Pokemon Royalty: Revelation

By KaylaHeartfilia

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Everyone thought she was just an average coordinator; except Leaf, Misty and Dawn. She is a caller of legenda... More

Chapter 1: At The Beginning
Chapter 2: May's What?!
Chapter 3: Meeting
Chapter 4: Challenge and Bet
Chapter 5: Brianna VS May
Chapter 6: Brianna VS May (Part 2)
Chapter 7: Brianna VS May (Part 3)
Chapter 8: Team Rocket Infiltration Mission
Chapter 9: Going to Pokestria
Authoress' Show
Authoress' Note
Chapter 10: Meeting the Rocket Trio Again
Chapter 11: Secret Found Out
Authoress' Show
Authoress' Show
Chapter 13: Pokestria's Princess
Chapter 14: Dan

Chapter 12: How It all Began

333 6 6
By KaylaHeartfilia

May's eyes widened in shock as she stared at her brother but she immediately composed herself. Feigning innocence, she asked, "What are you talking about? Me as Celestial Maiden?" She crossed her arms while sporting a scolding look. "Max what did I tell you about watching TV before bedtime? Now your mind is making up stories-"

"I'M NOT MAKING IT UP!" Max suddenly screamed, startling his sister who yelped in surprise and slammed a hand over his mouth.

"Keep it down, Mom and Dad can hear you." She hissed before releasing him.

Sighing, he continued, "May, I'm not making it up. I saw on the news a while back about a picture of Celestial Maiden -although it wasn't clear- and noticed the flower on one of her gloves. The same gloves with the same attire that was hung in your closet! And don't deny it because I know it's true!" He snapped when she opened her mouth to protest. "Even our parents noticed that you've been acting strange and we sometimes hear voices in your room but when we look in, there was no one but you! So please..." He pleaded as he stared in her eyes. "Don't lie."

May was rigid in shock. Did they really noticed? What's more, there's a captured photo on her on the news?
She paled.
There's no doubt on her mind that someone who may have watched it and has high technology can decipher the photo. And when that happens, her identity would be exposed.
She cursed herself. 'How can I be so careless?!'


She was snapped out from her thoughts and blankly stars at her brother, unconsciously biting her lower lip.
What should she do? Should she tell him the truth? But it could possible put him in danger. Deny? But she took too long to respond and he must have took it as confirmation.

'He's my brother... I'm sure Arceus and the girls will understand why I have to tell him.' Nodding at her thoughts, she returned her attention to Max who -by the way- is still staring at the brunette with his fists on his lap, sporting a stubborn expression.

"... Fine, I'll tell you the truth. But you must promise never to repeat this to anyone, understand?" She glared for good measure.


Sigh, "Yes, it's true that I am Celestial Maiden-"
"It's a long story and really unbelievable but I swear I'm telling the truth!" She raised her arms defensively. "It all started when I was around 9...


A 9-year-old May was watching a late night show of her father's latest battle. She was amazed at the powerful moves and the tactics used but she already decided to be a coordinator instead of a trainer.
May reluctantly took her eyes of the TV and was met by her mother's soft but scolding look by the staircase. A sheepish smile bloomed on her face at being caught. "Mom?"
Caroline's expression softened into a smile. "You should be in bed right now, not watching late night shows."
"But Daddy's-!" She tried to protest.
"Is coming back home tomorrow and he doesn't want his princess to be too tired to greet him." Her mother swiftly replied before offering a hand. "Now come along."
Pouting, the younger brunette turned off the TV, grasped her mother's hand and followed her upstairs.

"That night, I was suddenly awake for no particular reason but I didn't think too much about it. I tried to go back to sleep but something was like pulling me...tugging me from somewhere..."
"Did you followed it?"
"... Yes."

May quietly opened the door that lead to their backyard and closed it behind her. There's that feeling again. Then something flashed in the distance between the trees that only made the tugging feeling stronger. As a child, it's only natural that she'd be curious. She broke into a run towards where the light is. It was difficult due to her short legs and there were roots, branches and rocks to avoid from. It didn't register to her mind that she could possibly be in danger and she was getting farther away from her house.
But the light was getting brighter and the feeling got stronger. There was something mixed in it as well. Before she could ponder though, she darted out of the trees and before she can register it...her whole surroundings went dark.
The last thing she did saw was a floating crystal shining a very majestic light, and even in her half-conscious state, even she can feel the unknown power radiating from it.

"When I woke up, I found that I was in an unknown room on a bed. I remember feeling confused, disoriented, and scared because I didn't know where I am..." May's eyes glazed over at the memory. "My whole body ached but I still tried to open the nearest window and what I saw both shocked and amazed me to the core." Her eyes were wide and she maintained a surprise expression that piqued Max's interest.
"What, what, what?! What is it?" Shushing him, she answered.
"It was really a beautiful sight. A huge vast of land with lots of trees and meadows of flowers! The best thing are the Pokémon that were walking around! So many species in one place and it was so amazing that I almost fell out of the window ledge!"

Sapphire eyes were wide in shock and a little bit of fear at her almost sudden fall. But the question that first floated in her mind was-
'What stopped me?'
There was something clutching her back although they were not human hands. They were like three bumps holding the shirt she was wearing and now that she thought about it... There was someone else in the room.
"It's a pity that a young human like you will fall off such a height." Her body stiffened at the voice but could not turn her due to her body almost horizontal in mid-air. Instead, she whimpered.
She heard the other person sigh and pulled her back inside, making her relieved.
"Now, I believe you can answer to how can a human like you appear in the Crystal Temple."
May opened her mouth as she turned only to choke at the other person- no...Pokémon. Her eyes widened at the sight of the strange Pokémon.
"You look as if you have not seen my kind, girl." It muttered. "But I could not blame you for I am one of a kind. My name is Mewtwo, a Genetic Pokémon, what is yours?"

Gasp, "Mewt- umph!" Max flailed when not only did his sister's hand covered his mouth, but also his nose; cutting off his air supply.
Realizing that his face was turning blue, May let him go and sweat dropped as he exaggeratedly tried to take in large breaths.
"What was that for?!"
"Shh! Don't raise your voice! Our parents are downstairs!" May hissed under her breath, her eyes narrowed in warning.
Max sweat dropped and nodded his head furiously.

Little May cocked her head to the side. "Mew...two?" The Pokémon nodded and she immediately brightened up. "My name is May! Can we be friends?"
At first, the Pokémon stared. "... I guess so. Now how did you get here?"
"Yes, I believe you are not aware but you are now in another world, May. Imagine our King's surprise when a human suddenly appeared just as the Mysterium Crystal disappeared."
"W-what?" May whimpered fearfully. "How can I go back? My parents...my brother..." Tears brimmed her eyes until a three-fingered hand patted her head, bringing her attention to Mewtwo.
"Do not be afraid, our King will help you." It immediately made her smile. "Speaking of which, he's already waiting so we must meet him now." Mewtwo offered a hand that the little girl enthusiastically took and led her out of the room.

While walking through the hallway, May remembered to ask one important thing.

"Um, Mewtwo?"
"Yes?" The Pokémon looked at her from the corner of his eyes.
"What is this place?"
They stopped in from of two huge golden doors that took May's breath away. Mewtwo placed his hand on the surface and pushed it open. Sapphire eyes sparkled in awe at the sight.
Mewtwo faced her with a noticeable smile. "I personally welcome you to the world of Pokémon, Pokestria."

Max' jaw dropped and he almost fell off the bed in shock. He tried to say something but all May can hear are choking noises.
"Save your shock for later."

May saw an even bigger view of the land and could not contain her excitement. "This is so amazing! It's like a paradise for different kinds of Pokémon! Wait, is that a swarm of Beautifly?! Oh, oh! Those are Jigglypuffs! And those are-!"
"Such an energetic human."
May jumped in fright at the new voice and turned around only to meet legs. She slowly raised her head and was met with the biggest Pokémon she ever saw. Her mouth dropped open.
Mewtwo bowed at the third party. "My King, her name is May."
Said name just continued to gape.
"Greetings, May, I am Arceus, the King of Pokestria. I hope you don't mind if I ask you a very important question." Arceus bent his neck a little closer to the girl. "How did you get here?"

"You met who?"
"Just listen!"

"I-I d-don't...understand..." She stuttered.
"What was the last thing you remember before falling asleep?" Arceus asked instead and waited patiently for her to answer.
May bowed her head in thought before her face brightened up in remembrance. "Ah! I woke up very late last night and I felt this strange pull."
"Pull?" Both Pokémon exchanged an unidentifiable look.
May nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah! Then I got out of our house and followed the strange feeling towards the forest in our backyard! I don't know why but I don't feel like I was in danger! Then there was this bright light that blinded me and I think... I saw a floating crystal or something that feels really, really powerful!" She spread her hands to emphasize her point.
There was a moment of silence...
"What do you think?" Asked Mewtwo. "Surely there must be a reason that she was brought here considering what the crystal's true power is." It was safe for them to talk between themselves since May was distracted by the view again.
Arceus nodded. "Perhaps she will be the one to end the conflicts between the legendaries."
Mewtwo shot him a surprised look. "You think she has what it takes to become our ruler?" The other Pokemon nodded. "What of the crystal?"
"It reappeared back at the temple before I came here. I believe she can easily fill the role."
Mewtwo tore his gaze away from the Original One and settled on the human girl. "She is young... Still in her innocence."
"That innocence may be what we need. For long we rely on what we know and see but her views could possibly help us in doing what's right. This conflict has gone on long enough."
"You want this done immediately..." Mewtwo didn't know if it should be in the form of a statement or question.
"No, I will teach her myself." Arceus said with finality. "May?"
May laughed when a fruit fell on top of a Bulbasaur when she heard her name. Turning around, she ran back towards the two Pokémon. "Yes?" She tilted her head cutely.
"Do you love this place?"
"Yes! It's so peaceful here and the Pokemon are living in harmony."
"But it won't stay for long."
May's eyes widened in surprise until it melted to worry. "Why not?"
"There has been a great conflict regarding the relationship between humans and Pokémon. Some see it fit that both must live separately to avoid the a use of power."
"What?!" May covered her mouth in surprise; she didn't mean to raise her voice like that. "B-But Pokemon are great partners! Even my Mom and Dad treat them like equals! I won't accept it!" She shook her head. "Please, there must be something we can do!"
"There is..."
"...What is it?"

"Become our princess."


Long time no see, everyone! I am so happy that I for to update after six months and to let you know that I am still alive!!
Tell me what you think about this chapter. *winks*

Also, thank you to everyone who liked, shared, commented, and added this book! I love you all!! *sniffs and blows in handkerchief*

See you next time!

Warning: Slow update

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