out after your concert tomorrow night."

"Savannah what are you not telling me?"

"He told me to be prepared to stay until Georgia can be born not that he thinks I will need to but just in case. I text my momma and told her I was coming home earlier than we planned. I know I need to make it 3 more weeks and things should be okay I will be 36 weeks then, before then we both know may cause problems with Georgia."

"Okay I won't freak out now but I reserve that right to do so darlin' "

Savanah laughs and tells him to help her up. They walk to the show hand in hand and he's praying the whole time that she can hold off 3 more weeks. 

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