Lee Jihoon and the Twelve Vam...

By wootothezi

52.2K 2.3K 1.8K

Jihoon found himself lost in the forest where they camped in the middle of the night. He knows very well, tha... More

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4.2K 194 146
By wootothezi

Kapitel 5 - "Above from that, it's funny how I once saw it in the light before darkness."

"Hyung we all know you lied."

Seungcheol look at Vernon when he said that. A serious and darken expression was plastered on his pale handsome face as he took a deep breath. "If you're talking about Mingyu, yes I know. But it's not the matter here, the matter is who is that person that saved him in the Damian River." Seungcheol said and all twelve vampires stayed silent.

After they leave Jihoon, they immediately gathered in the living. Its not to talk about getting a human, it's to talk about Jihoon. In their eyes and smell, he is a human. But something about him, is different and weird. And all of them took a notice of that but stay quiet to not misunderstood the situation.

"He said that he is from the Mystica Forest which means the forest is can be seen between two worlds. And the Damian River is the portal, am I right?" Joshua said that made the others think more deeper. "He also mentioned about his friends can't see the Damian River that means they went there earlier before the cheated part of his boyfriend happens." Seokmin said.

Jeonghan frustratedly mess his long hair and annoyed look at Seungcheol, "You know guys. It's not even one day yet, maybe it's still eight hours since that human went here and many had happen in less than an hour."

"This is an important one but Jeonghan hyung is right Coups Hyung, let's not rush this and let's just observe him first. We captured him not as our prey but to help him." Dino announced and everyone became silent again. A long sigh escape Seungcheol's mouth and he nodded. "Fine. Dino is right guys. We should not rush this situation it's not even one day and we are panicking over a harmless human. Let's just keep an eye on him and protect him okay?" The eleven vampires nodded and Seungcheol stood up meaning dismissing all of them and he stopped right in front of the door turning around with a scary smile that made the others eyes widen.

"Also, don't try to harm him. Okay?" And he vanished. Vernon sigh in relief as he stared at Seungkwan who just rolled his eyes, probably annoyed by what Seungcheol just said. "Hyung do know that we all survived without drinking blood of any human for years how could he say that?"

"He just warned us Kwannie don't worry." Seokmin said and the latter just stay quiet after that.

"Let us observe the human first."

woozi ~ gets ~ woozy

"What do want to talk about Taehyung?" Yoongi asked as he dry the utensils he used carefully. "About Jihoon," it made Yoongi stop from what he is doing and peek a sight of a serious Taehyung for a moment before continuing drying the utensils. "I'm sorry." Yoongi sigh and shook his head.

"It's not your fault Tae--"

"No it's my fault hyung." Yoongi turn around and raise a brow at Taehyung, "And how can you say that?" Taehyung stay silent while Yoongi is patiently waiting for his answer. "I-i cheated on him hyung."

Yoongi stared at Taehyung blankly and it felt like he just became deaf. "Hyung I'm really sorry. I know! I know it's my fault. It's just an accident--"

"Get out."

Taehyung look at Yoongi whose head is hanging low and fists tightly shaking, he is tearing up now. Taehyung was about to say something again when Yoongi send him a sharp glare and pointed his index finger at the front door far from them, "Get out now Tae before I hurt you. Please."

Tears fell from Taehyung's eyes, "I'm really sorry."

"A sorry can't change anything Taehyung."

woozi ~ gets ~ woozy

Puffing his cheeks out, Jihoon glared helplessly at the door. It has been seventeen minutes since Jihoon is staring at the door hoping it'll open anytime soon. But his luck was too far away from him. Jihoon stood up from the floor and started to roam around the room. He went to the book shelves and unknown words met him. "How could I read this?" Jihoon said with an annoyed tone. But Jihoon still ended up picking up a book which entitled 'Mi-démon moitié humain'.

The latter look around the room and he smiled, seeing a pretty spot to read the 'weird' book. He went to the spot which is in the corner of the room to the right where there are rag placed. Jihoon sat on the rag and open the book that looks like in it's hundredths. He was surprise that the content of the book inside is written in English but the title, he still don't know what the title means.

"You can't read a book if you don't know what the title means." Jihoon look at Wonwoo in surprise as the vampire seated beside him and grin at him in a short time. "Y-yeah?" All Jihoon can reply and Wonwoo chuckle.

"Don't worry I won't bite." Jihoon stayed silent. "The title is 'Mi-démon moitié humain' which is a French words and the meaning of it in English is 'Half Human Half Demon'." Jihoon stared at the book in awe. "Look at the cover, it's a face of a human and a demon." Jihoon look at Wonwoo and the vampire smiled at him. He can feel something inside of him that he can't explain what it is.

"You're good at this?" Jihoon asked and Wonwoo smile a little. "Nah.. not really, it's just that, it was my most favorite book. I know you'll like it too if you're into that 'kind' of genre."

Jihoon's mouth was agape for a moment before a small smile appear in his lips and nodded at Wonwoo. He stared at Wonwoo for a moment and he blush when he realize he is staring for too long. Jihoon avert his eyes from Wonwoo to the Book. "Yeah.. thank you." He said shyly.

He is quite attractive, shit Jihoon stop.

A smirk appear in the older's handsome face that didn't go unnoticed by Jihoon who was busy reading the book. Wonwoo stared at the door for a moment, feelings eyes watching them.

I know right.

woozi ~ gets ~ woozy

"Why are you mad? Isn't the part where I cheated with his boyfriend is enough for him to vanish in this world and went to Endolux?!"

Breathing heavily from shouting out his anger, Jungkook glared at the only mirror inside of his room. He is sitting on his bed with the mirror hanging on the wall in front of his bed feet away. Through the mirror, there's no reflection of him nor the room, it was all black.

"It's not enough."

A deep angry voice said from the mirror and Jungkook glared at the mirror more sharper, "then what do you want me to do? Follow him to the Endolux finding him? Like that? That's bullshit."

"I want you to kill him."

Jungkook gasped, his eyes turning wide at the sudden reply and feels his heart rate beating fast. He is surprise. Like literally. Jungkook stood up and walk in front of the mirror, eyes narrowing.

"I don't want to."

"Kill him or else Jeon Jungkook."

Jungkook shivered at the low tone and the male on the other side mentioning his full name. But he kept his eyes narrowed.

"But hyung, he is still my best friend--"

"Do you think he still look at you as his best friend after what you did? Huh?" Jungkook stayed silent. Each word hurting him and the more he think of Jihoon's hurt face the more he felt guilty. "I'm not doing it, I don't want to." The voice from the other side growled in madness.

"You know you don't have any choice Jungkook." The voice said and Jungkook eyes widen when heat started to rise inside of his body. He drop down onto his knees and he moaned at the pain and pleasure he is feeling. The voice chuckle as Jungkook started to touch himself.



an update for our great little producer's birthday!! a little advance happy birthday jihoon-ah! Let's celebrate together carat-dul!!

~ wootothezi

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